Something Was Wrong


Something Was Wrong is an award-winning docuseries about the discovery, trauma, and recovery from crime, shocking life events and abusive relationships.

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Recent Reviews
  • DPM72
    Lots of potential
    My maiden journey was season 20’s deeply disturbing catfish story. The podcast would’ve been much more compelling with additional editing. If it was tighter and less repetitive I would give it 5 stars.
  • SLitteken
    The Jesse P story of stalking
    Great detailed investigation! Maybe your best bet for charging Jesse is when she posted an underage photo of the “real Brody” on Tinder. That would be child exploitation
  • Kats_purr
    Must listen
    Thank you for listening and sharing these stories from survivors.
  • Xamdiyah
    Simply the best
    I’ve enjoyed listening and in some ways it has felt therapeutic which really opened my eyes to things I’ve felt in a past relationship and exactly how to word it better. It’s also opened my eyes to what to look out for. Love you for doing this and letting victims tell their stories! 🩶🤎💛
  • Lala1270
    A master class in how to stay stuck in victimhood and also in how to get your child killed.
    I listened to all of this podcast in an attempt to understand people who are a bit broken. Life kicks us around. There are pathways to growth and resolution. This podcast covers precious few. In the end, these stories tend to view “finding a ‘good’ man” as the happy ending, with a distinct evangelical Christian flavor of women as partial people. This might just play a part in perpetual victimhood, just saying. Season 16 was the host sharing her vitriol regarding her mom, who on a different day could have been a venerated victim. A host with such unresolved pain and reactive judgment explains a lot. Season 17 glorified a woman who kept a man as a live-in babysitter, knowing he had given a child a head injury in the past, knowing he had 4 restraining orders against him, knowing her child suddenly had bruises of clear abuse **in his ears**, knowing her child told her he hurt him, knowing her child begged her not to leave. That man killed that boy and somehow the woman is the victim. Naive is not cute and not an excuse. Motherhood is a responsibility. Sometimes women die from low self esteem, from clinging to men who kill them. To glorify a woman who lead her child to his death through her own low self esteem is a version of snuff porn and I feel gross having listened. I encourage any subscriber to unfollow as I have and if you have not listened, consider yourself lucky.
  • Mccc7
    Like but hard to follow
    I love the show but it’s annoyingly hard to search for recent episodes because the show seems to be fragmented at season 14 or so (even as a Wondery subscriber I can’t follow)?? I don’t get it every time I search I can’t find the new seasons. I hope they can resolve this glitch and merge bc it’s been going on for a while
  • MaiaPanthera
    Keep talking
    I don't find Tiffany's voice or manner offputting. I'm grateful for the modeling of non-violent communication, including what she does 98% of episodes: listening.
  • user626003
    So Validating!
    I think the best thing about this podcast is the way it makes survivors feel so validated in past abuses. It’s easy to downplay or dismiss our feelings, to say ‘how could I have let that happen.’ But this podcast helped to process my experiences and understand them better, knowing that we are not alone in our trauma.
  • candle28
    I ve hung on every word in every episode
    I can’t believe I’ve binged through 20 seasons already. It’s hard waiting week to week, but I love this podcast. Tiffany is embedded with her guests and their lives. It’s inspiring. Keep up the good work!
    Please please please please please
    On my hands and knees Tiffany, please… stop talking. Your podcast is pretty good. The stories are good. Please stop talking. Take your commentary out. The listener cares about what the narrator is saying. Your commentary is so off putting. I know you think it’s informative and positive but it’s so distracting and annoying. I’m sorry but it’s true. Please.
  • Jspers
    Hit or Miss
    Some seasons are great. Season 20 is not. Too long, too tedious and repetitive, and too many voices that all sound the same telling an overlapping story with a complicated timeline and no helpful guidance from a narrator or editor. Gave up on episode 6. Hopefully they find their stride again as I think the topics they are exploring are fascinating and important.
  • calgirl26
    Love it
    I am finishing up season 1, I’m hooked. The only changes would be the background music…sometimes it gets very repetitive and/or louder than the people speaking.
  • Sujxfhol
    It’s just gossip / cash grab
    Season 20: There’s no analysis of predators, why people might fall for these scams, or really any proof other than screen shots/texts. The editing is really rough and all the girls sharing their drama sound the same so it’s hard to keep track of who is who and who is a friend and for some reason moms come on to give their perspective? No comprehensive timeline, questioning, or narration, it’s just listening to someone spill their tea. I find this podcast to be disrespectful to victims and hard to listen to. I had quit listening years ago and picked up with season 20 and I now remember why I stopped. Also, seems like every season I’ve listened to involves people who come from deeply religious backgrounds. Would love an analysis on how evangelicalism and extreme religions perpetuate the ideas of domesticity and submission, that women are to serve their partner through god. People who follow religions are more susceptible to abuse because you do not believe you hold your own power/fate. It’s in the hand of the sky daddy and anyone can use that against you. Religion is a mental illness I swear- it’s probably related to why Jess didn’t feel safe being herself (definitely gay definitely dealing with homophobia and self hatred) and resorted to such abhorrent behavior and probably connected to why her victims stuck around so long. They were early 20s nurses with beliefs rooted in Christianity- where you are to be a submissive and domestic partner to manly man with no emotional intelligence. I hope all of these women have found strength within themselves and them and their husbands go to therapy and that they never have to deal with such selfish, manipulative, and destructive behavior again but Jess set the bar pretty low so who knows. Please do better. This is just trash reality TV for a quick cash grab but as long as victims get some money 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s their prerogative.
  • Chandra's Voice
    Amazing Survivors
    This series was a wonderful celebration of surviving abuse, finding community to support you, and THRIVING! Thank you for all the work you did on this series. Hoping Jess gets pounded by the long arm of the law 🫶
  • Gwen Elise
    Stories good, formatting is both fantastic and terrible?
    The stories this podcast covers are very interesting, especially the cybercrime aspects. I really enjoy the moments that feel casual and are people impacted relaying their stories. Doesn’t feel over dramatized at those moments and the events build up at a slow burn. When the host gets too involved, it feels like it can get editorialized and like they’re trying to build drama and severity. This became very noticeable in season 20 when host seemed to be inserting herself into the group of victims and almost presenting like she was personally part of the experience and crimes. There’s also weird editing with repetitions and long pauses that makes it feel like my app is having errors and I find myself checking my headphones/phone frequently.
  • Amaclean23
    Hard to listen to
    The stories are interesting, but the editing is so rough. Lots of ads, strange segues, long monologues about medical stuff, multiple minutes of montage quotes at the end. I really appreciate the host and what they’re trying to do, but it’s just so clunky.
  • kayla johnson 😬
    Fantastic and such a relatable podcast!
    Love love love this podcast. Each story is beautifully told and so respectful of victims. I love the concept of bringing awareness to all these topics. And oh my god I’m on the edge of my seat with each episode! Love Tiffany and what meaning she brings ❤️
  • vannah13
    I’m sorry I thought I was going to love this podcast and there were some seasons/ episodes I enjoyed and I appreciate the platform for victims and victim advocacy because it is needed but 2 things annoyed/ angered me 1. (Much less serious but more of a personal annoyance) when she called the perpetrator in season 20 she did not conduct herself in a way a real journalist usually would and I cringed when she called her “baby girl” 2. Season 17 left me flabbergasted- the lack of accountability for the death of a child was outrageous and the blame put on everyone else (meaning the other doctors and nurses) was crazy- the victim was the baby and I believe it did not do Jace justice at all. I am glad his murderer was punished but it is a parent’s and family’s duty to protect the child at all costs especially when the child is saying out right that the person abusing them is bad. The child abuse could be seen from a mile away- I’m disgusted and my heart breaks for that child
  • BmoreUnicorn
    It kind of fell off for me…
    I stumbled upon this through Wondery. I’ve listened to the Jake Gravbrot season, the Catfishing Jess season and the loss of baby Jase. I sort of got the ick from the mother in the case of baby Jase; she sounded incredibly insincere and she is responsible for what happened to that baby. She put that child in danger and to give her a platform was wrong in my opinion. I noticed Tiffany would said shes a journalist or documentarian interchangeably at times but what really turned me off about her: the way she acted that the FBI owed her something in the Jake Gravbrot case and her snarky comments about the FBI. What he did was sociopathic no doubt, but something about her feels off so I don’t plan on listening to any more seasons. I feel like the victim advocacy is somewhat secondary at this point.
  • Meashy92
    Season 20
    I started with this season and am really hoping the others are better. Lauren is extremely immature and over reactive. She seems to cry constantly. Take responsibility for your actions, they are the cause of the majority of your problems. I do enjoy Tiffany which is why I’ll try a different season
  • Valloveskevin
    Thank you Tiffany!
    I started listening to this podcast a few years ago by the recommendation of a friend. Since then I have been mildly obsessed. Thank you to the victims for telling these important stories. Your bravery no doubt gives others hope and encourages healing and the desire to process and move forward. Tiffany, thank you for using your platform to empower and give a voice to those who have suffered. Your compassion and fearless approach in supporting this community is such important work. Bravo, friend!
  • Boousuk
    Wondery Plus
    If I pay for no ads, I should hear no ads. I don’t care what kind of episode it is. I paid for no ads
  • dollycat21
    Here’s the thing about this show… even episode 1. When I get to the very last few episodes/Q & A, recap… I get so bored. I end up not caring in the end. The stories are great (mostly, other than that abomination of a woman reading us stuff in season 17).. but it gets so dragged out, dramatized, and by the time the host is trying to show us how good of friends she is with the victims and how it’s affected her personally I just glaze over and turn it off. This is how you know “something is wrong…”. I literally don’t care about the ending by the time I finish a season. Edit more. DO NOT SAY BABYGIRL EVER. Don’t try so hard to make it show that the podcast affected people and drag it wayyyy out talking about everything. Otherwise, great content and great informational advice for anyone going through abusive situations.
  • Steviescribbles
    No editing
    Is anyone editing or producing this pod at all? It started out pretty good but now it’s such a convoluted mess, they say the same things over and over and ramble on for episodes with no clear direction. I love that they are giving a platform to these people and shining a light on abuse in many forms, but it’s hard to keep supporting such a poorly put together show.
  • tfags
    Sometimes this podcast is painful to listen to. The victims are sometimes portayed as helpless when the decisions they make are horrible.
  • rdsend
    Trying to Understand
    A few of the episodes are truly very good. However as I started listening to more I found it difficult to be empathetic. For example season 20 - catfishing, there has to be some ownership by the survivors for getting themselves into their situations. While conduct of suspects is definitely outrageous it’s not always criminal even tho destructive emotionally. If anything this podcast should serve as a warning to those that are vulnerable or those in similar situations. It’s just hard to believe some of these survivors made such destructive decisions or failed to take precautions to protect themselves. In some cases the potential for wealth and riches lead to the demise of those involved. That’s your own fault.
  • mar92827
    My favorite pod
    Lots of negativity here about Tiffany and how this podcast is boring and repetitive but I’ve sincerely enjoyed every single episode of every single season. Some people complain that Tiffany lets “random people talk” through the whole podcast but that’s what I love about this podcast—-that she lets the people who experienced these traumatic events TELL THEM THEIR WAY. I love this podcast and I love Tiffany.
  • Crawlyn4
    Thank you so much for covering and bringing comfort to those who have gone through these tragic abusive relationships. I have binged all of the seasons and love all of them can’t wait for season 21! Thanks to all for your hard work and making these available for the listeners. 💗
  • Emmy_96
    Very long very repetitive very not trauma informed
    Just safe yourself the time and irritation and don’t listen
  • susse58
    Who's Running Things Here
    Who the heck is running things? I hear the voice of the host so seldom, (except in ads), that I'm not certain I recognize it. Aren't hosts supposed to be telling the story in a concise, succinct manner? Ugh, this is so frustrating. The subject matter is interesting, but be prepared to listen to the actual people involved drone on and on, sharing absolutely every minute detail of their story. The host clearly has an high opinion of herself. Giving herself titles like, audio documentarian. I've never heard of such a thing. You're a podcaster, and a bad one at that. No experience in journalism here folks, even at 20 seasons. Not a lick of sense as to what makes a podcast worth listening to. In season 20 the subjects of the story were actually allowed to spend entire episodes recounting every word of long text exchanges with the fake Broady! Using pronouns instead of names!!!! With monotone voices never meant for radio. Truly unbearable to listen to and really hard to have sympathy for the people involved. Taking some courses of podcasting Tiff and learn how to interview.
  • xtina.amaya
    I found this podcast last week and haven’t been able to stop listening ever since! I started with season 20, then went back to older seasons. I do prefer the layout of season 20 better, where it’s one persons story for the entire season, but that’s okay. I’m still happy listening!
  • mele786
    Get a move on!
    I have loved all previous seasons of this podcast. And this, too, is a compelling topic. But, OMG, how many times do we have to listen to the identical text exchanges, the identical fights, the identical crises? Sadly, the result is less, not more, empathy wth the victims. Can we please get to where they bust “him”? I mean, we know from E2 on that he does, so this is just tedious! I keep fast forwarding just a bit, but it’s just the same sentences again and again. Ooof!
  • absckb
    Love the full seasons
    Someone turned me onto this podcast a few years ago and I was immediately hooked…and then I got to season 5 and stopped listening…until I was reminded of it recently and started where I left off. I realized quickly that I had stopped listening in season 5 because I really don’t care for the one story per episode format. I am definitely more a fan of all the twists and details shared in the one story per season format. Aside from that I think this is an amazing podcast. Growing up with a mentally ill mother who sadly never received the treatment she needed as well as being a DV survivor, some of these stories are really helping me process some unresolved emotions that are still lingering and it’s really helping me.
  • abbikka
    Needs better host and editor
    This show has a really interesting concept with a poor execution. The host, Tiffany, takes away from the show for sure. In the latest season she called the alleged predator to confront her in a teenage bully type fashion because you know that’s how journalist conduct themselves? It was probably the cringiest moment of the show thus far. She lacks the integrity/ maybe even knowledge needed to keep the audience captivated and then drop the reveal. The editing is worse. It’s way too long. Too many characters which all sound the same. I would suggest to the editor/Tiffany to introduce a guest and who they are each episode. I still have no idea who Leon is or why Tiffany called him and berated him? To be mean? I have no idea! I think if this show got a new host with more journalistic skills I would continue to listen but after this season I can’t. The quality of content has gotten too bad. The ‘victims’ just simply are not believeable. The interviews are way too long. There is just no skill to this show. I think they are probably trying to pump out as many episodes before it gets canned.
  • ShaynaRN
    The amount of healing this show brings is amazing. There is something relatable that helps you process your own traumas. Also Tiffany has an excellent voice!
  • KBOW0418
    A friend shared this podcast with me a few months back and I am hooked!! Each season is just as addicting as the last. Bravo to Tiffany and her team.
  • aemckean
    You’ve gotta know when or where to splice things. I’m doing a sort of half-binge of S20, and six episodes in, we’re still listening to text conversations between these women and the lunatic who deceived them. We get it. This was an extremely abusive, toxic, traumatizing, downright insane situation, but these conversations are beginning to repeat themselves. It’s becoming redundant. By episode six, we should be hearing how the truth was finally discovered. Time to move on. Move forward. Ya know?
  • articulett
    I love hearing the stories of these women—and the host is such a wonderful producer and advocate.
  • SchoolPsych19
    Behavioral concerns all around
    I listen to this for pure entertainment value. It is hard to sympathize with the guests. Their accounts of what “happened” to them lack acknowledgment of their own accountability. Who believes they are in a relationship with someone whose voice they have never heard and face they have never seen? The woman “Jess” has pathological issues; however, her role in this is simply part of the story. Unless you are intellectually disabled, I have a difficult time believing that you were “duped.” I think more time should be spent on identifying the factors that contribute to these women “falling” victim. Take Jess out of the picture—it’s pure logic that this man does not exist. This fact cannot just be swept under the rug. I am baffled that this “story” is so one-sided. These women have serious social-emotional and behavioral concerns.
  • Kali_magalies
    Storytelling is bad
    I’ve listened to multiple episodes and, while the plot lines are compelling, and compassion for the victims so intense, I find the editing and questioning to be so free-wheeling and overly drawn out that the storytelling lacks a seriously compelling element.
  • Trams remains
    Thank you so much for this. I had issues in my childhood as well but was encouraged to sweep it all under the rug. I am now 55 so a lot of time has passed. Much of my trauma is a distant memory but I realize that I still carry the hurt with me. It is good to hear that others have had similar experiences at least we are not alone. Hugs to you. You are a survivor!!!!
  • Acidmars7
    Enabled a child murderer to be a victim
    Season 17 sealed the deal for me. Absolutely shameful and disgusting.
  • D’Aun
    Season 1 hooked me, and I agree that each season would get a different rating from me. Terrifying how you think you know someone and can be SO WRONG
  • cmpinva
    Baby girl….???
    I have mixed feelings about this podcast. Some of the seasons are good while others are just painful to listen to. I found season 20 to be one of the painful ones. And Tiffany calling Jess “baby girl” was not only surprising but so unprofessional. Ugh - Tiffany, please do not call yourself a professional, a journalist or a documentarian if you are going to call ANYONE “baby girl”.
  • Stasia Sreka
    This is possibly the most insane true-story podcast I’ve ever heard. I was captivated and outraged for these young women. I will now be going back to season 1 and listening to every single season after that. I also look forward to hearing about progress updates on this case! Jess needs to be punished for what she’s done!!
  • jiijiniii
    Tiffany is an inspiration!!! The way you offer the victims the entire platform to express their voices and give us everything we want including the aftermath, calls to fbi etc… this podcast motivated me to want to become a therapist. Thank you for giving the victims a voice and reserved and exposing their predators!!!
  • morgzy23332
    Going Downhill
    I used to love the seasons when they were a different story each episode. Now it feels like stories are being drawn out and I can never finish out of boredom. Please go back to the way it was!! this used to be my favorite podcast
  • EmilyGApril
    My absolute favorite podcast! I found it by accident but was drawn to it by the pink background.
    I consider myself a true crime fan since I snuck my Mom’s Ted Bundy book when I was 12 (circa 1997 and which I had NO business reading). This podcast is different from anything else I’ve ever read, heard, or I have seen. She pours her heart and soul into telling these tragic stories, including her own, all while managing her personal trauma and anxiety- using every ounce of fame and recognition to try and make the world a better, safer place. She tells from the perspective of all facets of people involved, (not just the gore or salacious details). You start to feel like you know the people and you hurt for them and with them. But the absolute best part is reveling in their escape from their perpetrator and seeing them persevere even after the worst has happened.
  • tleeb82
    Seasons change
    My opinion on this podcast really change from season to season, although I think it’s clear if every season how much the host cares about the subjects. I was very confused by her season, and hate the 5+ mns it takes to get into the actual episode, but overall enjoy the podcast. Will definitely keep listening.
  • bdomen
    This isn’t it
    I find myself turning episodes off before I finish them. It’s so frustrating listening to someone say they’re a journalist/documentarian/advocate but speak to others they’re trying to interview so aggressively. Overall it lacks professionalism and seems to prioritize praise and trauma bonding.
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