

We’re Hannah & Kelty of Upbringing- twins, certified parent coaches + speakers who help caregivers across the globe transcend daily conflict with their kids for sanity + social change. Most of us had no idea what magical mindset + sensitive skill set would be required to successfully navigate daily drama with our beloved, infuriating kids... No shame in that! From meltdowns to aggression to sibling rivalry to putting down the screen or getting out the door fully dressed + on time, managing kids’ big feelings + challenging behaviors was never meant to be done solo, let alone perfectly. We’re here to teach you creative, research-based ways to overcome daily obstacles with your sensitive + strong-willed kids, nurturing critical skills like consent, compassion, curiosity + creativity along the way. Our podcast episodes are Live, unscripted Q&As– reach out if you have a question or challenge you’d like us to discuss!  Learning to parent our kids with more connection and less control can feel radical and even impossible at first- we get it. We invite you to explore our shame-free, research-based offerings, each designed to help you heal yourself, nurture your kids + transform our collective future for the better.Let’s Show Up + Grow Up! To learn more about us, our speaking services, coaching program, membership collective and shop goods, visit www.Upbringing.co

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Recent Reviews
  • kleigh131
    Good content but so much swearing.. why??
    The episodes are so helpful and relatable however I don’t understand the need for all the cursing.
  • AblossomC
    Game changing!!!
    Just what I need to hear every time! So relevant with tangible how to application of concepts and strategies. Hannah and Kelty are amazing trustworthy leaders in this space!! Yes, yes, yes!!! Thank you so much.
  • ewats1029
    So great!
    I love the style, tone, and realistic parenting talk! I always end an episode with something I can try at home with my kids.
  • ashmh10
    The most sincere parenting guidance!
    Hannah and Kelty, in the most genuine way, acknowledge the struggles of parenting and provide guidance and tools to help us do the most important job as a parent: make sure our children feel loved and seen and safe. Listening to these two helps me to be a much more calm and confident mom.
  • heyimsarah
    Awesome, So Important!!
    Amazing! These topics are so important and I love the “Instead of saying this…” “Try something more positive such as..” 💓
  • Grin Dribbly
    Love them for so many reasons!
    Hannah and Kelty are DOPE! Their twin dynamic is super entertaining to and their neutral and accepting approach feels like therapy to me! I’m healing my own inner dialogue from a well-meaning fear-based authoritarian upbringing. I love hearing their perspective and bolstering my confidence as a “mostly progressive” parent. And when our approaches differ, it’s so interesting to curiously explore why that is...and do I want to keep my belief or swap it out? Thanks for the fresh ideas!
  • Quinnbeth
    A life saver!
    This podcast has been such a great help for me and my family. I found them on Instagram through their infographics and just listening to them talk so real and sincerely about parenting is such a breath of fresh air. I love their approach to handling kids’ big emotions and recognizing that we will all make mistakes on this journey. Thank you guys for doing all this!
  • caitlinrose7
    Mom motivation
    My kids and I were in a funk where I was annoyed and my 3 year old pushed every button and limit possible. After binge listening to Hannah & Kelty I was able to change my mindset and give my son the support he needed! We’re back to happy fun loving family! Thanks ladies!
  • Septembird
    That is what I wrote in a comment after last week’s podcast. I cry and take notes and fill up my soul bucket when I listen. This message. The gentle, real, down to earth guidance. My soul jumps up and says yes this truth is already in us and we hear ourself here and we should stay at this river of love and knowledge. To my past self mama or any dear mama reading reviews looking for a hit of tender self compassion and an easily graspable frame work to help your self/kids/family out of our unhealthy/toxic/inter generational trauma/dysfunctional/power and inequality driven cycles - come here to this cozy warm loving place of learning and community.
  • coolleenn 123
    Helps me help my kiddo and my caseload!
    As an early childhood educator, sometimes I can get too focused on "fixing behaviors" instead of learning and listening and tuning into what children are trying to express with the skills they have. I love this podcast when I am struggling with my own objectives (as a parent or teacher), it is a great reminder that children are learning and growing. After a "session" with upbringing (cause I consider it akin to therapy for myself), I always feel like a more skilled parent and educator. Thank you for the persistent reminders to model, tune in and connect. I benefit from their mantras and visuals - these tools have become my saving grace on hard days!
  • kaylbake
    10/10, so helpful and so important!
    As a parent, the most important work we do is the work we do on ourselves. Learning to regulate our emotions, stay grounded and present, not take things personally...the list goes on and on. Up until recently, I believed the most important work we do as parents was to control our kids. This is what the mainstream, traditional approach tells us. This is what comes naturally (to most) as this is how -most of us- were raised. When I first came across the more gentle, respectful approach of parenting it resonated with my values immediately. That being said, it is HARD WORK to make the transition from the more authoritarian parenting approach. Accounts like Upbringing have been irreplaceable in helping me feel supported, and helping me trust my gut in parenting the way that feels consistent with my values. When I’m feeling drained from “mom-ing”, a quick listen to this podcast really fills my cup!
  • Alex Crosta
    Hannah and Kelty have created something truly exceptional in the world of parenting podcasts. Believe me, I have listened to them all in trying to find one that completely resonated with me and with doable methodology. I feel like I have found a parenting community to call home. Their approach is warm and understanding while also helping you tap into your loving intuitions in parenting your children in a way that just feels right. They also have great digital guides on their website that are quick reads and easily digestible so that you can start applying right away. Highly recommend.
  • maryruthk
    Want to get useful, kind, supportive, research-backed info on how to be a better parent—the kind of parent you’d hoped to be?? Look no further. I LOVE Upbringing and recommend this podcast—and the insta lives—to all the moms in my life. ❤️
  • sushig27
    I was feeling so lost and disconnected with my oldest son and didn’t want the cycle to continue with my youngest. H + K have opened my eyes and my mind on how to re-wire my old ways of what I thought was the best for my family to understanding what is actually going to work and make us more connected. I urge you to follow their Instagram where you can get some live wholesome connections from them and other people! Also really suggest their shop where you can find a lot of useful posters, guides and other amazing information that you can print or download, especially if your as forgetful as me 😅 their phone downloads really help with that!
  • Wulfric16
    Radical Shift as a Dad
    My wife sent me the “Free to Speak” episode not really expecting me to listen since I follow way too many podcasts. I was instantly hooked as a dad who really wants connection with my kids and listened to two more episodes that first day. That first episode made me feel like a fog was lifting - one that I had never known was there. It was astounding to me how illogical every form of parenting was that I had seen modeled. Everything made such sense and seemed so simple (philosophically, obviously doing the work is still crazy hard). Since that first episode, not a day has gone by that I haven’t been extremely grateful for this beautiful connection I have with our kids as if seeing them for the first time as full humans. I’m also humbled by how close I was to missing the opportunity to have such a close connection if My wife hadn’t found them. I’m so incredibly grateful for the practical tools shared here. Truly something special.
  • Kathryn Linda
    H & K are a Godsend!
    I love listening to this podcast! I have 3 children (4.5 years, 2 years, and 5 months). It’s Tough! Some days I just feel like I’m drowning. I’ve found other parenting resources somewhat helpful, but a little too theoretical. Hannah and Kelty are practical. They dive right in and give honest, hilarious, vulnerable, examples that I can relate to daily. I started listening independently, but have now invited my husband to listen with me. I can see the changes we are making working on a daily basis. This podcast is beyond helpful in our parenting journey. Thank you!
  • LaurenmHolton
    Complete Game Changer
    These women are basically my best friends that I don’t know in real life. Parenting in these modern times is tough, but we are so lucky to have so much more science, information, and access to parenting resources than the previous generation. Hannah and Kelty are incredibly good at researching all of this new info, synthesizing it, and bringing it to people in a way that is not only approachable, but incredibly empathetic. It is so easy to feel shame about ways we’ve been parenting that are not ideal, but these women manage to light the way out of the shame spiral and provide the tools to help parents and caregivers make changes that feel good. The focus on connection, empathy, progress over perfection, and social change are exactly what burned out parents need to hear. I particularly love how they give you the actual language for how to communicate with kids in a more respectful, connecting way. The days that I can regurgitate versions of the words they’ve taught me aren’t always the easiest, but they always feel the best.
  • YetAnotherDuckFan
    Rewiring for me, to help model for my little ones
    I grew up in a split household and each parent had their way of shaming, control, and fear to manipulate the behavior of my brother and me. It felt normal, it was never abusive, and just was their parenting style. The shame I feel all the time at work, in my personal life, and in my parenting is sometimes paralyzing. My wife turned me on to this pod/insta/booklets as we got stuck at home for the last year. There were problematic interactions of me parenting like I was parented with control and manipulation, and that’s not the relationship I want with my kids and I don’t want them to suffer with the shame I feel. Listening and working is really shifting and rewiring my brain to be more connected to my kids. It really is an eye opener, and by no means am I perfect at it, but I’m moving in a positive direction.
  • Portland Mamma
    This grandma is woke!
    I am amazed at the wisdom/vulnerability that these women display. This has changed how I am a grandmother, a mother, and an adult, in general! With my grandkids, I have been so much more aware of my reactivity (old ways want to run me!) and I am more able to move WITH them instead of PUSHING/PULLING them. We share a more rich experience this way and connect more deeply. I can see how this is changing my relationship with my grown daughters, my friends, and with everyone else as I practice the principals these women are expounding and presenting (so stylishly, I might add!). Revolutionary change for me at 63. Nuts and bolts research-based philosophy paired with sometimes hilarious experience-based advice makes this a keeper for me. I will continue to show up and grow up!
  • maggieViers
    These twin mamas saved my sanity
    Not only did these twin mamas save my sanity, they saved mine and my family’s life. My mindset was so stuck in a culturally conditioned way of thinking and I was finding myself beating my head against the wall being a parent of 4 small children, plus a pandemic. Enter Hannah and Kelty who graciously answer all of my questions every live and give me perspective so compassionately and empathetically. My relationship with my kids, my husband, and myself have grown exponentially. Whenever I’m feeling the least bit dysregulated or discouraged, I pop on an upbringing podcast or live and I’m rejuvenated
  • lllzzv
    Show up and grow up!
    Mama of two spirited boys and happy I discovered this pod. Lots of insight and practical advice that these ladies present in a fun and casual way. I esp Love their mantra let’s show up and grow up!
  • ninaballerina05
    Helpful for Nannies and Caregivers too!
    I started in September as a nanny for two very spirited and sensitive kids, aged 10 and 12, and your resources have helped me understand and navigate their big feelings and (ever plentiful) resistance so so much. I felt like a deer in headlights when I started three months ago, but I am slowly starting to feel more confident in my power as a safe and empathetic caregiver, even in the moments when I feel like like crying/screaming/sending everyone to their rooms for the rest of the day. I will admit that at first, I was SO skeptical of Hannah and Kelly’s approach—it all seemed too hippy-dippy to actually be an effective strategy—but my perspective has made a complete 180. THANK YOU times 1 million for the work you are doing!
  • caitooth10
    Listen and learn!
    This should be required content for anyone who interacts with children. Families, educators, healthcare workers... such an important perspective on relationships.
  • LR3327
    Nothing less than life changing — easily the best all-around parenting resource I’ve found. I feel so grateful to be alive at the same time as these wonderful humans!
  • Mama psychiatrist 2000
    Excellent work!
    I have found such solace in this podcast. I love that the suggestions are based on research and given with such warmth and compassion. I’m here to show up and grow up! The mantra of self reg to cog reg is perfect too. Parents, check this out and you won’t regret it.
  • NJ_Mom_1719
    Why the foul language, ladies?
    I am an avid podcast listener but have never left a review before, however, the content of this podcast has spurred me to write a review. I am a mother of 3 and definitely an advocate of positive, responsive parenting as advocated in this podcast. However, to me, your message is muddled when you are dropping f bombs and cursing frequently throughout. I was excited for more episodes of this podcast but will be unsubscribing. Ladies, it is possibly more effective to share your awesome, important message by doing so WITHOUT all the curse words.
  • lzimmermania
    Every parent needs to listen to this podcast
    I have been listening to this podcast for the past few weeks and it truly speaks to my soul. They do an amazing job explaining things that we all know are true but don’t always have the words to say them. Our children are such an amazing gift and listening to this podcast gives you so many tools to truly grow up alongside of them!
  • nicotree
    Insightful & Super Helpful
    I am a single mom living with my parents and advocating for a different upbringing than the one I had for my son. This podcast has helped me articulate my values and reasoning for my approach (explaining that connection and consideration doesn’t mean permissive parenting). I appreciate the acknowledgment that not all parents possess the social and emotional skills (yet!) that we hope to pass on and the encouragement to grow along side our kids.
  • BirdingBanjoPlayersWife
    Upbringing is magical around the edges.
    I’m beyond grateful to the Upbringing podcast... you two make me a better mama. You challenge me and inspire beyond measure. Whew, respectful parenting - where have you been all this time!?
  • DaniBehbb
    Absolutely Essential
    Thank you mamas sooo much! I’ve learned so much & am constantly sharing this podcast because it is essential for this new world!
  • ashleydemchap
    Finding this podcast was a true gift. I’ve gained inspiring information and practical wisdom on how to connect with my children and myself as a parent and human. This podcast is now a part of my self-care routine. I call it my parenting soul food. The upbringing website and resources posted there are also phenomenal. A little upbringing everyday is a great way to stay aligned with my intention to raise healthy humans who can connect with others, be authentic, and create social change. I am so glad to be a part of this community of parents.
  • KBNashTN
    Good to the core
    I am a professor of education in Nashville, Tennessee and a mom to twin toddler boys! My area of expertise at work is classroom community building and I mostly teach graduate students becoming teachers for the first time. I have strong beliefs and philosophies about how we do care and relationships and humanizing work in schools, but I had a hard time finding some of the tools to translate it to tiny people. And this dynamic duo is an absolute godsend! I am loving the podcasts and the web resources and am just know so grateful for this work. The approaches are spot on and the practical tools, the way they speak, the troubleshooting, the real life examples are all positively inspiring and encouraging. Thank you thank you thank you!
  • sheamarie3
    This podcast is medicine!
    This is it y’all. These ladies are spilling the tea on the exact medicinal messaging that our culture deeply needs. A soothing balm in the time of “behavioral fixes”. These ladies offer something totally radical and real. An incredible, insightful podcast for anyone looking for parenting wisdom rooted in authenticity. These gals will become your parenting gurus, and remind you of your own innate wisdom, Illuminating what you’re doing well, challenge you to retrain cultural conditioning and busy through ego. They are living the imperfect parenting journey right alongside all of us, and it feels good! This podcast is like having two wise big sisters in your back pocket. You’ll be laugh/crying throughout, yelling halelujah and feeling totally empowered!
  • Tin-Tin Huckell
    Changed my Life ... for Life
    This podcast is a game changer, the RESIST approach and FREEDOM models are the right fit for me. This is the future of good parenting, raising beautiful people and becoming a better version of ourselves. I am grateful to H&K for sharing their knowledge... so let’s show up and let’s grow BISCUITS!
  • LizRWolf
    Essential Listening
    Upbringing is essential listening for new parents—especially those with young kids. Hannah and Kelty are thoughtful, honest, warm, funny, and so so helpful.
  • 2020apdx
    Best parenting podcast!
    This is the best parenting podcast I have found. These ladies are amazing. They are so knowledgeable and real. Also listening to them calms me down and makes me believe I can get through all kinds of parenting challenges. They give fantastic advice and always cheer me up. H&K you are wonderful! Thank you
  • Andyfles
    More important than ever!
    With all of the uninterrupted time I am getting with the kids right now I was finding myself reverting back to trying to control my kids. Listening to your show helps to keep me emotionally grounded and reminds me that, in these crazy times, its even more important to be there to SUPPORT our kids not control. Thank you! Keep um coming 👍🏻
  • emaheg
    This is a podcast for EVERYONE
    Even though I don’t have kiddos yet, I listen to Upbringing. Why? Well 1) Hannah and Kelty’s voices are incredibly calm and reassuring. 2) The lessons these twins share are helping me heal from some hard stuff in my own childhood + learn how to be a kinder, gentler human. They take things I think I know and flip them on their head, in the clearest, chillest way possible. Hannah and Kelty talk about things in the context of raising kids, but the lessons they share can be applied to our interactions with all humans, including ourselves. There’s something for everyone to learn on Upbringing.
  • creeclark
    Amazing info!
    These 2 women are thoughtful, quirky, and spot on. This podcast will change you as a parent and as a person. I have recommended this to all of my mom friends and clients. Upbringing is offering a revolution in parenting, one built on a foundation of respect, connection, and developmental understanding.
  • Robin Dini
    Amazing Insight
    So great to hear the dialog of thoughtful parents. Just all around a great podcast with the message that we are all learning together with our children. We are all people and we are all humans trying to navigate this life together.
  • chartingmaps
    Thoughtful and insightful
    Every podcast is engaging and carefully researched. Amazing resource for progressive and conscious parenting.
  • Inthehouseee
    I wish I could give this more than 5 stars
    An incredibly insightful, uplifting and HELPFUL podcast for all of us parents out there trying to do right by our kiddos.
  • KathleenMarieOKeeffe
    Research driven + mind opening
    The Upbringing podcasts with Hannah and Kelty are grounding. These knowledgeable and relatable mothers are able to dig deep, express vulnerability, connect the dots, and bring it all home. After each of these episodes, I feel stronger, revitalized and filled with the necessary tools to be a more stable parent - and healthier version of myself! Parenting can be tricky, because humans are complicated. But like magic, Hannah and Kelty break it all down in simple terms that open doors and present solutions. I’m always on the hunt for resources to help me reflect, analyze and make better decisions for my family: and these ladies are in my toolkit!
  • lainejoyce
    Radical, fearless, empathetic parenthood ❤️
    Hannah and Kelty have such a gift for breaking down dense academic research about brains, parenting, all the things (you name it they’ve read it) and making it real, realistic and, most importantly, feel like something you can actually DO. Like you’re actually going to be okay. Not in a “cheers pass the wine you go girl” kind of way, but better yet, by empathizing with their listeners about their struggles and triumphs in much same way they encourage us to do with our kids. Show, not tell. All the way. LOVE THEM LOVE THIS PODCAST! 🌈
  • Pjvawyvk
    I’m not alone!
    As a mother who is trying to put in the work to be a better person, mom, family member and wife, this podcast makes me feel a little more equipped and confident. They have excellent insights and thoughtful conversations with guests. I don’t know about the rest of you but I didn’t have the best role models and was terrified of repeating their mistakes or messing up my kid in brand new ways. This podcast takes some of the pressure off (you’re still gonna make mistakes) but it’s ok, you’re trying and hey, we’re all in this journey together.
  • CMStuddard
    Bringing the Upbringing to Boston
    Hannah and Kelty are high school friends of my husband. Though we now live in Boston, I heard about Upbringing from some Oregon friends last summer, when my son was 3 months old. I didn't really think much of it at the time, since newborns are barely conscious and don't need much besides milk, sleep, and hygiene... however, fast forward to this past January, when my son was 8 months old and still not sleeping through the night and I felt myself going slowly insane from my friends' and family's feedback: "He's STILL not sleeping through?" "But he's such a good eater!" "What is WITH him?" I remembered about Upbringing and started to listen... and it completely changed my outlook on my son and on parenting in general! The Empowerments were (and are) what especially resonated with me; at that moment in time, the "We Meet Our Kids Where They Are" empowerment in particular saved me. I began to appreciate my son for the unique individual that he is, with his own needs and his own timeline; I began to truly RESPECT him as a person rather than as an inhibitor of my own sleep/daily routines; and I began to TRUST my gut feelings about parenting decisions. Fast forward to now, where you can find my 14 month old is happy and healthy (AND sleeping through the night, without any other intervention from me), and where you can find me as a happier and more relaxed parent who still listens to Hannah and Kelty's every word. I am so grateful!
  • boymamabend
    Grateful Mama!
    So grateful for the chance to listen to this podcast! There are so many parenting books out there that are more like instruction manuals on raising kids. But, Ubringing so invaluable in getting you through those hard moments and deal with the internal stresses that come with parenting. Such great thoughts and advice on how to really get through those frustrating times that all parents deal with in effort to raise the best kids that you can and grow up to be the parents you have always hoped to be. Parents have such an important job and this is such a great tool to keep things in perspective and embrace the challenges that we face.
  • Appetite For Color
    Inspired Portland Mama
    I was giddy with excitement when I stumbled upon this podcast. These mamas have mastered the art of being vulnerable, knowledgable and relatable. The conent is thought provoking, humbling, and inspiring. It is giving me some much needed fuel in this season of parenting. Way to go ladies, I can't wait for more!
  • 2 in diapers
    My parenting mantra
    my new parenting mantra courtesy of the amazing moms behind @upbringing: 👆🏼RESPECT ✌🏼CONNECT 👌🏼SOLVE / INNOVATE 👊🏼TRUST . . you know those people who as soon as you meet them, you are instantly at peace just by their presence? you are pulled into their calming yellow aura, and feel like you are a swaddled baby being soothed in their arms #weirdbuttrue. that and so much more is the amazing twin moms behind @up_bringing. I have the luck to know them IRL and they are just as you would imagine by listening to their podcast: calm, funny, creative, and a few cuss words thrown in to keep it real. I have been singing their praises to anyone who even mentions being a parent, since you typically bond over whatever struggles you are currently facing, where I quickly use their motto “the hard stuff is the good stuff” as my sales pitch to go listen to them. . . while all the episodes are #gold, I recommend starting with the EMPOWERMENT episode on “the 4 powers” where they outline my new mantra mentioned above, and then try the one on “toddler tooth brushing”. ones like these that give tangible examples really help me do better next time. PLUS they give an affirmation at the end of each one that makes me well up every time. ok I’m going to stop raving. now go listen!
  • aOak
    Mind Blowing
    I think it’s really easy to get swept into identifying as the tasks and skills you perform. This podcast helps refocus your perception of self into one that is holistic and worthy of discussion and reflection. It was kind of a shocking moment when I realized I didn’t actually possess the vocabulary to talk about who I am outside of labels like, “mom, manager, illustrator” Lots of wonderful philosophical discussion about parenting and identity, but in a way that so approachable, fun, curious, and light hearted.
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