The Peter Attia Drive


Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jodie former Canadian
    Dena Dubai
    Thank you for hosting Dena Dubai and the details on the studies of klotho. This is tremendous as we are a family that has suffered the devastating gift of generational Alzheimer’s/ Dementia
  • Merlin2/14
    Like your very complete reports. It energizes me to try new exercises and that is very cool for this 63 yo. Peace, Steven Hessel in Houston
  • Dindov
    Life changing
    Best and most helpful podcast. Very well narrated and organized. Only thing it needs improvement is summary of each segment in layman’s terms void of the physician’s lingo.
  • NOY15
    Extremely disappointed
    I have no words to explain how sad and heartbreaking is to know you are proud to be friends with Kevin Spacey. It is like I’m mourning someone. The good news is that the heath/podcast space has many great options we can go after this.
  • Interested bystander
    Content is good, paywall is an issue
    Much of his research and education have been funded by government grants. So why restrict the high quality content to paid subscribers? This just reinforces the digital divide. You need to accept ads and open up in-depth longevity research content to price sensitive consumers. He tells you that he does not want ads and then spends several minutes selling his podcast subscription. Take a page from Tom Catena's book on serving the world. Companies you have a stake in get a full episode.
  • Arob1
    Dr Julia W
    Excellent episode. I appreciate the comprehensive information about enzymes etc. this podcast encourages me to work harder on my health
  • kenpoengineer
    Post Your Labwork Dr Attia
    Post your Labwork report Dr Attia. No way your testosterone level is in the 400’s. You don’t even talk about your free testosterone level. Before continuing talking about Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), you need to correct your understanding of it. Derek with More Plates More Dates can help you.
  • Vargasma51
    Foot Health
    I like your podcast a lot but was surprised by your choice for foot health expert. Why would you have a chiropractor discuss foot health instead of a podiatrist that specializes in it? What’s next - a dentist to discuss orthopedic surgery? Hopefully you’ll circle back around on the topic and invite the actual specialist and most qualified person to discuss it.
  • "Hey Joe"
    Exceptional Life Advice
    Podcast that I listen to over and over. Peter’s Podcasts will change your life.
  • Bsdraeger92
    Let’s Make a Deal
    Leaving a five star review - In exchange, STRONGLY requesting a Secretariat episode!!
  • iPaloAltan
    Can't recommend enough
    It's a master class on physiology; I learn a lot all the time plus Dr. Attia’s style is dependable, relatable, and joyful.
  • Stephen Rocks!!!!!
    One of the best podcasts!
    Peter is so good at taking the information and explaining it.
  • AdalaideR
    Most episodes feature guests hawking their latest book. Peter loves to talk about how much he loves working out. He’s obsessed with it. Some episodes are okay but generally they talk without actually saying anything.
  • bluespirits
    Good content but ……?
    the podcast has some good contents and topics. However, I would appreciate a more concise version of it. Maybe make another version of this podcast to be less than an hour? Summarize the content, and with snippets out of this one, and post a link to this one for people want to have extended version of it? Just an idea. I also agree with other reviewers, I wish the content would be more diverse opinions, Peter seems to carefully select guests that agree with his views, or even sounds and talks like him. One such example is the AMA, his staff interviews him, he sounds like him, talks like him, even jokes like him. I don’t like AMA, and his push for paid subscribers….
  • Emmeso
    Another Bro Show
    I’m really interested in the content of this show, BUT it’s clearly geared towards men. There’s nothing wrong with that - I just wish Dr. Attia were more upfront about it. Even looking at his guest list, there is an occasional woman as guest, but it’s rare. Couple that with the paywall for articles which synthesize publicly funded and available studies, I’ve gone from enthusiastic to ‘meh.’
  • Frogwellness
    Best yet!
    I enjoy and learn from each episode, but this one connected on a physical, emotional and soul level.
  • Volleyheart
    Most misogynistic podcast I’ve ever heard. Women don’t listen to these men.
    DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST IF YOU ARE A WOMAN…….. As a medical provider, this podcast is absolutely disgusting. The misogyny is off the charts…. “Men need testosterone, women don’t, women don’t need HRT they are just complaining too much. Men should be treated with testosterone so that they can have a sex drive and feel good, women don’t need testosterone and it’s ridiculous that they wanna feel good and have a sex drive”. I am sooooo angry at these misogynistic men I want to scream. I’m so glad that women no longer have to go to misogynistic men like this who don’t have any empathy to how women feel.
  • The best roro
    Great guests and information.
  • Frustrating no bonus
    I do not trust anyone else for online health information . Love.
  • Tim Seagirt
    I need a medical dictionary
    Overall, I enjoy Attila’s podcasts. I was very interested in the shown on lower back pain (Jan29) with Dr. McGill but found the discussion was too technical for me to understand.
  • survivalist7819
    I hope I die young
    Can’t help but notice a plethora of episodes about longevity, I honestly hope I go out young, I have no desire to live forever or elongate my life, can you do an episode about that??
  • MRJ16153
    Valuable advice
    I really appreciate your podcast and the knowledge you and your colleagues share. I drive for hours at work and really enjoy the informative content you provide! Thank you, Michael J from NW Pennsylvania
  • Katia!!
    Laser-focused excellence
    Dr. Attia speaks eloquently about all topics related to body and mind. Though he is clearly a genius, he defers to his guests with authenticity, soaking up all they have to say. For a scientific mind to be so tuned into psycho-social-emotional issues is a miracle in itself but to be able to teach these topics as well as those rooted in hard science is mind-blowing. BEST PODCAST EVER.
  • MeghanPharmD
    The Arthur Brooks/Peter Attia Episode-Total game changer
    This 11/23/23 podcast episode was a game changer for me! Loved it so much from The perspective of both the social scientist, Arthur Brooks and the MD expert on longevity. A book needs to be written together with these Two Incredible experts!
  • foggy_ruins
    The best
    Molecular bio student. This is easily the highest quality podcast I’ve ever listened to. I often send episodes to friends and family.
  • Rdswinford
    Do you listen to Dr H? Just this week artificial sweeteners + signal> insulin = hunger For some with more or less leptin maybe not as dramatic. But he stated the zero cal cola drinker doesn’t loose weight and may gain weight because they are “hungrier’ and eat more. Also talked about ‘food industry ‘ knowing this and using it to drive purchase of their products.
  • Rsr179124
    Current microbiome episode
    I have be an avid listener to this podcast. I am also a physician specializing in functional medicine. I felt this episode was 110% an advertisement for the company. Peter needs to have Sonnenburgs and Gardner’s who are microbiome/nutrition researchers. They are not trying to sell a product. Their recent papers would totally disagree with the claims of this person made on the behalf of this financially motivated person. Peter please have the above researchers on to discuss the true science behind this topic. Thank you
  • bull&$it
    I was diagnosed with breast cancer 12 years ago. Had a lumpectomy, radiation and estrogen therapy. I am fine, by the grace of God. Now my friend is going through the battle. Unfortunately, she’s having a much tougher time. Five months of chemotherapy then a double mastectomy in February. She wants reconstructive surgery. It just seems like so much to put your body through but she has her mind made up. We are both 68 and widowed. All that to say “thank you”. I was riveted to this episode!! God speed!!
  • Jo St Nick
    Too much FAITH in Happiness ep
    The heavy dosage of "faith" and reference to values placed onto "family" is disconcerting, a real turn off for those of us who are freethinkers and free from religiosity and fairies and holy ghosts and invisible gods
  • Long time Booknotes Lover
    Absolutely fantastic
    The best of the best. I love this podcast!
  • Eagleview P
    Never change
    I look forward to Monday mornings knowing that I am will be medically entertained. I have no medical background but ability to bring topics to a level that I can understand is a great talent. Your authentic style combined with your intellect is unmatched. Thank you for all you do to make the world a better healthier place.
  • Yogagirl1966
    Breast cancer.
    Wonderful episode. I listened the week I was diagnosed with Breast cancer. Having this in depth and so easy to understand discussion helped me more then you can imagine. Thank you.
  • Ruffdog113
    An Advertisement for Pharma and Medical Procedures with Little Actionable Advice.
    This podcast was a favorite when it helped my clients improve their health with lifestyle change. Now it’s all about drugs and procedures.
  • Laaaaaaaa3
    Obsessed! More Like 206 Please!
    I’m a new listener and obsessed with the incredible content of this podcast. I will be signing up as a member soon. I just finished Episode 206, the compilation one for those of us newbies and found it to be so valuable! I’m a 49 year old post menopausal woman who loves to lift heavy and run. I recently discovered I have high apo-b and I am one in the healthy my whole life category with high cholesterol driven by high HDL. But I’m in it to be a kickass 90 year old so working through that. Please do more interviews for women in menopause! It’s such an under represented space with quality content! I look forward to learning more!
  • pagmimi
    Breast cancer
    Relevant, comprehensive discussion about diagnosis, treatment & prognosis of breast cancer. One could definitely be well prepared after listening to navigate medical/surgical options. This podcast provides relevant medical information from experts in their fields. I don’t miss an episode.
  • Caterina B.
    Outstanding podcast
    Informative, cutting edge. Always delivers 👍🏽
  • Sherri756
    Breast Cancer
    The breast cancer podcast is very thorough and informative. Thank you!!
  • soulrockerTLee
    What about these in your conv with Doc Hal
  • Gerard-M
    Informative but a bit too technical
    I’ll start with the fact that I am a fan of Dr. Attia and I find him to be incredibly knowledgeable. I also find him to be a bit too technical and I often find it hard to stay focused on his show. I am not a medical professional and all of the terminology and acronyms become a bit of a foreign language. Eventually I find that I know longer understand the discussion. It’s not that I am uneducated. I hold graduate degrees. They just aren’t in the medical profession. Again, I truly appreciate his dedication and knowledge, however, I think I would appreciate the podcast much more if it was in layman’s terms.
  • $9l
    Matthew Walker
    Always informative and intellectually intriguing.
  • liushihhua
    This is a good one. Thank you Peter.
  • Otnas 59
    Who is the target audience?!?
    Love the podcast subject matter, but dislike the delivery. More often than not, Peter and his guest talk WAY over our heads and go into WAY too much detail (which also makes the podcasts WAY too long). While the common man/woman need to hear these subjects, most of the time it sounds like he is talking with Med students or Dr’s. So much of the discussion is lost on us “normal” people. How about bringing it down a bit and shorten it up a bit so more of us can understand and be able to do something with the information?
  • kettlemann
    🤜🏿 🤛🏼
  • Rich Dolbec
    Thank you for being one of the reasons for a catalyst for change. I have heard all the terminology pertaining health and wellness before (strength, zone 2, protein, QOL) but never paired against all cause mortality. My wife and I went from being let’s wait until we have time…. to being part of our lifestyle.
  • artmompoemmaker
    Esther & David
    Great deep discussion. Learned so much I took notes: Esther: How deep can we go in the vast continent that is the human being? Why this yes? Why this no? Conditions & turn arounds? Was there a coach? A family member who saw something In environment Who connected them to something. A person who was flailing who held onto the catalyst-connection-witness vs.give up, let things fall. Maybe it was someone who gave you your job? Who changed their narrative and therefore their lives vs. or Struggle remained at center.
  • 17pbriwn
    Great info!
    Dr. Attia is so thorough. He’s my go-to source for reliable information.
  • Doodle jumplove32
    Great information
    Provides great medical information
  • meghanb303
    6/19/23 women’s health podcast gratitude
    As a woman in her 40’s who has been struggling with hormonal imbalances since the birth of my last child in 2015, I found this podcast to be extremely insightful and helpful in my perimenopause journey. HSDD, mood swings and fatigue have made my mid 40’s challenging, and many of my girlfriends in their 40’s struggle with similar sx. It seems there is an “expert” at a med-spa on every corner these days pushing HRT for struggling mid-aged women who are willing to pay cash to feel like themselves again, however I feel these pts are not being managed well. My OBGYN turned HRT physician was the one who encouraged me to start T pellets several years back and recently I was recommended Vyleesi for my sx. As a nurse I want to be an informed consumer and as an athlete, my goal is to optimize my health, including my hormonal health and the information shared on the podcast was very much appreciated and extremely helpful for my decision making. While we don’t have the evidence to support the benefits of HRT such as T therapy for women, I don’t have 20, or even 10 years to wait around for the data. Hearing insights from experts speaking to the benefits of HRT in women is very encouraging, please keep this type of content coming! I would *love* to hear Peter interview Dr Sarah Gottfried on the topic of women’s hormone health at some point as she is an expert in this field and I feel her journey in medicine parallels Peter’s to a certain degree. Cheers and thanks again for this amazing podcast, I’ve shared it with my OBGYN and many others.
  • bittybump
    Andy Galpin
    Generally an informative discussion across multiple health domains. Peter’s focus on proportional health span relative to longevity is an intelligent model for the practice of medicine; he is in the vanguard of enlightened medical advocacy… However, the conversation with Andy Galpin is a markedly sub-optimal experience; Galpin enunciates as though he’s gargling with marbles, and he further exacerbates his dialogue by rapidity of speech; apparently no one has ever informed Galpin, “slow down, speak clearly, especially if you desire to actually be informative, as opposed to displaying the breadth of your technical knowledge…”
  • Stephen Studer
    Don’t post teasers
    Got excited for a podcast topic only for it to be a teaser to the paid platform. You should disclose this better because it’s frustrating for a new listener.
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