The Bill Simmons Podcast

Sports #18

HBO and The Ringer's Bill Simmons hosts the most downloaded sports podcast of all time, with a rotating crew of celebrities, athletes, and media staples, as well as mainstays like Cousin Sal, Joe House, and a slew of other friends and family members who always happen to be suspiciously available.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mcconn23
    No one cares NBA
    Dying league like this pod
  • Bronx ok
    Still Great
    Love the pod, still makes me laugh
  • Seamus Cannon
    Pushing addiction
    Could be a good pod, but 70% of it is unpaid promo for Fanduel. You’re already sponsored by fanduel, have shows about betting on fanduel, have ads from fanduel, yet instead of talking about the sports part of sports, you mostly just talk about your insane level of gambling and how it relates to fanduel. I don’t gamble, but a lot of listeners do and if they haven’t had a company bought by Spodify, having gambling pushed on them so heavily could be damaging.
  • i just dont wanna be fired
    Nothing better than a cowboys fan and a patriots fan has to talk about my eagles !
    How you like us now !!!
  • Prmtym
    Week of the Super Bowl
    I’ve never left a podcast review before for any show. The fact that Bill spent 6 hours talking about NBA this because of the Luka trade is dumb. Man he really got every gram of meat off that bone. Bill said “sorry, sometimes NBA wins”. No Bill, you lost. Lost a listener until next season when Guess the Lines returns. Update. Really want to listen to this SuperBowl recap episode, but really afraid the 1st hour will be about NBA trades. Wish me luck.
  • Jazzdelmar
    Wosny is terrible. Still.
  • AK0008
    If Wos is on I’m out
    Real Ones is great without Logan. Wos and Logan are not voices fit for broadcasting. And their repeated cussing just seems to show a lack of imagination or intelligence. Bill- there are MANY black broadcasters that are awesome- don’t be cheap. Hire them. Other than that love the podcast.
  • Back to ESPN
    Kirk Goldsberry is another NBA propagandist clown Simmons, move back to Boston hypocrite
  • Sam in Portland
    More NBA conspiracy content please
    It’s what NBA “fans” need right now.
  • Left coastal
    Good pod
    But, no shade to Justin and Eddie, if I wanted to hear people yell, I’d watch first take, which I don’t.
  • @stickystache_bbq
    He is the PodDaddy
    I don’t miss an episode… EXCEPT when he is doing an all NBA episode. I can’t stand the NBA. I could listen to Bill talk about literally any other subject. I would rather listen to his yearly segment with his daughter. (Which I do 😂) Love “guess the lines” during football season with Cousin Sal. Everything with Joe House is fantastic. Needed weekly Pods. All hail the PodDaddy Bill Simmons ✋🏻🤚🏻
  • Wildcat_Steamer
    Do Ryen and Bill Get Along Anymore?
    I love the pod, and when I first started listening a few years ago Ryen and Bill was my Favorite Combo. They had great Chemistry and seemed to be really good friends. Hearing them reference and laugh about obscure nba players and moves from the past, listening to them slightly disagree but often find common ground with positivity in their voices. But starting last year, I wanna say, The vibe completely changed. After thinking this about most of their podcasts last year I kinda wrote it off. But after listening to the most recent podcast, and first Ryen and Bill one of the 24-25 NBA Season, I was reminded of their seeming negativity and frustration with each other. So I decided to some investigating and listen to some old podcasts between them to see if my feelings were warranted. I listened to a few pods from 2022, 2021 and 2018. I quickly realized that the banter was much more light hearted, positive, and fun. And I’ve concluded that Bill is mostly the same, I love hearing him talk to House, Sal, and even KOC, who I don’t care for much. Many say he’s changed and are upset about Bill having “bad takes” and being reactionary. But those kinda of takes make sports talk entertaining and ultimately whats most important in any podcast, in my opinion, is the chemistry between the hosts. But Ryen has just changed. He’s become way more critical towards bill, and has a lot of negativity surrounding his commentary. He’s always called out bill but they used to find some common ground in a light hearted way, but idk, Ryen just seems sick of Bill and like he hates doing these pods. Idk what changed, maybe they need to go to some clippers games and get hammered a few times to reignite their friendship? Pod still gets 5 starts, as it’s great but these are just some observations I have about my favorite duo becoming my least favorite.
  • Capnclutch
    Spoiler Alert
    Love the show. I hope Drake Maye is a bust since Bill ruined the finale of Landman so casually.
  • gfdfrt
    My friends!
    Bill and Sal together are the absolute best. Enough said.
  • Minor League Sports Capitol SD
    Self absorbed and tone deaf
    I think the fame and fortune has eroded his once rapier wit. Now he just loves talking about how incredible he is.
  • Denise in DC
    Wife of sports fan secretly enjoys
    I only mildly follow professional sports, but my husband is sports obsessed. He listens to every sports podcast under the sun, so I’ve heard them all and find most of them pretty intolerable. Love the Simmons podcast mix of interesting sports commentary and banter. This morning I found myself thinking “I wonder what Bill Simmons will say about the Commanders win!” But don’t tell my husband, that will completely throw off my bargaining power.
  • kdub35357
    Enough with the talk about Bill’s daughter’s boyfriend. WE DON’T CARE.
  • nilbogpilgrim
    So long cowboy
    Listened to this podcast invariably the past 12 years, finally unsubscribed due to the soul-crushing gambling talk. It is incessant. It is irresponsible. People are already losing their homes & their lives to online gaming & you privileged old prunes center countless hours of content around your lovable ineptitude that will never make a deleterious dent in your pockets. The behavior is gross, lazy & irresponsible—you guys are spending the latter halves of your lives peddling parlays, teases, & other garbage on an audience that is largely financially insecure & obscuring it as harmless fun. Peace out, bozo.
  • Wood rest
    2025 = No Joe House
    Every time Joe House jumps on it’s just impossible to listen to him. PLEASE. PLEASE. Stop having Joe House on, he has the worst insight. And never adds any value.
  • Bushwick8822
    Joe House..
    Please give us a break from House. He’s just blurting out middle aged cringe and posing as an expert. The other ringer guys or Schrager have actual research and information to share. 🙏
  • hillomspa
    Generally solid
    No more family guests or family friends. Terrible takes, mispronouncing names of movies. Otherwise it’s great.
  • William Kruppiak
    Listen to this pod
    Landman is pure gold thank you for the recommendation
  • Bgirlgagaspears930
    Clear Celtics Bias
    Overall enjoy the show, but some of the NBA takes are so bad and extremely biased. Fair to have some bias. But its almost hard to listen to.
  • 2tearsInABucketMF’it
    Hilarious people give bad reviews to something that is given away for free.
  • still atit
    “Porch Pilot”?
    Thank goodness simply safe will protect us from porch pilots.
  • tommycostas
    Jesse Ventura
    Damnit Jesse I would’ve voted for you.
  • dreadnattydread
    Live show
    Really engaging relating stuff for 40 minutes of russillo talking about “meeting a smoke show” and his dating life or lack there of any. WOW. And yeah st barth doesn’t want you Ryan, stay home, scenester
  • HAHAfunny!
    No more live shows
    Jesus…that was impossible to listen to
  • Spartd
    No more live shows, for the love of God.
  • Psychiatrist 89
    Disown Jimmy Kimmel
    I’m a listener since as long as I can remember; circa 2008. I can’t listen anymore knowing the ringer is friends with Jimmy Kimmel who has Trump Derangement Syndrome to the Max. Get that loser some help. I can’t stand the LA echo chamber. Y’all are loons. Used to love smartless as well; but, jesus, Bateman is off his rocker. Grow some “testicular fortitude” Bill and break away from the LA echo chamber. It’s nauseating.
  • Robert_Roy
    Bill Talks Too Much
    Listening to the Larry David Interview. Don’t much care about what Simmons did or his theories of this or that. He talks way too much. Larry is interesting and I wish he’d let him talk more.
  • onionswatef
    Does chuck know anything about college football?
  • Tubalcain Bobby
    Easy on Drake Maye
    The best sports pod period. I’d like more Rusillo crossover during this time of year because hearing the two of you riff on basketball is my favorite content. Not at the expense of The Cuz because he’s great too. Calm down a bit on Drake Maye. The potential looks great but you constantly say he’s doing it in spite of what’s around him. To frame it your parlance: Are we sure his surroundings will get better before he’s ruined?
  • ChrisDaPug1
    Bill is an obnoxious homer
    This podcast is fine when Bill is not talking about a Boston sports team. When Bill is talking about a Boston sports team he becomes a massive homer and loses any ability to speak objectively. Patriots are winning the 2025 Super Bowl, Tatum is the best player in the world right now, etc. It shouldn’t annoy me as much as it does but it’s so predictable and he is so wrong when he’s talking about his own teams.
  • Yeezy Jumped Over the Jumpman
    Not so good job by you
    Please please please please stop having house on the ENTIRE Friday pod. If I wanted to hear his crappy takes especially when you’re talking about basketball.
  • eps1969
    Too bad So Sad!! Not!!!
    On the election for you
  • theGilDawg
    Give up on the NBA no one cares will Xmas atleast
  • albert_g
    Sports…and pop culture???
    Fireman Ed? And Goyum? Instead of Fire Marshall Bill and Gollum. Good by you guys!! 🤣
  • ARodgLooks80
    Dodgers are going down Bill! You shouldn’t have been talkin spit on your Podcast!!!😂😂
  • Chaloopa12
    What’s goin on with the upload schedule
  • Jm37jm38
    Simmons and Sal are the best
    Sunday night w Sal is my #1 listen all week. Bill and Sal are great. I miss JackO. I skip all the NBA stuff.
  • Harvey DanDan
    Cough medicine bill
    The Red Sox are gonna be dust indefinitely and the pats just lost to the jags. Leave my Yankees alone 🙃
  • Jewnbug25
    Every time I hear Lombardi, I cut off a finger
    Title says it all
  • thestaff22
    Big fan of the show but Lombardi is miserable to listen to. Guy thinks he’s the smartest football mind ever. Have to skip through his segment every time he’s on.
  • destroy Matt
    Show sounds unmixed
    Can’t hear Russillo in the Over/Under episodes
  • dchan578
    You can actually hear how stupid Pete Schrager’s face looks
  • 0101*
    Million $$ Picks
    I love House and listen to east coast bias but Schraegs is the better choice for million $$ picks
  • hannibalmo76
    Too much NBA and too much of the host
    I’d rather listen to a podcast that focuses on more sports, rather than almost entirely NBA, and more of the sports, rather than just on the host. Also, after canceling the two best baseball podcasts in the world (and not replacing them with any other baseball podcasts), Bill Simmons deserves just one star for anything and everything else he does.
  • Jartea90
    This is a Boston podcast
    If you are looking for national or general sports coverage, you will get some great nuggets sprinkled in with TONS of local Boston sports radio. The Chris Ryan guy is the worst. Don’t even listen when he is on the podcast!!!!
  • Pinktex17
    Why so much basketball ?
    This pod is at its best when it discusses multiple topics. While I’m sure metrics demand all this basketball, it’s overwhelming at times. Great podcast, would be better with 50% less of the 3rd most popular sport in the country behind the 2 footballs.
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