The New Activist


From IJM comes The New Activist podcast. Each week, you’ll hear from the activists and world changers tackling some of the world’s biggest problems.Presented by International Justice Mission (

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Recent Reviews
  • Andrew Sonneland
    A gift!
    Thanks so much for bringing these voices into our lives. So inspiring to think through how God is at work in the world in so many different ways to redeem and restore creation!
  • AZteen
    All the best to you
    Profound thanks to you for hosting this podcast. It’s been one of the things that has helped channel my family toward justice and toward meaningful work in this world. We will miss your gracious, insightful podcast presence. There are many new voices helping to shape our world because of the NA. Thank you and all the best to you and your family.
  • JenJen12381
    Fan of IJM but I’m disappointed with some episodes lately
    I will continue to listen to this podcast but I have to admit, I’m disappointed that some of these episodes feature anti-white rhetoric that is disguised as “theology”. (For the record, I’ve never heard of any other theology until recently that specifies a human culture over God. If your theology is anti one culture and is pro your own, it’s not of God.) For an organization like IJM to allow it befuddles me. In all the years I’ve promoted and supported IJM, I was excited when this podcast came out and I love hearing about the different organizations that are highlighted. However, it’s frustrating as a Christian woman who happens to have been born white to hear from people who believe that I’m racist because I was born white. As an organization that works in many different countries with different cultures and people of different skin color, to allow someone to come on and say that and not get some push back feels very much against their values.
  • A reviewer55
    As a justice organization, it is confusing why they seem to support contentious organizations like BLM. You cannot work for justice overseas while ignoring or neglecting the violence and injustice that was perpetrated by BLM during the riots. The views expressed here made me discontinue giving to this agency.
  • Kildefam
    Love it!
    These podcasts have been very helpful as I try to catch up my ignorance in regards to my racial education. I’m learning a lot about God’s love and truth from people who advocate for justice as a lifestyle. Thanks for hosting these!
  • traci_j07
    Kay Coles James
    I have found this podcast to be so inspiring and so uplifting during a challenging time in our nation and our world. I have supported many of the organizations discussed here. The Kay Coles James interview, however, was difficult to listen to. I was surprised that her anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments were not challenged, and I was disappointed that this podcast enabled her to misrepresent the Black Lives Matter organization. As someone with black and LGBTQ+ students, I know that they are just as worthy of God’s love as anyone else, and it is not the place of anyone on earth to judge their appropriate and loving family structures. I appreciate the meaningful work Eddie is doing to spread the word regarding different forms of activism. This particular episode seemed to be the antithesis of the overall mission of the podcast.
  • AHM64
    The New Activist interviews Jim Wallis
    Run, don’t walk, to hear Eddie’s timely interview with Jim Wallis, an outstanding leader in the Christian faith.
  • Lynnchen2
    Interviewer biased and doesn’t ask the right questions
    I love IJM and all they stand for. I have given financially and promoted them to friends regularly. I have had nothing but praise for them until hearing this interview. The interviewer shows his biased when he doesn’t push back against an interviewee that makes assumptions that all white people are influenced by white supremacy. It’s not justice is racism.
  • Joodles0290
    Wow! Every episode opens my eyes to the needs of the world. Eddie does a wonderful job making each story applicable to my life, showing clear action steps that help me be a better activist every day! Thank you, Eddie and the IJM team!
  • Laura-Scott
    Inspiring and Practical
    Really inspiring to listen to these stories and hear the work being done around the world and Eddie does a great job of asking each guest practical questions of next steps that we can take in our everyday lives.
  • jbattaglia
    Realistic inspiration
    In a world of so much that can and does go wrong, it is helpful and life-giving to find a place of honest discussion.
  • Magicalcarly
    Engaging & Informative
    This podcast is a great listen for anyone looking to be a better advocate and activist. The array of guests keeps you constantly interested, and they bring such an array of life experience and knowledge, offering practical steps you can take to help bring about positive change.
  • SCPantazes
    Great topics and valuable insights
    This podcast is a must listen for anyone engaged in the work of faith based activism. It explores a wide variety of topics while grounding its conversations in the changing ways of being the church and exploring new ways to advocate for justice in the world in the 21st century. Great guests, an incredibly thoughtful and well prepared host - this is a vital part of my regular learning as I grow as a church professional. Keep up the good work!
  • Cara.95
    Eye Opening
    This show has enlarged my view of the world, of the variety and severity of injustice, and of God’s relentless work of rescue! Thankful to listen to this show, and thank you, Eddie, for your commitment and care toward each topic. You give the silenced such dignity.
  • GenaCassy
    Most Informative
    This podcast serves as a learning tool to broaden insights on what individuals are doing in the world to make it or leave it better. It also serve to inform its audience about the disparities, pains, inequalities and inequities that is prominent in the world. And though the world appears to be a dark place in regards to race, poverty, slavery and the like, the thread that runs through most of the talks are individuals who believe thy can do something, they can make a change. And this makes the listener hopeful and motivated to do instead of complaining and pouting.
  • Adam Hamartoma
    You really should listen to this
    I have fallen in love with this podcast. I’ve yet to find another outlet where i can hear from so many people i didn’t know i needed to hear from as much as on this cast. Eddie, who is a fantastic interviewer and really makes his listeners shine, finds lesser know heroes doing critically important thought work and activism, and provides them a platform to talk about their stories and their work, and stimulate me/us to get behind them and figure out ways to change my/our lives. One of the best ways to change minds is to hear other’s stories, so thank you for giving some wonderful people a very effective platform.
  • jimnshar
    The New Activist
    I’m hooked! Listening several x/wk & sharing w/my kids & grands. Listening to Michelle Higgins today. Last year (?) we passed a law restoring voting rights to convicted felons who had served their time (FL) Remembering local news story last week (FL) revealing these people are Still unable to vote because of unpaid fees. I immediately thought “poll taxes”-but just stewed. Today I’m going to search Where to donate funds. This is So Wrong! Thank you for your work! & making us aware. (By the way-I’m a 68-yo middle class white grandmother).
  • IA fire mama
    Thought provoking
    Cannot recommend highly enough! Each guest shares clearly a vision to see the world improve and challenges the listener to get in the fight.
  • Hliz30
    Important & engaging conversations
    Each time I listen to this podcast, I learn so much! I’ll admit that when I’m unfamiliar with the guest, sometimes I put off listening, but then without fail, once I actually listen, it’ll blow me away! Every time I think “wow, I am so glad I listened to that”. I can’t wait to hear more
  • Lil' Keesh
    Compelling and inspiring
    The Content of the New Activist is always a compelling conversation or story. It will inspire you to be a better human and live in the world with purpose. Eddie is a skilled communicator and interviewer, this podcast does not lack professionalism. It is top notch!
  • Vargo_Sara
    Thank you
    Really have enjoyed hearing the conversations of those involved in fighting injustice. Was so thankful for the gracious and hopeful conversation with Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile. It was so encouraging and thought provoking. Thank you for the work!
  • YouShineMarketing
    Great insight!
    Loved the one with Sam. Well done! I’m listening.
  • Eyes2Heaven
    Sam Acho & Jo Saxton
    While this was my first exposure to Sam, he caught my attention with his story and my heart with hope. Using his God given talents and voice to help create space in a food desert for health and life and community is beautiful! And Jo- have loved her voice, heart and passion for awhile. Heard some new things today and need to get her book! Thank you for this podcast.
  • amysoringer
    Kay coles James
    Loved hearing her perspective and the way she explained so much! This gave me actual steps to move forward! Thank you!
  • erinmichelleo
    Yes! And thank you!
    Y’all hit. it. out. of. the. park with this one. I love what both of you are on. Love your hearts and your words! In the last few months, between all of the ways I have learned more about and listened to both of you, it has for sure crossed my mind,”I must work with them!” 😆 That’s my 7 wing going off. IJM has my heart. Modern-day slavery, kidnapping and human trafficking has got to go! I love the work you’re doing and appreciate the act of not only rescuing but then restoring. Having adopted two special needs children from China I am all too aware of their vulnerability to such a horrific end. Be the Bridge is SUCH an amazing organization/movement that is much too much overdue. Systemic racism is finally, finally being brought to the media and the masses. Thank you for the education and the action steps. 🙌🏼🙌🏽🙌🏿
  • bethbayliss
    Awesome podcast
    This is an honest, informative podcast with amazing guests telling their story. Give it a listen!
  • Jdenny08
    Ideas, encouragement, and inspiration
    I’ve loved listening to the New Activist podcast for the past couple of years! As a social entrepreneur, I covet the fresh and inspiring stories of how others are making the world a better place. Also, I HIGHLY recommend an interview with 100 Fold Studio, an innovative nonprofit architecture form that elevates the human spirit in some of the most needy places all over the world.
  • coachrobbie
    So insightful
    Thanks for introducing people and organizations that I wouldn’t otherwise know. You ask great questions!
  • Anyrb
    I love this podcast and how it challenges the way I view the world and the way I interact with people around me who look, think, and act differently than I do.
  • ForTheLoveLover
    Inspiring and thought provoking
    Thank you for helping me to think about how I can be an activist.
  • Kdkdjgsjjal
    Esther Series
    No wonder you won a “trophy” for this series—wow!! Well done!
  • Terminator 8=======D
    Changes my thinking every time I listen
    My eyes — and my heart — are open wider because of the engaged conversations Eddie has
  • Bethany O
    Thank you for this show, Edward. This is changing my heart.
  • Steph Looney
    An unbelievably great piece of journalism performed with thoughtfulness and precision. Human trafficking and slavery is real and all too alive. Eddie sheds a bright light on its heartbeat in Ghana through the eyes of Esther, a young girl given into slavery by her family. A complex web of culture, economics, politics and faith play a role in how this can still be happening in 2019 and why IJM comes to help the Ghanaian government rescue children from this death trap. This is a must listen for all people!!!!!!!!!!! I would mandate it if I could. Bravo to Eddie, IJM, and those who have worked tirelessly to change to culture of slavery that continues to exist on our planet. May God continue to use us to change the tide...
  • This is insane crazy
    Sustainability at its finest
    This miniseries revealed the beautiful work conducted by IJM. I have recently become more aware of organizations I support after watching the documentary Poverty, Inc. This shows how IJM comes along side locals to support so the work they are assisting with becomes sustainable. Local people working for their own people. Loved hearing it.
  • restore.wonder
    Insightful, Challenging, and Brilliant
    This podcast has given me a glimpse into what various issues humans are facing today, as well as what incredible efforts are being made around the world to alleviate pain and bring reconciliation and restoration. It has completely inspired me, and I am grateful to have the privilege of listening in on these conversations. Thank you!
  • happyHappyJOY
    LOVE the mediations
    So powerful and strong. Thank you.
  • Stefunnyapc
    Do it!
    A friend of mine recently recommended this podcast and I can’t get enough of it. I have been going to therapy for a year and a half and this series just reinforces a lot of what I have been learning. I am really enjoying sharing this with friends and family. The Mister Rogers episode was really profound and I think it’s worth giving it a listen.
  • Sparkynotsnarky
    In-depth discussion on important issues.
    Great topics that challenge and inspire.
  • Pamrov02
    Spiritually and socially fulfilling
    I have quickly learned to love this podcast. As a Christian, I felt that the word “activist” was a bit taboo in traditional circles. However, I am encouraged by this podcast’s practical and eye-opening ways I too can become a Jesus-like activist, how activism and Christianity are not opposed to each other, and most importantly, learning practical ways I too can get involved. I was pretty relieved to hear how the New Activist strives to focus on love in action rather than just thoughts and prayers - truly needed in this day and age.
  • Echoziel
    Fuels me
    This podcast has quickly risen to one of my absolute favorites. As a human ignited by justice and who lives Jesus (but is disheartened by the church and it’s lack of action) Eddie and his guests speak to all the areas the fuel my soul.
  • peggy dyslin
    I wouldn't miss an episode!
    Every week I wait for the next episode of The New Activist. SO challenging and makes me think of life in bigger ways. it's not "judgy" but really makes me THINK, and even more important, ACT... daily... in simple ways... and occasionally, in really big, scary ways!
  • Mallard Rube
    Inspiring and challenging
    If I could summarize this podcast with one word it would be: kingdom. The conversations that happen on this podcast make daily life focused on the things God cares about. It is an inspiring and challenging thing to fill your ears with. Listen and grow!
  • dvb9b
    New Activist
    I’ve enjoyed the variety of guests and the variety of projects and issues.
  • Ashley K Kelly
    Inspiring podcast ✨
    It’s really cool to see what people all around the world are doing to make a difference. It’s inspiring to hear about how passionate people are about their cause. Each episode gives you tangible ways to support any of the people you hear, too, which is cool!
  • Monicamonica3332
    This podcast empowers and challenges me every single episode. This podcast has opened my eyes to some many world changers and injustices in the world that are not getting popular attention. My favorite episodes have been with Jen Hatmaker, Eugene Cho, and Annie F Downs. Thanks for making this podcast exist!
  • Amber1316
    Educational and Hopeful
    I love the heart behind this show. This podcast is so needed in the world right now. It takes you behind the headlines, putting voice and name to the people who are living and addressing these important issues. And what I love the most is that there are specific action steps you can take to learn more about each topic and do something. Definitely worth hitting "subscribe."
  • Fobchicie24
    This podcast is a great source of inspiration.
  • cstephens0413
    The best.
    What a great podcast. I started here by listening to the Annie F Downs podcast on the poverty in Appalachian. That’s also near and dear to my heart. I have had he opportunity to go to Kentucky and West Virginia multiple times to help on mission trips. What a great foundation and can’t wait to hear more about it.
  • TyrannyOfStyle
    So inspiring!
    Love the work Eddie is doing and all of the incredible people and organizations he features. Always an inspiring listen.
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