The Citizen's Handbook

by RNZ

Want to become a better New Zealand citizen? Just pick up this hilarious guide to New Zealand's civics and history.

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Recent Reviews
  • nzgnat
    Hilarious! (and informative)
    It's rather odd to be a citizen of New Zealand: we don't teach our history well, we don't have civics, and we expect adults to just osmotically pick up what they need to know to make sense of politics, elections, laws, and the economy. "The Citizen's Handbook" is a romp through the most important things you're expected to know to do your duty as a citizen: what's New Zealand's history? How are laws passed? What's NZ's Constitution? This podcast informs on all those worthy topics, including Economics (the notoriously "dismal science"), and yet still manages to stay hilarious. Each episode opens with a reasonably long skit that sets up the topic of the episode, then we cut to Robby (whose YouTube series "White Man Behind a Desk" launched him to fame) shedding light on the topic. You never go too long without a chuckle, and I learned something from every episode.
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