Snap Judgment Presents: Spooked


Spooked features true-life supernatural stories, told firsthand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves. Be afraid. Created in the dark of night, by Snap Judgment Studios, in partnership with KQED & PRX. It is hosted by Glynn Washington.Episodes drop every week on Friday! Spooked is available for free on ALL podcast platforms. Featuring brand NEW stories -- along with episodes previously available only by subscription.For Luminary subscribers, previously released episodes are still on Luminary.

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Recent Reviews
  • мëℓod¥be4†
    So many Ads!
    I use to love this show, but since the introduction of these long corporate ads, 3 or more times per episode , I can no longer listen. I would be happy to pay a subscription to remove these ads. They really destroy the listener experience and it removes the powerful emotions from each story. Sorry, I don’t want to hear a McDonald’s ad in the middle of a chilling, emotional story. But maybe that’s just me.
  • MutualReceptionist
    One of my Absolute Favorites
    I’ve been a loyal Spooked listener since the beginning, and rarely does an episode disappoint. From the excellent music design to Glynn’s voice and storytelling skills, it’s really a work of art! I see some people hating on the commercial breaks, but you’re going to be hard pressed to find a long running, well made podcast without sponsorship. After all, you gotta pay the crew and fee your family! And I’d rather listen (fast forward) through a few ads then hit a paywall.
  • moorejw6
    So much more time
    I skip through the first few minutes and the last few minutes of each episode. The stories are the only parts worth listening to. And with how much time the host talks, you could absolutely fit another story in there along with it.
  • Tzu(Z) Chen
    Best spooky stories!
    Best. Spooky. stories. Ever. Nicely told with good editing and sound effects. Thank you!!! I look forward to new episodes every week.
  • JujuB08
    Good storytelling
    I enjoy all the spooky stories but I usually forward through the first 4-6 mins to get to the actual stories. I like the hosts voice and music but too long of an intro to get to the good stuff.
  • Heygirlhey38573092
    Greetings from Grand Rapids
    I’ve been listening to Spooked since 2018 and it never gets old. It’s especially a fun listen around this time of year. I know people complain about long intros but I think half the fun comes from the theatrics and Glynn’s storytelling. Makes me feel like I’m sitting around a campfire. I also love when Glynn shouts out MI, as a fellow Michigander. PS. Even if Spooked isn’t on the local radio you can guarantee I’m listening over here in GR! If I had to make a complaint it would be the amount of ads, but I know that helps to keep the pod going. Keep it up!
  • Sumfungi23
    A masterpiece
    My family and I tune in every Friday just to listen to Glynns intro. Absolutely sets the tone for each episode with his mysterious voice and just love the intro’s music! His personal experiences add to the flavor of each podcast and gives us insight to why he pours his soul and talent for this show.
  • coldkooli
    Best Podcast EVAH!
    Such a magical, mystical, insightful show! From incredible intros (sometimes sinister, sometimes silly, always compelling) to the amazing production -- TEN STARS. The host is a crazy kind of wizard who sets the stage for truly stunning narrative journeys. Be afraid, and don't turn out the lights!!
  • Crazy Aunt Betty
    I used to love these stories but ever since Covid (why, I don’t know) they’re not great. Bring back the old ones, I’ll listen all over again.
  • SarahAddison
    Great stories
    I adore these Spooked stories. I get excited every fall when they start releasing more However, cannot stand to listen to the narrator. He talks too slowly for too long with too many distracting distortions
  • sy415
    Love This Show!
    Love Glynn Washington and everything about Spooked! One of my favorite scary podcasts and I’m really picky about what I listen to. Everything from the storytelling to the music and production is so good. Also love the connection to the Bay Area (where I’m from :))
  • bonerr
    Greedy commercials have destroyed spooked.
    I love spooked. It’s my favorite podcast. But this season they let greed destroy it. There are some podcasts that can have mid show commercials, but this isn’t one of those podcasts. Imagine you’re deeply invested in a story, about to hear a big revelation, then BAM, your interrupted about some dumb product. And it’s not only once, it’s three times per 30 minute episode. That’s just gratuitously uncalled for greed . Cmon guys, have you no shame?
  • Dreye1689
    Scary Woke
    Give me the story but keep the ideology.
  • Meme Renea Smith
    Loveee it!
    I just finished listening to the Spooked live show, and I was moved to tears. This episode was not only inspiring but truly felt like a masterpiece. The storytelling was so beautifully crafted, unraveling a seemingly hopeless story that twisted into something filled with hope, love, and forgiveness. It was a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit. I’ve listened to many episodes, but this live show was by far the best one yet. Thank you for creating something so powerful and meaningful. It will stay with me for a long time.
  • maggotmami
    enjoyable but sort of a sensory nightmare
    really love the storytelling aspect, but JEEZ some of the sound effects make this awful to listen to. literally trying to get through the most recent episode about the bagpiper and the CONSTANT bagpipe sounds are putting me into sensory overstimulation. i enjoy podcasts to relax and do chores, and this might not be for me anymore.
  • Grace T.
    Best Storytelling EVER
    Spooked is the most gripping, original, touching, unique, best written, and best produced podcast I've ever listened to. It's also got the most believable paranormal stories of any I've listened to, but even if you're not really into that genre, the human interest aspect is still so touching and beautiful and Glynn's personal stories scattered throughout are fascinating. He also just has a fabulous voice and wicked sense of humor so you'll cackle and cry the whole time.
  • Birchleaf2001
    True Story of Ghostly Possession: Bagpiper from Beyond
    Great story, thank you, my favorite
  • Nope5678!
    Great podcast, too much fluff
    Love that the podcast is people telling their own stories, but I skip through at least 15-20 minutes of a 45 minute episode because it is just the host talking or spooky jazzy music playing. I hesitate to recommend to people because while the host is trying to be funny or scary (I think?), it’s just embarrassing.
  • Grimiss
    Some recent issues…
    I’ve been an avid spooked listener since the very beginning. However, the past few years, most of the episodes in the feed are just recycled episodes from old seasons, many of which I spent money to listen to. Speaking of… the commercials are out of hand. 4-5 spots every 5 or so minutes is crazy. Please consider when ppl are listening to these shows, to relax, unwind - and with a commercial break full of random brands is very disruptive, and loud. I wish there were still an option to pay some amount to get a better listening experience.
  • Ayababajones❤️
    This is my favorite podcast ever. Love the diverse storytelling and Glynn’s intros. Only problems: wish there were more of them, and want fewer commercials. Four before the episode and more interrupting the story is really annoying.
  • Brumbs1
    The intros are not my fav
    I LOVE the stories and I got used to the advertising but I usually fast forward through the intros (usually about 5 mins). The stories that follow are awesome though. I’ve been listening for years. Well done all in all.
  • mnky!!!!
    Incredible podcast, ruined by ads
    The new ads that are playing throughout each episode are ruining the listener experience. It's sometimes hard to pick the thread of the story back up after listening to several commercials placed abruptly in the middle of the narration. It's a mood killer at best; at worst, it ruins the show entirely. Spooked has been the best of its category for a long time, solidly produced, well curated and told... but now the listening experience is too frustrating. Can't recommend it to people anymore and can't keep listening til these ads are gone.
  • JustWantedAGoodStory
    Have been a spooked listener for years and it’s always so fun when a new season comes out - but can you guys please SAY - either at the top of the show or in the show info - when an episode is a rerun? It’s really misleading to say “a new season with all new episodes” then just churn out stories we heard years ago. Every other reputable podcast mentions when a story first aired/if they rerun it, it’s kind of lazy/shady not to.
  • reesagold
    Too many commercials
    This used to be a great podcast. I don’t mind commercials but there are too many these days . I do not want to listen anymore
  • Stevilstyle
    No new episodes? Ever?
    I’ve been a fan from season 1 and unfortunately all I have heard are repeats of the same episodes over and over again for last year +…for true fans you’ve given us zero new episodes and repurposing old content to no end? It’s a bummer every Friday now.
  • kathleeeeen123
    Not what it used to be :(
    The spookiest thing about the show now is that it’s 1/3 ads (sometimes in the weirdest places). Really sad because this used to be my absolute favorite.
  • OliveBear1105
    Don’t like the intros
    Love the stories and don’t mind the commercials. But I really don’t get the host’s intros. I just fast forward through them because I don’t see how they are necessary to the actual stories. ??
  • Mr.roadrage
    Spoooooked Rocks!
    Sooo excited for this new season. Truly love the way the team and Glynn structure the stories, wish it was longer but it’s the best part of my Friday!
  • mysterymach
    still a classic.
    THERE IS A REASON this is so big. Its just fantastic. I used to hate Glen's stories at the beginning but now they have grown on me. It was the only thing i didn't care for about this pod. Now I look forward to his openers! This and Radio Rental are my go-to's for true stories. However....the Murmur was THEEE WORST show i have ever heard in this series. OMG. Terrible. But its so rare to get a truly terrible story that i am always excited for a new episode.
  • Lsgugvnnn
    My favorite spooky pod
    There are so many great stories in these episodes…any fan of spooky stories will enjoy. However, my favorite content here is the introductions by Glynn Washington. Some of the stories he tells are the most haunting and frightening you’ll find. They are not supernatural, rather, real stories that bring attention to the true terrors of life. Things we humans dread, but face on a regular basis. It gets to the heart of why we love ghost stories, I think. Glynn is a skilled and gifted storyteller, from his cadence and delivery, to the depth of his voice…he knows how to put on a “show”. The cherry on top is the music…as is their sister podcast “Snap Judgement” always a special treat. I have a Luminary subscription purely for this podcast. I have noticed some reviewers complain about Glynn and I just want to say…never…never ever never, never ever never never never….stop being you!!
  • srslythisnicknameistaken
    Its back!
    Been listening to Spooked for years and was unpleasantly surprised listening last night with SO many commercial breaks! What’s going on with this sad change?
  • DudeMeBruh
    Ads Ads Ads
    Whew, chile! All these ads 😅
  • ..:;43:4444:
    My Favorite Podcast EVER!
    Glynn Washington (Host) is so incredibly talented in his intros. His voice is phenomenal and sets the tone for the guest stiry
  • Metalhed789
    It’s nothing but ads.
    Used to be one of my favorites but now you have you listen to 16 ads for a 27 minute story.
  • Tutu rocks
    Horror of ads!
    What happened? So many obnoxious ads, including breaks mid story that jolt you out of the moment. 😞
  • General Xiao
    Stoked. Been waiting for all the new eps.
    This is only show that my family will all listen to on speakers. We have run through far too many episodes, so I am stoked to get a whole new set of stories for Spooky season.
  • cap'n_kitty
    The amount of adds in this 25-30 min podcast is unbearable. There are many other "spooky" podcasts that wont ruin your listening experience and you get a full podcast of stories. Unless you want 7 min of storyline and 20 min of adds, then this is the podcast for you!
  • Fluffernutter14683
    Great show!
    Love the intros and the host. Contrary to some reviews I find the intros really interesting and a great set up for the story if you actually listen and see the relation. I also disagree with the ad complaints. I have less ads than any other podcast I listen to and they are usually pretty short, not to mentions ads is a big revenue for these wonderful stories to continue being made! I hope it never ends!
  • Zeegha
    The Well: Staff Visit
    I love this podcast especially the host’s introductions and his drama! But, I really liked The Well when the producer visited the storyteller’s home. That was awesome! More like that please…
  • Meinsie
    Glynn's intro's are just as compelling as the featured story - sometimes more so!
  • Fuzzy Mamacita Tatas
    Insane amount of ads
    The show used to be great but is completely unlistenable now. There are many other spooky story podcasts with way less ads.
  • CatArmies
    Everything is Ads
    Ads in the beginning, surprise ads in the middle of stories, ads break, ads ads ads.
  • TRexpodcasts
    Too many commercials
    15 minutes into the show and I have heard 8 commercials. Too bad they don’t just play them all at the beginning so the show isn’t interrupted.
  • Glitrslipr
    Commercials now interrupt the stories
    This used to be one of my favorite podcasts, but lately commercials have been inserted in the middle of stories. This disrupts the stories and weakens the listener experience.
  • AngiRose86
    What happened to leaving ads at the beginning and end? I wish ads weren’t in the middle of the story. It jars me out of the story. I get ads are needed and skippable, but it still breaks the allure of the story the guests are providing. It’s like being interrupted while reading a really good book.
  • blackdogonthebeach
    Best storytelling podcast out there
    Love Glenn’s craftsmanship, storytelling, and production of the segments.
  • Casey lee hillman
    Love the stories, not so much the host
    I was really happy to come across the podcast as I love this type of content where real people tell true scary stories. I mean this is the nicest way but I feel the host doesn’t fit well at all. I fast forward through until the stories start. He’s an interesting character and also the music choice is a little odd as well. Between a nice serious spooky story being told, there is odd choice of hip hop esque music?!?! Odd choice. Other than that the show is amazing.
  • Xxxfft
    This show has been nothing but repeats for a LONG time. I’m finally unsubscribing. It’s ridiculous to keep passing off old stories as if they are new releases over and over.
  • Cbb the beast
    Love it!
    I love this podcast! Fresh beats. Cool vibe. It’s different which I definitely needed. I read some of the reviews. Some of you didn’t have a mom that taught you one of the golden rules of kindness: “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. Constructive criticism is one thing but flat out rude? Unnecessary.
  • whdrtvv
    Used to be amazing
    Stories are no longer as intriguing, or they are just repeats. Fast forward through the first 3-10 minutes of each episode to get to actual stories. There are now commercials in the middle of a story, totally pulling you out of the intensity. Listen to the first few seasons then move on. The commercials are still there but stories are good. I’m bummed, this used to be good.
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