All In with Chris Hayes

All Genres #235News #34Politics #9

The biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that consistently seeks to hold our leaders accountable.

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  • timtruett
    Subjective Opinion & Criticism.
    Simply stated, Chris Hayes, All In, and WITH Podcast are my personal favorite broadcasts for their substance, style and intelligence rigour. This has been my position for at least a decade and I am grateful for this team’s hard work. This said, All In has been particularly sloppy, with surprising regularity, in timely posting its programs. Every other MSNBC program which is also podcast posts its programs almost immediately after its tv broadcast. All In is often late, sometimes significantly so. Twice this week it was delayed, once by 12 hrs and once almost 24 hrs. such that I received two days of broadcast almost simultaneously. One contained advertisements even though I paid a subscription fee to obtain timely, ad free podcasts. This has been a problem for years, it is far more than a sporadic, episodic event. I am a Californian living & working in the UK. These podcasts are my daily morning news, so they are as important to me as the everyday broadcast is to your national tv audience. Please, do better. That said, sincerely thank you for your continued service, hard work and professionalism.
  • pkwilde
    Podcast lag time
  • Sofiaescorial
    Uploaded sporadically and without subscriber edition
    Chris is my favorite but I’m wondering about who is responsible for uploading it. Earlier this (inauguration!) week it wasn’t uploaded at all, then we got 2 uploads of the same day. Today we just got uploaded yesterday’s. I’m a subscriber but half the time I don’t get the subscriber edition. Ridiculous
  • chicka-doodle-doo
    Explain what “oligarchy” is
    You guys—you HAVE to remember that the average American reads at a SIXTH grade level. Do you think most know what an oligarchy is? Use regular language instead of $100 words most folks have never heard before. Use working class lingo! Say robber barons, fat cats, something! But oligarchy? Most Americans don’t even know what “authoritarian” means.
  • Tuseek 194
    Stop with the stylized intro.
    Your stylized “he/she-joins-me-now” intro when presenting your guests is cringeworthy in the extreme. Whatever possessed you to adopt such an annoying approach to activating your listener’s gag reflex? If not for that, I would give your show five stars. As it stands now, whenever I know you’re about to introduce a guest, I quickly reach for the mute button.
  • roostercogburn77
    Whoever listens to this mindless liberal nonsense is truly a ignorant moron. It’s all lies and Trump hating. I don’t see how these idiots just dismiss half of the country and what that half believes. The info they spit out here is all lies and proven as such. Pure garbage
  • PhloxDie
    Pay wall!?
    As a faithful listener for years waking up to find out this show is now behind a paywall was a sucker punch. Please reverse course and remove the paywall this is absurd.
  • Debbie in AZ
    Where is the 12/4/24 podcast? The only one that shows up is the MSNBC premium for the same date.
  • Ugly Chugley
    Platforming Dana Nessel? Really?
    Why on earth would you have Dana Nessel on your show after she lied repeatedly about Rashida Tlaib? When Tlaib criticized Nessel going after Pro Palestinian protesters but not other protesters, Nessel claimed she said it bc Nessel is Jewish. Tlaib never said that, never implied that. And when the reporter with whom Tlaib was speaking confirmed that it was not what Tlaib said, Nessel doubled down on it anyway, along with Jake Tapper. And Speaking of CNN, this is what they do—repeatedly allow on guests with a history of lying. Maybe rethink your choices Chris. You’ve strayed a long way from your principles at The Nation.
  • Buster2005*
    Great show as always Chris !
    Your face looks like you have 12 inches of something up your bum . I guess that’s why the show is called All in . Keep up the good work .
  • 11dalya
    Time for The Fairness Doctrine
    Would love to hear about the Fairness Doctrine and why it ended. Its expiration seems to allow the proliferation of lies broadcast from Fox and other entities. A comment I would add about the show: give your guests a chance to respond to your question. You don't need to espouse your own theory first.
  • gordoe72
    Chris seems to think that speaking as fast as possible is cool; WRONG!
  • B02@
    The Nazi
    You keep pussyfooting around the fact that Trump is like Hitler. You talk about how hate crimes and racism is up, but you don’t follow it to its end. Trump will rule out hate crimes. When he collects people for deportation, they will be exterminated just as Hitler did with the Jewish people. He won’t stop there. His stated numbers are in the tens of millions. He is out for revenge.
  • midwestBlue
    chris, please do a show about the creation if The Fairness Doctrine that kept the airways free from filth and then reagan let The Fairness Doctrine expire and what followed because of ending that doctrine was opening up alex jones, fox and the like. Please discuss this!
  • carla2692
    ”THAT DOES IT FOR ALL IN” needs to go!!! It’s so jarring, and it’s always bookending something really upsetting. News doesn’t need to end in a jumpscare, people
  • christopher noel
    You just lied idiot
    Tariffs are a tax charged to other countries when try to sell us stuff or buy. it’s up to us as consumers not to buy these items IF THE PRICES ARE RAISED AFTER THE FOREIGN COUNTRY’S PRODUCTS PRICES ARE RAISED DOMESTICALLY AFTER TGE COUNTY OF ORIGIN HAS BEEN CHARGED YOURE A THREAT TO THE COUNTRY JACKASS
  • Amariplus
    Where intelligence goes to thrive
    Chris gives us an insightful and thought provoking look at today’s political landscape. I particularly enjoy Chris’s style of speaking, which I feel challenges me to expand my own vocabulary and understanding.
  • ElizaCost
    The best on MSNBC
    Love Chris’s down to earth coverage of happenings here in the US. His take on the news can be understood by the experience of most Americans. He’s one of us. Thanks for telling it like it is. Elizabeth, Fletcher NC
  • VAgrrl
    Chis Hayes deserves 5 stars but…
    MSNBC really REALLY needs to fix the problem with commercials in the subscriber edition or they will lose their paying customers.
  • IoB.
    Brilliant wife!
    Great show! Thanks Chris.
  • Kaykaskor
    Biden vs Trump
    Biden in a coma is still better than Trump
  • Burdyblue
    Chris Hayes Poor Diction!
    Spoke bt Chris Hayes in beginnibg of his coverage of Biden’s press conference.: “…for those who have been watched-ing” his…” referring to Biden’s press conference. Come on, Chris. get your diction correct or we will force you off the air! In addition, your glasses look like what we used to call “birth control glasses.” You are lacking in pizazz. We want a more “beautiful guy” on our MSNBC who doesn’t look so boring! When you criticize Biden (and have no certain plan for success with a candidate guaranteed to win) you should probably look at yourself in the mirror to learn how you can work on yourself to expand and grow. Don’t tell me how old Biden is when your lack of seasoning and poor diction are honking yellow. That means, “obvious” young man.
    Very disappointed in Chris today
    Chris’ coverage of Biden since the debate is extremely disappointing. The worst part is I don’t think Chris has a bad faith agenda, as most of the other detractors do…I think he’s just engaging in malpractice, which is worse I think
  • Southern Hippies
    Common Joe
    I love Chris's podcast, "Why Is This Happening," but I can't believe the constant agism that is happening. The whole argument is Joe Biden shouldn't be president, because of his last debate performance. What is the evidence that the president's age or lack of fluidity of speech impairs his cognitive abilities? If you actually listen to the debate, Joe Biden made a lot of sense and was informative. I think you need an expert on stuttering, and about what it is and isn't. During the debate, they cut off his sentences , because he stumbled. You never interrupt stutterers with a time limit. During the debate, the makeup and harsh spotlights burning down made Joe Biden look like a ghost. We also noticed the search for the worst camera angles. He was obviously tan at the rally the very next day. If Chris is going to make an argument, he needs to be fair.
  • flyover land
    Gut churn
    I’ll answer that question you asked of Jamie that he didn’t answer. Yes Yes Chris, I have that bad feeling in my gut. Thank you for asking. Given a big dose of relief tho’ to hear Kamala has really grown & improved out on the trail.
  • 🎉🥋
    Don’t understand my old episode is not on
    Old episodes I’m not showing up
  • BGDem
    Dismantle the FBI?
    I love this show! Chris, are Republicans planning to dismantle the FBI? When Russian and Chinese state-sponsored hackers are constantly attacking our electronic infrastructure? When international corporate criminals regularly attempt to hold US company data hostage for millions? Republicans are going to destroy a government that keeps us safe! The Dems must win, or we are at risk! Chris, Thank you and your team for your fantastic journalism.
  • Islasmimi
    Good show but..
    Stop the yelling!
  • shannonsophia
    Stopped listening - too one sided
    I agree with most perspectives and believe the content to be truthful. However, the content shared and perspectives are way too narrow. I felt like I was being preached at not informed. I don’t like hearing perspectives and news I don’t agree with or makes me uncomfortable but I consider that necessary to learning and understanding what is happening in our country/ world now. You seem like a very smart person. I hope you embrace a more balanced approach in the future.
  • desperately single
    Love Chris..
    But Alex Wagner’s vocal fry “Kardashian” voice makes me recoil
  • MD Chi
    Please Upload Sooner
    Love the show and really enjoy when it's posted the same night so I can listen as I wind down for bedtime. That's my only complaint.
  • @fatarae
    Trump’s destruction of abortion rights in America
    Thank you so much for highlighting the way Trump destroyed women’s reproductive autonomy. The blame needs to be laid directly with him. We cannot forget when we go to the polls to vote. The idea that he could become president once again is horrific.
  • randyrhoads123
    I’ve been a listener of Chris Hayes not only on this show but his why is this happening podcast. I find Chris to be intelligent, well prepared, insightful, and has a sense of humor. Always an outstanding show!!
  • Jesus F. Christo
    Great Show
    Love Chris! Informative show and I especially love his honesty about the former guy🤡
  • Not Much for Games but
    Never condescending
    Chris Hayes comes across as an honest host, doing his best to present and analyze what’s going on.
  • Bagus123
    Excellent Journalist
    My second favorite MSNBC host, next to the awesome Lawrence O’Donnell. I love how you voice your indignation while reporting the corruption so prevalent in Congress.
  • 🐑244u
    Trump is a danger
    Thank you Chris- you’ve been right all along. Democrats have to be serious or we’ll lose our democracy
  • fiji2002
    Love Chis! 💙💙💙🔥🔥🔥
    When I cannot watch. I can listen. Great guests.Brilliant takes and knowledge. Bravo 👏 it is a podcast of his show !
  • Avid listener 227
    Heh heh
    Very informative but don’t understand why Chris does his heh heh laughter at inappropriate times
  • josephgibbs7
    He serves his masters just like all his peers. Question who you allow in your ears.
  • iSayitoutloud
    B Team
    What happened to the consistent release time of this podcast? Is the B Team now in charge??
  • Tilted the wrong way
    Episodes not posted
    MSNBC is a major network. Why aren’t Chris’s podcasts posted promptly and reliably? I noticed that others reviewers have made the same complaint but it’s only getting worse. Should we all unsubscribe to see if it gets someone’s attention?
  • Wood Rat
    My favorite podcast
    I am concerned about my favorite podcast being replaced so often by other pundits. Please stop doing that.
  • e-cooling
    Does any work at msnbc?
    Of course the ratings are low and will plummet given most of the crew works 1 to 4 days/week!
  • intricately
    Patronizing dork
  • Ashi from monsey
    Chris Hayes
    This man has a face made for radio, get off TV.
  • this is michelle
    why no Wednesday shows
    At first this was a problem on Fridays and now the last two Wednesday shows are not here. Frustrating. I love the show or else I would have quit in frustration a while ago. Is this more complicated than it seems?
  • boogiegirl67
    Friday show not being uploaded to pod channel
    Are Friday shows not uploaded to your pod? Cannot find this info anywhere. Love the show and cannot wait for the one that will not be named is no longer a story to be told or warned about.
  • Winterfuzz55
    Like the in-studio
    On the live audience shows , Chris constantly says ‘right?’ or ‘ok?’ Very annoying. He is better on the teleprompter. And wish he would stop yelling
  • cdsoto069
    Great show
    Great show, I enjoyed it
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