The John Moore Show w/ John Moore


Real News Real Talk Real People

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Recent Reviews
  • Wholesomest
    Overall good guests and great information. A very valuable show you can learn from. Other than a tiny fraction of guests (J. R. Nyquist that is a shill for the powers that be) this is a great program to learn valuable information from.
  • Josh Roberson
    Coming in loud and clear again.
    Love this show. Especially 2nd and 3rd hr of Monday mornings. Sam Andrews is on point and gives out some solid straight forward information. Thanks John for what you do.
  • Ken apple guy
    Looks like Apple discontinued the show.
    Go and search for the libertyman.
  • Big John NOLA
    ? Answer
    I think Apple is blocking the show. I see his latest shows on his website.
  • Mbyers
    Past tense
    Really use to enjoy this show, but the constant advertising has really made it hard to listen.
  • scaredprepper
    Interesting show but could be better
    Firearms Monday is probably the most boring day in his lineup. It’s not the subject but his arrogant guest who is knowledgeable about guns has an attitude and is a bully. Anyone who debates with him usually is berated and made to feel like an idiot. I don’t have the time to listen to this egotistical person. John just sits back and agrees like a yes man. JR Nyquist is a globalist shill, McCanney is not as intelligent as he proclaims to be. Ben Nun from Israel is also a shill spreading disinformation. John from Tennessee a frequent caller is probably the best part of the show. He should have his own show.
  • bottom lne
    Mcanney is a liar
    The caller who called out mcanneys lies was accurate and then john you go as far as to try an cover the lies up an you hang up on the caller this was insane I can rewind an hear mcanney say they have secret mars missions he said it the caller was right anyway I’ve heard you do this to So many people now I’m done with your fake show and I will not recommended this show to anyone very phony
  • nocho bussinesss
    it’s all commercials now.
    I used to enjoy this show, but he interviews his sponsors as guest speakers. Almost all commercials.
  • Aaron from Virginia
    Good info with some issues
    I tune in every day to hear the great info that this show has just like any RBN show. John Moore has a wide array of quality guests. My issue is the way John will be very condescending and just plain rude to callers he doesn't agree with. I understand disagreements will happen but I see no reason to treat someone (especially frequent callers) like they are complete idiots. The way John treated Elizabeth (a frequent caller) today was just uncalled for. She deserves an apology. He also is very condescending to John from Tennessee (very frequent caller). He is always making snide remarks because John from Tennessee believes the flat Earth theory. Well John Moore you believe the Planet X stuff so why be rude to him? That Planet X stuff is just as crazy. I have been a listener to the show for a few years and have learned some valuable information but if this continues then I can't see myself supporting "The Liberty Man" anymore. I have bought a few products from John's website (rocket stove, water filter, 2 EMP Shields). I hope that John can change his cranky attitude because we don't need anymore division in this world. The globalist are doing enough of that themselves.
  • cariboujaguar
    A man sobbed and told you he’s contemplating suicide and you just cut him off and say you’ll pray for him. He needs counseling with a pastor or somebody, not to be blown off!
  • Ione70
    Good guests
    Pretty good guest lineups. John can be condescending at times and makes fun of people or groups that don’t think like him. Could have more time hearing what guests have to say if intro song was only at the beginning and not every hour. Plus, cutting bumper music/audio clips after every break. Would rather hear more valuable info.
  • PimpShaq357
    Could be 5 Stars but....
    If the Ole Liberty Man was not so monotone and had a little fire in his voice-box, he would get a 5-Star rating!
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