Spiritual Awakening Radio


Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean explores the world of spirituality, The Path of the Masters (Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts), Gnostic Gospels, mystics, world scriptures, God, meditation, mystical experiences, the vegan diet, and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.

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Recent Reviews
  • Health_ Coach
    Great podcast!
    Great podcast! Very enlightening and I like how it covers different topics all in relation with spirituality.
  • jivanmukti
    Fascinating and Thoughtful
    James Bean has brought together so many teachings from the Path of the Masters. I enjoy his ability to make concise podcasts that disseminate these teachings in a thoughtful way! I thoroughly enjoy listening to the Christian ideas from those not in the corporate church. It would take me years to read all the books referenced! What a great resource for seekers like me!
  • Marc Shepherd
    Deep and Inspiring
    Fantastic reading of the masters from long ago. While some of the writings are controversial, they are certainly interesting and encouraging. I’ve learned some great truths from these podcasts!
  • Podcast listener.
    Huge fan.
    I’m a huge fan of his podcasts, but normally listen to them on YouTube. I hope this means that James will be bringing all of his shows to the iTunes platform. Every episode is a deep dive into an aspect of the Path of the Masters (Sant Mat), a subject rarely covered in a radio show format. Very inspiring.
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