Medicine, Human Health, and the Frontiers of Science


This quarter, the Stanford Mini Med School focuses on our bodies and the organ systems that comprise them, seeing how they work, what goes awry, and what scientists and physicians are learning every day about healing them. We will start with a look at imaging technology that offers a window into human anatomy and disease. We will then delve into our nervous and cardiovascular systems, seeing how our hearts develop, what heart disease is and what can be done to prevent it, what causes a stroke, and what physicians can do when one occurs. We will also explore the inner workings of other vital systems — for example, our lungs, gastrointestinal system, and kidneys. And we will look at how our eyes and ears function, and how they become impaired. Finally, we will conclude this quarter with an inquiry into the fascinating topic of mind-body interactions and discover what scientists are learning about how our thought affects how we feel.

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