Jim Cornette Experience

Sports #69Wrestling #2

The Jim Cornette Experience features Jim and his co-host The Great Brian Last discussing–and often dissecting–topics ranging from classic and current pro wrestling to politics, food and whatever is pissing Jim off! It’s freewheeling discussion that goes wherever JC takes it!


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Recent Reviews
  • consumer1156
  • 674ghost
    Best Podcast Ever!
    Nothing better!
  • Bobby C81
    If you enjoy wrestling then you have to listen to this podcast. Rational, intelligent, relatable, honest without bias. It’s hilarious and pretty much everything Jim and Brian say makes perfect sense. Best wrestling podcast easily.
  • larryl39
    Jim u need to shut up u out of touch of course u don’t kno the celebrities it’s 2025 not 1980 get wit the times man
  • YUsucksobad
    Embarrassingly ignorant
    I’m having to call it a day on Jim Cornette. He was a fun wrestling heel and I assumed he knows something about wrestling, but he so laughably ignorant about anything removed from wrestling, yet speaks with such certitude about so many topics removed from wrestling about which he lacks even a rudimentary understanding that now I’m inclined to believe he probably doesn’t know all that much about wrestling either! He’s essentially just a bitter has-been lamenting other people’s success, while trying to sell action figures from his garage. He brings nothing of value to the world at this point. Was he a good wrestling heel, or has he always been a miserable no-nothing who landed a job playing a version of himself? I’d argue that’s less talent than being the right guy in the right place at the right time.
  • Big Black Hog
    Best Wrestling Podcast
    Love the show. Jim has been called everything but he’s quite entertaining. So say he’s doing a gimmick but he has been proven right on most occasions.
  • Snavitz Tocci
    Brian Last is one of the few historians who can keep up with James E. Cornette. If he would play the organ/synthesizer less, it would be a nearly perfect show.
  • Tim "BSK" Baker
    Give it a rest…
    I used to love this show but the quality drops along with the programs it reviews
  • Not Happy 345
    Wrestling not political commentary
    The show has amazing wrestling commentary, but I have to fast forward through the political ranting. I don't come here for politics. Too bad the landscapers don't show up during the political segment.
  • TimmySlick
    Trump 2024
    Good show regardless if Corny is a Trump-hating Atheist. I’m a Trump-loving Christian, but I still love Cornette and his show and knowledge and history of pro wrestling. The show always gets me to laugh hard. Appreciate you, Jim!
  • Permian Basin
    Love the show
    Hate the Michael Vick ads
  • cusimfk
    He'd Go Off
    I wish he knew that there was an ad with Michael Vick on one of his episodes.
  • Mikey n Fred
    Great (ding)
    First off I’m not Uncle Dave just Willy Nilly handing out stars for whatever. The dynamic between Jim and Brian is very interesting. The ad reads are superior to any other podcast series out there. With the way they do things the products are very memorable. I share the opinion of Jim on today’s wrestling, I run a small independent wrestling promotion out of West Texas and I strive to do things, or should I say not do things to embarrass the wrestling business. The insight on what not to do is very helpful and with the information that I receive weekly I have increased my houses. Long story longer, I 100% recommend this podcast to anyone who has an appreciation for wrestling. If you are in the business the information you get will be eye opening for you.
  • Floyd mrrry
    should be the best wrestling podcast out there but they’ve talked themselves into a gimmick they have to stick with cuz it pays. this podcast is bad enuf for me to question anything cornette has ever done in wrestling. minus another star for whoever the cohost is.
  • NickyD1978
    All hail Corny
    If you’re not a fan of Cornette then you should reevaluate your life
  • fitesucks
    Not so funny omnibus 3
    Next time just say we’re taking the week off.
  • ReviewDude007
    If you’re reading this you should have your hard dive confiscated by the cops
  • Hazayyy
    This entire show was on YouTube already- again
    SOOOOOOO annoying the YouTube clips come out THREE DAYS before**** the podcast. I don’t wanna listen to the SAME THING twice, so then when I listen to the full pod when trying to go to sleep or drive to work I always have to skip huge swatches. You guys are trying to put numbers and metrics ahead of the listeners now and it’s obvious with this layout. Sad bc I’ve been listening since Alice and this entire YouTube clip format coming days before the pod is annoying at BEST and has really ruined the listening experience
  • MMfootballfan
    Most entertaining wrestling related podcast
    I don’t always agree with Jim Cornette’s political or wrestling viewpoints. But he is so entertaining and insightful. When it comes to reviewing wrestling shows. His breakdowns on what works or doesn’t is spot on. He presents logic in a world that sometimes doesn’t have enough of it. And does it in such a comical fashion.
  • murf_106
    Love the show.
    Love the show. Listen to it weekly. But the new theme song is God awful.
  • RyanElliot
    Love the humor
    Jim and Brian, I hope you meet you both one day. I’ve had to pull over and wipe tears of laughter out of my eyes while listening. Thank you both for the informative opinions and entertainment!
  • Charles Mulls
    It was better without the songs.
    I’m sure I’m one in a very few, but I cannot stand music in my wrestling or anything that isn’t music. I love Jim singing, but the intro songs are too much and annoying. That stretch without songs was nice to not have to fast forward.
  • Ecstatic_Major89
    80’s wrestling fan opinion.
    The show has its highs and lows. Jim is actually a great historian. I appreciate his take on wrestling but it’s humorous to think anyone in this day and age with access to the internet would set seats a fire. After hearing Jim on the Steve Austin show and the Ross report in what was either 2013 or 14 I wanted to just “listen” to him. As of now the odd humorous advertising and out of place musical instruments have made it hard to enjoy the show. It is what it is. I appreciate the show but in comparison this will grow to become a kin to the mortgage guys podcast which is just extremely hard to listen to which is embarrassing enough to admit at one time I use to listen. I hope the show gets better. This podcast would be worlds better if they stop aew reviews maybe comment on big wrestling topics and just stick to old school stories and wrestling facts.
  • -TNLJ-
    Long time listener for a reason.
    Is there any better 1,2 punch in wrestling podcasts, I think not. Jim and Brian are the true kings.
  • Tom smooth
    Legendary Status
    The greatest wrestling podcast out today.
  • AngelXSantana
    Brian last is a Vince Russo fan that’s why he’s hiding his face n Jim is a hippocrite with loser followers n that’s a fact. No talent Nerds judging talent get the f outta here 😂
  • justAjohnson
    Other than being a week behind, Best Podcast
    Unfortunately, for me it runs a week behind and going into big events gets me confused as to what’s going on. I keep thinking I missed a tv show a JCE/DT show. I have enough to keep straight. If it weren’t a week behind, it’d still be in my library.
  • MisterHellJ
    One star!!!!
    UPDATE!! It appears that I was wrong, Mr. Omega would not stand a chance in H E double hockey sticks against the wrath of an opponent the likes of JEC. My sincere apologies, toodleoo. Kenny omega would dump your truck, Cornette! You call him twinkle toes one or two more times, and we, the people, will have your lunch and cancel you!
  • Bobcast Goldthwait
    Worth it for Jim’s laugh alone but this is definitely the most entertaining wrestling pod out there!
  • DragonSavage3
    Best pod in the business
    Jim’s knowledge with Brian steering the ship is an unbeatable combo.
  • adrenaline in my soul
    love the guys
    the cult of meat and eexxxxxtrraaaaa cheeeeese
  • Crsz1
    Love the show.
    Jim and Brian are awesome. Love the show. Always be a member of the Cult.
  • Cornette Cultist
    Who was it
    Please name the 12 - 15 people you have guzzled over the years.
  • The Excellence of Execution_87
    The best wrestling podcast out there
    Jim and Brian are not only hilarious, they’re a gold mine of information. It’s crazy that all of this historical knowledge is free! This is hands down the best wrestling podcast out there.
  • TheLDG
    More math please!
  • Mike J Wilson
    Best Ever
    I came from youtube!! Greatest Podcast ever. Please do some more non wrestling content. Your food debates are the best!
  • Steven w Blank
    One of the best
    U guys are great. Feed off each other well. Also I can’t help but think of Stephen p new when I watch wccw!
  • Mike Parker35
    Meet Neocon Jim
    Jim’s apparently gone full neocon. He’s worried sick about muh Greatest Ally.
  • Scdxas
    Out of touch
    Stuck in a world of yesteryear. Obsesses about TV ratings when doesn’t understand that people don’t do appointment television anymore. Wrestling is in competition with someone being able to watch any show or movie that has ever been made at any time they choose due to streaming. Content Consumption has changed. Obviously more people watch than who is on the cable ratings. You can watch full episodes on multiple common streaming sites and can watch live in a way that doesn’t count as a “viewer”
  • Tlbennett1973
    This & The Drive-thru are the best podcasts out!!
    I watched wrestling from the 70’s - The tail end of the Attitude Era. Haven’t been able to stomach it since. Have always loved JC and The Midnight Express!! Bobby Eaton and Ric Flair were gods to me growing up!! Jim reviewing these dumpster fires is absolutely hilarious and let’s me know that I’m not missing anything. I can listen to him reminisce about the territory days all day!! He is a true treasure trove of knowledge and possibly one of the greatest storytellers of all times!! He is a national treasure ✌️😊💚 Thanks Guys!!
  • Anthony NorCal
    Commercials are Hilarious
    All, This podcast is great and the commercials are hilarious!! A must listen as is everything JC!! Thanks for the entertainment!! Anthony Nor Cal
  • Filippetti
    One Star Reviews 😂
    All the one star reviews are biased fanboys, if this was really a 1-star show it still wouldn’t be holding a 4.5 against your failed review bombing. As Scott Steiner said, “the numbers don’t lie!”
  • BigEdCincy
    The most entertaining and informative
    Jim and Brian really nail bridging entertainment and insight and is better than any podcast I’ve ever experienced. It just so happens they do this by talking about one of my favorite genres, professional wrestling. Moreover, the stories are more of a fireside chat than a rundown discussion. Please indulge yourself with this podcast even if you are not into wrestling. - Ed Spillers (a.k.a. - WorldFamousLee)
  • JustinFrick
    Vile old grifter man and his sycophant
    When he goes the business will be a better place
  • Tolcat
    Boring snd ax-grinding
    Are used to be a big fan of this podcast and always was a fan of Jim Cornett, one of the best wrestling minds out there. As a fan of classic wrestling (Ric Flair, Terry Funk, Taz’s, FTR, CM Punk, etc.), I agreed with so much that Jim sad but now his scorn for AEW has gotten boring as the slick predictable circus-like product of WWE seems to be what Jim prefers. Brian Last has become insufferable and he clearly has become a legend in his own mind for reasons, clear only to him. I just finished watching the greatest pro wrestling pay-per-view ever AEW All In London. Amazing! It seems now that Jim and his sidekick are just trying to hang on by knocking AEW. Might be a great way for them to earn a living but it sure boring to listen to. Signing off after two years of listening to the same old same old. Still a fan of Jim Cornette, but no longer of his podcasts.
  • Tayworld02
    Express VPN Time Travel
    The advertisements are top tier hysterical 😭
  • androtaz69
    Twinkle Toes and the Hardly Boys
    Jim is the best thing in the wrestling business today… and he’s not even in the business! Download every episode and listen twice.
  • nrbaker
    Hey Derek!
    I’d listen to Jim Cornette read a phone book.
  • David - Pittsburgh
    Getting shows out on time!!
    Did I just not hear the usual ending song on the Experience?!?!? Wednesday nights I get to stay up late....
  • catholicgeek92
    Was excited to listen
    I was so excited to listen to your podcast but you spent the first 10 minutes crapping on my faith I truly believe we are all allowed to have our own opinions so mine is to unfollow but wish you well
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