Android Central Podcast


The Android podcast for everyone. A weekly show about Android, Google, and the best of mobile technology.

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Recent Reviews
  • Knotjeff
    You literally called it cringe when people talk about an Apple Watch saving their life. No wonder you haven’t had an episode in months. Unreal.
  • 12233444567
    Under to be Great
    The podcast appears to be done. No new episodes and no announcements from AC. Website is much like the podcast going downhill!
  • Imsteve777
    Derek is horrible
    Every other word he says is “like”
  • sujo0201
    Needs an actual host and facilitator
    This used to be my favorite Android/tech podcast. But since Daniel Bader left the site, the podcast has gone downhill quickly. Prior to Bader leaving, Ara was my least favorite panelist because she comes across SO snotty; she’s full of attitude, seems to always want to argue, and how she ends a lot of her snotty remarks with a grunt (“Ehhh…”) just kills the conversation. She also tends to interrupt and derail things… especially when she blanket replies to something with something like “Do they really though?”. Annoying. Insert Ara grunt here ->______. Now that I’ve gotten that rant out of the way, Ara is still functioning more like a panelist than a host. The shows aren’t nearly as organized, the discussions don’t flow well, and she seems to be more interested in getting her opinion out than facilitating discussion. I used to be bothered by how Bader would sometimes be a wet blanket in terms of making the group move on to a new topic, but I now have a greater appreciation for that because I realize it was necessary to eventually pull the plug on a topic and move on from it. If AC gets a good host in place to focus things, I may continue to subscribe, As is though, I am “this close” to unsubscribing. I don’t finish most episodes nowadays. I just can’t handle the attitude and lack of focus.
  • perdant01
    Please get rid of Ara
    This is great podcast when Daniel(I realize he left for AP) hosts and Ara is not on the show.
  • Shahadat96
    Excellent and underrated
    This is one of the podcasts I look forward every week. Daniel is an excellent host and everyone in the team really good. Especially enjoy Jerry’s perspective on things. This podcast is super chill while also being packed full of information and really happy it is getting some attention from listeners and sponsors alike. I highly recommend this if you’re have any interest in android and want some informative and relaxing discussion.
  • Slackedoutslayer
    Keep politics out
    Play very annoyingly love to share their political opinion often. Talk about tech on tech shows.
  • imnotAmitt
    I come here for tech talk
    not uneducated opinions on politics. And every time Ara grunts or sighs or whatever she does I want to pull out a nose hair.
  • Joeysface
    Please stop putting Ara on the podcast
    I love the podcast and have listened since the early days but every time Ara is on the podcast I end up auto skipping the episode. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt early on and expected her to relax and get more comfortable but every episode goes the same way. She says something that is outright wrong and Daniel ends up politely correcting her and moving on, someone passes the convo to her and she end ups parroting whatever was just said and adding nothing to the conversation. I don’t want this to come across as sexist exclusion, I listen to all the mobile central podcasts and the hosts at Jiggle Physics and iMore are great. I just think that certain people don’t have the skill set for “radio”. Ara’s personalization articles are super informative and I enjoy her writing but she does not add anything to the podcast.
  • ehalo2120
    Awesome podcast...
    I don’t have an Android phone but this podcast is awesome nevertheless. I learned so much while being entertained. Keep up the great job guys
  • allonajdv7477
    Smart, informative and entertaining!
    I wrote a previous review with a lower score due to a cast member that I’m glad I haven’t heard in the past couple podcasts. I listen every week. Jerry is both very knowledgeable and wise. Thanks for the years of entertainment!
  • CB989
    Incredible podcast for Android fans
    These guys know Android just about as well as anyone else, been listening to them for a few years and love every episdoe
  • Proglistener
    Best Android podcast
    In a world of many, they are the best. I stopped listening to the others and Android Central is on my cue of podcasts to listen to. If you want to be updated on the world of Android cue this one up!
  • FaceDNassUP
    This is an informative and entertaining podcast. I look forward to listening to all the latest Android news and information every week. Thank you Android Central!
  • NotThatAlan
  • anzolace
    Excellent content
    And very well presented, high level on knowledge, always
  • BJ Smith
    best android podcast. ever. without question
    OK so I miss Phil, he reminds me of my brother. But Daniel stepped up nicely. Jerry is The Man, Alex and Andrew are great. And I REALLY like when Mr. Mobile makes an appearance. Basically, if you are into Android, you should like this podcast. And if you don't like it, well, then the problem is probably not them, but the person listening. They are awesome.
  • DaveyDave1
  • markclemmons
    great show
    learned, alot about keeping my infomation secure, recently purchased msecure, love it thanks for all the knlowledge
  • tora morigan
    The best.
    I just find irony I can subscribe to the podcast on an iPhone... but not get an AC app.
  • MahlerV
    Great bunch
    Love the show! Been listening for a long time.
  • Vega007
    Ok but could be better
    My review is contigent on more Michael Fisher. That's right, more Fisher!!! AC basically gets the best guy ever for podcasting with his knowledge, wit, and smoothy vocals (I used to listen to PocketNow's just for him) and barely use him? Conclussion: More Mr Mobile into your podcast please and then I shall give 5 stars.
  • Lookatthemonkeys
    great job
    Crew always does a great job and are very informative
  • CarlosG24
    Great content
  • Damian from fort lauderdale
    All the androids
    Actually an amazing group of experts answering all your questions
  • Bert2k7
    Good times
    Great times for the AC crew. Phil, Jerry, Alex, Andrew and Russell are fun to listen too. Please give these guys some love!
  • kevindmoore
    Great Information
    I usually learn a lot of information that I can’t get anywhere else.
  • xmoafan
    Audio terrible bring back video!
    Audio is terrible, unlistenable, video was way better! You asked for it Phil!
  • Ronisize15
    Weekly staple
    A really enjoyable podcast, one of my favorites.
  • Johnny Backflip
    Nice podcast.
    Very great podcast. Fun and informative. Great tips, information, and opinions.
  • ddanforth12
    Good stuff
    Great show
  • RobertRPhillips
    Awesome, balanced show!
    I’ve been listening to the AC Podcast for a number of years. Even as an iPhone enthusiast I enjoy it. Great chemistry and great energy!
  • C#J#
    One of the few
    One of the few podcasts that isn’t super slanted and fact-less. Other tech podcasts do that, not this one!
  • podcastism
    jerrys the man
    everyone is great but this podcast gets 5 stars because of jerry hildenbrand. enough said.
  • Oberness13
    Love the podcast
    I love listening to your podcast and look forward to each new episode. Keep up the great work!
  • evostudios12
    LOVE IT!
    Look forward to it every week. Keep up the good work guys.
  • Blackholeslam1994
    First time listening love the site though great opinions and good bits of info
  • Ginger372
    Love it!!!
    Been listening since the beginning. Great information. Love the hosts.
  • trutodagame
    Love it
    Two words love it.
  • O14
    Great Podcast!
  • Soplas97
    Excellent podcast.
    I am an iOS user. Hopped on the iPhone bandwagon while it was still rolling in 2009. I listened to TiPB podcasts for a while but got bored with the news. I "switched to AndroidCentral and the podcast for a while. What a difference! Much, much more content and a great panel to boot! I keep rewinding to Phil's moments of dead-pan humor. Keep it up!
  • kaden22
    I like the information, but the delivery of it is sub-par. Voice quality of host and some of the regulars is awful. There is a tendency to lapse into techno-speak without bothering to explain to listening audience. There is sort of a "boys club" mentality to the show and not much conversational flow.
  • KoshoDJ
    Great show and tons of information
    With the amount of information given each show I'm thinking about walking away from my beloved Blackberry.
  • Jonathan Kizer
    Best Phone Podcast
    Bar none. Great site, great forums, great podcast. It's also very unbiased. Keep it up!
  • scoot12x
    good podcast. word
  • Sethian
    Excellent Podcast
    Very clear and to the point. Great energy and delivery. This Podcast actually has something to say.
  • magma9495
    Love it
    Great podcast, love the way you run it, keep up the good work! :D
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