Things Worth Considering

This is a show about connections. Connections to your self, your spirit, your feelings and your story. One of the most powerful healing tools we have is our connections. Connect to your intuition and explore your AHA moments. Discover how we get in our own way and how we can overcome obstacles to move on. How we think, what we think, what we believe, and our attitudes define how we experience our life. The fascinating idea that we shape our reality to what we believe it should be, in our minds. How we connect to our families, our aging family members and slowly we become caregivers, not caretakers.Embracing the reality of aging, not into senior citizens but living the archetypal Elder, the Wise One. Living the Spiritual idea of being of service but not being someone’s servant. As we explore the many roads of the human journey with our guests, we will connect to each other by embracing many of the mysteries of life and there we arrive at things worth considering.

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