Gourmet Express - 美食速遞

by SBS

An experienced cook and prominent gourmand both in Hong Kong and in Australia, Mrs. May Lee, the host of the “Gourmet Express” for the Cantonese program in SBS Radio, will now have a podcast platform in SBS Cantonese Radio. Don’t miss her gourmet dishes and her instructions in how to cook the dishes, join our “Gourmet Express” podcast today! - 在澳洲和香港有多年烹飪和教授煮食經驗的『李太』李王美芳女士,為SBS電台廣東話節目主持『美食速遞』多年, 而今次我們將會以podcast方式,為大家播送這個非常受歡迎的節目,讓大家可以在這裡一次過分享『李太』在『美食速遞』裏介紹不同地方的美食和烹調方法。

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