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skylargraman99Very Opinionated/One-SidedIf you're looking to dive into a true crime case, do NOT let this be the only source you use.
JarshushWaaaaay too much personal stuffI never got to hear the episode because the chit-chat took too long. Prefer my information to be provided professionally and without endless repetitive chatter Just tried again to listen to the Wanda Holloway episode. No content yet as the host and her guest are sharing personal pictures and talk of lip flips. This is the WORST and I won’t be back..
MSH072614GreatLove the host, great podcast.
LiCos29Blake and JustinWhy is the podcast even covering the story? Also, clearly the host is for one side of the two so it’s not even impartial.
Eastlake RobThe Host is TerribleThe podcast is dumb at best but the DREADlines and the Serial Streamers episodes are extra garbage just like the host.
CharlotteMeowInduced rage by adsThe podcast contains an excessive number of advertisements, particularly during the first break, which features seven ads. This abundance of ads disrupts the listening experience and may deter audience retention. Additionally, the host frequently acknowledges relying on others for research, which raises concerns about the depth of her own preparation. While it’s understandable that she has faced personal trauma, this alone doesn’t necessarily qualify her to effectively narrate a podcast. The overwhelming presence of ads suggests a prioritization of revenue over listener satisfaction. These factors have compelled me to leave a negative review.
GetwiserGood lord get to the story30m in and they just started, I don’t care about your cruise or your favorite reality tv shows. Doesn’t seem organized, lots of “um” and tongue clicks and just exasperating. I’m out.
AdameowskiiOff topicI don’t like this show. They are way off topic, I don’t want to hear about your vacation, or golden bachelor. I want details of the crime.
LoudogshouseJessica coffee episodePlease explain the case and stop the small talk. My opinion, thanks.
cmdmneeds to take better notes…i wanted to like this, but if you know about an issue, the reporting is very messy…also, I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR LIVES!
stormyweather714Wendy Holloway EpisodeHorrible episode
xDearDahliax14 minutes of annoying banterNo.
ardent-armadillaIs Botox true crime relatedI was enjoying your show until all of this talk about Botox, maybe let’s help females feel okay just aging naturally ladies
PolaralejandraNEVER leave your drinks unattended!I love that you include this reminder! I was drugged with ghb when I was 19 at a club. I had only turned my back for a second. That’s all it takes!
FOUNDPUNKBlondeThe latest episode, you pointed out the person was “BLONDE”almost immediately. I’ve listened to the podcast for a while now and it’s almost as if because the victim is “BLONDE,” we are immediately supposed to care more than if she was dark haired. You pointed out the that out a lot… I mean A LOT A LOT.
Toolfreak324ADS ADS ADS MORE ADS /breathe ADS ADSHow many ads do you think people are going to listen to before you start alienating them? Don’t bother wasting your time
leslie in alabamaTell it like it is!!!❤️Love your content & how you don’t hold back & say what we’re all thinking! Always look forward to your next drop!
nichellemkAds take up so much episodeI used to very much enjoy this podcast, however, more so recently there are so many ads. 5 to 7 minutes of straight ads several times throughout the episode is quite distracting/annoying. Forcing a listener to either subscribe to avoid ads or sit and skip through the ads incessantly is going to cost you listeners.
Niki SkiToo many ads.Jami - I love you and the show. I’ve been listening since day one. But FIVE minutes of ads in the middle of the most recent episode???? Cloud10 - DO BETTER.
crashley1123Annoying adsWay too many ads-they take up like half the pod cast. Super annoying.
ShaSha827Too many ads and too much side talkI recently discovered and started bingeing Murderish. I love the stories and the way you tell them. When the talk is focused on the actual case, it’s great. But the episode I just started had over 8 minutes of talking before the case began. I have to skip over like 8-10 minutes of ads every time it takes a break. Very annoying.
urstellarADsThe amount of ads and actual content is a toss up. I guess the only way to make a thirty minute episode an hour episode.
Reader BleederTerrible story tellingThe Ai voice will drive you crazy. Super hard to follow. Doesn’t introduce characters or explain how or why things are happening. Only uses last names and suddenly there is another person you have no idea when or where they came in, if they’re a male or female. Very hard to keep people straight. If they’re a suspect or witness. Just all around very hard to follow. The stories would actually be good if done by a better story teller. Seems like it’s just reading articles with no deeper information. The length of ads is absolutely absurd. 20 minutes is insane! Try “People are the worst”. I absolutely love theirs.
Big E for ElvisToo many adsThis show has a crazy amount of ads. I had a twenty minute bike ride and wanted to start a podcast and it was all ads for the entire time.
danal1234used to love this podcastthere’s far too many ads in this podcast, and no option to do ad free on apple. even still, I don’t think I would consider subscribing anymore…
ElhavinaIs she using AI??I feels like a robot is reading a script in monotone
mbell377Genuine CommentaryI appreciate the genuine feelings the host gives to difficult stories. So often I find podcasters don’t share their opinion. I love this podcast and always await more.
herobaily_grly8Really?It’s insensitive to make a whole episode about a deceased person without asking their loved ones for permission. Disgusts me that people can profit from something like this.
Katrice🌸am I listening to a robot ?I remember this show used to sound pretty good and liked listening to it. Besides sounding like a robot hope you like ads. So sad I used to like this show. Unsubscribing
JstripletsAI voiceI enjoy the podcast however it is too bad the host uses AI to read her shows. The voice inflections start to drive you crazy after a while.
glooooodeCan’t get into itSounds like she just reading a book. There’s no personality or feeling in it .. I get distracted by something easily.
CC5XOGoing downhillVery judgmental and spiteful if persons views are different from hers. She refers to men cosplaying as women with feminine pronouns.
krissy74Little new contentI used to enjoy this podcast but lately it seems as though they’re all ‘best of’ or Serial streamers episodes. Sadly, I’ll be unfollowing.
Clay's WifeyToo much talkingToo much talking and getting side tracked with personal opinions and what could have or should have that it lost me. I wanted to like it, seemed promising at first but it took too long to get to the point
samm1203More ads than contentThere is no way this pod is worth a payment. However the amount of ads vs content is surely making the host a nice living.
Dawn HammyPlease pronounce words properlyUpdate: 6.16.24: Did I really just listen to 6 minutes of adverts??? Like many people, I’m a TC fan and have read or listened to so many podcasts, I often skip stories bc I’ve heard them so many times. This show isn’t bad in terms of switching the stories up a bit, and I don’t mind the host. My only complaint is the often mispronunciation of words, most are common words that require nothing more than a google search, and some not so common words or names, that again only require a google search.
Krissie Scribbles50% AdsGreat content, but there are so many ads for such a short program. It’s just one after another.
StaticDreamNew to podcasts…But I hope they’re not all like this one. I’m trying to understand what all the hype is about. I don’t want to be mean, just honest: You can tell she was reading a script. I don’t know if there’s a word for it but I call it a hard period - When someone ends a sentence and they drop on the last word to accentuate the fact that there’s a period. Her delivery is very “La la la la bam. La la la la bam.” Every. Single. Line. Also, I know it’s free but it’s like 70% commercials. This probably would have been a less than 10 minute read had I just read it myself, which is the problem I’m having with podcasts in general so far. Guess I’ll try to find another one! Props to the researchers/writers: They’re the real talent and unsung heroes. Too bad the voice gets all the credit.
God kids work playToooooo many loooooooooong commercialsGreat presentation of the story. Just too many long commercials.
Moi HarlanKaren ReadI get that it’s free but there are way too many long commercial breaks. I hope it’s just this one? May unfollow.
NannyRA70’NopeProbably one of the worst podcasts I’ve ever listened to. Topics-great. Delivery-laughable.
pitmama71Do some researchWhat peer reviewed studies did you read before blaming video games? It’s no different than when satanic panic was pushed onto the public to blame metal music and people who didn’t fit the good ole Christian mold. Glad I didn’t waste too much of my time on this podcast.
chldfromdamildUpdate on My Original 1 Star Rating…Below was my original review. I was a jerk. She’s providing me free content. No one is forcing me to listen. She’s good at making podcasts, which I believe to be her hobby. You should listen. I’ve listened to 90%. My sincere apologies. This podcast is like one long run on sentence… You can hear the California brain rot in her voice.
ApplsparAI voice is a big no for me!I guess I just like my podcasters to feel something and react to the terrible crimes! Her AI-generated voice is too monotone. I have heard her speak in other podcasts so I know she does use inflection when she talks for real.
TrueCrimeTartarethere’s bettercheck out Dead Sleep True Crime for Bedtime - no ads, good stories, told for bedtime
ANL&coHow much money do you need????I am amazed at the amount of advertising in this podcast, Murderish. Do you have a passion for crime or a passion for making as much money as possible? The answer is so obvious. The amount of ads is appalling. You are unabashedly exploiting those who are giving you a chance. It’s an absolute NO for me.
otterlyawesomecraftsSounds so scriptedHalf the time it sounds like she is a robot with absolutely no life in her voice. This podcast also has AT LEAST Three times the amount of ads as others.
I’m never wrongHorribleLeave politics out and stick to putting people to sleep with the boringness of your projection
Livvy J.Just murderous, please.I really like the murderous pod cast, but cannot stand the serial streamer podcast episodes that they throw in. I wont listen to them. The unnecessary language (ok! We get it - you have a filthy mouth! 👏🏼) and the narrators opinions are yuck. I like murderous because it’s just information without all this ladies opinions and gross mouth.
ILikeMostThingsIs this AI?I keep trying with this podcast but always only make it 5 minutes before turning it off due to what I assume is AI reading a script. Bummer because it sounds up my alley. Alas, I am unsubscribing.
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