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laughiutloudBest hockey insightI’m a Boston Bruins fan but love to hear about the other teams in the league. These guys are the best weekly sources for that and they are also amusing. Love the podcast.
WarmBedardsBest NHL podcast!One of my favorite podcasts ever! Perfect for the hockey fan that loves hearing all of the news around the league. No better spot to get it from than Elliotte and Kyle.
andrew lockwoodNot the sameJeff marek made this show and i’m sorry it’s just not the same anymore with him gone.
jb2_niceNot the sameReally tried to get back into this pod right before the trade deadline and I couldn’t even get through an episode. So much dead air, and forced awkward laughter like you’d have with a coworker you’re not familiar with at the water cooler. Just not the same podcast without Jeff. The connection with Friedge and Kyle isn’t there and it just makes for a drag of a listen. Sad, this used to be my favorite hockey podcast and a must listen.
obbbhhhhhGreat coverageWonderful knowledgeable gentleman and Elliot. I love getting the information from across the nhl, it is well organized. I do miss the ribs…. But otherwise great pod!
gvincr31 ThoughtsPlease rename the show 31 Thoughts. I listen daily to the pod yet you've never mentioned the Islanders. They are a team out of Long Island that plays in the National Hockey league. The Metro division to be exact, if you didn't know.
chico splatOne flaw!Love the pod guys keep up the good work! My only gripe is that the final thought… is NOT actually the final thought! The “final thought” quite clearly should be the final segment of the show. Go canes!
SmizzmanThe Elliotte ShowYou don’t know what you got, til it’s gone eh? You knew Marek was good, and it’s not that Bukaskis is bad, but this pod has turned into Elliotte talking for the entire segments and Bulaskis not jumping in. From the beginning of this relationship it was weird with Elliotte talking to him like Marek and not giving the audience a chance to know him. Really sad now. It was such a fantastic pod but it’s not there anymore.
reggeeeElliot! Shut up!I miss Jeff. It’s turned into the “listen to Elliot repeat himself over and over”show. Kyle is dry toast and not at all interesting. Elliot is now making up trades. Isn’t the league interesting enough without this bozo pretending to be a GM?
Gary53638386No more MarekI gave it a try without Marek, but it’s definitely not the same. Used to be the best hockey pod, now it’s tough to get through an episode.
Pelon95624Used to be great!Used to love this pod. Was the first one out of the group of them I would listen too. Chicklets, Puck Soup, Kyper and Bourne and hockey central. I’m sure Kyle is a great guy but can’t listen to him. Is Bieksa or Hrudey available? Frieds you are great but it’s not the same at all. Miss Marek and now he has a pod which will probably be top of the listen now and relegate 32 out of any rotation.
Balling penguinThe long & winding explanations of ElliotteLike a fine improvisational musician, Marek was able to weave, inject, and provide a cathartic release to Elliotte’s constipated rambling & soliloquies. What should take a one minute explanation, Elliotte tediously stretches to three to five minutes. I’m not sure if he uses this tactic to extend segments or just enjoys hearing himself talk. If so, he should just go solo. Coupled with over used phrases “someone told me”, “someone said to me” “I was told” “ someone reminded me” blah blah blah ….Perhaps the host will eventually get there, but man it’s a tough listen now.
PattysohoWhat the heck happened….EF and KB are great on their own, but they have less than zero chemistry together. This podcast has become clunky and uncomfortable to listen to - can’t do it anymore. Jeff Marek is VERY sorely missed.
Betsy GalJeff! what have you done?!Jeff and Eliot were the best team and created the best sports podcast I had ever heard. Sorry, but Kyle is just not pleasant to listen to and the interaction between the hosts is painful and cringy. For me this has gone from can’t miss to can ‘t listen. Unfollow
091QuxhGrossElliot is so arrogant and condescending this season
ElovesPredsPonderous platitudesThis is such a tedious podcast. Elliotte believes everything he utters is podcast gold. It’s not. Every sentence does not need to be emphasized by repetition. The content for the most part is fine but not exactly revelatory and the delivery of it makes me yearn for a more entertaining hockey podcast or for sleep to finally come.
Married to a stripperJiminy CricketLove to listen every week but did sportsnet skimp out on the editing budget this week?
FlyersC&C182AVANot the same without JeffQuality of the pod has really gone downhill since Sportsnet’s unfair firing of Jeff Marek. A shame this happened this pod used to be a must listen. I’m now prioritizing other hockey podcasts over this.
Call it LebronCenterPodcast is becoming boringAppreciate Elliotte’s insider info, however rest of the podcast has gone downhill. Editing is terrible - at least once a podcast we hear Elliotte repeat a point (which I’m sure is due to multiple takes of the same point being missed/left in). Nothing against Kyle as an individual, but he doesn’t bring anything extra to the podcast. Jeff brought a lot of hockey history and out there ideas which contributed to the entertainment factor, whereas nothing would be lost if Elliotte was doing this solo. Hoping they figure things out or I may look elsewhere for my hockey news.
DigforthedevilBummerIt used to be Bert and Ernie. Now it’s Bert and Bert. Two dry hosts doesn’t work. Figure it out.
Goon Squad CaptainPare hit on LaineI totally disagree w your take on the fact that it is non NHL players responsibility not to injure NHL players. It’s just crazy to ask these kids to play hard and physical but don’t hurt a veteran? That’s a stupid request of anyone that plays physical. As fast as this game moves and it’s getting faster year to year there are going to be injuries. Making it even more simple it is a contact sport and should remain a contact sport and injuries happen. You never want to see players injured but what’s the alternative make it a non contact sport if that’s even possible
StanleyCup04WoofI hope Kyle grows into having a voice in the pod, right now he’s basically just interviewing Elliotte. Marek and Elliotte had great banter and were the Odd Couple. This is just boring.
The Rat WifeOne of the Best Hockey PodcastsGreat hockey podcast. Been listening since 31 Thoughts. Jeff will be missed but Kyle is doing great. And as always, Elliott is awesome!
GreatlakesgirlinAKGreat PodI love this podcast! I miss Jeff, but Kyle is doing a fantastic job! I can’t wait for the season to start.
yuppppppperzzI Miss JeffNo offense to the new guy, but I miss Jeff and would listen to anything he comes back to do.
BetropdidJefffffPlease make another podcast. I miss you.
Ledzep9zosoBring back marekThe show had a great dynamic before, and it’s laughable that Marek was removed for seemingly no good reason
MackT94Simply the bestHands down best Hockey pod…Will miss Jeff a ton. But excited this show is back. Must listen for serious hockey fans
jake06masonWon’t be the sameI don’t like the new guys voice. Marek and Elliott were great together, but mostly because Marek was running the show and throwing it to Elliott for insider expertise. Now it’s the insider getting fluffed by some intern sounding mf. Start a new pod. You’ll bounce back too, Elliott. RIP the pod that got me into hockey.
JtuckerxBukauskas doesn’t fit with FriedgeBukauskas is lifeless and doesn’t compliment Elliotte really well in this format. I’m sure he’s great in personal conversation, but he’s missing the pizazz that Marek brought to the pod
Badguy66BOOOOClassic sportsnet fumble. Bring back marek you clowns
Mitch DHKBye Bye MarakThe pod is perfect now
the dude 11:11Not the same anymoreSorry Elliott but without Jeff this podcast is like getting lectured by your dad about the rules and strategies of a test cricket match. Jeff brought life to this podcast and now it’s dying I’m unsubscribing all sportsnet podcasts LETS GO CHICLETS!!!
jan_bundes!WeakYou finally post up a pod and make no mention of Marek? You know, the reason anyone ever listened to this show? Pathetic.
SpectrumVOIPLameMarekWas my favorite pod. Completely a 5 star show. Now, not the same wo Marek.
FififififeleNo Marek?Used to love this til they got rid of Jeff Marek
Woody P. HarrelsonMarek1 star podcast without Marek. Looking forward to whatever he does next. Only guy who could pin down Elliotte’s drunk rambling
Pete L MitchellBest podcastIf you’re going to listen to one hockey podcast, this one is it. The information is good, and delivered in just the perfect way. The sound quality is great, even on car casts.
PiratePatPatProductionStop fast forwarding Elliotte, that is so frustrating. He sounds like the fourth Chipmunk when you do that.
gansenPanting, sniffing, wheezingWhy does Friedmann sound like he’s having a heart attack every time he does one of these? It’s disgusting and unlistenable. Also, can these guys stop talking over each other? Friedman is so goddamn arrogant. Good lord.
nerghoulFinally some sanity in Hockey coverageAfter winning a couple of Vezinas with the perennially inept Blue jackets and cracking the top tier of all time wins playing for weak teams, I was thrilled you guys agree with Bobrovsky being a Hall of Famer. I especially love that he came up as a rookie with the always in search of an elite goalie Flyers. I also love the insights into NHL stories that are usually hidden in national coverage. Thanks and keep up the great podcasting.
thos_prattGold StandardThis is the essential hockey podcast. Twice weekly and information packed.
Nikd731Awful show, no integrityI had been a fan of this show for a long time, but they’ve essentially turned into a Toronto maple leafs defender show. All they do is defend dirty plays and horrendous coaching decision by the Leafs while simultaneously crying any time the Leafs get their feelings hurt. Elliot is a pathetic excuse for a hockey commentator and should be ashamed of himself for endorsing headshots(only when committed by Toronto mind you). They come across as whiny, sniveling sycophants.
Warlord99Hocker!Hockey retires to many numbers jersey!Also to many player each year nominated to hockey hall of fame. Might as well put everyone in the hall of fame.The hall is now so dam dilute Your show is not bad.You put to many people on a dam statue!
Kmd_mvp92AwesomeThe pinnacle of hockey pods. 👍
Slingerman JonesSimply the gold standardAbsolutely the best hockey podcast. Well researched, well produced, and entertaining. Would like them to cover some of the harder topics in Hockey, but I understand needing to keep contacts.
TimaaaTouch my monkeyYour story has become tiresome, a German host named Dieter once said. I never thought I’d say it about this show but I’m there it’s not so much the content it’s the delivery and it’s not Elliot it’s Marek if he says something terrible you can be sure he’ll repeat it, if it’s really bad, he’ll say it three times he just loves jamming phrases that he thinks up into your subconscious, Elliot will rip him sometimes in fun, but there’s a razor of truth in his insult. Please just don’t say the first thing that comes into your head, Jeffie. And definitely don’t say the thing that you thought about for three days and can’t wait to let out with a squeal.
Trevor12345678900000Best Hockey duo everThanks boys. I just love the show. Especially when Elliott makes fun of Jeff. Sad Jeff is off HNIC their loss. PS try the ribs
Levin JunkieTaking us out musicBoys, do you read these things? What happened to the end of pod music? Admit, some was bad. Some was really good. Most was listenable. Why did that end?
Chickenandwaffles09Good info from Elliot but…..These guys try way to hard to be the most non offensive guys in the world. Stop trying so hard.
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