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imfeelingsublimeXtra stars for Sam asghariI don’t agree with all of the takes on the random episodes I’ve listened to, but extra stars for having Sam on. I’ve always liked him during & after his relationship with Britney. He seems like a good guy and appreciate his advocacy for Iran and against similar types of governments that seem to be popping up more and more. Also, his guest spot on Black Monday is hilarious
linds728Ok we get it you’re team CraigJust say you hate women
kejt44Not being political is a privilegeWhite hetero cis gender male says we should be grateful for basic rights in America? Not being political is a privilege. Most of us are not proud to be a citizen of the only developed country without universal healthcare, parental leave, affordable childcare, and so on. Of course it’s better than Iran but that doesn’t mean we still don’t deserve so much more.
Reviews541OkNick consistently talks about how men “don’t have a biological clock” unnecessarily. He does this both to women who are in their thirties and to men. I would advise him to look at recent research on this topic and to also avoid hyper focusing on this for women. Particularly ones who haven’t brought it up as a concern to him on the call. You can sense the discomfort on their end.
lizzzzzzzzzpIf you don’t agree with Nick he’ll attack youNick does not allow anyone to have a different opinion. If you disagree with him you’re “delusional”, “insane”, etc. He is so annoying. His poor employees can’t even share a thought that is slightly different than his.
musicchick22Not the bestWhile I enjoy episodes from time to time, the podcast is hard to listen to. Echoing previous reviews, I find Nick to be self righteous, condescending, and lack self awareness. None of the household members would ever challenge or disagree with him. They are so obsessed with social climbing and being around other famous people. But I don’t think Natalie is as bad as others say, she’s just young and it’s obvious.
Listener763The enemy of mental healthCiara! Blink twice if you need help escaping a hostile work environment. Listening to the discussion of Paige and Craig’s breakup — it’s literally vile how both of the Vialls are calling you “insane” and “crazy” for your valid opinions. Juxtaposed with them laughing at the guy who slept separately from his wife for mental health reasons. Zero empathy from Nick and Natalie. I guess if they can’t imagine what helps someone else’s mental health, that person deserves their wrath. Truly the worst.
Uhduhnaw5 stars from meI just have to say I’ve never watched the Bachelor and I love this pod. They cover it all and Nick has the best advice. Natalie is so sweet and relatable and real. This is my go to pod. Thanks household!
RobertacclarkAnnoyedNicky boy is so unlikeable I can’t stand his voice. Nick needs speech therapy. He is hateful toward Christians and openly bashes Christians. His little company of minions should use a dictionary and thesaurus. They constantly use the word literally in every sentence. The naivety of these spoiled kids shows in their mundane interviews.
JKP_KLP_12345Love this show!!Wild reading all the negative comments about this podcast. It’s funny because people in the comments seem to be upset about this team taking in all information on a topic and using that to form an opinion. Life is too short to be so upset about someone else’s opinions. Anyways, love this show and the guests that come on the show are so good. Nick and his team really are honest and willing to ask the tough questions. Love the ask nick episodes as well.
JustinGrace.Poor IntegrityAfter hearing their take on the Blake lively and Justin Baldoni without hearing both sides and assuming B.L. was being truthful, I feel their integrity is shady. It’s obvious they sold their opinion and lost credibility in the process. They never came back out with an update to say that based on new evidence they take back what their originally said.
samblakesCarl Radke episode 5 STARSThe episode of going deeper with Carl Radke is so moving. He is such an inspiration. Best episode <3
Joy CPNick is the #1 ReasonI've been patient in hopes the people that have come on board the podcast will calm down; that is, slow their tempos, lower their pitches, and stop their interruptions (of Nick). I have been able to get past the nails on the chalkboard but it is becoming absurd to have to listen to people interrupt, mock, and berate Nick. It's not fun. It's not funny. I'm here due to the years of insight and experience Nick has with the industry. Please, I beg of you, have less people on the podcast or alternate them. Their airtime does not need to be equal to nor more than Nick's.
sad123445894Not a parenting showI am with my kids and work with kids all day. I don’t come here for your kid. Please stop.
MOBLAIROMCiaraCiara’s weird voices and vocal fry - painful to listen to.
TinaMae!!!!!Getting to highschoolWith all the new additions to this podcast (Mary especially) it is becoming almost hard to listen. I had enjoyed but now the banter is a bit juvenile and very one sided. You can have a stance on something but maybe make sure all the facts are given. Sad to say I don’t look forward to the pod as much as I use to.
EngprofftMiscarryingIt truly will be okay. It’s typical to get grief counseling after this happens. If you need it, go.
HFlanaryTalking too fastWhy is everyone talking as if they are on speed? Cannot listen anymore.
MelBfjOne of my faves!I have listened since day one, and have always appreciated the pop culture news and helpful advice whether it’s from Nick or knowledgeable guests! I agree with some people that the growing household has made it a slightly harder to enjoy listening. Allie & Amanda days will always be my favorite era - and I LOVE that Natalie is a permanent co-host now. However I agree we could do less with the others (minus Ciara - love her). I just feel like there’s too many voices and topics get lost in translation. I’ll always support the show regardless!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWhat a doucheEdited to add this quote from nick: “I'm saying this as my opinion, because I’m not an expert, but these are facts. Anyone who wants to disagree is just delusional”🙄this pod in a nutshell. A man who uses the pull out method as contraception should NOT be giving dating or family planning advice. Just no. The ad reads are horrendous and I echo that the pod would benefit from getting rid of the baby voices and at least a few of the co hosts. Couple podcasts are so tiresome.
V-NessababyI stopped listening and unfollowedI just couldn’t keep listening , I agree with most of the bad comments on here, but for me what put the cherry on top was their“Ends with Us “ opinions. Just seems like theirs a personal bias there. Natalie’s response to the JB voice note was one of a jr high school girl. The proof is in the pudding, the v note context was appropriate.
12345684):$/9,!!Not afraid of a different opinionI love this show! In a world of people who promote freedom of speech as long as it's what they agree with... I truly love how nick and fam aren't afraid to give their honest opinion and don't just go with what is politically correct or what they think people want to hear. I don't understand the haters here! I am so sorry to hear about their loss and thought that episode was so vulnerable. The people against it would have been mad if they didn't do it too...nick and Natalie are so open and real. As someone who has experienced a miscarriage myself and then had two successful births following, just know it won't always hurt this much. And when you do have your rainbow baby just remember you wouldn't have them if you didn't have to go though this travesty.
ChrisWCDUsed to Love—Now Hard to StandI used to listen to this podcast routinely, but it’s a tough listen now. The addition of Natalie and her constant interruptions makes my head hurt. The Justin Baldoni conversations are the worst. Blindly believing one side of the story and omitting information to further force your opinion down others’ throats is immature and makes her seem desperate for a Blake Lively friendship. Nick should stick to having her on for a bit, but having her on the entire duration of the show is going to tank his ratings. I hate to see it happen because there was a time I really enjoyed his podcast. The newer “family” members and their constant use of the “f word” makes it seem that their vocabulary needs to be broadened and even seems to have Nick dumbing himself down and using it often, as well. I agree with Natalie—chill out on the f-bombs. It makes everyone seem unintelligent.
Melanie Lynn 💖Honestly love you guys 🩷Thank you for sharing your miscarriage story Sending you all love ♥️ Love all your content, but this episode was especially meaningful
Sberg1993Used to be my favorite podcastThis podcast used to be sooooo good. In fact, I was actually a caller for a mediation. The downfall was losing Amanda and Allie … and then the nail in the coffin was making Natalie a permanent co-host. Insufferable. If you want a Q&A replacement move over to Dear Shandy
cassidydianeIgnorant PeopleThe hosts do not know what they are talking about. They give oppinions on things that they clearly don’t read all the facts about. And the advice…. Nick seems to think he is wise. Definitely not.
cascade1112money grab??7 minutes of ads before the miscarriage episode? trying to heavily monetize on a tragedy? I feel bad for natalie but this was way way too soon to record. it feels exploitative on many levels and also seems tied to the bad press they’ve been getting about their blake lively justin baldoni takes. scooping the child out of the toilet was a level of detail that felt soooo unnecessary
MelinazanFound Love you now for having Spencer And HeidiI love them i’m a new fan love their kindness
ThesassycitygirlDownhillThis used to be my favorite podcast, but now I have to unsubscribe. I feel that the household members have too much input and there’s too many people on the show talking. I really miss when it was just the two girls and Nick. I also feel like you guys have spent way too much time dealing with the Blake and Justin drama and nothing is factual, just biased. It’s really immature to listen to 1 sided drama. Almost complete brain rot at this point.
PookiellaGet some new topics/BiasI’ve been listening to Viall Files for over a year now. And while I find it to be entertaining most of the time lately it has been boring. They keep talking about the same Justin/Blake lively story. And their bias is pretty clear- given that Ryan Reynolds follows Nick/nat on insta and Mint mobile has sponsored the show in the past. But honestly it’s just getting old and boring and I feel like they should be more forthcoming about their support for Blake- other than just hating on Justin. Also I agree with some of the other members as coming off as too young/immature. Not sure I’ll be listening anymore or it’s just my first pick for my morning drives into work.
MarandaMufasaWeird bunchLove that the other listeners have said what’s needed to be said. I partially listen to episodes—I tune in mainly when they interview LIB celebs. Ps: Justin’s voicenote, in context, is normal and not flirty
lace0706Favorite podcastI’ve been watching for years and yes it’s changed a lot but I still think it’s the best I love Natalie she’s an awesome addition to the podcast she’s hilarious and has great perspectives
MSelena09Blake’s New DragonsI used to really enjoy this podcast for its insightful and refreshing take on pop culture, but lately, it’s felt like the hosts are more interested in climbing the Hollywood ladder than providing an objective or balanced perspective. Their take on the Justin/Blake story was a perfect example—right from the start, they missed key details and got facts wrong. When new information came out, I expected them to recalibrate and offer a more nuanced, diplomatic viewpoint. But nope, they just doubled down and continued pushing their own narrative. It feels like they’re more concerned being “on brand with the elite” than actually getting the facts straight or offering any real depth. Disappointing.
Sevits80Not a fan and do not recommendBetween the 22 year old wife’s lack of life experience, pick me attitude and trying so hard to be worldly or mature enough to be relatable and nick trying to use his podcast guests to social climb and make friends and he talks way too much about himself…I had to unfollow and stop watching. Do not recommend
genuine JenMiscarriageSending you both my deepest condolences at this tender time. Unfortunately my husband & I experienced the same loss 20 years ago. As a woman/Mom, I completely appreciate your specificity, candor, and tears, with everything you courageously shared together. Your love expressed together is a beautiful expression that love endures all things! Love and peace ♥️
KT-NVLove NatalieOne of my favorite podcast! I absolutely adore Natalie Joy she never fails to crack me up.
CarkavillageFrustrated by this podThere is so much potential! Nick is very interested in addressing hot topics, and does a good job- but it’s clear his interest is new and fueled by recent success. His call in/relationship advice is not off… but the questions are so dumb. SO DUMB. “How do I not be friends with this person that is weird/awful?” “Should I reach out to someone that dumped me?” Stories are so off the wall, it’s obvious it’s fake. Already anticipating annoying new parent stuff. I get it- it’s your life. Addition of Natalie Joy was not good. It’s truly gone downhill since her being more of a main role.
TayIoneJenkinsSo annoyingSo annoying, don’t really like that they are on Blake’s side only. There are too many people on the show also. Sad I was really excited to listen to this podcast and it was a disappointment.
meoliveras0810/10I really enjoy this podcast and listen weekly.
BBSalvatore....Insufferable. Obnoxious. Pompous.
caulfield19Came for the interviewsI didn’t know who this dude was prior to listening. Found the podcast when searching for interviews with specific people, and couldn’t comprehend the gravity of the host’s self importance. Viall’s self-aggrandizement comes through in all of his responses, and especially in the uninformed “advice” he gives to listeners and guests. His immaturity wouldn’t be as insufferable if he were even remotely aware of it, but he seems to regard himself as a sage. He frequently points out how women are in the wrong and become victims because they “love drama,” yet he is clearly profiting off of… drama!
MandideanGrief and resilience live togetherDear Natalie and Nick, Today’s episode was deeply moving, raw and emotional. I am in awe of your ability to share your story so candidly, and admire the courage it took to express yourself when you’re currently in a state of emotional whiplash - feeling everything, and also absolutely nothing. There’s no playbook for this - how to move forward while processing such tremendous grief and loss seems unimaginable, but still, you rise. Rise for your daughter, for your family, for your livelihood - when perhaps a larger part of you would like to bed rot. Having a “purpose” is critical in times such as these, not to distract from your emotions, but to remind yourself of the reason why you do these things in the first place. I hope you feel so proud of bravery it took to quite literally lay your whole soul out for the world to hear. May this podcast feel therapeutic, and act as a tiny step forward on your healing journey. Natalie, I want to commend you for your ability to express your love and gratitude for Nick during this time of heartbreak. Many lash out and/or ice out the ones who love them the most (whether intentionally or unintentionally), and I found it so beautiful to hear you express your deep love for your husband through pain-filled tears. Nick, while there may not be a “playbook” to pull from on how to support your wife while also grieving yourself, it sounds like you are doing an incredible job meeting Natalie wherever she may be, and showing such gentleness. Your love is inspiring, and I have no doubt that you two (three with help of sweet River) will move through this season ironclad, and with even a deeper love and gratitude for each other than you thought possible. We’re cheering you on, and sending massive hugs and prayers🌈
insert available nicknameWho Wants to Listen to People Who Don’t Know What They’re Talking About?I’ve listened to this show on many occasions and it’s gone so downhill. Why would I waste hours and hours a week listening to someone be dead set on viewpoints that he admits he’s only briefly scanned? But when they are ALL doing it? Hard no. Listen to sources who will discuss all the information and then provide their opinion. Nick has revealed himself to be not a good person in my opinions. Willing to ruin someone’s life and reputation because… he didn’t even read his side. Sad. But typical.
KeishaHWFanThank you thank youNatalie and Nick give all they have for this podcast. Their last episode was beautiful. Thank you for sharing your life 🩷
Thank you for this episodeMiscarriage EpisodeThank you for this episode. I am so so sorry for your loss.
Jennifer VBThe Miscarriage …..Oh Natalie (and of course Nick as well) my heart breaks listening to you, what an emotional episode to share, I am praying for you both and one day your rainbow baby will come. God bless your family and I for one appreciate you being so vulnerable and open with your listeners…
BLynnMaTeam Natalie JoyThank you for sharing your story and being so honest! I hope you find peace.
Kerr0838319MehThe whole show is one sided. Whatever Nick thinks, goes. They have like 12 people working there and not one disagrees with Nick. It’s very odd and robotic. It’s also shocking that people call in for relationship advice from Nick. Are these people paid?
Bourbon MomSo great! Love listening!♥️ Thank you for being so vulnerable. Thinking about you guys. Nick is one of the best podcasters out there. He gives honest feedback and great advice. He is an awesome interviewer. One of the few I've heard recently who doesn't talk over all his guests, who asks tough questions respectfully, and who does his research on the guests beforehand. Love the banter in the household. So glad Natalie is permanently on the show now too. Love your dynamic!
danielleferrantiCLOWNSDo your research. Read something before you report on it. You sound like morons. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
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