The Minimalists


The Minimalists are Emmy-nominated Netflix stars and New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Alongside cohost T.K. Coleman, they help millions of people live meaningful lives with less.

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Recent Reviews
  • Scope addict
    Bedroom clutter
    Great episode!
  • ALT Bar
    Hard no
    I'm a new listener to the podcast after discovering these guys via the Non-Consumer Advocate facebook group and their documentary. Overall, I like the message and Josh and Ryan seem like affable dudes, but I do also agree with some of the criticism here. 1. I think guests would be tremendously helpful to prevent the show from being one note and to offer different perspectives. For instance, I just listened to the show on clothing and would have really appreciated if they had a female guest since men's and women's clothing needs are very different. 2. The reading of their own essays seems... odd and far too frequent. Reading essays by other people makes sense, but both agressively promoting your books while also reading them to me is overkill. 3. The pacing could be improved. The episodes are quite long, which is only an issue because they seem stretched out by bits of administrata that could be left out entirely, or edited out later. For instance, giving books to people who ask questions is a very nice gesture, but is it necessary every time you do that to then tell Shawn to send a book to that person? Or tell Shawn to add things to the show notes? Presumably he knows to do that already, and this is somethng that frequently gets repeated multiple times each episode. Also, for people who agresseively eschew advertising, constantly repeating that your books are available as hardcover, paperback, audio, etc. feels like a commercial and comes off as hypocritical. Update 09/02/2017 Dropping from 3 stars to 1. I have lost patience with these guys now, and am starting to actively dislike them for a few reasons: 1. Their advice on things like money and diet are ill-informed and potentially harmful. They rarely couch it with any kind of disclaimer, and that's something I can't support in any way. 2. For a podcast on minimizing and streamlining your life, they sure do go on forever and repeat themselves. There is so much off-topic bloat in this podcast, it's often maddening to listen to. In the beginning of the Budget episode, they sit there giggling for five minutes--literally. Edit your podcast like you edited your posessions, guys. 3. The episide on crticism made it very clear that they only want positive reviews and no constructive feedback from their listeners.
  • jk947101
    Thank you!
    Favorite weekend cleaning podcast
  • I do not like this game...
    Love these guys
    It’s more than stuff you need to think about declutterimg and these guys have lots of ways to do it!
  • Laughter-at-law
    From Minimalist to Spartanism
    Thanks for getting me started on decluttering and then preventing me from going too far. Loved your episodes 1) about organizing is not decluttering and 2) my husband appreciates the Spartanism episode which stopped me from going overboard. You guys rock!
  • Marilyn558
    Saw one of these host on the Clutterbug, learned soo much, she asked good questions.
  • MandyS45
    Thankful for them
    All 3 of the hosts offer unique perspectives, but T.K. Is definitely my favorite. They somehow are able to offer both practical advice for living a more clear, purposeful life AND challenge my thought process. The way they verbally walk through the different clutters of life has helped give me a sense of confidence as I work to declutter the overwhelming corners of my life.
  • Rita B 22
    Getting rid of the excess stuff in your life is liberating. You will never know till you try.
  • Kquiroz00
    Life Changing Podcast
    I look forward to listening to this podcast every Monday since my sister introduced me to the Minimalists more than two years ago. They have enlightened me to a life changing philosophy. Their episodes continue to be engaging and thought- provoking. I’ve also learned and applied practical tips for living better.
  • Danielle Fiji
    The best content.
    This weekly conversations had given me the tools and insights to live a more joyful life with less stuff.
    Challenges my mindset
    I have so much to say about all the ways in which this podcast has changed my life, but I’ll just say this: it has challenged my mindset. Expanding my mind with every episode, challenging me to ask myself questions about the origins of my thinking. I’ve learned to approach all situations with curiosity versus judgement. I’m so incredibly grateful. This adds so much value to my life which is why I am a Patreon subscriber.
  • 9melinda27
    Live your best life.
    I’ve been listening for about a year and I’ve never been disappointed. Every episode has been a great adult conversation that is relevant and relatable, and includes useful tips and suggestions to help you live your best life.
  • BeADreamer98
    Much more than minimalism
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for several years now and have gotten so much value from it that I became a Patreon subscriber a year ago. I appreciate the different perspectives they bring to the table, and I feel their discussions have helped me strengthen my own muscle of open-mindedness.
  • markvalentinesmith
    Life Changing
    I have been listening since the beginning and really appreciate how the subject matter has expanded and evolved to encompass so many aspects of life! Minimalism isn’t just about stuff, y’all! That’s just typically the first bite at the apple, as Josh likes to say.
  • maraquin44
    Birthday Gift
    My five star rating is my gift to you all. I get a lot of value from each episode that I listen to. T.K.’s voice and presence on the show has been a great addition. I really enjoy his calmness, insight, and curiosity. Thank you guys for all that you do and for the value you add to my life.
  • KensiBlonde
    Mansplaining galore.
    Some of it is good but often these are painful dude bros who have real dude bro perspectives. Mansplainers to the max. And Joshua talks like he’s at a poetry slam. So annoying. Listening to him justify why he doesn’t help anyone was painful. TK Coleman is much better than the other two.
  • Nurse Cyn
    Going back
    Making my way backwards until i get to episode 1. Just wanted to comment that the intro reading to episode 387 made me tear up. You all are amazing at delivering your message.
  • Dgjeystj
    The best!
    Love this podcast! So many valuable insights presented in a thoughtful way. I have been listening for many years and am still learning new things.
  • Emily Ann99
    AI Episode
    Happy Belated Ryan!! I enjoyed the conversation about AI and got some good take aways to talk to my team about. The candor is priceless with you guys. Be well- Old Lady Goodfriend 😉
  • NakedontheTundra
    Awesome Episode About “Politics”
    This was an outstanding episode and illustrates why this is my favorite podcast!
  • TheGingerTre
    Really sad that this great podcast is venturing so far into the fringe.
    I wish that the hosts actually understood the science of some of the topics that they are currently venturing in to.
  • Jisabu
    My absolute favorite Podcast
    I have been listening to this podcast for over 5 years. Thank you for inspiring me to live life more intentionally and loving what truly matters in life. People. Now, I do love stuff, but I own the things I love, they don’t own me. I hope to meet you one day!! Keep doing your thing. Much love!!!
  • nonpnononi
    “Did Jesus wear Yeezys?” Laughed so hard during this portion I had to pull my car over. Been listening to this podcast for 6 years and every week I learn something new or challenge my thoughts. Thank you.
  • JCNH82
    The only podcast I listen to at 1x speed.
    The only podcast I listen to at 1x speed.
  • jesluby
    Intelligent conversations
    Very unique perspectives amongst the three hosts. I always enjoy hearing how they will respond so thoughtfully to topics. I’m always intrigued.
  • Lswett
    Favorite Podcast
    Happy Birthday Josh! I am not huge on listening to podcasts, however, I get notified every Monday because I ‘must’ listen to the eye opening words of the minimalists. I just want to thank you all for relaxing my mind and how I go about MY life and the decisions that I choose to make. I have learned so many routes of thinking from listening in on this show and it has helped me greatly. Thank you for sharing all of your opinions for the rest of us to hear! (This is the first rating I’ve ever done on podcasts)
  • Minima Organizing
    Every week, no matter what their topic is or what I have going on in my life, I get tons of value from their conversations. I’ve been a listener for many years and am now a Patreon member!
  • realastheyget
    I feel like the minimalist podcasts are thought provoking and positive. I share the podcast with friends that I have deep conversations with who don’t know who the minimalist are. This review is a birthday gift to Josh and my first podcast review ever and I’ve been listening for years Happy birthday!
  • Allison Klemp
    A long time coming
    My review is a long time coming. These folks have added much value to my life via their non-prescriptive approach to leading a minimal life. I have been a listener for a few years now, and also have taken their decluttering course (I cannot recall the specific title). Don’t be fooled by the title “The Minimalists”. Their conversations and advice get the listener to think reflectively on their own life situations and choices. This reflection allows the listener to look at what can be removed from their life (physically, mentally, and emotionally), so that they are able to focus on what matters most to them.
  • Annika1919
    Outstanding Podcast
    These wonderful podcasters have transformed my life and may transform yours as well. This podcast provides information to live a more meaningful life. Totally recommend! Give it a try!
  • Bbbbwwww
    Happy birthday Josh!
    Love the podcast and how it enhances my life - with no clutter:)
  • Andrew VanSingel
    Just came back to it
    Came back after a bit of a hiatus. TK is a good addition. Ryan seems to hmmmmm less but they gotta turn off the lights and open a door and let that cackling bird out of the studio.
  • Brcarroll93
    11+ years and counting
    If you are looking for personal growth, this is it. I’ve been listening to them/reading their books for 11 + years. I appreciate their perspectives on all of their topics, not just material things.
  • Nyssa from CA
    The only podcast I have consistently listened to
    As of today, this has been the only podcast that I have consistently listened to. I am the type of person who jumps from one thing to another and loses interest in things quicker than your average person. Why I still listen to them though: they are the reason why my life changed 180 degrees. Without going into too much detail, they are one of the biggest reasons why I see things differently now. Depression, anxiety, stress, etc almost nonexistent in my life. Because they made me realize (or that they initiated my journey and set me to go the “right” path), the things I was doing to bring all these negative things in my life. Mainly, they guided me on how to detach from our culture’s template and for trying to live a life that wasn’t true to myself. Thank you, Josh, TK, and Ryan for all that you do, for sharing your thoughts, opinions, and knowledge. It’s hard for me to find people who think and act like you so when I stumbled upon your show on Netflix, it was like finding diamond. Keep up the amazing work!
  • AR-therapist
    Life changing
    This show truly helps you engrain & live out a more intentional life. Love the variety of topics they cover & the creative way they continue to tie it back to purpose living. This is a show anyone & everyone can benefit from—hosts are genuine & interesting
  • Ivory in Lost Causes NM
    Happy Birthday
    One of the best podcasts in my Limited rotation keep up the good work!
  • sabbyjp
    It can change your life.
    I know that’s a pretty bold statement. And whilst it might not be true for all, it was for me. The themes and topics, if your open to them, can give you the gift of perspective and open you up to question your beliefs & behaviors in a positive and meaningful way.
  • Ninja JF JF
    Good Vibes
    Purging The Minimalists podcast for the past year gave me a much needed life reset. Happy birthday, Josh. We’re the same age so you have all those normal person vibes.
  • Nassim 8
    Happy birthday 💗💗💗
    Happy birthday 💗💗💗
  • Best 1222
    You guys are making the world a better and more thoughtful place! Thank you so much for all that you do!
  • VanessaLass85
    My All Time Favorite Podcast
    I’ve been listening to the Minimalists for a long time now and their content continues to provide me with inspiration for living an intentional life. I hope they continue their work for many years to come.
  • NSCharney
    Cannot remember….
    …. a time when I was NOT listening to The Minimalist! Their wisdom has impacted how I approach my life in so very many ways. If I was allocated only one podcast in which to listen, hands down it would be The Minimalist because of the overall value to me. Also…..NO advertisements.
  • Branden Woodall
    Pivot In Life
    I have been listening to the Minimalists for almost four years now and listening to the podcast has almost become a rhythm every Monday morning on my way to work. The biggest thing though is the shift in my thinking of things and being more intentional with what I have and to let my self love the things I truly enjoy. Although it is one small step in the same direction and other days it can be a big jump backwards, I come back to the phrase, “Love people and use things because the opposite never works.” Thank you JFM, Ryan, and TK. You are my friends that live in my ears and I hope to meet you someday. Blessings to you my friends.
  • rexrexrexrexrexrexreE
    Peaceful Podcast
    In a world of chaos and angry people, The Minimalist offer a respite for me. Longing to live a life without the attachment to stuff, realizing what is important and want I want to focus on is the draw for me. I listen, and I feel refreshed and inspired. They recognize we are all on different paths in our journey and that there is no one right way.
  • Hanna B, San Diego
    This is a must listen! Highly addictive, in a good way!
    The minimalist podcast is an exceptional combination of complex topics and simple everyday answers designed for every type of person wanting to create their best life. Two of my favorite topics were how to let go of emotional clutter and aging (how to turn 39 with Colin Wright). The minimalists give practical tips based on their real life experiences with expert advice and special guests. Minimalism is presented as a recipe, as Joshua Milburn says, and not a prescription. This allows the listener to choose what fits and create their own minimalist life. Once you listen, you will want to listen to all the episodes because the quality of the teaching is so good. You can listen on the go or anytime during the day that fits. This podcast has become my #1 go to and I look forward to the new episodes. This podcast is a must listen!
  • Jersey Girl 1980
    Life changing!
    This is an awesome podcast where it’s not just about getting rid of stuff or living minimally, it’s about living with intentionality. Some of the tips from the podcast have been valuable to me, some tips don’t apply (for example, I don’t have kids). The intentionality has helped in all aspects of life - it’s helped improve my finances, spending my time and so much more. Take the tips that apply to you and discard the rest. It’s definitely worth the listen!
  • Ninette555
    Enjoy Listening
    While I am not a full blown minimalist, I do enjoy listening to the podcast. I have learned a lot about life.
  • NMfan77
    By far my favorite podcast!!
    Joshua, Ryan and TK are awesome! This is a very well prepared show - does not waste my time. Yet at the same time it feels spontaneous. I thought I was pretty good at minimalizing before coming into contact with them — but they have allowed me to take it to a whole new level. Fantastic job — I always look forward to what they have to say on Mondays!
  • Plodcastr
    Wanted lo like this more.
    Sorry but was really hoping you'd get to the deeper, "grey" areas of the issue of toxic positivity. I just felt you played around it, but didn't dive too deeply into it. Also the issue was not seen from a variety of angles so really felt uninformed, though idea of how class can play into it was interesting. I might try another episode at some point, but am hesitant.
  • toxic_crayon
    Changed my life
    As my life was falling apart, these guys brought me back to real. I have my life somewhat together (well, who has it all together?). And it was all thanks to these guys.
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