The NPR Politics Podcast

by NPR
All Genres #137News #18Politics #5

Every weekday, NPR's best political reporters are there to explain the big news coming out of Washington and the campaign trail. They don't just tell you what happened. They tell you why it matters. Every afternoon.

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  • Joseh.A.B
    Biased much
    I stopped listening to this podcast about a year and a half ago they were so far to the left it was driving me crazy. But I decide to try them again it sounds like they are totally in love with Joe Biden. They don’t even try to pretend that they aren’t hard-core liberals/socialist.
  • Ther818
    I’m someone who appreciates Mara Liasson’s strong recognizable voice on each political topic. Her input and discussion tends to lead you into critical thinking about the issues as opposed to group think. I do not think she’s rude but only passionate and l tune in just to hear her speak.
  • 936922682
    Can Mara Liasson Learn Some Manners
    Does she realize how rude it is talking over the others and speaking in such a patronizing tone?
  • - The Doctor -
    Total Bias
    I don’t understand how Mara Liasson can be so biased and hate based towards Republican voters and NPR is still legally allowed to be a 501c3. When you’re a 501c3 organization you cannot promote biased lies and remain tax exempt.
  • SheldonLovesPods
    Mara Liasson ruins the show
    I love this podcast and am a faithful listener, but I don’t know if I can continue to listen to any episodes featuring Mara Liasson. She talks over her colleagues, dismisses their perspectives, and dramatizes everything. It’s a shame because she has such vast experience as a journalist, and I think I would enjoy listening to her perspective if weren’t for her delivery and interactions with colleagues.
  • Sara20122
    Usually great, but Mara Liasson makes it worse
    I adore this podcast, but find myself having a hard time when Mara Liasson is on. This last episode on 7/16 out the nail in the coffin for me. She talks over everyone, speaks with such patronizing tones to her colleagues, and overall makes it an uncomfortable experience. I appreciate good dialogue and back and forth, but there’s no conversation when she’s on. The political state is laden with enough anger and vitriol, I’d rather have an actual conversation where I can get the facts and hear EVERYONE’s point of view, instead of Liasson just bulldozing every point with her opinion. Keep up the great work to everyone else!
  • kz3888
    What absolute lazy garbage coverage on the July 12th episode. To claim that our 6-3 conservative judiciary was put there democratically? Have you heard of Merrick Garland, ACB? The framing of the corrupt conservative hostile takeover of the judiciary as democratic is disturbing and beneath not as an organization.
  • Markybix
    Project 2025
    The latest episode from Fri 7/5 is focused entirely on talking about replacing Biden at the top of the ticket when on Wed 7/3 he made it clear that he is staying in the race. How about you let it go and talk about the fascist architect of Project 2025 who just this week threatened bloodshed against the left? This is who the alternative (Trump) will surround himself with, yet instead of focusing on that the media is having a conniption because a good president and old man stumbled over his words in a debate. Meanwhile Trump can spew nonsense and ramble off topic for 90 minutes and be considered the “winner”. The blatant double standard is pathetic and downright dangerous.
  • MnReview
    leftist trash, for leftist trash
    The usual garbage commie fascist democrats try to pass off as “news.” I used to listen to and watch all the public media, and saw them gradually shift from journalism to this activist democrat propaganda pushing the interests of the democrat crime syndicate . Delusional, disjhonest, dumb- democrats.
  • Nate King (stroudsburg)
    Has gone downhill since Sam sanders left
    I have been listening to this podcast for a long time and I have been so disappointed with the content and, at times, blatant political bias in this show. I am leaving this review in hopes that some one will read this and shake things up. I am not going to unsubscribe because I am not sure where else I would go. The political reporting used to be so good.... and it breaks my heart to listen to it now. Here is an update. I re-listened to this after the first Biden Trump debate and it’s still so much more biased than it used to be. I don’t like Trump at all and will continue to vote against him, but I hate how obviously slanted this podcast has become. I try hard to be well informed and I understand most news outlets will be biased, but I had to remove this podcast because it is so clearly unfair towards one side.
    You are normalizing Trump
    I just can’t listen to your podcast anymore which makes me sad because I listen to it for years. You are normalizing Trump there’s nothing both sides about what’s happening in the Republican party with the maga movement. you should be helping to sound the alarm not making it sound like it’s OK as we all sleepwalk towards the end of our democracy.
  • Vsnow16
    Informative and Easy to Listen Too
    Thoughtful reporting on political topics. Unbiased and credible.
  • Walking & talking
    Are you speeding up your podcast?
    As I listen to the latest episode, I’m reminded of those hilarious Alvin and the Chipmunks recordings of yesteryear, as they sang madcap songs and talked quickly, chomping away at their words. Just like those old recordings, this news report was absurdly fast, but without the same comic relief. What has happened to NPR?
  • kengislejohnson
    I believe many of the reviews here about bias are unfair to this podcast. The truth is all that matters here and if it offends someone, too bad about that. We all have opinions but facts are facts. If I don’t like what I hear, maybe that is a wake up call to reality.
  • RyanLee91
    Left leaning
    Very left leaning conversations. Not bipartisan at all!
  • Abiqua
    I started listening to NPR during the 70’s realizing then it provided a left of center perspective. Nevertheless, I found it informative, worth listening to, and supporting. During the last several years it moved further left until it became unbearable. After listening to the self described “Mothers of NPR” tell about the hiring a colleague I said enough. I no longer listen to NPR for news. Instead I listen to learn how the coastal elite are using propaganda to shape society in their image.
  • Isaac J.S.
    Don’t put JAIL TIME FOR TRUMP as the title of the podcast UNTIL HE GETS JAIL TIME. Clickbait at its worst . Too many ads for such a. Short podcast . Makes it hard to listen. When you put two of the same ad in a row I will boycott the company advertised for life.
  • BLynnJ
    Dropping them as they’re now compromised
    I can no longer call NPR credible news, they’re biased especially when covering the anti genocide, pro Palestinian, and cease fire protests. I’m done.
  • lahlah408408
    I have had this on my list so I can keep up with general events, but it’s just not impressive. The reporting is surface level and uninteresting. I listen to left, right, and center podcasts, but weeding this one out because it’s mediocre.
  • gjeberly
    Communist Propaganda
    NPR should not receive public assistance. It mirrors Pravda in its mission to support the administrative state. It isn’t objective and should have to make it on its own.
  • seadal
    A big but
    I’ve followed these hosts since the 2016 election. I’m more right leaning but NPR was always the center left news source that was balanced with a little bias. but over the last year it’s gotten completely out of hand. Combined with the Uri and Katherine Maher scandal, I don’t know how much longer I’ll listen. It would be great if they addressed the issue, but they won’t.
  • baker1984!
    Left of center for sure, hopefully they can become more diverse in terms of thought.
    It is a very left wing show, it could use more balance.
  • Kevinskii
    NPR needs to address URI Berliner’s concerns.
    I happen to enjoy NPR Politics, even though the hosts are all clearly left of center and allow their views to influence their story choice and commentary. This is true of every NPR show I’ve listened to. Unfortunately, NPR’s response to Uri Berliner’s essay which points out the obvious has been a colossal mistake, and their journalistic integrity can no longer be given the benefit of the doubt.
  • Md713
    Clear Israeli propaganda
    NPR will defend Israel and the atrocities it is carrying out till the end. No longer a fan and stopping my donations.
  • reallygreatproduct
    it’s goood but from far away
    from far away the new cover art looks like a vacuum cleaner
  • fjkudviu
    So biased—- not even worth looking at
    The only look at their own narrative and are bought out by far left libs. Where did accountability in your job as a journalist go. Sad sad for America. Please quit your job and do something positive for our country.
  • DanDüma
    Carrying water for AIPAC?
    Calling AIPAC an organization with an innocuous history is journalistic malpractice… they’ve been strong-arming and threatening American politicians for decades. There’s nothing “normal” or “politics as usual” about a foreign government-aligned group systematically targeting any dissent in our political system.
  • Lefty Land
    Like just like stop
    I really want to listen to this podcast because the topic interests me, but they hosts over use of the word “like” just diminishes and devalues their opinions.
  • Lulu1298
    Mediocre reporters
    What is going on at NPR? Who are the new inexperienced reporters getting such exposure. They make mistakes and inaccurate comments. The tone seems off. What happened to the hard hitting reporters? The overuse of the words “like” “literal” and “whatever.” Look at the transcripts. Perhaps NPR thinks this updated speak appeals to younger listeners but it does not appeal to me. It makes the reporters sound flippant. What happened to the more experienced and professional sounding journalists?
  • mojo82678
    Great podcast, liberal bias comes through
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. The hosts are excellent, the content is well-chosen. However, recently, the liberal bias of the podcast team has been becoming more and more explicit, especially from certain hosts (like Mara). I actually agree with most of what they say, but it’s disappointing to see from such a trusted source for political news. From topics chosen to episode titles to comments from hosts and guests, the bias is consistent and clear. I hope they address this!
  • MoeDiggityNoDoubttt
    Why have episodes not been working lately!?
    I love listening to the NPR Morning Show either before or after the PDB; but since the (+) version has been added only one morning have I been able to listen… it just runs silent… or says has error when trying to play…. I don’t mind commercials (hello too busy or can skip right thru them) ***** 5 stars Thank YOU ^.^, {Moni}
  • L33,ncaa
    I enjoy your podcast very much, but was bothered by the NCAA comment at the end. Perhaps it would be wise to do a little more research before commenting gleefully on UK’s loss in the NCAA tournament. It’s been 5 years since UK has dominated any tournament because Calipari continues to build teams from the most promising high school students instead of cultivating a well rounded, seasoned team. UK’s 18 year old kids, with less than a year of college experience, are playing against 22-24 year old men, with 4, 5 & 6 years of experience. It’s fascinating to watch the skills of these young guys but it’s difficult for them to overcome the size and experience of many of the other teams, especially in a high stakes tournament. It’s frustrating how so many people, like you, are stuck in the past when thinking about UK.
  • Hamster Calhoon
    Fair and intelligent
    The NPR Politics Podcast is one of two podcasts on Washington politics and the campaigns that I never miss. It offers excellent discussion from a center-left point of view. Though you can tell at times some hosts are barely able to contain their more leftward leanings, the discussions are professionally conducted with high standards of journalistic skill and integrity. It's interesting to read some of the other reviewers comments who are dismayed, because evidently they just assume The NPR Politics podcasts' hosts should be espousing a much more partisan and ideologically further Left point of view – like most of everything else on NPR. So kudos to the hosts of this podcast for providing reporting and analysis that moderates (center left and center right) can appreciate. Feels more like journalism this way.
  • Nitrosaurus
    Needs Work
    Overall appreciate the quick hitting approach to dense political topics. However, the ads are just out of control. A 15 minute podcast that loses 1/3 of it’s time for ads is just too much. I know there’s the ad-free version, but, it’s also NPR. Honestly probably going to unsubscribe in the near future as I feel every 6-12 months they just subtly sneak another ad in somewhere and I just can’t do it anymore.
  • &&*!
    thank you for your thoughtful coverage (2/28/24) of the Michigan primary. It’s a complex issue for Democrats who have supported Biden in the past but are dismayed at his continuing support of Israel. Your team did a good job reporting on the various perspectives.
  • samsonite2pv
    less horse race, more policy please
    I really enjoy politics (or at least I used to) but it’s a disservice to her public to constantly cover politics as though the dirt and interpersonal wars are the important story. I would really love it if you would cover the actual bills and their substance, interview experts about the pros and cons and what they might mean for Americans. Maybe that’s a different podcast, but I think it could fit in this one. Right now this pod covers politics as though it is a sport, but in reality, it’s quite serious.
  • OkMediocre
    Promotes the forever wars and bubble wraps Biden
    Promotes the Forever Wars by studiously ignoring anything that might promote an anti war or non-interventionist perspective. It’s unconscionable.
  • 9876tghj
    Too much free promotion for trump they are starting to drink the trump koolaid
    They will not stop talking about trump and when they have been talking about biden it has been very negative leaning
  • Spin mama!
    Understanding the Supreme Court
    Todays review of the Colorado case was so helpful for me. Emotionally as much as I would like to see Colorado win, hearing the discussion here has helped me see both sides and understand better. Becoming a member of this podcast has been the best money I’ve spent. I know I’m going to get all sides of the political spectrum. It opens my mind to the complexities of the situation and gives me a clearer understanding. Thank you to the entire team for all the work that you do and I look forward to the show everyday! Keep up the fantastic work
  • LoveisintheStars
    Overall great
    Very informative and the hosts do a good job of outlining the news and facts of the day. They do frequently fall into the trap of “both sides” far too often though. It’s a legacy media outlook they can’t seem to shake. Ex: In the most recent episode about Taylor Swift conspiracy theories coming out of the right wing grifter sphere, you can practically hear the hosts twisting themselves into pretzels to imply conspiracy mongering is something both parties engage in equally. The left may fall prey to disinformation but there isn’t a left wing Qanon. Tough to truly call this podcast outstanding when the reporting serves to minimize issues facing democracy in order to maintain the fantasy of two parties operating in good faith.
  • golgikanji
    Both Sidesism Baloney
    I was dumbfounded that in your discussion of crazy conspiracy theories (Groundhog Day) you stubbornly refused to say "Republican". So I assume that your corporate overlords muzzled you before the show. Shameful. This is exactly why your show is News Light.
  • Toni Nolon
    The Best
    I have been listening to NPR for years. Since I don’t drive to work anymore I love having the news at my fingertips, when I am walking around my neighborhood. I appreciate that you state the facts and are incredibly professional. Thank you for being my source for news of the day.
  • Stick2 dancing
    Just a Thought
    I really think yall are discounting how much the discontent about Biden’s Gaza policy is going to affect him at the ballot box. I have seen and heard from countless individuals who say otherwise and I think that this is an issue that should be addressed in a more full manner. The policy should not be support Israel not matter the cost and ignore Palestinians. This is why this war began again in the first place.
  • Schmatz74
    So biased
    This program is so typical of NPR programs. They label Republicans as evil. They never referred to Democrats, rather they refer to the “average voter”. So it’s the evil Republicans vs the average voter. Everything Republicans do is unreasonable. Everything the average voter wants is of course, reasonable. As an educated American who votes, I listen to NPR to get the liberal side of the story and to understand, or try to understand, their point of view. But in this program, I can’t get past the biased semantics in the presentation in order to see the true facts. I’m very disappointed.
  • Mama Quilla
    Especially this cycle, if you’re not covering politics beyond the two indistinguishable establishment parties you’re not doing it right. Ignoring third party & independent candidates will not make them go away, just make listeners more determined to use other, more reliable independent sources to learn about them. This is especially so as our current government continues to use our tax dollars, & slowly erodes the nation’s soul, by funding a genocide while doing more harm than good around the world in the interest of greedy corporations and egocentric amoral individuals who collectively no longer truly believe in the ideals of the “great American experiment”.
  • Ali Schu
    I am a huge fan of the pod, a long time listener!
    I love the new look. Or the artwork . Alison Schuback
  • altmancpa
    Not bipartisan
    This show continues to span political news with a liberal, democratic viewpoint. Yet another divisive tool to our One Nation Under God. I long for a legitimate political news podcast that keeps personal agenda out and just gives news so we can stay up to date without it being skewed left or right.
  • Paul (Cali Dude)
    I do enjoy it but I have to filter out the left-leaning bias for example on today’s episode when the hosts referred to “pregnant people”. Let’s not lose sight of biological fact please: only woman are pregnant.
  • KJJ1988
    Dominico Montonaro states a lot of inaccurate stuff
    Please him review some of his statesments
  • Jb293
    Wonderful show
    I love the hosts. All are sensible and level-headed. I appreciate the analysis when I’m not sure what to make of things. Great job!
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