Trump, Inc.


He’s the President, yet we’re still trying to answer basic questions about how his business works: What deals are happening, who they’re happening with, and if the President and his family are keeping their promise to separate the Trump Organization from the Trump White House. “Trump, Inc.” is a joint reporting project from WNYC Studios and ProPublica that digs deep into these questions. We’ll be layout out what we know, what we don’t and how you can help us fill in the gaps. WNYC Studios is a listener-supported producer of other leading podcasts, including On the Media, Radiolab, Death, Sex & Money, Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin, Nancy and many others. ProPublica is a non-profit investigative newsroom.© WNYC Studios

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  • brobubbalus
    Time Capsule
    I listened to this one through '21/'22. My takeaway was the last episode as the reporters collect in a park and reflect on their work over the previous months. They collected evidence and made what they believed was a strong case that would disqualify any previous politician. And hearing the tone in their voices as they were coping with the idea that in 2021, evidence no longer means what it did 5 years earlier. That the kind of journalism they did was not as relevant as it used to be. That, for lack of a better way of putting it, it sounded like they were coming to terms with the fact that they may have actually wasted their time. It encapsulates how discourse changed in those years. They seemed to really believe they were developing a Woodward/Bernstein level moment. And it just never got any purchase amidst viruses, George Floyd, "fake news," and Q.
  • susannj
    We don’t talk about Leonard
    It’s too bad that most journalists are unaware of theology, church history, especially the last 200 years. The Federalist Society’s approach to the interpretation of the Constitution is deeply rooted in fundamentalism which was a religious backlash to the deconstructionism of The Enlightenment. Arguing that we interpret the Constitution based solely on the “intention” or “meaning” of the original writers is parallel to those who argue that we interpret the Bible literally. Leonard Keo is ultimately a religious zealot, a mysoginist and racist. He is perpetrating Christian nationalism with a major Roman Empire bent and flavor
  • csebird
    Brilliant and important
    Each focus of these shows is really so well done and filed with important information. Should be required listening to all students of current events, politics and current usa history.
  • Lulululu1959
    Listen today
    This podcast prepares us well for the day the January 6 Insurrection Congressional Committee goes live on your teevee in three days, Thursday, June 9 at 8 pm ET. CSPAN will carry it on television and radio, maybe stream it, too. These reporters have worked to raise awareness about Trump & his ilk for years. I could not be more grateful.
  • aristole503
    Trump was a provocateur
    Trump was a provocateur sent to increase tribalism, demonized dissent and destroy domestic tranquility. His obnoxiousness was by design. The tell was when he was running and people were protesting corporate tycoons running for president- he said “ get him punch him in the face”- text book provocateur. He wasn’t fighting the elites, he was working for them, a reality tv star, a provocateur playing the role of a president.
  • ajonanon
    DS actors
    More of the same kind of junk journalism, if you can even call it that, that literally floods media for msm attention and $$$. Not worthy of sub.
  • SophieSSH
    Good points that don’t coalesce
    Overall I really liked this pod and I hope they keep updating it. However I took one star off because the ideas seem disjointed at times. There are some hypothesis but it never feels as if the ideas end in a conclusion. I understand a lot of the data was not available so it’s not fair to expect them to know everything but it would have been nice to bring all of the ideas together a little better.
  • Hopeful in CO
    Fascinated by this podcast!
    I have spent the last years awaiting this pod because I learned a lot about the wretched, criminal, family that ran the country for the past four years. I am fervently hoping the Trump, Inc. cast and crew won’t have to re-engage for an additional 4 years in 2024!
  • Happydapperdanish
    Big news today!
    Would love to a new ep on the charges brought against Weisselberg and the Trump Org!
  • C L Linker
    Looking forward to the next chapter
    Clearly, this team’s next chapter is Biden, Inc. Joe Biden and his family have ties to varies domestic and international businesses. A wealth of material for a new season. Looking forward to it. Are you up for the challenge?
    I honestly don’t know 🤷🏾‍♂️ I just know....
    Trump is Trash.. And I haven’t listened to the podcast so I have no opinion on it. Seems interesting though. You should see what’s up with it. I’ll still give it 3 stars though
  • ColdCorp
    Trump Inc.
    I looped one of my songs over the time capsule episode. It’s called: Always A They.Never A We. Love your work. I’ll send the recording. Fun crew fascinated by your podcast.
  • NoBSthx
    Please don’t go
    You guys have much more to do please don’t go
  • Ron Anton
    Beautifully produced
    Looking forward to their next series
  • MegLeoManiac
    An incredibly important podcast
    Thank you so much for this series. Excellent reporting consistently throughout the program.
  • CA East Bay Commuter
  • rosebudd29
    Mixed feelings
    I enjoyed your podcast I have mixed feelings about having a go away because it’s going away for a good reason thank God. The end of 45
  • Adele from Irvington
    You deserve the Pulitzer
    Go home knowing your work made it through the noise.
  • just another ww
    Last episode
    Perfect last episode!
  • Goldnsilverboy
    Incredibly Informative
    Sorry to see the inevitable end arrive. This is one of my favorite podcast. It was informative and I think very well done. Great job investigating and presenting. Wishing you all the best and look forward to hearing any next project. Thanks!
  • karenwolfhound
    Excellent podcast
    I will miss the podcast, but not the subject.
  • 527kevin
    Thank you
    Sorry to see this podcast’ve consistently shone a light on this part of trumps corruption. Great job.
  • ling.douglas
    Please Continue Your Reporting
    Your expertise would be very useful over the next couple years. What happens to all the potential lawsuits after he leaves office? I would love to follow that journey with your insights and knowledge. Thank you for all your hard work!
  • pattiocon
    Great information, terrible delivery
    Andrea Bernstein is incredibly impressive intellectually but in future, whoever directs her podcast performance, needs to have a serious talk with her about her sing song vocalization. I almost ditched the latest podcast because of her inability to get through a paragraph without using that ridiculous way of speaking.
  • lieryouarre
    American Veteran
    You are dumb as dirt trump has done more for our country than any president
  • Miss-Peeches
    One of my favorite podcasts. I wish the episodes could be a bit longer. I just listened to Trumps legal hangover. I must say, I’m not surprised. I’ve known Trump was a criminal since the 80’s. It baffles me when anyone states that he’s a good business man and will help our country. Bankruptcy’s, stiffing contractors for money, using his office as POTUS to financially benefit himself and his company’s is just the tip of the iceberg. I also read Andrew Wisemans book. With all the info that I’ve gathered through various means that does not include conspiracy theories (just the facts) it’s quite clear to me that Ivanka and her dad need to be behind bars. We can’t heal and move on until they are prosecuted for their crimes.
  • Phyrefligh
    This is a horrible podcast. The interviewer has zero idea about economics or politics. This podcast is very biased and regurgitates the same talking points as the main stream media. Simply terrible. Do yourself a favor and skip this one. You’ll be much better off. Listen to real information instead of this brain poison.
  • BSmith7972
    Tremendously Informative
    This podcast dives deeply into the shady-as-hell inner workings of the Trump debacle. It can’t explain for you how half the country is so willing and able to completely throw Occam’s Razor out the window when attempting to determine what is actually going on. Or how millions of people choose to be spoon fed bullsh@# over simply using common sense, but...well there’s no silver lining. Knowing about it doesn’t fix it but I’d rather be well-informed than join the stupid parade, so there’s that.
  • Tamba40
    I have listened to every episode and thank you for being so intellectual about a subject that I need to think about. You made me sane with real data and thought..Thank you everyone who made this podcast happen!!!!
  • ldkenney
    Had to stop
    Listening to this episode Why would you build the road, pave it, and then put up neon signs saying this way to correctly corrupt the 2020 election. My heart hurts
    Essential for Mental Health
    I’ve listened to every single episode. Trump inc has made me a more informed citizen, better equipped me to navigate our compromised democracy on a daily basis.
  • 111CooperDale
    Great. Informative, real journalism.
    This is one of my favorite podcasts, every episode is a banger. They really dig deep on uncovering meetings and paperwork to show their work. Shows how corrupt the trump administration is outside of simply the Russia narrative.
  • pacifictony
    Brilliant, focused reporting-bravo!
    This is such an important show, delving deep into the web of corruption and lies that is the Trump administration. Really great first take on history in the making. Thank you for your very important work. We should all be subscribed!
  • bjohns383
    Awkward Cadence
    Sometimes the content is very good. But the delivery and production are distracting.
  • Rridder
    Great in depth reporting which focuses on a specific topic in each episode.
  • Kyussforever
    Some of the best investigative journalism on the planet
    It is utterly amazing and frustrating how overlooked, under-appreciated this podcast remains. Few if any other media sources are laying out the manipulation, corruption and criminal activity of the Oval Office occupant and his family and associates. Wake up folks. Great work here every episode.
  • micahdz
    Good, but...
    Not every single sentence has to be said in an insinuating tone with ominous music in the background with the subtext always being “don’t be fooled, this seemingly trivial or banal thing is hiding a scandal!” This gets VERY irritating.
  • mad overlord
    Under sourced
    This podcast is way too “wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, eh?” If the hosts can’t unearth actual evidence of wrongdoing by the Trump family, I’d say they’re in the wrong business.
  • Philly Ten
    Underrated reporting
    Underrated reporting
  • nnnnnsne
    Trump inc
    Great podcasts
  • cindokidd
    The best of the worst of trump days
    Trumps indecency is defined in these episodes , clearly and methodical . Trump , inc. is one of my favorite podcasts. The digging and deep dives into trumps financial crimes give an in depth description of trumps chaos infused business sense , his crimes , and more of related crimes that cross paths , with trump , adding to his daily infectious , fractures of law , his russian ties , his grifter mentality , his families dance with corruption . I love the twists and turns created by good and rich reporting into trumps colorful finances , evidence and fact checks proving just how dependent Trump really is on russian benefactors for replenishment of wealth whenever trump gets low on funds . This podcast is smart , and savvy , the reporters give a clear description of where trump is going , and why his incompetence is predetermined , in episodes dedicated to the many threads of corruption tied in knots together hidden in plain sight . Trump has a lifetime to hide , from America’s best . I love this podcasts reporting , and the hosts commitment to their listeners to unfold predictable crimes in progress is astounding ! I can’t wait til your next episode , they are chalked full of under the radar trump crimes and exposures of Trumps broken impulses . I love this podcast . I have begun listening once again to previous episodes to remember the many trump issues such as taxes , Deutsche bank , money laundering , extortion . Thankyou
  • Momzilla vs. ?
    Such an important podcast
    I am never disappointed in these podcasts and when a new episode is released, it goes to the top of my list for the day.
    The Best!
    I listen religiously, disappointed when there aren’t weekly episodes but I understand. I recommend it to everyone I know especially the Trump Chumps. I am so great full that you expose him for what he is. I personally don’t think he would piss on me if I was on fire. And if he did he would sue me for every drop. I just wish his followers could understand that, that is who he is. I want to see your good and hard work put him behind bars! Keep up the good and necessary work!
  • Dutchy747
    Just unbelievable!
    The criminality in this administration is absolutely unreal. Thank god we have journalists like these folks who shine a light on the wretched underbelly of the trump administration. I’m nauseated.
  • Arbens04
    Cutting short
    Hey, long time listener here. If you’ve got a great story, or you’re interviewing someone interesting (e.g. Mary Trump) don’t cut it short. We tune in for the content, and will continue to no matter the length. Both hosts have cut people short lately and it just comes across as odd. It’s a podcast, how could you possibly have a time limit?
  • journoMomx4
    Keep up the solid reporting. Half the country is in denial anyway but the truth must be investigated and reported and be published. Journalism must come back and come back strong. We need our credibility back. Great work. Call me if you need help. We are all in your debt. Mary Trump rocks. Thank you, Mary.
  • nigey&jack
    Good show/too short
    You covered a lot of great things in this bonus show. However 30 min. is not enough time to do justice to the subjects you covered. You need at least an hour to really discuss the details.
  • TaoLing
    Thank you!!
    for your invaluable work! Someday. . .
  • ramonec
    Russia report
    Good reporting, but why cut off a guest while he’s speaking and saying you have to go? It’s a podcast not a nightly news segment, you could go on as long as it takes
  • billytfstairs
    Great reporting, why the time limits???
    The information provided in these reports is something everybody should be reading watching and learning for themselves. My question though is why would there be time restraints on the reporting when interviewing people with valuable information. Even if it would be a radio show that has time constraints I would think they could easily let the guests know of the time constraints for the radio show portion but then let the podcast listeners know that there are extended interviews available as you continue the interview after your radio show goes to commercial break.As more and more of the public are increasingly skeptical of the media in general and how reporting is done it is my view that the more extensive and uninhibited a report can be the more value it has for the general public and cannot be called into question for leaning one way or another if all of the information is allowed to be provided. Also I just want to be able to hear all of the information that someone has when they know so much about a particular subject.
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