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The Bern's MomThank youThank you for having fun conversations, bits of seriousness, smiles, keeping it real moments, and more every time I listen to a pod or read a newsletter. Keep it up and can’t wait for the next one!
AuntDi11Ali on the Run is Pure Heart and GenuinenessMy niece introduced me to Ali on the Run two years ago and I am so thankful she did! I love her beautiful spirit, her knowledge and skills, and her love of running but most of all her love of people. I had the privilege of meeting her in Chicago and receiving a big hug and kindest words and smile! You are doing great and you are a blessing to many!! Thank you Ali!!!
nica071792Ali made me love sportsI have never considered myself a “sports” person, but I love this podcast and have realized that sports are just another form of storytelling. Thank you Ali for bringing us along on your journey and for exemplifying how to have healthy boundaries in this world!
abby.huelogistics queen & jenny simpsonloved loved loved the jenny simpson episode! jenny’s insight on her recent races and on retirement was so lovely to listen to. what a treat that this ep was 2 hours long. ali’s love for understanding the logistics of events when interviewing about races scratches my organizational itch. loved all the detail in this episode especially :)
BarbEisnet553Ali on the Run podcast is so entertaining. Great interview today with Jenny Simpson!! Your questions were super and Jenny is so fun to listen to. She is so kind and genuine! Keep up the awesomeness. The almost 2 hours flew by!!
jekdosnsvagsuskfGreat podcastGreat podcast, always! Long time listener, first time reviewer - inspired to formally rate to help balance out the mean person who gave a bad review based solely on disagreeing with a political comment made by Ali (not surprising someone in that camp would try to retaliate and hurt someone else), a point irrelevant and unrelated to the success of her overall running podcast. Ali is fun and engaging in all podcasts and brings an excitement and energy that is much needed and appreciated in the running community! Keep it up Ali! Kindness always wins!
VirginiaRunHerGirlAnne Keane on Ali on the RunWhat an amazing, uplifting, soul-wrenching episode… Anne - thank you for sharing your journey and your honest, courageous, incredibly difficult and fierce approach to living your best life, seizing the day through the unimaginable challenges and finding your voice to help give others hope and an example…you are amazing… and your daughter has THE very and only role model she will ever need to live life to the fullest. thank you for all you are doing to raise awareness and help others. You will always be in my prayers. And Ali? This episode was you at your absolute best. Another Master Class. You are an amazing host and journalist who always finds the right words, empathy and concern to help your guests tell their story. You too are fierce, honest and incredibly resilient in life and this episode will mean so much to those of us with lives and who needed to hear that yes. Thru this darkness It’s gong to be Ok. Thank you.
Ali B in pvJoy!Lots of laughing out loud and smiling when listing to the Sisson/Chicago episode! It was a rough morning for me. One where I woke up, got ready for a run, everything went wrong, didn’t make it out the door and changed into my work clothes. I do a lot of driving for work and between stops, listen to podcasts. Ali and her guests breathe life back into me with their their humor and passion for the sport! They help me feel connected with my runner identity when life doesn’t let me run 🫶
longmontrunnermomExcellent podcastAli’s interviews are a masterful blend of depth and levity. Substance and fun. She’s so warm and natural and friendly. By extension, as a listener, I feel like I’m friends with her guests too.
no nickname avaialbeThanxGreat recent pod and I was glad to see a bit of politics Our future is so dependent on people voting Keep it going
alymgatorRight before an election and you have this interview, really?Ali F. is one of the most talented podcasters, extremely passionate and amazing. However she is correct she will get a one star review for making this political. Biden Harris has let in so many illegals that have murdered and raped female runners, non runners, women, men, and children. Harris is caught on an interview not opposed to letting the Boston Marathon Bomber vote from jail, let’s go back to interview from Michelle Blackburn. The Boston Marathoner victim who almost lost both her legs. Can you ask her how she feels? Allowing biological men to compete in woman sport and changing in female locker rooms. Not agreeing with Trump because you think he is against woman’s rights is wrong. It is having abortions late in the pregnancy 8-9 months that he is against.
ELAbbottPerfect for running motivation and beyond!Lauren Peterson episode has been my favorite so far. It just hit so many good notes and was so relevant to what’s going on right now. But I love them all. Thank you for bringing on great guests and helping motivate my running!
UsuallyhatestreadmillsGreat interviews!Ali is such a wonderful interviewer and has fantastic guests. You can tell she cares deeply about the sport and the people behind it.
WvmartineerUnnecessary sexismI don’t understand why Ms Feller and Ms Wolfe felt compelled to express their sexist views regarding the British absurd polling regarding their ability make the Olympics. Usually a very good podcast.
Pete LionheartFantastic ConversationsAli has a great conversational style that never feels forced, and it always results in a fascinating talk with her guests. Love hearing from athletes and other running-related guests.
LexiJade21Love Ali and DakotahLoved the Ali and Dakotah recap! Someone please tell Dakotah about the recently deleted album on phones to recover her video 😂😂
brian_craigSo. Much. Joy!Ali’s got the best interviews, great perspective, and most importantly got my 16 year old daughter invested in all of the Team USA runners!
eklobucherOlympic Recap 😬Typically a fan but the straight up assumptions and misinformation in the recap i.e., doping for Jamaica, Jakob leaving his baby at home, maybe Femke had covid, etc. needs some serious fact checking. Putting comments like that into ecosystem is 100% wrong and unnecessary.
CSpiveBest Running Pod EverAli on the Run is my best running friend. I found Ali in 2017 when I was training for my first marathon. I loved having company on my solo runs. Since that time I have now grown into the biggest track and field nerd all because of Ali. I plan my life around Olympic or World Champs T&F trials + race day calendars. I care about these athletes because of the way that Ali conducts interviews. Thanks for the extra bit of joy in my day, Ali!
LauraP1219The BEST running/life podcastI first saw Ali when she was on the broadcast for the Boston Marathon in 2023. I looked up her podcast and was hooked from my first listen! At that same time I was starting to train for my first post-baby marathon which was the NYC marathon 2023. Over the course of training I listened to every single episode Ali put out. Her “you’re doing great. You got this!” has played over and over in my head! Ali, thanks for all you do for the running community and for me personally . So here to say to you… YOU got this, you’re doing great!
hardcore 4 lifeAli is awesomeYou will laugh, maybe cry sometimes, but you will always come away knowing it was time well spent!
AKRunner.LEALove your show with Katie StiloBehind the scenes was amazing!! Thanks for the UCAN code and I always love my New Balance SuperComp Trainer!
DjekeuTop Running PodcastAli has great guests and always has great report with them which makes for a very enjoyable listen.
kee0029Missing the everyday runnersGenerally, I think it’s a good show. Ali usually connects well with the guests and conducts a good interview. Lately though it feels like it’s just the same guests on repeat. I love the pros and their stories, but it’s rare to learn anything new about them from these episodes. It’s the everyday runner stories that I always found inspiring and the show seems to have lost a lot of that.
Lauren_100Best running podcastWho doesn’t love running and Taylor Swift? Love the guests, Ali’s questions and still rooting for that episode with Joe Bosshard.
Jen Jen.I love Ali!I have a very short attention span at this point in my life, but I can listen to Ali’s podcasts from start to finish. She is real, relatable, honest and genuinely a good person. I feel like I’m sitting next to her when I’m listening. If you run or you just like the sport of running, she’s the best!
Elbowww03The best podcast everI’m not a runner, I don’t have cancer, and I have not been through half of what Ali has been through, but this is by far my favorite podcast as a former athlete and just person living life (the good and the bad). So authentic, relatable, and entertaining. Thank you for all that you do, even when life is hard! In full support of a YouTube version of the podcast episodes if that’s something that suits you. If not, we will still stay tuned via podcasts!
KTfedWe love Ali!Love this podcast! Ali has the BEST guests on the show and she interviews so well. I always look forward to these episodes especially race recaps from my fav athletes. Thank you Ali for putting out so much great content!
gatowen13Ali rocksI love listening to Ali’s show. Her love for running is so evident, she asks great questions, and her honesty about her life and how she stays so positive is inspiring 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
PilatesAbilityGenuineLoved listening to you this morning in my run. I love the just (not just) Ali podcasts. You’re genuine and relatable to us everyday runners. ❤️
cchaupe15Running for long time fans and newbies!I love the show, especially all of the content that Ali has made about the bigger races, like the Trials. Ali is genuine and always brings great insights for running and fun to her show. Loved the Chris Chavez episode and anything with Nikki Hiltz, they are the best
dkmb1962Chris Chavez and Citius Mag set the bar very highThere aren’t enough superlatives for the work of Chris Chavez and the Citius Mag team. Their coverage of events and interviews are the BEST! Chris is one of my favorite guests on your podcast.
Nickster.28InspiratingLove your story and show Ali. Especially found your episode with Anne Keane to be profound. Hearing her story was incredibly moving and emotional😭 So inspiring! Keep being you Ali. You're going great, love you💙
🏀BasketballGrandmomI truly love Ali and look forward to her podcasts! Ali won’t want to hear this but it was sad for me to hear her focus so much in the turkey hitting her car within an hour of her grandmom passing away and how that disrupted her day. You are alive, Ali. You were able to see and be with your daughter after that. Focus on what’s important - family and friends like you normally seem to do. 🩷
DPazyra17Comfort On The RunThe Ali on the Run Show is the perfect podcast that gets you out the door even on the hardest days! The laughs are never ending and she always keeps you going even when you don’t think you can reach your daily finish line. Ali becomes your best friend over the years and its the countless miles she’s inspires while out running with her in your ears. The world class athletes she interviews show far past their race times and help relate to the fact that all people have good and bad days, even the pro’s. It’ll forever be my running podcast that i thrown on when running because with Ali you’re never running alone. ❤️
Cassy p 26.2I love Ali on the RunI love listening to Ali on the Run. Amazing podcast.
Samanthad2008Favorite Running Podcast!I love this podcast and I love getting to know Ali through it! She is the best interviewer and I enjoy all of the guests. I’ve learned so much about professional running and I also really enjoy hearing about the everyday runner!
Yancey73Fun and positiveLove the show. Positive and fun atmosphere even when sad/bad things are happening. Keep the PMA!
L GoodbarThe best!Ali, your show is the absolute best! I love all your episodes. You are so great at interviewing your guests, you ask such great questions and know how to keep the show moving and entertaining! Even your ads are awesome!!! 🩵🩵🩵
Lauramoore22Bought the rebelsLove the pod, bought the rebels cause of yall!! Thanks
SparethreadsWarm and engagingAli brings a warmth and inclusiveness to the world of running. She’s both very informed and then sometimes naive about running, and if the latter, she’s not afraid to ask questions and get us all up to speed. I appreciate her inquisitive nature and love of details! I liked the interview with Weini Kelati, someone who doesn’t get enough media attention. Wish we could get a part 2! That one felt like we got her background but then ran out of time to hear about her training, motivations, and racing goals (would love to have heard about her world cross thoughts). Thanks for providing great podcasts!
CBrodayMy Favorite!I started listening to Ali on the Run when I decided to run the NYC 2023 marathon! The NYC marathon episodes were super helpful and inspiring! Since then, I loved listening to episodes with elite, celeb, and everyday runners! Ali helped me regain my passion for running and inspired me to start paying more attention to pro running!
Marathonmama50!!LoveI appreciate this show so much. I listen to it whenever I’m hanging out in my office and just chilling. Thanks for making my day. I love keeping up on all the running stuff..
NjanemorganMaking Life BetterThanks Ali for picking this place to share your talents. I’m on my journey to run Boston this spring and your podcast has given me so much joy. I love hearing from the amazing athletes you interview and I love your humor and perspective. Your questions are on point and I love that you are bringing more people to this sport. You have made me a superfan! Keep going! Love and hugs🥰
RunnerinheelsI love this show!Ally is a fantastic interviewer. I have learned so much about professional running from this show, and am inspired by the everyday runners. I loved her “best advice “ show. Ally shares so much about herself and is the most relatable show host ever.
MyArizonaAdventureThis is my go-to running show!This is my go-to running show! I wait for Ali to interview my favorite running stars, because her style if my favorite. Kind, sweet, and down-to-earth, I like her solo episodes, too!
kenzie kobowaneBest running podcast!I don’t know why I have never written a review here. I have been listening to Ali for YEARS. Her podcast is so beautifully done and she is a joy to listen to. Every episode offers so much inspiration. Currently training for my first full marathon and I listen to this show during many of my runs. Ali you are awesome!
Laura2281125Love this so muchI love listening to Ali, and love hearing her guests’ stories of running and life.
LSrunsMy favorite running partner!Absolutely love running my long runs listening to Ali!! I feel like we could be twins about how we think and the questions she asks! Every time she is interviewing someone she asks everything I’m thinking. Thanks for “running” with me all these miles !
jenpla10/10, always recommend!whenever ali’s podcast drops it automatically gets bumped directly to the top of my “must listen” list! love it! love her! love running!
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