Work Life Confidential

Work Life Confidential tackles problems at the workplace, home, and in life that are rarely mentioned because they’re uncomfortable or taboo. Or, the problems are so common that, like the air we breathe, we accept them with no questions asked. The host, guests, and listeners who call in break the silences and find solutions. We discuss how some of our workplaces are making us sick and what to do about it, why managers do nothing to stop bad behavior even when it includes warning signs for violence, and why saying “I’m racist, sexist, and homophobic” can be a good thing. On the home front, we talk about why couples should pay more attention to power than communication skills, how not to be the parents whose child throws tantrums in public, and how to help our kids navigate sex, drugs, and money. The legendary Mr. Rogers said, “If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable.” This show proves the value of his words. It’s for everyone who wants to trade silence for solutions and honest talk.

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