The Meb Faber Show

Business #195Investing #68

Ready to grow your wealth through smarter investing decisions? With The Meb Faber Show, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and investment fund manager, Meb Faber, brings you insights on today’s markets and the art of investing.Featuring some of the top investment professionals in the world as his guests, Meb will help you interpret global equity, bond, and commodity markets just like the pros. Whether it’s smart beta, trend following, value investing, or any other timely market topic, each week you’ll hear real market wisdom from the smartest minds in investing today. Better investing starts here.For more information on Meb, please visit For more on Cambria Investment Management, visit

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Recent Reviews
  • UltraLord1250
    Current Favorite Podcast
    Every time a new episode comes out, this pod is an immediate listen for me. It was hard for me to find an investing podcast that consistently interested me and this is it. I enjoy the broad range of topics and how Meb backs everything he says with data and facts. In all transparency I own multiple of Mebs funds and I think what he does it great!
  • Misskc116
    Super Informative
    I learn a lot from this podcast and I am always excited for the next episode! Keep them coming@
  • Zinko & Shamus
    Great stuff
    Meb never disappoints. Newbies or vets can learn something from his pods. Great stuff
  • stoicFlow
    Excellent podcast.
    Great content. Great guests.
  • dr375
    One of the best podcasts out there
    Meb’s Marc Cohodes podcast was a classic. He has a great mix of guests and is a fantastic interviewer.
  • MathewEhret
    Two thumbs up
    Just found Meb over YouTube. So far, his content is pretty good!
  • keithe1966
    Meb consistently does a great job with a good variety of guests
    Meb consistently does a great job with a good variety of guests
  • brendanwhite10
    A Must Listen For All Knowledge Levels
    I've been a supporter of the Meb Faber Show for about five years. I began listening after reading a few blogs and papers, and Meb's content (podcast and writing) has been extremely formative in my career development since then. Like no other podcast host, Meb is able to attract and engage top level industry thought leaders. What's more, he consistently produces high-quality content. Excellent work.
  • R0bb7
    Time to move on
    I can only imagine that Cambria must not be doing well that the podcast is a constant stream of infomercials and paid promotions. And if I need a pod on drinking, I won't follow an investing podcast. Time to unfollow.
  • Arnbjorn1
    The one podcast I never miss
    The best investing podcast around, in my opinion. Meb’s easy going conversational style get’s the most out of his impressive and eclectic collection of guests. Meb has the breadth and depth of knowledge to be conversant about seemingly any investment topic. Great source of education as well as idea generation for investors. You will feel ready to protect and grow your wealth as soon as you hear the intro music.
  • drshakal
    Always Interesting
    Love you Meb, how come not one ? About Roger’s agriculture etf?? Or one hard ball ? About all the China Love, he moved his family there! He is very very likely in the end to be right but so far very very wrong. I know he’s old and all but you owe it to your young listeners Best interviewing skills! Very low key but elicits key insights. Most recent Reynolds on Grain is phenomenal!
  • Grouan
    One of the best shows on the markets, economics and society broadly.
    The Meb Show perpetually delivers the goods- and with huge variance in subject matter. And it is done in the right amount as well- it is a long format podcast, but not too long. 45 minutes is the right amount- although for some guests it would be great to have a longer show. This is the show that feeds my intellect on the most regular basis: great guests with great insights. The format is really fun and very conversational. I really appreciate all the different types of guests on the show. One suggestion- have a show looking back at the best 5-10 shows in the last year, with relevant clips. I would like to make sure I hear what you thought th best shows were and what were the most popular shows. Keep up the great work. Thank you !
  • obacker19
    Must listen! 🔥
    Regardless of where you are in your investing journey - Meb is a can’t miss resource along the way! He curates conversations - and topics - with a depth, breadth and energy that only someone truly committed to sharing the art of investing can. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • hbdonova
    Best investing podcast by far
    So many great episodes so far this year, highly recommend. Thanks Meb!
  • tsblu
    Always a learning experience
    Wide variety of guests mixed with Meb’s views is almost always worthwhile
  • HowdyHo12
    Great personality
    I’ve been listening to Meb for a few years and made a lot of money based on the ideas and people he’s spoken to. His historical drum keeps banging and is well appreciated to keep us sober.
  • Darin Hurts
    Best finance podcast!
    Great pod for investors. Must listen.
  • MAMCG53
    Mlodinow interview
    Probably should stick to theoretical physics. Another pop psychologist making the rounds to various interviewers flogging his new book. A departure from Meb’s usually interesting programs.
  • Havy09
    Not for Everyone
    ^ Perfect if you love doubling down on Value Investing!
  • Darius Dale, CEO of @42macro
    One of the Best Podcasts, Period
    ☝🏾 -Darius Dale, CEO of @42macro
  • Jtmaday
    Meb is the common man's investor
    Meb hosts a range of guests from corporate finance to venture capital to small business owners to academia. His topics cover economics, finance, personal investing, and business advice. Meb is an altruist who has made a lot of people a lot of money. I myself have found local businesses and alternative investing options based on this show and Meb's books. 5/5, this is 1 of my 3 go-to investing and saving podcasts. Full disclosure: I am an investor in Cambria Investment funds. Long: GAA, SYLD, EYLD, FYLD
  • @MichaelUnbroken
    Amazing podcast✨✨
    I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
  • JS_Bergen
    Humble and amazing
    Another epic episode, this time with Jim Paulsen. Thanks for the effort and hard work of producing a great pod week in and week out.
  • Kurt from Seattle
    Great host and diverse guest selection
    Meb is so engaging and fun and like that he is a humble investor. I also like that he even brings on competing funds onto the show just to give them a chance to make their pitch. One feedback to guests is they sound like idiots if they are not willing to pitch a single stock/idea (eg the gold guy), it makes me think they don’t know what they’re doing and are overly paranoid.
  • ArlieLP
    Invest your time here!
    Meb never misses! I so appreciate the conversations happening here - between his insightful questions and brilliant guests, I learn every time I listen. It’s an incredible resource!
  • MorganCledon
    Best investing pod by far
    Men’s interviews are great - no better pod to listen to in the investing world !
  • Matt-SEO
    One of the best investing podcasts
    I've been listening for a couple of years and in my opinion the podcast is a must listen.
  • Bob Basc
    Meb Faber Always Offers Valuable Humble and Honest Perspectives
    I met Meb briefly many years ago at a Morningstar conference and have listened to several of his podcasts. He is always humble, honest, helpful and ready to learn from anyone. He is always respectful. He is a great host and I honestly believe he does this work in part out of a sincere desire to offer valuable insight not offered often enough to the general public. Unique content collected and produced in a very professional manner for the greater good. The world needs more Meb Fabers! Great work, Meb Faber!
  • brian from the buyside
    Been enjoying this all year
    Smart host, straight to the point, knows the right questions to ask (and when). Good podcast for buy-side research analysts.
  • drewsomefoo
    Consistently great
    One of my go-to podcasts. Interesting guests and great topics. Highly recommended!
  • Tom the Huple
    Desperate Investing Neophyte Learning a LOT!
    This show has been fantastic for me, a recently retired employee with zero interest in investing . . . until now, since we're counting on it for the next 30+ years! I was extremely stressed about it all, but starting this year I listened to this show regularly. It exposes and educates me to a variety of perspectives, investment concepts, approaches, etc. Initially, it was quite over my head, but quickly (with a little side study) I could follow - and I've been learning a lot. Time length of episodes is great. Depth of topic is excellent. Breadth of topics also great. The website has excellent resources to follow up on episode specifics. This podcast never disappoints. How's that for pressure?! :-)
  • KYBen10
    Meb is the man!
    So much great, informative, engaging content, and Meb makes it fun, every time. High quality investing commentary from a guy you’d love to have a beer with, a recipe for an awesome podcast.
  • John C in Seattle
    International Investing
    Meb, this was a great interview and I really like listening to Perth. I decided to invest in her fund as I agree with your thesis about emerging markets for the long term e.g. GMO. BTW Happy birthday.
  • Duncan Kelm
    Brilliantly Cultivated Product
    I am a firm believer that our greatest asset is our time. I guard mine closely. I try to always listen to Meb’s podcast because I know I get a phenomenal return on investment (ROI) of my time. He takes an approach less traveled that really provokes critical thought. His unabashed thinking and willingness to share make this one of the few can’t miss podcasts for me. He weaves a quantitive (quant) background with psychology, humility, taxation, and curiosity. A very rare trait to have so much delivered in one medium. Also, as someone who works professionally in finance I hear a lot of opinions and strategies daily. It is rare that you have someone willing to swim against the current, admit their past mistakes, and try and share with others to help them. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just entering the world of finance this podcast will give you content that will feed the growth and humility necessary to stay on point. Highly recommend.
  • TritonToby
    One of my few must listen each week
    Smart and fun. Educational without being stuffy.
  • opinion machine
    Best Podcast Host
    Meb is super smart, presents evidence based investment content, chooses outstanding guests, and is an excellent interviewer. Go back and listen to episode 26 with Larry Swedroe and episode 60 with William Bernstein. If you’re looking for a few investment podcasts to follow, put this one in your top 3. On par with Barry Ritholtz’s Masters in Business and Rick Ferri’s Bogleheads On Investing, but with a more up to date market analysis and an arguably fresher perspective. Keep up the great work. I’ve learned a ton from you.
  • brendan goodliffe
    Best Investing Podcast Out There
    Happy bday Meb. I’m mid 20’s and been listening to Meb for a few years. I think he is one of the best interviewers I’ve listened to - let’s his guests speak, asks pointed questions, does his homework, and contributes when appropriate. It’s hard for me to trust someone on the internet, as I’m always skeptical. Meb has fully gained that trust and it’s because he is never selling anything and has guests that have all sorts of different opinions letting you develop your own and develop the best investment strategy for you. As you can see...I’m a big fan and I highly recommend if you want to learn about all things $$.
  • TitoYoung
    This podcast took out 90% of my FB time
    Great content. Outstanding guest speakers. Nerdy or otherwise, all fascinating ! I hate you Meb. I even had to reallocate my smart phone time budget. About 250 episodes to catch up. Keep up the darn good work!
  • John1A-Q
    Great show!
    Great show about investing and startups.
  • Patrcia C
    Awesome investing podcast!
    Best investing podcast I’ve listened to.
  • NickG247
    Amazing podcast
    Great podcast. Love listening
  • JDD065
    TOKE for the win!
    Best investment interviews IMO!
  • NickKol1975
    The depth of analysis is awesome
    Love the details and depth that you go into. Very insightful and I always end up learning something new. The guests you bring in are always more insightful than what i can get on any other show. Thank you for this public service.
  • tboa
    I feel smarter
    I’m an artist through and through. From dancing hula with my mom at the age of 5 til now as a actor. I’ve never had someone in my life growing up to talk about stocks. My now step father and I talk about stocks and when I talk to my step father, I feel a little smarter. Thank you for this great podcast!
  • Bestflowinthe
    Favorite Finance Podcast
    Meb does a great job straddling the line of institutional to personal investing. He removes a lot of the institutional investing kabuki showing as Dead Prez said ‘these just people with ideas’. He helps me think about my personal investing and business ideas and does a great job humanizing the founders’ process.
  • GoVols5198
    Great Investment Insight
    Just discovered this podcast after hearing Meb on Chat with Traders. I’m catching up on the past shows as well and I almost always get useful information out of every episode. I love the fact it’s all about investing and rarely touches on all the negativity that’s predominate in most social media. Big Thumbs Up!!!
  • noah.segal
    Fantastic Podcast
    This is my favorite investment podcast, which means a lot coming from me because I listen to at least 10 different finance podcasts a week. Meb is a great host and asks interesting questions. The show has a very diverse set of guests and I’m always excited to listen. Keep up the great work Meb, I’ve learned a lot about the industry from this show.
  • J. Barshop
    I love discovering new ideas here
    It’s obvious that Meb puts extraordinary effort in covering topics and finding guests that are authentic and truly care about being a positive force in this world - the insights they bring to bear is still mind-blowing Every. Single. Time. No matter the subject, you’re guaranteed to gain something from every episode - can’t recommend The Meb Faber Show enough 🙌
  • SJB Denver
    I’ve listened for years and acted on multiple alternative investments based on what I learned from Meb and his guests. Thank you Meb
  • AlwaysPinHigh
    Meb is the man
    I owe Meb a solid 5 star review. He has been a solid influence in my investing career. I love his advice to control what you can, namely expenses and taxes. That’s my mantra now. Get that part right and don’t sweat the rest.
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