Batman Family Reunion


All are welcome at this reunion! Join hosts Paul Kien and Shawn M. Myers as they discuss the Bronze Age classic comic, The Batman Family! We promise that the fried chicken is great, but the stories are even better!

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Recent Reviews
  • Mr. Scarn
    For Pedantic Review Lovers
    If you enjoy reviews that are pedantic, you’ll love this podcast. Unfortunately for me, I find that hosts who are overly nitpicky become very annoying very quickly. The subject matter of the reviews is terrific. I just wish the hosts would focus more on why these old stories are so fun, rather than all the tiny little details that they find unrealistic. Any child can point out what is unrealistic about a fictional superhero story. That’s part of the charm and why we read them. While I don’t know if the hosts are doing this intentionally, I do know that listening to them tear down what makes these stories and characters fun is not enjoyable.
  • Rocky Star wind
    Holy amazing Batman
    Great show and the guest and host have a lot of fun can’t wait to here the story’s with two of my favorites the Atom and the Demon .
  • Bucky749
    From a proud member of the Batman family
    I’ve bin to this reunion quite a number of times . And look forward to hearing from our bat cousins . And who ever there special guest is when talking about these comics . They make them come alive and put so much passion and love in to this series . It really feels like each month you really are at a family reunion. And you all just happen to part of the Batman family . P.s. Can some one tell aunt Kathy , to put away the fishing pole . That’s not what cousin Rob meant when he said she should fishing for a new boy friend (sigh) Jeremy :(confused) what’s she using for bait ?? Shag(shugs shoulders ) a copy of Batman family #4. (Laugh freeze frame )
  • 8brett8
    Brilliant, silly fun
    I know, I know… Batman Family? It’s a classic old series with sometimes good and sometimes bad stories featuring Batgirl, Robin, Man-Bat, Alfred, and more. The hosts have a ton of fun with every issue with sincere effort and love to their work. Have a listen!
  • kcvidkid
    I’ll bring the deviled eggs
    I enjoy this podcast immensely. Not only does it revolve around the clever play on words in its title, but also one of my favorite comic books as I was growing up. It’s well-produced and hosted by two true fans who entertain me with their witty banter. Give it a listen. I’m always there, same bat-time, same bat-channel.
  • TrivTriv
    More Excellence from the Fire and Water Network
    Just what I've come to expect from the F&W Network: Middle-age comics geeks exploring superhero nostalgia thoughtfully and with laugh-out-loud humor, and zero toxic fanboy nonsense. Highly recommended for anyone who likes Batman or comics.
  • CaptainEntropy
    Terrific Hosts
    I only joined up after Ryan and Chris stopped doing an index and started doing just the comics they love, so I can't speak to the first episodes. Listening to these two talk about the Batman comics they enjoy (and commenting on the site) is like having a conversation with two knowledgeable, funny friends about your favorite Bat-comics. Also, their production values are excellent. Check out the prose stories! I hope this comes back soon, but Ryan and Chris are producing plenty of other great material in the meanwhile, so I can't complain too loudly...
  • rlsharp77
    Very impressed
    Recommend by rob and shag from The Who’s who podcast. This is a amazing podcast and I wanted to jump on for the build to knightfall!!!!!!! (Long live AZ-Bats)
  • LolaBell17
    Now even better
    Always fun- now covering all the great eras of Batman! This change makes for more variety and helps you learn about and appreciate a wider range of creators. Great job guys!
  • NerdyLove1997
    Forever in My Bat-Phase
    Everyone has a “Bat Phase” where they are super into Batman, right? Well, for some of us (those of us with good taste 😀), that phase never ends. Good thing there’s Knightcast. In this show, Chris and Ryan do a deep dive into Post-Crisis Batman, as he grows from “Friend of the Police” to the dark knight of vengeance we all know and love. Chris and Ryan have a great rapport and keep things lively. And Chris might know more about Batman than anyone ever. So grab a street punk, haul him up a building, and scream in a gravelly voice, “Listen to Knightcast!” —Sean Ross
  • Cmessthe1st
    Favorite new podcast
    I miss this show . Hope the guys ain’t dead
  • Aaron_Henley
    They are vengeance, they are the night, they are PODCASTERS!!
    Chris & Ryan are great. Veteran podcasters tackling a project of behemoth size is always a risky proposition. However, I am happy to say they pull it off with aplomb. The commentary, discussion, banter, and just general hijinks keep me entertained for the roughly two hours for each episode. They have got me going through these books again and seeing things I missed on my own read through from a few years ago. Looking forward to seeing every notification of a new episode on my Ipod. Keep up the great work guys.
  • RafeYork
    My Current Favorite
    I spend a lot of time in the car, and as such I listen to a lot of comics podcasts. The Batman Knightcast is my favorite. Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin's knowledge of and enthusiasm for Post-Crisis Batman has sparked the latest on-again phase of my Batman reading/collecting. They approach these comics with open minds, as evidenced by their re-evaluation of some of the Max Allan Collins issues. They clearly pride themselves on preparation as they often bring interesting back stories to the podcast and the creator spotlight segments are always informative. Daly and Franklin strike an nice balance between beinganalytical and entertaining, and their chemistry is excellent. I look forward to listening to The Batman Knightcast every time a new episode drops.
  • Council of Geeks
    They've Done It Again
    Another fine entry from the always reliable Fire and Water Network. Both hosts are unquestionably Batman fans, but not blind fanboys. As they explore the post-crisis era of the Dark Knight they acknowledge both the highs and the lows of each issue in and entertaining and insightful fashion. Great listening, even if you haven't read the specific issues they're talking about.
  • KyleBenning41
    Holy Awesome Post-Crisis Podcast Batman!
    This podcast is a fantastic audio chronicle of Batman's post-Crisis adventures from two Batman experts. Chris & Ryan bring with them a wealth of Bat-knowledge and enthusiasm in their coverage of perhaps the single greatest era of Batman comics! They have a great podcast dynamic, rivaling the teamwork of Batman & Robin themselves! It's a must listen for any Bat-Fan! 5 stars!
  • Piperruth
    Dynamic duo! (Because I haven't seen that used for a title yet)
    Post-crisis Batman. The hosts navigate the material with style and aplomb, bringing their wealth of knowledge from being fans for many years. They have a great chemistry and make a great team to produce an awesome show filled with facts, humor, wit, and great insights. Join the Knightcast for a knightcap. It's worth it!
  • DJ Kristatos
    Doing a Happy BatDance
    Have you ever danced with a podcast in the pale moonlight? You will want to after listening to the excellent podcast that is covering the post crisis Batman issues. Great podcast with two excellent hosts that know their Batman knowledge. I look forward to each episode release. Keep up the great work. Pat Sampson
  • j david weter
    My new Go To Podcast
    Batman Knightcast quickly found a permanent home in my podcast listening. Ryan and Chris compliment each other perfectly, and they have both knowledge, and great love of this era of the Dark Knight. I eagerly await every episode, and it will be on my podcatcher for the show's entire lifespan. Big thumbs up.
  • Clinton Robison
    Certainly not to the batpoles
    Do you like your Batman campy and cracking jokes? Well he's not on this podcast. This is the Batman that emerged post-Crisis. He gets dark and gritty sometimes. Good thing he's got two fans hosting this show that love to have a good time. Ryan and Chris point out the good, the bad and most definitely the ugly in these stories. Pick and choose your favorite issues or strap in and enjoy the full ride from the mid-80s through the 2000s (and that's just the Batmobile's speed here folks). You can't go wrong here...unless your favorite Batvillain is Chandelle. Or Magpie.
  • FatMan5150
    Post-Crisis Fun
    Great show about the post-Crisis era of Batman. Tons of fun to listen to. Keep up the good work guys!
  • JeannaBob
    I'm loveing re-reading along with this podcast!
  • DSandRS
    Come Into The Light
    KnightCast is a Batman podcast ... that certainly doesn't make it unique, but what does make it exceptional are the hosts. Prolific podcast professional Ryan Daly and Supermates Super Co-Host Chris Franklin bring a wealth of knowledge and a good sense of humor to the post-crisis Batman era.
  • bigbals
    Knightcast is a great addition to F&W podcast network.
    Great concept + outstanding host = highly enjoyable podcast. The inaugural episode sets up future episodes quite nicely. For those missing Ryan Daly's Secret Origins podcast, I am sure this will be a superb replacement. I was only a intermittent Batman fan during the time period this podcast will cover so I am looking forward to in depth coverage of storylines that I might have missed when they were published. Every DC, Batman, and/ or comic book enthusiast should give it a try!
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