Battlestar Galacticast


BSG star Tricia Helfer and TV writer/journalist Marc Bernardin do an episode-by-episode rewatch of Battlestar Galactica in its entirety, diving deep into the themes of the award-winning sci-fi classic and revealing behind the scenes details that only a true BSG insider like Tricia would know. In addition, the podcast will welcome members of BSG’s cast and crew into the airlock to share their memories of making the groundbreaking series.

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Recent Reviews
  • Cla takes a look
    Going into 2025 and still awesome
    Still awesome !!! So say we all!
  • Mindfulness Message
    Late To The Game
    i’ve seen the full series 4 times. It’s something I go back to quite often especially around Christmas time. I love this podcast and I did not know that you guys were doing this during the pandemic. I’m grateful to listen to the podcast on my long commutes in LA.
  • irondog70
    Can be great…can be annoying
    I love the episodes where there are guest stars. I learn a lot about how the show is made and how truly talented the actors, writers, directors, and crew were in this show. When there are no guests, and it’s just Trisha and Marc by themselves, Marc can be a bit much to take. Not every line needs to be a double entendre. I’d really like to give this a higher rating, but Marc truly costs the podcasts 2 stars.
  • Barretta
    Political Bias
    The political commentary is condescending, and not necessary.
  • One Moore Episode
    Love Battlestar Galactica, More Tricia Helfer
    I am a huge fan of the show and have watched the BSG-TRS series many times through. This podcast came at a perfect time, starting just before the COVID lockdown. Revisiting all the political, religious, and social theme in BSG during this season was epic. There are a couple things I found annoying: 1) the podcast doesn’t really know where they want to stand on spoilers. Since they are including guests (and some for only a single episode!), it would have been nice to not worry about the spoilers. After all, it has been more than a decade, let the people tell their stories!!). 2) Marc Bernardin, who is no doubt a clever writer, does a lot of mansplaining as a podcast host, especially when there are female guests on the show. I’m guessing this is why so many reviewers have called him “annoying”. He probably doesn’t realize that he defers to male guests, but talks over and rambles on with female guests (including sometimes even his co-host, Tricia, who is amaazzzzzing!!). All said and done, I loved listening to the podcast. Thank you for revisiting this show in a format I can enjoy while out for a walk.
  • HotGunHooter
    Bad co host kills pod
    Tricias co host is terrible. He seems tipsy and can’t stop giggling.
  • ggilmore75
    Awful Host
    Tricia Helfer is fine but Marc Bernardin is insufferably annoying. Loud personality and constantly laughs at his own lame jokes. Leave the comedy to the professionals. Ruined the podcast.
  • the Florian Trout
    Loved that they got guests on there and Tricia’s behind the scene stories, but way too often they got into politics (looking at you Marc) and it annoyed. Also, for a long while, they wouldn’t talk too much about upcoming things (spoilers) which didn’t make sense, but given today’s climate and their politics they adjusted to accommodate the 4 people who hadn’t seen the show.
  • Mister HU
    A great companion to the series
    Tricia and Marc make a great team, dissecting one of the best TV series of all time. The early 'drunk' episode may have been fun to record, but it was annoying to listen to. I'm glad it was not a case of "All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again." Thank you, Marc. Thank you, Tricia. I hope your cats are doing well!
  • Romantique
    What a frakking delight!
    I’m currently rewatching BSG with my husband who has never seen it, and my sister told me about this podcast. Loving it so much and while I also loved Ron Moore’s original podcasts that he released with the show back in the day, these provide both the short and long perspective (knowing what is to come). Not to mention all the wonderful guests including Moore himself and Tricia’s own backstage insights. Love this and now kind of want us to slow down the rewatch (we’re halfway through Season 3 already) to savor it all more!
  • archerzeus
    Excellent Insight
    Found this just as I started to rewatch and Mark and Tricia (and Caesar) along with occasional guests add depth, insight, background, and occasional long rambling drink infused segue ways that add another layer of context upon BSG. Well produced and only occasional spoilers. Glad I stumbled across this.
  • hcmama2
    An excellent companion pod to the incomparable show
    I just did a rewatch of this amazing series and then found this pod midway through. It’s the perfect thing to listen to after each episode to dive even deeper and discover some background stuff from guest stars. What a joy to listen to. Thanks Tricia and Marc.
  • JoyFamily
    And that’s a wrap, sort of...
    Just finished the last episode of the podcast covering the last hour of the series. Thank you Trisha and Marc as well as all the guests over the years. Thank you Ron Moore for bringing a fantastic show into reality.
  • Pouserboy
    Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
    Not so much a review (although I do enjoy the podcast)but more of a suggestion for a possible guest. I know time is running out but i think it would be cool to have Rain Wilson on the show as the character he’s best known for playing (Dwight Schrute on the office) was a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica! Not sure if the actor himself was a fan or not though. Anyhow thanks for all you do!
  • Kirby Pirtle
    Thanks !
    Love the series years ago and I must say I look forward to each Tuesday for the podcast. As the series draws down to the final episode I wanted to say thank you for the enjoyment you have doing show, even the cat butt makes it fun and very good entertainment. Love the interviews and how the cast of show seem to really like each other and had and still have the closeness of family. The podcast is far and away the best I’ve come across. Thank you ! Look forward to next Tuesday “So say we ALL!!!!”
  • revrobbieb
    Great to be back on the Galactica!
    Re-watching the show (my favorite show of all time EVER) and delighting in the play by play, especially when Tricia & Mark have guests. It’s AWESOME to hear the behind-the-scenes stuff, to talk about the characters that I will love to the end of my days.
  • Sir Chunks
    Love this!!!
    Even after all these years, it’s still nice to have some fresh perspectives and new discussion, in addition to the behind the scenes gouge. Keep it up, and so say we all!!
  • Virtually Blue
    I watched BSG during its original airing on SciFi. Was happy to hear there would be more content but I just could not tolerate the co host. It’s like going to your favorite movie and having a toddler sit behind you annoying. Starts off great but the more he’s in your ear the more painful it gets with long and unfunny jokes. The show presents itself as a podcast about BSG but it is very unstructured. Some made it to season 2 and gave up, I couldn’t make it last Water. If you’re looking for a good podcast and actual insight please listen to Ronald D Moore’s podcast about the show. He focus’ on the events as they happen and give insight. This show is just annoying
  • Benji8888
    I want to give it 5 stars, but...
    If you're a first time viewer of BSG, do not listen to these podcasts, they have spoilers in them...they tried to keep spoilers out at first, but, it just became too difficult with the guests. Tricia is great! When you have guests, (some great guests!), it's mostly great! ...But, PLEASE SyFy Wire, no more episodes without guests, Marc is sooooo annoying when there are no guests...I tried to find a way to contact, but, can't find. Love the podcast, but, Marc DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO LISTEN, Tricia will give behind the scenes info. and he agrees and acts like he was there, BUT HE WAS NOT, if he would listen, this could be a 5 star show. I waited too long to write this, too busy, but, he also talks about the "writing room" as if the writing room for BSG was like his writing room, well, I've listened to Ronald D. Moore's podcasts for this show and I can tell you that Marc knows nothing of being in THAT writing room. He giggles like he's just a bit too excited to be doing a show with Tricia instead of acting like a pro. He's better when there are guests, but, OMG, I've gotten to not be able to stand him when there is no guest! He's presumptuous and arrogant and rambles on too much on bunny trails about nothing or about things he doesn't even know about...well, I guess that's what many writers do when they write, eh? (my eyes are rolling). He acts like he's in charge of the podcast, but, really needs someone else in charge to help him keep on track. At one point he says this show is about faith or science, when it really is much more complex than that, and you'd never hear Ron Moore say such a thing. He also could say frak and etc. instead of cussing so the podcast has to have parental advisory...again, sorry to be so late writing this, but, as I said, wanted to write syfy wire, but can't figure out how. Love the show, great to have a podcast, Tricia is great, but, Marc needs a guest to keep his level down...I love it when a guest director corrects him. 4 stars for: Tricia, great at doing a podcast, podcasts are mostly great with guests, and that syfy wire has not cancelled and kept this going to the end. If only you could have found someone to work with Tricia that was more balanced and professional, then you'd have gotten 5 stars. (If it wasn't for Tricia and guests, this would have gotten 2 or 3 stars.)
  • Janie 1968
    Tuesdays are the best!
    I look forward to this podcast every week! Super entertaining and Tricia and Mark are the best. Will truly hate to see this fun ride end.
  • TerryCDoane
    Great pod cast!
    Love the podcast! BSG has been a favorite of mine for some time. I would put it down as one of the (if not the best) writer/directed/produced/acted shows of all time. As an actor myself I would kill to be involved in a show like BSG and I find myself wanting to chime into Mark and Trish’s dialogue and contribute to the conversation. Very stimulating! Thanks for bringing it to us. I just wish there were more seasons. We are to close to the end.
  • Jae Gaboo
    Brown Furry Penguin?
    With the crack down on free speech, I don’t think you can tell jokes like that anymore, Tricia.
  • WellWater Trekker
    Lively Interesting Podcast
    Great job by the cast of Battlestar Galacticast. If you’re a fan or just new to the series you’ll love the inside details, thoughtful evaluations and humor of the hosts. Way to go Battlestar Galactica!
  • Mr. Glas
    Frakkin’ A!
    Tricia, year be as Juicy as you wanna be! So Say Me All! 🖖
  • Hawkmano
    Wonderful podcast!
    I started listening at the start of the pandemic lockdown, and I’m now finally even with you and eagerly awaiting Season 4. The stories and inside looks have been priceless for anyone that claims to be a Battlestar Galactica fan. Having rewatched the series in its totality during these several weeks, I still don’t understand how it was not recognized for its outstanding writing and for the heart and soul invested by all of the actors. Guests to the podcast have underscored how this cast became a family and thus it’s not surprising how close they have remained. And one of the joys of the podcast is learning how down-to-earth and approachable Tricia is. I know these are still scary times for everyone, but through the magic of remote connections (I’ve been using them for my own podcast as well), Tricia and Marc can continue to take us away from our troubles for an hour at a time — and I’m so looking forward to their takes and those of the cast that will chime in on the season that wraps up the Galactica saga. And just one random thought — wouldn’t it be interesting to revisit New Caprica and those that were left behind, Cylon and human alike, and see what sort of society developed? Kind of a “Wrath of Khan” vibe, maybe? But I digress. Thanks for the terrific podcast.
  • Rngr40
    He’s so annoying!
    Can we please find a better co-host for Tricia! Would be 5 stars if what’s his name wasn’t so irritating.
  • El-Vez
    This podcast is kick ass and has made me fall in love with the series all over again. Although I will have to say I waited forever for the review of razor and y’all were high off your ass on stove gas. BUT! You guys are awesome and keep it going! SO SAY WE ALL!
  • osuJeff
    One of the best shows ever... now with amazing insight
    Battlestar Galactica has been a favorite show of mine for years. I’ve been telling everyone I know that it is an amazing drama... it just happens to be in space. I love listening to Tricia and Marc discuss and dig into the meat of the series.... I just finished watching the series for maybe the 4th or fifth time... I’ve picked up so many nuances from this. Thanks!!!
  • SplFrcsCWO
    Apparently, Trump is preventing a “true” Galacticast
    President Trump is personally making their lives so miserable that they have to always rant. Oh wait, missed a symptom - it’s TDS!! It’s ironic hearing them discuss issues of tolerance on the show yet fail to take heed of their own advice. Also loved the hypocrisy in Mary’s “joke” about running in 2020 as a Democrat. Guess she forgot Roslin actually DID try to steal an election. Honorable mention to Tamoh’s dig towards anyone that doesn’t believe in “man-made climate change”. Keep insulting fans with your own ignorance on the BSG Galacticats[sic].
  • Lizmg
    Great Hosts!!!
    I love this podcast! I’m listening to it as I rewatch BSG. Both the hosts are really great and add so much to my enjoyment of the show. I don’t mean to be totally sexist here (I’m 39F), but Tricia is so amazingly humble, kind, and intelligent - which are not traits I would’ve expected from a supermodel. (Again, apologies for the sexism here!) I already loved her because of her great work with animals. Now I love her even more for being 1000% cool. I live in LA and have my fingers crossed that I run into her and Katee one day - although I am very bad with faces so I probably wouldn’t recognize them. (Maybe I’ll luck out though and they’ll be wearing BSG sweatshirts that day 😂)
  • AlaNole31
    Great podcast
    Loved BSG when it came out and have rewatched a couple of times. Discovered the genius of Bernardin listening to the Fatman on Batman pod and really enjoyed him. Tricia provides great insight as well.
  • Asmplman
    Production errors and giggling abound
    Love Battlestar Galactica. Amazing show and I was excited to hear some behind the scenes discussion. Don’t bother with any episode that doesn’t have guests. Tricia’s behind the scenes stuff is good, but she only has so many stories to tell so guests are great. Marc giggles the entire the time and goes on 10 minute tangents that are mind-numbingly stupid. Production quality is horrible at times. Impossible to hear people like they don’t know they have to talk into a microphone. The “Unfinished Business” episode with Jamie Bamber and Edward James Olmos should’ve been great, but you can’t hear a word they say. Syfy needs to get someone there that knows how to set up some microphones.
  • CavPlt
    An Episode By Episode Walk Through Greatness!
    I find the lack of structure and the stream of consciousness discussion fun! Having insight as to how episodes of BSG were put together, the guests, and the “lifting of the veil” to peek into the method of story telling and episode production is fantastic! Marc is amazing when he breaks down the writing process and gives insight to plot device, moving stories forward, and the famous idiot ball! Tricia is brilliant when describing her method for differentiating between all the Six Models, relaying what it was like on set, and reminding us that she’s not REALLY a murderous machine bent on humanity’s destruction! Thanks Tricia! Walking episode by episode I find myself getting lost in the same emotional ride that I was on when I viewed them the first time! (…and Ellen Tigh totally knew it was poisoned…) :)
  • Jon's Pocket Watch
    Like listening to two friends talk about your favorite tv show
    I absolutely love listening to this podcast and listening to both of the hosts. I don’t understand how people are complaining about the dialogue the hosts have regarding politics as the show itself is never not talking about politics. Marc has an amazing ability to take apart stories and distill them down to their essence. I love hearing Tricia’s and guests’ stories from the set and hearing about what BSG has meant for them so many years later. This show isn’t a beat for beat review of an episode, (if you want that, read a Wikipedia article) but a conversation between friends who are talking about the show, the feelings that they have, and the tangents and asides that develop when you’re just talking naturally with someone about a thing. The tone of the show makes me feel more like I’m sitting in a bar listening to friends talk about a thing I want to hear about, which is probably why I love it so much. As an aside of my own: I love hearing Tricia’s cat Caesar pop up in the background. He does this throaty guttural meow that sounds exactly like my cat Harley who passed last March. I had never heard a cat make that sound before Harley, and it makes me so happy when I hear Caesar do it.
  • Williams_79
    Too much politics
    I wish they could just leave their politics at the door.
  • CPR Trainer
    This podcast is awesome, the personalities, the guests, everything. Spoilers do occasionally happen, if you were worried about that. However, if the person that uploaded the episodes noted times when there are spoilers, that might help first time watchers. Bring on season three!!! Also, move on to the movies after the show is over.
  • Kalquien
    This Pod rocks!
    As a longtime fan of both the original and the reboot (which may see another soon) I have been amazed by this pod. The stories, the shows, and the people who brought them to life are all represented here. I’m only sorry I didn’t find it sooner. Catching up as fast as I can and am looking forward to the next season!
  • buzinfrog
    What a show, and what a podcast!
    As a fan who cannot get enough bts info on BSG, this is like a buffet at the Golden Nugget. Keep up the good work. I’ll keep spreading the word about Battlestar. I think my fellow students in my acting class are this close to watching it...just to shut me up. Lol. Thanks for this podcast. I love it!
  • rogerbix
    Tricia is Great! Marc is Terrible!
    I really want to 5 star this podcasts for Tricia, but I just can’t because of Marc. Tricia shines when there’s a guest. When there isn’t, Marc just won’t shut up and let Tricia do most of the talking. Marc is the type of podcast host who regularly goes off topic. In some episodes, if you cut out all the non-BSG tangents, you could shave off maybe 20 minutes . He often makes real groaner quips, and then keeps repeating or expanding on them 5 or 6 times. It’s sometimes painful to listen to. I literally find myself yelling “focus!” while listening to this podcast.
  • Todd Stewart 72
    Good companion to the show and good guests
    The podcast gives unique insight to this great show. And while good science fiction can be a great analogy to today’s social issues I just wish the podcast’s would keep their personal views off the show.
  • ErinMac111
    THANK YOU for this podcast
    As a huge BSG fan who has tried several podcasts about the show, this one is the BEST. Where else can you get Mark and Tricia (who are excellent hosts--they are hilarious) as well as such an array of special guests?! What a wonderful way to revisit my favorite television show, be entertained, AND hear some behind-the-scenes stories. Thank you so much for putting this together.
  • Chi-sq
    Wanted to Give One Star But......
    BSG is my favorite show ever! Even re-watching it now only one or two other shows come close and I’m not a big sci-fi fan. Really wanted to love this podcast—I listen to two other podcasts that follow shows. They usually deep dive into each episode, analyzing content, include cast members as guests, and give their own commentary/opinions on what happened. While I’m sure Tricia and Mark are great people, they do not have good “chemistry” (something they discussed in podcast 2) and spend over 45 minutes in a 65 minute show discussing everything else BUT the episode. 5 stars for the 20 minutes spent on BSG and 1 star for the 45 minutes spent talking about other shows, Mark’s writing skills, politics, hiking, pets, philosophy, Tricia’s friends, etc, for an average of 3 stars. I do enjoy the background Tricia provides, keep it up! I doubt I can justify losing any more hours listening, what a shame.
  • high b1
    Love it
    I am simply a battlestar galactica fan. One of the best!
  • sugasmile
    As a long time fan of BSG, this podcast is a treat. I love the chemistry between the hosts. I look forward to this each week and I hope they continue on with the other shows set in this universe. I’ve seen people complain about spoilers, which I think is foolish. They’ve had years to watch this show and can spend a weekend burning through it, if they wanted. The occasional mention of future events, helps convey the story and lets us fan have a glimpse into the bigger picture of BSG.
  • Zelt1504
    Great podcast
    Great podcast. What’s great is going back and watching the episodes before the pod. Great to rewatch the series and then hear about the episode first hand. Any chance you can review Razor? While it came out afterwards, in the timeline it fits around the lay down your burdens or captains hand. Would be great to hear your thoughts. Love the pod!!
  • Shiwhendi
    Love this show!
    I heard about this when I mentioned that I was going to rewatch BSG, so I’ve been following along episode by episode. I love the chemistry between Marc and Tricia, but I REALLY love getting to know something about Tricia’s real personality. I think if I knew her IRL I would want to be her friend. I wouldn’t mind hanging out with Marc either!
  • Sharkasaurusrex
    Too many spoilers
    If you’re thinking of this podcast as a companion to watching the show for the first time. DON’T DO THAT. They drop major spoilers with no warning. Ruined big parts of the show for me. They’re charming and fun but I had to stop listening. Kinda wrecked it.
  • epee fencer
    Fun podcast, entertaining insights
    Trisha, Marc, and guests look back on one of the great tv series of all time. Really entertaining discussion about the story, themes, actors, and insider background. The Edward James Olmos episode is really interesting in particular as he gets into the director’s perspective of putting an episode together.
  • Earpster90
    Awesome show!
    Tricia Is the hottest cat lady ever! Love the show! :p and the cats!
  • freestylestudent
    Great show
    Battlestar Galactica has a huge following and having this podcast with its insight into the characters/actors is incredible to have! So say we all.
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