The Compassionate Samurai Business Hour


Success and integrity are not mutually exclusive, which is the foundation for The Compassionate Samurai Business Hour. Blending a warrior-like mindset with character traits of compassion in order to produce extraordinary results is key. Business often produces two types of leaders. The first are those who are nice, good-hearted, and compassionate, but can’t make much happen. The other type can make everything happen, they are creators, go-getters, and the aggressive producers in society. However, they’re often self-centered, greedy and unethical. Both the show host and guests share stories and tools for overcoming obstacles and provide wise short cuts for producing key sustainable results in business. You will discover unique roadmaps for producing a large amount of sustainable change in a short period of time. You will take lifelong learning to a whole new level where the important questions are asked and only you hold the answer to just how high you’re committed to climb.

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