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midwestBluemcKinley mentioned on showand lucky for us mcKinley was assassinated.
DrDK2Brilliant DiscussionYour recent episode on the history and current overreach of the Supreme Court was insightful, informative and easy to understand. Thank you.
AmcginnissmithGriefIt’s important to understand that dwelling in the suffering of others with no power to change anything will destroy your soul and make grieving impossible. You can grieve without being consumed. Grief alone is selfish. It steals pain from another and internalizes it for your own pity. That pity will lead you down a dark path where you ignore the moments of change where you actually can regain some power; to help others. Pay attention, not because you are powerful or powerless, but because you may find those moments where you can channel it into something for someone else; and that is how we should all grieve together. Because everyone is grievable.
fromlandsofanishnabeArticulate & understandable left analysis!Ryan & Alexi offer intelligent clarifying analyses with a minimum of jargon to discuss issues and explain why and how things get effed up (or don’t get effed up) for us average folks.
MKB CaAlways goodEvery episode seems strong. Content excellent !!! (A constructive comment: Wish their sound wasn’t quite so “hot”. They seem a bit close to the mic, or their mic’s are too hot.)
angrylfSmeary, silly junkThe hosts seem charmingly clueless at first but they are actually pretty irresponsible - gets a bit sinister - I wouldn’t waste your time.
Dr Deb KSpotlighting Trans Moral PanicThis podcast is great and this episode is particularly strong. Exposing the right-wing anti-trans movement and it's confusing embrace by "centrist America" is so important to begin fighting against this very hateful and dangerous trend in a unified voice. As a middle aged white ciswoman I am heartbroken and appalled by this hateful transphobia and this episode provided me so many eloquent talking points. Thank you.
tsiegel101More movie reviews!The discussion of Casablanca and Inside Llewyn Davis was excellent!
Blaviken28My favoriteSuch an excellent podcast with great guests, analysis, and discussions from the hosts. My go to podcasts for all things lefty that gives me hope in an otherwise bleak situation. Highly, highly recommend this underrated pod.
Alienígena_Sincere & KnowledgableThese two hosts—one of whom teaches and one of whom writes on current events—comment perceptively on the unsustainability of capitalism, and skillfully stress our need to overcome it.
ENP48230Two intelligent leftistsNot presumptuous but happy to get into ideas. I support them on Patreon and am happy to report that the seem well prepared to discuss books, articles or news with their guests
StafturdThe left podcast I’ve been looking for.It’s not ironic, it’s not jokey. They discuss theory and policy and makes me feel more involved and engaged. Thank you.
Mski_2050Philosophy, Politics, Morals and Good Belly LaughsThis is a fantastic, insightful pod! Ryan and Alexi are brilliant, have great senses of humor, and play off each other well, including filling in knowledge gaps between the two (and the occasional chemistry lesson from Ryan). They bring on incredible guests and are actually prepared to discuss their areas of expertise and ask important questions. Can’t recommend it highly enough, it’s a little bit of light (dare I say, optimism) in a dark world. Thanks guys!
mr_norellgood heart, but...good politics and obviously they're both smart, thoughtful people. but, for a podcast, the content is trying to straddle snarky yet sincere with mixed results. hosts aren't really funny enough to pull off snark. and because there's snark: the sincere reads less effectively. also, one of the hosts speaks slowly and says "uhh" often, which is distracting. still giving five stars because there is potential and i would 5/5 hang out with them.
jacob12346669420great jobgood pod
T…...J👍🏼Really good
Collind1123Left is bestGreat guests hashing out how we bring forth a left oriented vision for a better world.
Josh_LegereOne of the BestThis really is one of the best leftist podcasts getting made these days. Very good discussions of various texts and on occasion how the theories discussed related to current events. They are both very smart.
wiblyoThis, my favorie PodReally enjoy the Left Anchor pod, where Coop & Alexi take us on many an intellectual journey, dropping the anchor into a new harbor every episode. Each time delving into the lives, stories, and works of influential historic thinkers, writers, orators—deep dives that help me better understand their views and historic context as well as bring to surface the rather timeless insights (or mistakes) and apply them to our current political circumstances. But it's not just a history class, the pod is peppered with interviews featuring contemporary and ever influential thinkers, writers, historians, professors, activist judges — informed voices in their respected fields all talking about pertinent topics with the hosts, who continue the theme of looking square in the eye at the constellation of facts and values surrounding the issues that matter to and define not just the Left, but our shared reality. Then it all gets drawn back into a sturdy knot tying a sense of love for humanity and a commitment to more justice in a way and at a time that recognizes socialism as a pragmatic method to get from where we are to where we're going to. The pod lives up to its name, the fighting Left throwing down while the winds of political fortune are whipping fast over the choppy seas, the Anchor below that has it's strength in being grounded.
Ludwig von CheesesClearly biasedBoth the podcast and my perspective on it. 3 stars for small points of agreement but overall the episode I listened to was deeply flawed. Found Cooper via a twitter thread on Yemen and tuned in to the Jonathan Haidt podcast. Was pretty surprised that the hosts managed to pass off ad hominem attacks like “faux liberal” or “pseudo intellectual” for so long before getting to any critiques of substance. And then... what a let down... I don’t think Haidt ever makes a moral claim about whether having more/less “moral foundations” is good/bad. So to take the thesis of his book as a personal attack on leftism is pretty misguided.
SpreadsheetFanTop notchIn conversation, I often pass off things I heard on Left Anchor as my own insights. People say “That’s a really interesting point, I never thought of it that way before.”
I'm not very creativeEvidence based price signal: this is a good podcast and you should listenComes for the lefty analysis, stay because Ryan Cooper literally never raises his voice when shifting the tone of his rhetoric
Alexander MaynardOne Sound AnchorThese guys bring some insightful philosophical and historical lenses to the microphone in their reflections on politics—politics of current events and the principles of politics. They are two solid voices of the Left that are more than worth a listen for those solidly in their camp and those wanting to understand the perspective and concerns of the Left.
Chris in SeattleGreat start👍
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