In this podiobook: "The Wacky Misadventures of Warble McGorkle" is a picaresque satire that, through the protagonist's zany antics, pokes fun at the 'get rich quick' and 'get rich by any means possible' philosophies prevalent in today's society.Warble McGorkle considers himself a genius. In reality, he is a jumble-headed, paranoid megalomaniac. My novel is the (somewhat darkly) humorous account of his meteoric rise from drifter to President of the United States. Warble and his wife Mary crisscross the U.S.A. at breakneck speed, as Warble endeavors to stay one step ahead of pursuers (most of them imaginary). Everywhere he and Mary go, Warble concocts a cockamamie scheme to get fabulously rich and to propel himself to the pinnacle of society, where his fame--so he reasons, anyway--will make him safe from the forces supposedly arrayed against him.