In the next installment of the Anne series, newlyweds Anne and Gilbert move to the harbor town of Four Winds. There they meet new friends and experience joy as well as heartbreak. (Summary by wildemoose) Cast:Anne/Narrator: Arielle LipshawDiana Barry: Eden Rea-HedrickMarilla Cuthbert/Marshall Elliott: Elizabeth KlettMrs. Rachel Lynde: Caprisha PageMrs. Harmon Andrews/Davy Keith: TriciaGMrs. Jasper Bell/Miss Cornelia Bryant: Beth ThomasGilbert Blythe: mbPaul Irving: Ethan HardmanCharlotta the Fourth: RapunzelinaPhilippa Gordon: Amanda FridayMiss Patty Spofford: Laurie Anne WaldenDoctor Dave: David LawrenceMrs. Doctor Dave: Sarah JenningsCaptain Jim: Phil ChenevertLeslie Moore: GraceSusan Baker: Charlotte DuckettOwen Ford: Brett W. DowneyAudio edited by Arielle Lipshaw