Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe


A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.

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Recent Reviews
  • Macbaine1
    Interesting topics, annoying banter
    Most episodes are 15 minutes of extremely annoying back-and-forth before anything gets discussed, and the extremely low, bass-boosted whispering of Daniel chuckling constantly makes me want to move on to a different show. It’s like an NPR smooth jazz radio station meets TED talk.
  • KB142889
    Opening my eyes to physics!
    This podcast has been such an essential part of my journey into physics. I love the challenging concepts that they talk about and the back to basics explanations. The exposure to Matt Strassler has been eye opening as well. A must listen to anyone who seeks more knowledge about our universe!
  • SicMundusCreatusEst
    Great pod! Great info from great hosts!
    Been listening for years now. I never get tired of this podcast. Daniel and Jorge manage to keep the episodes fresh and informative. If you have any curiosity about astronomy, cosmology, physics or anything related you will love this pod. The chemistry between the hosts is very likable and seems natural. I highly recommend this podcast for anyone interested about our natural world and what it’s made of.
  • SSK1973
    Great, fun and so informative! If you are reading your comments, can you do a podcast on: Gravity - how can there be gravitons if gravity is just a bending of space-time. Whats up with that? Y’all are the best!
  • MarkChicagoIL
    Deleted review
    Deleted review
  • Dr.RezA.Gh
    Guys just don't push on the comedy part. Daniel's fake laugh reminds of infamous Jimmy Kimmel. Jorge is not witty though he's smart, makes good points and ask right questions.
  • The Stasis Chamber
    Can’t stand his voice
    I love the content but can’t listen due to to the hyped bass heavy vocal quality. Its annoying. Cut your frequencies, turn it down and stop listening to your own processed deep voice in slow motion. You are talking about science. You are not a 70’s DJ spinning a Barry White album. I’d suggest beginning with a Google search on an EQ chart and start researching where the voice belongs……….in the Mids I will be back if fixed
  • clertu
    Nice content
    The content in the episodes I’ve listened to so far is pretty good. The audio quality is pretty terrible if you’re listening in a car. It’s pretty heavily bass boosted and makes the audio very mucky. I’m listening to the high 500’s episode numbers right now and the audio is pretty bad. If you’re willing to eq it yourself or listening on flat response headphones it’s a good listen.
  • OliverMae
    Highly recommend
    This podcast is just wonderful. Daniel and Jorge make complex subjects easily accessible. They explain things in a way that is easy to understand and so enjoyable to listen to. I’ve learned a lot.
  • childsafetyreview.com
    Very observant, but not accurate
    They make good observations from the information they have, however they ignore some issues and push on past the holes to come to a conclusion that is evidently missing factors. Still good and fun ti listen to though, just make sure you think and don’t blindly believe everything. 😉🧠
  • Rating94081
    This is one of the most interesting space podcasts! Thank you so much! You always make the universe exiting and explaining it on a fun and interesting way!
  • Burned By Adobe
    Too much babble and banter
    The hosts gather on and on and on before they get to the subject of the podcast. That is highly irritating.
  • Kalae Abrams
    Thanks for continually creating interesting podcast episodes!
  • TNwakeBDR
    I am smarter because of you.
  • TheBoiLaroi
    I’m 15 and am an extreme intellectual. These are perfect for me to listen to at night, and are explained very well. Thanks guys!
  • cdbyrd
    A Big Mac for my curiosity
    I can’t thank you guys enough for giving me an opportunity to feed my insatiable curiosity about the universe, and our place in it. I love how you guys always work in a cheesy joke at the beginning of an episode, and then pull listener answers to the big question of the day. I purchased both of your books for my kids last Christmas, and every time I get the kids in the car for more than 20 mins, they know what is going to happen. The dulcet tones of Daniel and Jorge are about to fill their ears. Thanks guys. You really do great work, and I really appreciate all your effort and dedication to the cause.
  • SPSaylor
    Life-affirming and awe-inspiring.
    My favorite podcast. It’s smart, accessible, and even fun. Anyone curious about what, when, and how everything was, is, and will be will find each episode an enriching and joyful experience. (The recent episode about whether mass really increases with speed is an example of how this show can break down questions that have hounded you for years.)
  • NamHLe
  • Gabeygoat
    Absolutely love it. Clearly explains things in a non condescending way
    The pace is slow, but that’s good because the material is heavy
  • meeshmwa
    Great Show!
    The show name is exactly what you’ll get when listening to this podcast, explanations to questions about the universe. I really enjoy Daniel and Jorge’s banter and sometimes I even find myself talking back as if i’m a part of the team! I also really enjoy the episodes that Katie and Kelly are a part of, they always have interesting perspectives to add from their different fields of study. When I first started listening I was like how is it possible to release a podcast bi-weekly but now that i’ve been a listener for 2ish years I realize theres an insane amount of questions we can ask about the universe and 2 days of the week might not be enough… Thank you Daniel and Jorge for sparking my interest in science!
  • Doberak
    Best in the field
    Two episodes a week of both light fare and deep DEEP dives way over all our heads. A must listen for clear introduction and sustained heavy content
  • miatamike1991
    How? What?
    How can anyone give this podcast anything but 5 stars? Maybe they just don’t get it. I’m all into science and physics and I don’t understand some of what they’re talking about. Jorge tries to “dumb it down” for the laymen, but even then… I’ve listened for years and love it. Love their books too!
  • liushihhua
    Great works
    I love your podcast!
  • SeekerCons
    Daniel makes the show
    Daniel is brilliant and is able to explain complex topics in an understandable way for non-scientists. Jorge just distracts him and makes dumb jokes. I’m not sure I see the point of Jorge other than giving Daniel someone live to explain things too. He needs a script so he doesn’t keep asking Daniel to repeat himself or trying to summarize what Daniel says and not getting it right. He takes away from the show. As many have said, the ads are noisy, jarring and disruptive to the show. And they do have a lot of them. I feel they could be done much better. I skip over the ads, the intro, the asking random people segment and just hope Jorge doesn’t talk too much.
  • Thomas Warfel
    Good content but too many jokes
    The content is very interesting, but I do wish that they would spend less time telling silly jokes. I think the idea is that the jokes give you a moment to digest the science content, but I would personally prefer substantially fewer jokes. Nonetheless, I have certainly learned a lot from this podcast. The ads are a little annoying, but I understand they need to generate revenue.
  • CoffeeNut-19
    Love this podcast
    I’m learning so much while being entertained!
  • kristi history
    Needs more rigor
    Really disappointed during the Greek episode that you didn’t note ancient Greeks seriously proposed that the earth revolves around the sun.
  • zormble
    Great physics podcast!
    This has become my favorite physics podcast, simply because of how creative Daniel and Jorge are in their thinking. They have a loose and fluid way of approaching dense science topics, that translates to an easy listen. I would really love a subscriber option to make it ad free, I know the hosts don’t have much control over how many ads play and what types.
  • Anjou47
    Love the podcast
    One of the few mediums that break down the more complex subjects in science as simple as possible for people like me.
  • Khabita
    Great science but easy to understand!
    I really enjoy this podcast. It is hard to find science podcasts that can break things down for non-PhDs, but this one does it. I also enjoy the banter between the two hosts, which is sometimes silly but always finds its way back to the science.
  • BM-secops
    So. Many. Ads.
    The content is quality but I just can’t stand how many ads there were. It makes it unlistenable.
  • chacchel
    Unfortunately lost its way
    Used to be fantastic podcast, some light banter and jokes at the beginning but quickly moved on to the content- which was always interesting and enlightening. Now episodes begin with 10 or more minutes of cringey back and fourth that seems to get more and more absurd as time goes on. The hosts often seem to lack chemistry and do not sound like they even enjoy listening to each other’s responses as the jokes get worse. Its stilted and not fun anymore; it’s boring. And then the ads begin… so many ads. Ads for things like astrology websites (on a science podcast!!?), ads for online shopping, ads for other iHeartRadio podcasts. By the time the episode actually begins, 15 minutes have passed. More ads in the middle. It’s a rough listen, hope they realize and change course.
  • macnsak
  • merinslips
    Too much fluff/“jokes”/reiteration, too many ads
    They don't have chemistry, or maybe they do, but I get the impression that neither finds the other particularly funny Format of podcast: Ads. "Banter" ("hey Daniel, do you think if the Hulk ate a black hole it would taste like donuts?" "ha ha ha. physicists are mad scientists who like donuts!" "lol" The Question! What does a black hole look like? What if time had 2 dimensions? Why is momentum conserved? Can gravitational waves escape a black hole? Is the the speed of light different depending on direction? Random people (children, whoever) say what they think. Ads. Interesting point 1. "We can only measure the speed of light via a round trip, so it could be, like, going faster in on the way out, or faster on the way back, and we just don't know" Jorge question re: Interesting point 1: "Wait what??? Whoa. So we just don't know" Interesting point 1. "Yeah cause you see we can only measure it on a round trip! So you see it could be instaneous on the way out and we just don't know" Jorge question re: Interesting point 1: "Whoaaa. So like we don't know know the speed of light??" Interesting point 1: "No! Because it could be like half as fast on the way out, and twice as fast on the way back" Ads. "Banter": "Hey Daniel if I ate a black hole would I get really fat?" "ha ha ha. Your MASS would sure INCREASE!" "lol" Jorge reiterates Interesting point 1: "So, we don't know the speed of light! Because we can only measure it on a round trip" Daniel: "Yeah! Because we can only measure light on a round-trip, so we don't know if it goes faster in one direction or not" Jorge: "But why would it?" Daniel: "We don't know! Because you see we can only clock light on a round trip." Jorge: "Whoa" Daniel: Imagine if it were donuts! Jorge: lol Ads The End 🙂 Ads. The light could have different speeds in different directions one was particular painful -- some of them are a bit less repetitive, and get to Interesting points 2 or 3.
  • Corin...
    I enjoy intellectual dad jokes.
  • podcastextroidaire
    Horrible ads
    The narrators are excellent but the ads are totally off putting and ruin the show. Do these sort of ads actually work? I am now more committed not to buy anything from these companies.
  • GweenGwapes
    Great show, too many commercials
    Great podcast. They do a great job of making the science approachable and digestible. Biggest complaint is the amount of commercials. Multiple long (in the neighborhood of 5 minutes) commercial breaks is just too many for a podcast. It’s almost to the old tv model, 45 minutes of content, 15 minutes of commercials.
  • obtrunco
    Too many commercials
    The main content is good but too many commercials lessen the desire to listen to the podcast.
  • Child of the regan era
    Daniel & Jorge Explain the Universe
    Great topics as always, in an easily explained format. Daniel is excellent as always in breaking down topics for anyone to understand. Jorge brings a comedic element to the show, but, over the last year, he's barely on the program!, it's never addressed as to why, but, while Daniel is consistent and carries the show faithfully, there is one guest co host after another, something wrong is going on, they should rename it with just Daniel explains the universe!, Jorge shouldn't have his name on a show if the guy is constantly not showing up for work!, most of us wouldn't be able to get away with that!
  • frankie2266
    Episode regarding nuclear waste
    You have are light and approachable which I like. Sometimes (like this episode) you must want the guest in advance to descend her ivory tower and be approachable. Come on! Thank you
  • jimmyp3000
    One of my favorites
    I think I’ve listened to every episode… that’s a lot. I live in LA and I drive all the time. So these guys keep me company and get my brain working while I’m in traffic. I definitely understand quantum physics better now than before.
  • Kostorpolz
    Wasted potential
    This podcast could be so much more interesting. But every episode is 20 minutes of junk before getting to the point and repetitive ads for other podcasts that no one will listen to
  • VivaAdm
    Off topic
    15% topic 85% bad jokes and banter
  • adit3iii
    by far the best science podcast
    every night i play an episode of this podcast hoping to relax and fall asleep and every night i am tuned in till the end
  • KJV1882
    The universe explained for dummies!!
    And I say that proudly as someone with a huge case of science derp-itude. I struggled with science topics throughout school and never would’ve thought I’d end up enjoying a show like this. But I do! And I don’t work in a science-related field or anything, in fact I work in construction and like listening to this podcast while I’m out in the field. It helps me understand hugely complex topics in such a fun and entertaining way. I’m with Jorge all the way on the food analogies, and Daniel has a way of explaining things that makes sense without coming off as condescending. Totally cool! Thanks guys 👷🏼‍♀️👊🏻
  • naaa82828
    Questionable language with child sexual acts in playful ways
    Just listened to their latest podcast where they said something sexual vulgar language like smash …. Big red flag
  • Aaron in Brooklyn
    Charming but not much content
    The ads, jokes, and other filler make up about 85% of the airtime of each episode. I’m not even exaggerating — it’s really about 10 minutes of science content in each hour-long episode. The banter is genuinely charming, but I wish they would (a) run less blaring, repetitive ads (b) respect their listeners a little more and include more and more substantive science in each episode. I’m reluctantly unsubscribing.
  • AleXisM_12
    Good podcast but don’t like ads
    I love listening to this podcast while I’m sketching or doing homework or almost anything else. The only thumb is the ads which are really annoying and badly timed. Other than that, great podcast.
  • nike-kn
    Great Show, Hate the Jokes
    Love learning about the universe and the topics these guys bring up. One of the better podcasts on the universe, but the terrible jokes forced on over and over again makes it almost unbearable.
  • Valdysses
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