Marker Stone


There’s trouble on CMC-6 and it’s been brewing for a long time. The golden age of space travel and asteroid mining has ended almost before it began and the bean counters have taken over. Sally Buds’ patients are all suffering from low-gravity syndrome because the Canadian Mining Consortium won’t spring for gravity generators and the miners won’t exercise. On top of this the station might be facing hard times. An expensive mining robot disappeared while surveying a region of space known and KEL-30 or “Kelthy.” The problem was not in replacing the robot, but rather in the fact that the machine reappeared after the replacement had been ordered. How could the station personnel have been so incompetent? But Sally has another question. Where did the probe go when it was out of contact? Where did the strange rock samples come from and why did the images it saw not correspond with known star charts? Her new friend Ian Merryfield, an RAF shuttle pilot, wants to know, too. But the station commander does not. What is in the Kelthy region and why do things disappear there? Is it a hoax intended to scare away claim jumpers or is it the greatest discovery of the twenty-first century? Ian and Sally intend to find out even if it means risking their careers or even their lives. Not knowing would be worse.

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Recent Reviews
  • Gwyrm
    Loved it
    Great story. Captivating and interesting plots. Plz keep them coming.
  • TerribleJakes
    Paul J. Joseph
    This guy is going to make it huge! The amount of detail in his stories paints a realistic picture with no holes. His perspectives in the books are incredibly refreshing, and a piece should be brought through to your everyday life.
  • Davey*
    The only thing that I did not like about the series is that it ended! I cannot wait for more from this author!
  • Steamfire
    Fun sci-fi
    Nice story, a little short and the characters are a bit predictable, but still a fun read. I recommend it.
  • wolfn34
    Marker Stone
    I'm not one for writing reviews I usually just stick to rating what ever I listen to or read, BUT, I have exstreamly enjoyed listening to this podcast and wanted to let the writer know this as well as any who maybe thinking of subscribing to it. The story kept me hooked till it was over and left me wanting to hear much more. I can't wait for the next one to be produced for podcasts! Paul Joseph does change his voice for the different people in the story and it is done fairly well. If there were a couple of different people doing some of the voice work instead of just the wirter it would be truly outstanding.
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