adtech MADE

For 20 years ad:tech has been a platform for digital advertising visionaries to help make their ideas a reality. Our pioneers have fostered industry growth beyond our original wildest dreams for the digital marketing sector.This year we reposition ourselves for the next 20 years of innovation-focused energy. It was time for us shift and reimagine our role in the marketing ecosystem, ultimately to deliver new experiences for the 21st century marketer. This year, ad:tech presents MADE.WHAT IS MADE?“Advertising Technology” has become a one-dimension term – focusing only on the output of innovation. It does not reflect the ideas, energy, and progress of the people behind it. The makers, doers, and thinkers are the ones empowering change, thus MADE aims to place human talent back in the spotlight.Marketing, Advertising, Digital, Energized (MADE) is the newfound guiding principle of ad:tech. In other words, MADE is not just something that happens - it is what we do.

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