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Lonewulf76Need the knowledgeMiss this show and all the laughs
DudologistI miss you guysI really miss the emo goldfish!
podman166Great ShowThanks for the info and entertainment.
Anvill777Kick me in the potatahsLoved this podcast and then it just stopped. It’s the only podcast that could make me miss a depressed gold fish that only had poo friends. LOL!! I went to go back to listen to old episodes and they still crack me up.
siebricjw1 Star for every episodeWhy is there only 2 episodes on here!? Bring back the old show and remove the pay wall Kevin no one is paying to listen to a pub game.
GEMs DadWaiting PatientlyC’mon already.
Zark!Format Change Ruined the PodcastI am not going to begrudge Kevin Smith and Andy McElfresh from trying to make more money off of this show. However, the new pub quiz format makes for an extremely boring podcast.
Tommy VomitUsed to like thisThis was cool before they started doing pub quiz I’m just like why am I listening to this, if you ever wanted to go to a quiz game night but not actually participate this is the show for you...
Dufus_McDilznikPub quiz is unlistenableThis used to be such a great show. They’ve now gone from a fun and hilarious educational podcast to a lazy, unlistenable love pub quiz format. I can’t imagine anyone outside of those participating could find this interesting. Luckily I’ve saved all the old episodes I’ve listened to a million times over because now when I see a pub quiz episode come up (which I fear will be all going forward), I hit delete. Please bring back the old format.
blinkmetoysSci fy why?Pub games not good
HRWatson68No, no, no more pub trivia...I really hope the Game Show effort fails. It’s cool for about an hour. It used to be the funniest podcast in the world and I’ve listened to each episode probably 10 times. Mostly because of Edumacation being on the back burner while real life happened and important projects had to be completed. Please go back to making me laugh so hard I cry...
Jim beam the 3rdLove itGood stuff!!
jr85bearsSooooo GoodI think I subscribe to pretty much all Kevin's podcasts but this one ranks towards the top! It's a great listen on the way to work in the morning. Nice job fella's!
CaptainTimmyAmazing duoThese guys are so funny together AND I actually learn a lot of cool stuff!
Sarahbee420Best!Wow your friends and coworkers with mostly true, only sometimes edumacorrected, super fun cocktail party science! Love these guys!
abullet2000The smartest podcast on the InterwebsLove getting smart with Andy and dumb with Kevin!
Dellamorte197224😀A great show
*suze*K-Andy with Kev & AndyThis is awesome, I like learning new facts and hearing the crazy tangents that go on
Matt the Broke GeekMore Andy, Less KevThe show would be much improved if there was more Andy and less Kevin Smith. Andy is super interesting and has a lot of good info to share that is often overshadowed by Kev's stoner ramblings. I've nothing against Kevin Smith or comedy with my education, but the rate at which Kevin derails this show is often infuriating.
3forSpeedBest smod pod!Love Kev and Andy! You can almost hear Professor Andy blush!
App blowsGreat showGreat show 2nd
Up top my brotherGreatGreat. Never miss an episode.
prochilonKevin Smith's Best PodcastTitle says it all. Classic Kev Smith and Andy babbling about nonsense and useless facts.
ACMONEThis is my favorite PodcastI've went back and re-listened to this podcast about 5 or 6 times. It's the perfect mix of funny and silly/funny. Kevin is baked and hilarious and Andy is sweet, also funny and intelligent. Definitely worth checking out. Now please excuse me while I go re-listen to a few episodes. Enjoy!
coronakid71Why am I hereI just love Kevin and company!
PursuedGoreNot a Real Professor .....The milky milky coco puffs of podcasts! One of the many great shows offered by smodcast network.
JoelstacheMake Minds MightyLove this podcast! Keep it up! Joel
jinxb71What What!!!What can I say about this podcast that already hasn't been said. I've been listening since Day One and it is Ridiculously Hilarious! The British Agents from the Crimean War, WHAT WHAT! Digital manipulation of the vaginaSir! And countless episodes with Kevin Smith introducing new and unique characters as we get Edumacated by Professor Andrew McElfresh are true gems.
MacBanditLove the derailingKeep it up Kevin. This isn't your normal party trivia show. It's Kevin smith going tangential on part trivia and it's awesome. If you want education go somewhere else. If you want edumacation this is it.
Superwhatever883838Never any new episodesThey don't have the right to call this a weekly podcast. It's more like monthly or bimonthly. I know it's free and all, but wow imagine if a regular non celebrity person like me had a podcast and I never added episodes like they do?!? It doesn't work that way for normal people like you and me. We have to work harder than that for our grain of success.
Mlander32The only thing wrong with this podIs that they don't nearly do it enough. It's informative, funny as hell and gets your imagination going. Please guys, you need to do this much more regularly and more touring, I'd love to see you guys back in Seattle again soon
melankholiaAnother great Podcast to listen tooAnother great podcast to get me through the day!
CharliefellWalrus Maybe?Ben Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo. Listen to Pop Culture Leftovers Podcast.
Joey CA GarciaEdum-Awesome!Edumacation is the funniest podcast. As well as being enlightening, it also makes me laugh as hard and as much as the godlike "Monty Python"!
erin2834Edumacate me quick!Kevin and Andy go together like peas and carrots. The episodes cannot be updated fast enough :)
XaytonFunniest podcast ever.Ever.
_CodeStarted off great...As many others have said, but i’ll say again- this pod would be awesome WITHOUT KEVIN SMITH. Just stop smoking so much before and during the show, no one wants to hear Kev cough and gag half the show, interrupting every point Andy makes, derailing the conversation with horrible characters (wot-wot, depressed goldfish, singing cat), and constantly going back to things we’ve covered. This is half a great podcast- Andy. Other than that, Kevin should listen to his performances SOBER once or twice, and I suspect he’d have the same guilt he should have experienced after Tusk.
WetToastFloatBest thing since bleach spilled on the white breadI'm not a review person BUUUUUTTTTTTT when an alien comes into my house cuts out one of my testiculars what a rubber spork turns MY tv on without asking to watch the terrorist on The View while smothering my ball with Tabasco and bean dip serving it to my second grade teacher's grandson I SURE HOPE THAT I'VE NOT MISLED YOU THROUGH OUT OUR LENGTHY AND VERY HOMO EROTIC SINNER OF A RELATIONSHIP TO MAKE YOU THINK THAT ITS OKAY TO NO LONGER MAKE NEW EPISODES WHICH BY YOUR NEGLECT TO YOUR DUTY TO THE MASSES HAS IN FACT LED TO MY ACADEMIC RECESSION TO SUCH LEVELS AS THAT I'VE BEEN RECENTLY SPOTTED WIPING MY BUTT WITH PEANUT BUTTER AND MAYONNAISE. In short please return to your duties and edumacate me.
OrcgarglerJust amazingone of the highlights of my week. cannot get enough.
Mr.David.Lo.PanThere's a time and a place......for Kevin's stoned bantering. This isn't one of them. Someone needs to edumacate him on shutting the hell up while Andy talks. Smith interrupts Andy so frequently that the listener becomes lost to the original point and the wonderfully interesting topics that Andy brings to the table completely lose their punch.
astin42FANTASTIC!What can I say about this show, other than how much I enjoy it? Kev and Andy have an excellent dynamic and the information brought to the table is always interesting. Plus, I think Andy may be up for a sainthood for his patience with Kevin's tangents! It's funny and informative, and I wouldn't change a thing! (Unless it was for longer episodes!)
DancingFrownI love it.This quickly jumped to one of my favorite Smodcast podcasts. I don't know if I'm learning much but I sure am laughing a lot.
joempetersonInceminating Your Brain WombThere's plenty of yuks as well as enlightening information in this podcast. Kev and Andy trade off on eachother's stoner sensibilities, pop-culture nonsense, and infuse the middle of this Eduma-Eclair with the richest of thought-custard.
Sassafras713Best. Podcast. Ever.Seriously. This show is the absolute best. And I listen to a ton of podcasts. EASILY my favorite. You're gonna love it.
Croakthedjandy andy give it up for andy yay...Love it.
NoobyMcNoobletNever has learning been so funnyIt took me a long time to come across this podcast, but now I look foreword to it more than any other!
MarurabaATXLike Sherman and Peabody but Someone's getting slow handy under the Coffee TableOne of my fav pods next to smod and babble. I cry laughing almost every ep. Can't wait for the next episode each week. Also it's extremely important that you understand that either of these fat pieces of $h!t made The Matrix and Andy just wants to make love to you. Enjoy!!
CKeen2031Kevin and Andy are Great!This is an awesome podcast! Andy teaches Kevin about different things each week! You learn something new every week on this podcast. This is one of my favorite podcast! I look forward to a new episode every week!
Jim9999ghAmazingTruly amazing! Kevin Smiths podcasts just keep getting better & better. Thank you!!
WalrusonionEdu-Shut The Hell Up!This Podcast started out funny, unfortunetly Kevin never shuts the hell up and lets Andy talks, it's very rude.
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