The BJJ Fanatics Podcast

Wrestling #40

Our mission with this podcast is to help YOU grow on the mats! We do this by presenting deep, insightful interviews every week with the best athletes, coaches and legends of BJJ and Grappling. Whether you're looking to expand your knowledge about technique, BJJ culture or the history of the art, every episode is loaded with advice and lessons from the best in the game. The host Ryan Ford conducts each interview in a casual setting, which makes it easy to see the human side of the stars of our sport and get to know their story while also learning more for your own development. New episodes are available every week, and we have over 500 episodes for you to enjoy as well, which is over 800 hours of entertainment and knowledge! We hope you enjoy it!

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Recent Reviews
  • Holly Duchmann
    Great for BJJ fans
    This podcast has been invaluable to my jiujitsu journey, which started two years ago. Podcast host Ryan Ford hosts engaging and interesting interviews with modern Jiujitsu Greats—listening to this podcast feels like hanging out with friends over a beer after training. Good insight on life both as a jiujitsu practitioner or a competitor. Seriously can’t recommend this podcast enough for those looking to get more knowledgeable about the modern jiujitsu scene.
  • Steve🤙🏼
    Awesome Podcast 🤙🏼
    This podcast is a fantastic listen for any BJJ enthusiast. In addition to being entertained by fantastic guests and learning about their careers and lives, I have learned many strategies and philosophies pertaining to training. Ryan Ford is a fantastic host that asks intelligent and pertinent questions. His style of interviewing allows the guest to tell their stories, is playful and fun to listen to! Ryan is a fantastic ambassador to the sport of jiu jitsu!
  • brickcityluv
    Best for BJJ
    Hey there longtime fan and listener from Boston!! Great content and even greater Guests… much love from the city of broken bricks- OSS!🥋🤙
  • robertjordan8812
    Thank you
    Thank you for interviewing such an awesome guess. I do have a little constructive criticism though. Let your guests talk more you talk a little too much and don’t give your guest the opportunity to respond. sometimes it’s hard to listen to your podcast because of that. Again thank you for this podcast I hope this helps.
  • Big52richard
    Well done
    Great interview with Neil Melanson. Love the questions you asked and the responses we’re so down to earth.
  • tex/velociraptor toenails
    Love this podcast so much
  • heavy phone users
    Very well put together 🤩🤩🤯🤯
  • margafrikinrita
    Love it !
  • Sven0117
    The Grappling Podcast
    Great host, content, and overall just a well-thought out show with plenty to offer to all kinds of grapplers.
  • Ksteinacher
    Ryan Ford is the bomb!
    I’ve been listening to Ryan for a long time and his method of crafting a discussion with the guests on his show is very unique and enjoyable. It is clear that he has continued his usual caliber of work as a part of BJJ Fanatics. Looking forward to catching up on a few of his guests that I’ve missed!
  • Nastinupe
    Amazing content, Useful Information
    I started listening to the P.C. about a year ago and it’s really taken my mentality to the next level. Ryan is a great host who doesn’t over talk or try to outside his guests like some hosts. He’s respectful and easy to vibe with, which makes the P.C. an enjoyable experience. If you’re just getting into BJJ or a Brown Belt, this is a great P.C. to add to your list.
  • craig cordi
    Grappling Central Podcast
    I started listening to the Grappling Central Podcast a few years ago because Ryan was interviewing someone I knew through Jiu-Jitsu and I have been listening ever since. IMO, Ryan’s Podcast is the best Jiu-Jitsu (or grappling) podcast I have listened to. I have listen to others and I always eventually stopped. However, with the GCP I actually look forward to listening to the newest episode. I always take something way to help my journey in Jiujitsu, from every episode. I also really enjoy listening to “The Pummel”. The answers are usually pretty interesting. If I got a chance to play it, I am confident I would get my “double under hooks”. Another reason I listen to GCP is Ryan, himself. Ryan is genuinely a nice person who is very approachable and down to earth.
  • petey lorincz
    GCP is king!
    I love the GCP!!! Hearing different perspectives about the art from my favorite players helps my daily commute and even pushes me to go train on days I wasn’t necessarily feeling up to it. More pummel!!!
  • aaaggg167
    Awesome podcast, always bringing in interesting and relevant guests from the bjj and grappling communities. A good listen for any martial arts practitioner or fan
  • JT Doc Berry
    GCP Rocks!!
    Been listening to the podcast for a couple of years now. I get so excited when I see certain guests on. Gives me some great perspective I can use on my own game.
  • Jiujitsu_pix
    The best!
    Grappling Central’s podcast guest list literally reads like The Who’s who of the BJJ community. I don’t know of any other Jiu-Jitsu related podcast that has literally had all of the big names, both current and past, on it. Since the host, Ryan, is a life long BJJ guy himself, he knows the questions to ask and the topics to cover that the community wants to hear. Keep up the great work!!!
  • Hoopahb
    Great Podcast
    The guests are first class grappling and Jiu jitsu practitioners, the questions and conversations are engaging, and the velvety voice of Ryan Ford with the high quality production make this one of my favorite podcasts.
  • WScottStewart
    Best BJJ podcast by far!
    Ryan Ford is a skilled interviewer and has extencive knowledge on BJJ. I walk a way from ever podcast better!
  • awilliams055
    Great content, needs some refinement
    I really appreciate this podcast - the host is knowledgeable and motivated, the guests shine light and insight on our beloved sport. I do have to offer some criticism: the host has his microphone EQ set to a far too aggressive setting. Combined with the fact that he often becomes quite excited during the interview, his voice can be overbearing to listen to, and easily overpowers the voice of his guest. I would love if he softened the EQ, so it sounded less like he was shouting at the guest (and the listeners) on a megaphone. Otherwise, I am grateful this podcast exists!
  • Avi)tavanian
    I hatelisten to this
    Interviewer is supposed to have a critical relationship to his subject. This guy has no structure to his interviews and fanboys all over his subjects.
  • concernedlisterner
    What happened to the older podcast?
    Seems like a lot of them have been deleted off iTunes
  • hfino
    Love having a resource to learn more
  • Prevail BJJ
    Prevail BJJ
    This is all I listen to in and out of my car
  • DMirai
    The best podcast!!
    Simply the best! Great guests, great topics!!
  • Jfredhale
    Life Changing Podcast!
    This is the show that finally motivated to walk into a BJJ school and sign up. I had been listening to the podcast for a few weeks when I pressed play one day heard Ryan mention that his guest for that day was Seth Smith of Richmond, Virginia - my hometown! It was a terrific interview and it wasn't long before I finally mustered the courage to join Upstream BJJ, along with my adult daughter. Best decision I've made in a long time. Seph is a great teacher and my girl and I can't wait to go to the next class. Thanks Ryan....keep up the fine work!
  • AscensionMMA
    Great podcast!!
    Great podcast with lots of legends of the sport.
  • MidlifeUpswing
    Great Insight for BJJ Practitioners
    Great interview with Shane Jamil Hill-Taylor. I was really impressed by his maturity and insight at such a young age. This was a perfect example of what makes the podcast so great. It allows the listener to get to know the athlete and take away lessons/tips for application in our own BJJ journey.
  • Appertice Of Arts
    My First and Favorite Grappling Podcast!
    The first podcast that I subscribed and my most favorite one! Thank you Ryan Ford for your contribution to our community. OSS! Apprentice Of Arts
  • thatBendude
    good stuff Ryan
    Great podcast brother. Really like the format. You need to talk to Jeremiah Claybrooks. He runs East Cobb MMA where I train. Come have a training with us and bring the zoom. I’d love to pick your brain regarding my own podcast thats launching (totally unrelated to bjj), and the crew we have is great. We’re local! Hit me up. 4045428923. Ben
  • Brian_Nole
    Best grappling podcast
    Ryan is a serious journalist who always asks thoughtful questions. He also has the biggest names in grappling on the show. Always look forward to the next episode
  • billy hiccups
    If you’re into BJJ, this is the best podcast on the net. Ryan is highly knowledgeable, from personal experience in grappling, and gives a great interview to the most highly regarded fighters in the world, from the masters to current champs. Highly recommended!!
  • chachacharee
    Top Notch Podcast!
    Ryan brings an informative and fun approach the podcast world! He brings on some of the greatest names in grappling and offers an in depth look at an amazing community of folks. Being a relative newcomer to the grappling world, I love the insight and inspration I get out of listening to this podcast. Keep up the great work Ryan! Thank you.
  • Julian14589
    Marginal at best
    Ryan has some of the weakest interview skills I have ever heard. His questions are weak and boorish. Once in awhile as decent guest will make the show decent but Ryan definitely kills this one . He just sounds amazingly dumb - like who told u to start a podcast .
  • Bknumba1
    Still my favorite
    Still my favorite BJJ podcast. I like Ryan’s approach, his manner, and how he treats his guests.
  • NachoTrader
    An awesome resource for jiu-jitsu junkies
    This podcast is such a treasure chest of great stories, history, tips, resources and enjoyable content. If you love jiu-jitsu make this podcast a regular part of your training regime to and from the mats. I highly recommend it.
  • nprpo
    Best BJJ podcast
    Always a great listen. It’s nice to see the personality behind all the people we look up to in the BJJ community.
  • Ketotampa
    Awesome podcast.
    Stop whatever you are doing and listen to Kurt Osiander episodes, they are hilarious. Good job Ryan!!
  • PotownAl
    Great Show!
    Great show for learning about all the stars of he BJJ scene. The host does an excellent job of keeping the interviews on track and on point.
  • pyfan
    Great Podcast
    Ryan Ford is really good. Such a great conversationalist and host. Also it’s clear he really is passionate about jiu jitsu and grappling in general. He also has great guests who he clearly respects and researches ahead of the cast. 5 stars easy!
  • Brisky Breeze
    Good luck in Brazil Ryan
    Most comprehensive grappling podcast out there 🤙🏼
  • Vheissu171
    The Best
    The GCP is simply the best podcast to listen to if you are an enthusiast of any sort of grappling art. Ryan Ford does a phenomenal job of asking relevant and insightful questions, and keeps the conversations going at a steady pace. This podcast will help to keep any grappler motivated to stay on the mat and get better. Can not recommend it enough!
  • Dtpalmer
    One of my favorites!
    Ryan’s sincere curiosity is what makes this podcast so special. I often catch myself saying “great question” and shutting up to hear the answer time after time after time. Thank you kind sir, oss!
  • Bedford5433
    Homeboy gets some A list Black belts!
    A lot of heart and true excitement goes into his interviews. If your into BJJ you will dig this podcast.
  • Dryguy13
    Great Show
    He gets some unbelievably huge names. The ones you haven’t heard of are almost better. Kurt Osiander should win some sort of award. I’ve been listening for a couple months, and now I never miss an episode. Ryan is a good interviewer too. He gets out of the way, and lets these guys talk.
  • Martial artist new to yoga
    Great guests and content
    I have no idea how Ryan gets all these guys to interview, but he regularly gets the best of the best to come talk about their lives in grappling. Excellent content and fun interviews. The episodes are a who’s-who in grappling, and they all have great stories, advice and ideas to share. I’d like to hear from more judoka and wrestlers in addition to the best jiu jitsu players in the world he has on his show, but he does a great job finding guys from all over, with all types of experience discussing our favorite thing. Even Guys I never heard of make for great interviews and conversations. Keep up the great work GC!
  • Tohya-san's ghost gamer
    The best grappling podcast ever !!!
    No doubt this is the best grappling podcast so far ! Ryan handle this podcast in such a impeccable way always bringing us the top names of the martial arts world for a interesting and smart conversation.
  • JiuJitsuAngel
    Awesome podcast!!
    It is always a pleasure to hear from those that started long ago give details, life lessons and most of all share stories of their experiences! This podcast has all the above. Listened to three and I'm hooked!! Keep up the great work brother! 🙏🏽👍🏽🤙🏽
  • GrapplersSoul
    Best in the game
    Favorite podcast to commute with, tons of episodes to choose from. Awesome guests from old school legend BJJ players fighters to the new school. I never have any problems hearing the guests talk. Highly recommended!
  • Joeyhockey
    Great podcast for BJJ junkies!
  • cacigar
    Great Show
    Best grappling podcast I have found, and I have tried a number of them. Great interviews with the best names in grappling
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