Duke Entrepreneurship Education Series

The Duke Entrepreneurship Education Series (DEES) is a comprehensive program designed to introduce all Duke students – from both graduate and undergraduate schools – to the key concepts necessary for a future in entrepreneurship or venture capital.

The inaugural series will take place from September 2008 to January 2009, consisting of twelve events. The majority of events will be front-loaded into September and October, with the express purpose of giving students a stronger foundation to participate in a variety of entrepreneurial activities in the Duke community, such as the Duke Startup Challenge, the Duke Entrepreneur, Markets and Management, EVCC, VCIC, Venture Fellows, and more. It will also better prepare students for networking and building key relationships more quickly in their careers.

The series intends to connect students from all parts of the Duke community, including the business, law, engineering, and bio-science fields, with the goal of increasing the likelihood that exciting developments in the lab will find the key collaborators needed to translate innovations into full-fledged companies.

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