JTS Torah Commentary

by JTS
Judaism #100

JTS's weekly commentary on parashat hashavua and the holidays, published for over 20 years, is enjoyed by thousands of readers every week. The commentary features select faculty, students, and staff from across JTS. We invite you to subscribe to this podcast and bring Torah from JTS wherever you go.

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Recent Reviews
  • PhillyDrummer
    Israel 10/7
    I listen to this podcast each week and it’s always insightful. However, the speaker for Vayakhel, which I heard this morning, found a need towards the end to bad-mouth Israel’s leadership about the Oct. 7th attacks. It is highly unfitting and unprofessional to use a platform of Torah learning to grind an axe, set forth an agenda, or commit lashon hara. Does using the words ’failed miserably’ to describe an elected official with a very difficult job (while Israel is fighting for its survival) actually accomplish something? I guess it does, because this is maybe the 1st review I’ve written in the past several years. How about going back to having qualified scholars, academics, and intelligent people present the podcast each week?
  • joey bag of dounuts
    You know I really liked these , until it became a platform for liberal rantings on climate …… just blindly regurgitating nonsensical popular narratives .. never addressing the fact that the speaker himself is using the most toxic technology invented to produce this message . The thing I love about this agenda driven thinking is how stunted it is , they rave about their politicians who they claim are being responsible in passing laws to save the planet , but they never address the fact that those same politicians families got rich destroying the planet, those same law makers never pay for the clean up, they just tax us for existing, and these same puppets mouthing the popular narrative of climate change never give up their IPhones , oil drenched clothing , cars , toxic homes , never once consider how much more destructive and toxic the production of batteries are for all their clean energy nonsense. Blah blah blah . How about you stick to scripture , if you want to talk about how evil we are , let’s get to the the unbiased root, and please For the love of YHVH stop using every chance as a platform for a mainstream, media driven political, agenda . Like I said “ I liked these” before some wanna be NPR professor started telling me what the TORAH really means….gross… . Didn’t the rabbis already Conner the market on that . How about we let God say what he means and his scripture mean what he says. Oh and if you really want to save the planet , go back to farming , get rid of money and stop buying and throwing away electronics .. oil is the lest of the problem, human waste , political greed with corporate incentives is probably higher on that list, as well as the social distraction created by these philistines.
  • Moshe b Abraham
    Not Perfect but Close
    Insight isn’t always forthcoming, but sometimes the short commentary is right-on! Example: Toledot during the pandemic.
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