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AbremoiLove Dan!I came across the hysterical show and have been binge listening to all his shows now. Im sorry to hear about Richard but I truly understand how he went about things. To be honest I would have done things the exact same way. Saying goodbye is what people would want, but for once it sounds like he did something for himself after years of playing a role for everyone else. Fly high Richard.
-"Projecting all my feelings onto Richard Simmons presented as fact"or perhaps, "Dan Projects A Bunch of Unsubstantiated Motives On Richard Simmons And Draws Self-serving Conclusions About Simmons Life Which Are Repeatedly Dispelled By Everyone Else" should be the title of this podcast series. Simmons manager tells you that this series made Simmons life more difficult, calling his decisions into question. I'm very surprised, Dan, that it never occurred to you that Richard Simmons was basically on the clock every moment he appeared in public, or in private, essentially performing. Do people constantly harangue you on nights and weekends and on vacation and holidays to write a bunch of podcasts for free? (I know it's not even close to the same, but for christ-sake. Of course you "liked it"--this is entirely for you).
Paul Rose JrRIPGreat investigative podcast. RIP Richard Simmons, 76, natural causes.
Hvrose411Now whatDan we need a recent update stat!!
Llz lawRichard FacebookRecently he has been posting daily messages to his page. I wonder is this him? Is he slowly coming back out?
MylissaRMorally shamefulWhat kind of person fabricates lies about someone, then tells anyone who will listen? All while simultaneously claiming to love them? Not a good person! This is shameful. Disgusting. Simmons retired. He wants to relax, be alone, dial it down. SO?!? Why would anyone think he owed them an explanation as to how he he spends his time? This guy spits all over Simmons’ reputation while calling himself his friend. It’s repulsive. He literally uses him. Preys on him like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Which is why Richard has cut off all contact with him and the NYT’s wrote an article calling out Dan as morally bankrupt. Don’t waste your time listening to this. It ends with Dan telling you Richard is not missing. He ends by telling you he’s fine, healthy, happy, and fit. What a shameful scam!
RafirawWhat an impactful life!I was totally invested. I’ll just say. The one who helps 10,000 people today is a hero. No matter if they never help again tomorrow. That said: It is hard to really know people like Richard. They truly care and see people. For most of us that is so rare that we feel it must be love. The only thing is no one truly saw him in return, only the love was seen and it led to an imbalance. Nobody’s fault. But the weight of 10000 feathers will still crush you. Soooo Bye, Girl Bye Richard Simmons! You’re a wonder!
Momma Bear 81Fantastic podcast!I’m 42 years old. I know of Richard Simmons I remember seeing his dancing to the oldies when I was a kid but I was never a fan. I remember seeing some clips of him on TMZ more recently. i’m not sure what inclined me to listen to this podcast, but I’m glad I did. It’s a story of a very kind man that I never knew the impressions he made on so many people. It’s an amazing lesson and I think everybody should hear it. I love it.
Idk3675I’m investedthis guy sounds like B.J Novak
#JuneLaRueGreat workAn even-handed approach to the why and how a perfectly healthy Richard Simmons vanished into his house without out a goodbye for ANYONE. Personally I think the guy should be brought out by a mob and put in the stocks. For all the good he did, he broke a lot of hearts, and I mean a lot. Why you gotta be that way Richard?
blondemangoDan is SelfishHas this man never heard of empath fatigue? How did he manage to make a podcast about someone else completely about HIMSELF? Dan- please educate yourself about the countless ways that mental health changes cause pain in people’s lives that happen to effect others. And please realize that you are entitled to nothing from anyone. White man.
thisgirlsandyThank youThank you for this podcast!! I have a new appreciation of Richard Simmons and especially the people in the recordings! Then to you the host.,…..phenomenal!! You are a natural and so fun to listen to!! Thank you!!!!
emaildanielsexcellent Pod!well researched and produced, very enjoyable.
Fred’s 4EverSo Long RichardThis was excellent! Binged the entire series while I cleaned my house. I bought 1 of Richard’s tapes. Not because I was over weight……….just cuz he was so much fun to watch! I wish him the peace and serenity he’s seeking. With love and affection ♥️
Jennyfromthe6400blockSo good - how about Britney?This was SUCH an interesting listen. Any updates? Also, how about a Britney series in the same vain cuz something is wrong!
Gfthyvcfhi435890;:/Loved it!This was so well done. I think it totally makes sense that Richard figured out that the only way he could stop the overwhelming empathy was to shut out everyone.
Mountain ReadeeSo sweet!I’ve always thought Richard Simmons was a wonderful, loving man. This is such a sweet story to hear. Thank you.
JillyKellyWell done!Great podcast! I easily binged through all the episodes in one day.
ShannyFranExhaustedI’m sure Richard was just mentally and physically exhausted after all those years. I was exhausted just listening to him on talk shows. He should have said a formal Goodbye so everyone could be understanding of his needs to just be alone and quiet for once in his life and there would be no need for speculation. Dan!!! You did a great job!!! Looking forward to more of your podcasts!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
OsofunListen to this podcast………listen to it NOWI really enjoyed this podcast. Dan did a great job in putting it together. The podcast flowed nicely, kept me entertained and made me quickly look to start the next episode. His take on Richard Simmons was well balanced and very respectful. His delivery was great and easily listenable (is that a word? Like empathizer?). Searching for his next podcast now!
Vanilla Sheet CakeThis Show … incredibleAlthough I don’t have any Richard stories, he impacted my life throughout my whole life. His energy and love was so palpable and I loved knowing how much everyone loved him all over the world. Miss his presence out in the world, but I just hope he’s happy. Thanks for the great show, Dan!! Can’t wait to see what else you do.
Bunny CubNo thank you.Yuck.
ThasTurrableExcellentDan is a fantastic podcaster with an amazing voice! Easy to listen to, in fact I have binged all of his podcast’s. Great story, I have wondered what happened to Richard.
SchoncherExcellentThis was great. Perfect length, interesting story, and it felt respectful. Didn’t even realize I’d already listened to other seasons by the time I found and listened to this. You’ll enjoy.
CARI Is AwesomeHmmmHas anyone looked into whether he’s been conserved? Maybe he can’t talk? Just a thought?
ekekekeekelelekepBoundariesWhat a horrible thing to do to someone. Learn to process your feelings of grief without harassing someone.
lwopsdtgcxdBeautifully SaidRichard touched so many lives, he’s made a difference in this world. Hope he is in good spirits and we see him soon!
mamamamamamamadVery FascinatingI listened to this not know much about Richard and now I want to know everything! The podcast could have covered more background and been longer but very interesting overall.
JoeHudson118SIMMONS THE GREATHe as quite the exercise guru. Certainly a bit strange but he seemed to motivate the most unfortunate of people. He was the Liberace of exercise masters. You either loved him or just tuned out. I’m very sympathetic to people who put themselves right out there. He was a a great symbol of us who were downtrodden. He deserves a universal hug.
huenewRichard’s Time Out InvadedHaven’t learned anything new except about the aggressive sexual behaviors. And the host’s obsession. For some people the ‘Luv-Luv’ stops at Privacy. (Having some.) Maybe he’s writing his memoirs. Or counting his Cash. Why are people such energy hogs?
bkw45Binged the entire seriesIncredible storytelling! Laughed and was hooked from the first few minutes! You don’t even have to be Richard fan to enjoy this!
minnycHumility makes a great podcastThe host of the podcast showed growth during the podcast which I found entirely engaging. He had the humility to discard preconceptions and not chase the easy sensational plot line to find a respectful ending. RS is a lovely person. This made me appreciate him that much more. It was a love letter.
SeaniebouyA Great Podcast about a mediocre charlatanRichard Simmons was a character, a role played by an unwell man who grew exhausted playing that part. I always viewed Simmons with great skepticism. Something about him always seemed fake or less than genuine. The fact he disappeared as he has tells a lot about who he is. It’s so sad he finally revealed himself to be a snake oil salesman peddling his goods to the most vulnerable population. You did a great job of putting such a sunny spin on it. Very well researched and beautifully presented.
Wubbey17:84837/Don’t listen to peopleRefrain from listening to those who felt that the host was being intrusive etc... RS is a public celebrity figure. There are privacy rights that you give up when you go into the world of fams. Also if you felt personally attacked by this podcast then stop listening.
hellojennidEspecially crappyI usually don't waste my time writing a review but this host spent so much time trying to tear apart a man's reputation. While masking it as a podcast to help a "friend in need." Don't waste your time. Just support Richard Simmons if you really care about Richard.
Anchors97Richard 💔💔💔Really enjoyed this podcast. Wish the ending was a little happier for his fans. ♥️ but this was very well put together and instantly addictive.
georgemetricBye girlThis is a podcast about someone who has never been ghosted before.
eldiabloriojaHost is a jackassInteresting topic. Wanted to know more of the story but stopped listening as the host sounded like a spoiled, entitled 15 year old. I would want to become a recluse too if I had some jackass like this host hounding me. It honestly made me feel uncomfortable like I was hanging out with a paparazzi. Left me feeling sorry for Richard Simmons, that someone so undesirable as host would try to build his own professional reputation by being name dropping poser and hanger on.
Forever EdenRichard 😭😭I love this guy, I lost weight on deal a meal back in the days.. I would love for him to come back.. he was in General Hospital if I am not mistaken.. Amazing man, my heart hurts for him, wish’s he would come back.. An amazing man❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
El Santos WorldFantastic!This a really well done piece about an enormously interesting icon.
Reviewer127PerfectThis podcast was perfection. I loved it. All of it.
expressgirl727Great!I so enjoyed the podcast on Richard Simmons. It was so well done and went by so quickly. I hope Richard is enjoying his life. Highly recommend!
GeoJes13EnjoyedVery enjoyable! By the way MARTY Robbins wrote the song Gone with the Wind.
SHS3117Who needs enemies when you’ve got friends like thisThis isn’t as invasive as when celebrity nudes get leaked, and everyone runs to look at them. But, it’s not much better. If this guy was really Richard’s friend, then I think he demonstrated why R peaced out: his friendships were mostly about what other people got from him. They weren’t about his own joy. He decided to retire. The episodes keep asking R to say bye or to explain... but even though R does just that... the host just keeps asking. This is a narcissistic project. I felt gross listening. I’d advise you to pass.
coufacynThank you for telling this storyI remember loving Richard Simmons growing up and this story really fascinated me.
Ivy ABinged it...........then felt badI felt guilty after hearing in the end this sweet guy is just totally retired! The host is not Simmon’s friend -he starts a narrative so distriptive to Richard’s personal life the podcast inspires a LAPD well fair check & the guy is fine. Also a true friend doesn’t indulge a narrative that the maid is a witch holding him hostage and then just drops it like its nothing to slander a person’s character for entertainment. With Simmons hysterically crying while teaching his classes it isnt a giant mystery why he left the way he did-he needed serious self-care & had to do what he needed to do for his own well-being. That he was that distraught & obviously emotionally unwell and miserable but people still wanted more & more from him-the man was probably saving his own life. None of the people interviewed sounded like true friends who were truly concerned about why he was always crying his eyes out about his life. i hope he has the privacy he needs. I wish him only the best 🧡
zzzzjessicaSpoiler: Richard Simmons isn’t missing!I do not like to leave low ratings on podcasts, but this one deserves it. What a friend you are for parroting a false narrative to the public about a celebrity’s personal life that they’re entitled to keep private. Unbelievable. Don’t subscribe, don’t even bother listening.
LetztakeastanddSuper interesting !!!!Love the host. He is so interesting and to those of you saying this is violating Richard Simmons privacy, to me he comes off more as a concerned friend who just would like to know why his friend disappeared. You would do the same. I love this podcast though, great job.
Eunuch MastersonsTonally offI don’t understand the assertion that RS is somehow invalidating his relationships with fans and followers by suddenly retiring. I appreciate how the creator highlighted how selfless and under-appreciated RS is as a public personality, but I strongly disagree with his insistence that RS owes us an explanation. It’s clear that RS gave so much of himself that he perhaps no longer had anything left to give. How exhausting it must have been to be him. I hope he is now allowing himself to take time for himself. The tone of the episodes toward the end gets weirdly intrusive. That said, i enjoyed the show and had to binge it.
rmj119iffy moralsWhile this was really captivating, I felt almost guilty listening to it because I'm not sure if the production of this was ethical.
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