Law Talk With Epstein, Yoo & Senik


A lively (and often funny) look at legislation and constitutional jurisprudence by preeminent law professors Richard Epstein and John Yoo. The show is hosted by Troy Senik.

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Recent Reviews
  • NotFromTheIE
    Listening on 4 July 2024 drinking a beer
    Long time listener, first time caller. What a week to have a speaker of the King’s English to host. Fantastic. Based Roman Jurist and kimchi at Thanksgiving loving Philly born Berkeley Law Prof continue to dominate the Law Talk.
  • Mikeat4112
    Thank goodness for Epstein
    Enjoy this podcast a great deal, but I come close to turning it off when Yoo is talking. Yoo is no intellectual slouch, but you have to be pretty smart and education sometimes to lack basic common sense and perspective. Thank goodness that Epstein brings it all to the table.
  • Michele listening in Pa
    Well over 800 views!
    I stopped the latest podcast to listen to Richard's lecture at the Federalist Society. John sold it short, over 2000 views to date and absolutely worth it to see Richard fidget with his mask in annoyance! 🤣
  • Hairbrain
    I wish I had you guys as professors when I was in law school
    Excellent talk and debate on the law and how real lawyers think thank you
  • justinchina
    Smart people who can’t escape being obtuse
    I wish they would try occasionally to understand and impartially explain both sides, rather than just sitting and regurgitating the same old talking points and proving themselves to be staunch lock-step conservatives. I would love smart legal minds who can do actual justice to the system, rather than just stating opinions with the assumption of moral and obvious superiority of their own ideas.
  • EricNMa
    Debate, laugh and wisdom
    It is so joyful to listen Richard and John’s debates and laugh at its end that shred light of wisdom on many topics.
  • Pat Midd
    Epstein rules
    Professor Epstein was one of my favorites at Chicago law school. A great legal mind with such a fantastic sense of humor. Keep going!
  • jewls317
    Happy Birthday
    Mr. Epstein!, I love listening to you. I should be joining your decade in about 3 years !
  • librarylady87
    Troy is the best!
    This is the best (by far) podcast out there! Every episode is fun and chance to learn the details of various subjects. Mainly due to Troy being herding the cats John and Richard!
  • Nesorneb
    Law Talk. Not Legalese
    Excellent small c conservative discussion & explanation on law matters! Not to mention witty banter :)
  • jlear
    Intellectual, interesting and always entertaining
    I always look forward to hearing their witty banter and hard hitting legal and political analysis. A nutritious intellectual meal finished with humorous dessert.
  • EgStafford
    Leak heard round the world
    Excellent episode put together on short notice, strong evidence of the erudition and learning of Profs. Epstein and Yoo. Both gentlemen rightly emphasized how this leak is an assault on the Supreme Court, an effort to undermine its issue-focused decision-making procedures and render it into just another political institution driven by the mob of the moment. I note the profound insight of Prof. You regarding the emotion-laden first six pages (not inflammatory language) of the draft opinion versus the dry, citation-laden subsequent pages. Kudos all around!
  • vessel10
    Absolutely love this podcast. Please please please increase their frequency.
  • easterbunnyclan
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    This truly is one of my favorite podcasts. These guys give me a sigh of relief that, even though my thoughts are contrary to most mainstream news outlets, I am not in fact crazy lone wolf and/or nuts. Thanks Gentlemen!
  • Bull*Durham
    I enjoy the show, but ...
    I just discovered this podcast and liked it so much I immediately started binging. I worked backwards until I got to episode 104. That podcast and all prior don't download at all. Archived maybe? It's interesting to hear what Yoo and Epstein said back when, knowing beforehand how their predictions would turn out! But much of the content is timeless. I hope the podcast lives long, it's a real treat.
  • jaatlas
    A Worthwhile Podcast (regardless of your views)
    An excellent podcast on law and the courts. Although I disagree with the hosts on most issues, I find their insights valuable and worthy of some thought. I only wish they would upload more frequently!
  • DivergentBird
    Nothing I love more than a balanced discussion
    Nothing I love more than a balanced discussion . This was so refreshing and really was so helpful im thankful I found it.
  • Style councel
    Great Discussion, Annoying Recording
    I like the topics and the conversations. John Yoo sounds like he is wearing the heaviest duty mask. Maybe drop the mask or step back from your mic.
  • 531EW
    A fan
    You asked who may listed to your show. Stay at home mom, homeschooling, legally migrant to the US, is whom listens to you. Thank you for the conversation type content.
  • SilverBaer
    My favorite Podcast
    I listen to this podcast all the time when I’m at work mainly to hear a more conservative take on the law as I find myself leaning more to the left. And as a son of a lawyer and someone interested in Politics and Law, I find this professional explanation and breakdown in the political world fascinating. (Also I could listen to Professor Epstein rant about cases for hours😂)
  • AdamPak
    Episode 153 was outstanding. The podcast is usually very good but this one was better. Very clear explanation of a laundry list of current legal issues, peppered with wit and broader observations about tort law, SCOTUS, and presidential power. More like this!!
  • Chaene12
    Mansplaining the constitution.
    Boring and antiquated perspectives. No diversity of thought. Sloppy moral reasoning. Stale & superficial arguments. Sorry I couldn’t give it zero stars.
  • J04nG1660n5
    True intelligence is knowing what you don’t know
    As a lawyer, I enjoy listening to this podcast and it’s generally quite good. John Yoo and Richard Epstein are both quite conservative but they are also quite smart and it’s fun to compare their reactions to news with the reactions of the (also very smart) hosts of Strict Scrutiny and Divided Argumemt. What I find fascinating though is how Richard Epstein continues to offer his opinions on the effectiveness of various Covid-19 public health measures with such self-confidence when he has been wrong every single step of the way. Google his Covid predictions; he “projected” in March 2020 that only 500 Americans would die from Covid, then revised his “projection” to 5,000 a month later. And yet, 600,000 deaths later, Richard Epstein still acts like he is a public health expert. You’re a very good lawyer and law professor, but have some humility and stay away from things that you are not an expert on.
  • nopealopesaysnope
    Whiney and full
    This is just guys complaining. I can tell they are attempting humor, but the level of the humor along with the incessant whining make it impossible to listen long enough to get good info.
  • GaGa love!
    War Criminal
    John Yoo is a war criminal who has no place in the legal profession.
  • Unlerned Hand
    To be Savored
    Funny, irreverent, instructional, yet respectful of the audience.
  • JanMichaud
    Way to gain perspective
    This podcast series is engaging for me as a Libertarian and appreciator of the rule of law. It is an opportunity to hone and add to my scant knowledge gaining more and more interest, knowledge and perspective. Thanks!
  • estburke
    A treat!
    This is a treat— hearing these friends agree, and disagree, without bending themselves out of shape.
  • Nickname333333333
    Even These Guys Entertain Vote Fraud May Have shaky
    Episode 142 - My god Epstein just doesn’t get it. He thinks Trump cares about being the only president impeached twice and he will have that mark on his record. Trump doesn’t care there is no shame, nothing is embarrassing to him, so meaningless sanctions like being twice impeached means nothing to Trump, plus he will simply always say the impeachment’s were improper and he did everything perfect, so there is nothing that shames Trump, and Trump and his supporters will refuse to accept the validity of the impeachment’s. And he thinks there was voting irregularities in the 2020 election. In law school my Torts professor was also the Dean of my law school was a big proponent of Epstein’s teachings, but after listening to Epstein’s comments in this episode and his continued belief that norms that Trump has ignored for 4 years actually did constrain Trump in any way, he just doesn’t get it, the rule of law and norms and practices works because the collective give it meaning, but if someone like Trump refuses to be restrained and refused to accept law, then it is being naive to the think this system worked and did anything to check Trump.
  • aAngela Cross
    Love this show.
    Such helpful information. If only there was this quality of discourse in more places.
  • JimNorCal
    Brilliant, educational banter.
    I could listen to Richard Epstein forever. What a gifted talker! The words flow like water but with the insight and sparkle of wine. John Yoo is a solid spox for traditional America. An intellectual banquet.
  • TJMan49
    Great Podcast, but this episode was annoying.
    This podcast is always filed with great information, and the back and forth between two legal scholars is illuminating. However, I found the latest episode, “Judging Amy” to be uncharacteristically annoying—not in content, but style. What was up with John Yoo? He constantly interrupted and over-talked Richard. Thankfully, Richard was too polite to return the rudeness. Troy please tell John to eat one fewer McRibs before the next one.
  • mross1776
    Great podcast
    I love these two—three actually if you include Senik. John Yoo is a trip! Quite the contrast to the Darth Vader like personality the media portrayed him to be during the Bush years.
  • Sparty36
    Always funny
    Quality show
  • jwsteigerwalt
    Razor sharp
    Two incredibly sharp minds.
  • herrforce1
    Timely & Accessible
    I’m not legally trained but want to keep up on current cases beyond the headlines. These guys in their “faculty lounge” always serve up the most relevant discussion with a twist of levity and authenticity. If my undergrad profs had been this relatable maybe I’d have gone into law (maybe it worked out just as well...).
  • Chris from Maryland
    The boys are simply tremendous
  • Dylan Paul T.
    French and Isgur are intellectually and comedically stupendous.
  • ptab01
    Often a treasure of common sense
    And when it is weighted down w/ the particulate of minutiae & permeations - at least they have the good sense to add a chuckle at the gallows.
  • OneCitizenCan
    Critical Thinking at its Finest!
    If you want to gather facts and information and educate yourself on important topics of interest and controversy, principals and law, (all of which affect you), the lay person will find this podcast a 12 on a scale of 1-10. You will love the knowledge, perfect amount of humor and banter, and focused discussion, brought to you via the free market and freedom of speech!
  • Salvius Julianus
    Predictable debates
    Occasionally their positions and arguments are surprising but most times you know what they are going to say and why.
  • C..B..J
    Perfect Commentary
    Very knowledgeable guys (who aren’t afraid to disagree) and perfect amount of humor. In many ways this is the next level up to mainstream media. You won’t be disappointed!
  • Beau5375
    Erudite and witty
    Where can you listen to profs from top unis who are also culinary experts on the McRib?
  • Fast-flyer
    Best podcast ever
    The best, most erudite podcast ever. The wit, knowledge and insights demonstrated by these gentlemen is awe inspiring. Let's hear it for Roman law and McRibs.
  • ti2m
    Yoo Out
    Face it: people tune in to hear Epstein, not Yoo. John Yoo is a good lawyer but he does not approach Epstein’s polymath status. Yoo’s insecure, anti-intellectual taunts and juvenile humor force Epstein to play—uncomfortably for him and the audience—the genial backslapping buddy, but distract from Epstein’s insights. My guess is that’s why most of the audience tunes in.
  • Peter Busscher
    A fine podcast
    Excellent content. The intriguing legal analysis of John and Richard is only outdone by their humor. Like other listeners, I wish it were a twice-monthly affair, but I can make do with the current arrangement. Cheers!
  • kevncarlin
    Excellent, Topical Legal Analysis & Commentary
    Richard Epstein is the libertarian law professor who railed against takings before it was fashionable with bon vivant panache. John Yoo is the Justice Department veteran who provided position papers for George W Bush's war on terror, and defies with every breath the vilifiers who would paint him as the embodiment of evil while scarfing down McRibs. Troy Senik is the lion tamer who brings a whip and chair to moderate every session. Enjoy.
  • arifan1gabi
    Please consider doing the podcast twice a month
  • S.Bustamante
    You are never so disingenuous as when you discuss the President. Except for approving torture? You two are the most disappointing of the “Never Trumpers” because you both know better. Have to survive on campus, don’t you? And collecting lucrative legal fees, no doubt?
  • phoward777
    My new favorite podcast
    Just found it. Love Professor Epstein.
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