Eric Roberts Fitness

Fitness #52

Online Fitness Coaching

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Recent Reviews
  • colleen3345
    Love this podcast!
    I love listening to Eric. He’s so down to earth and his info is so helpful. I’m not a clubhouse member because of tight budget but I absorb all his knowledge and look forward to every podcast!!! Thank you Eric!!!
  • SusanVP26
    Entire Podcast Episodes
    I found you on TikTok sometime back and finally got around to listening to your podcast back in October 2023. I started with Episode one and today finally caught up to your most recent episode. I have learned a lot and the information has begun to get stuck into my head and learning from other’s stories and relating to things here and there. I have started your 45 free workouts back in September of 2023 and have enjoyed them and feel stronger. I think I am still limiting the weight I’m lifting and as I keep hearing lift heavier on your podcast. I just recently started challenging myself with adding more weights little by little to see if I can handle it and to my surprise, I think I have been cheating myself from not lifting has heavy as I should the past few months. I have begun with guesstimating counting my calories and I am really close to purchasing a food scale to see if the calories I think I am eating are even close to what I am actually eating. Which I think I am not since the fat I currently have is still stick around. LOL. You have definitely inspired me and since I have not fully committed to my eating habits. I know it’s a much slower progress, but I will get there. I kinda wanted it to be a slow change because I wanted it to be a lifestyle change and not be a 2 week thing then fall off. I have been lifting 4x a week and try very hard not to miss, which I am good for the most part. Thanks for all that you have done for everyone. You are awesome!!!
  • Gabby E77
    "Listen to this when you want to quit"
    I have been listening to Erics podcast for over a year now every morning! He has motivated me on my bad days and called me out on my self pity days. Thank you for all your great content!
  • 3justme3
    Solid, honest health and fitness podcast
    Eric is straight up honest about health and fitness and gives sound information based on science. In a world where misinformation is available in an instant, he is refreshing to listen to. He genuinely cares about his listeners and followers and clubhouse members. He’s not trying to sell you on some quick fix fad diet or gimmick. He just wants to help. I have seen information from other health and fitness people that supports what he’s saying.
  • Rediscovering_Racheal
    Thank you!
    Thank you for all that you do! You are a super inspiring dude. At such a young age you’ve accomplished so much and have such great advice. I appreciate all the episodes you post and I love not having to skip through adds. Keep up the great work and inspiring others.
  • Kathy-FLA
    Walking, hiking and driving with Eric!
    I thoroughly enjoy Eric’s podcast. It’s eerie as sometimes I feel like he’s speaking right TO me because I resonate with so much of what he says, feels and the valuable information he provides. I love his ambition and passion for his “craft”-he is so focused and driven, I can literally feel his energy thru the podcasts. His is one of several other online coaches very similar to him that I listen to. I cycle thru them all weekly as I’m taking my daily walks, hikes or long drives in the car. Thanks so much Eric-keep the energy and passion going, you’re killing it….”LET’S GO!” Kathy S.
  • sweetestson
    Eric is so understating he is the best
    Any questions you have Coach Eric will make you understand and give you the best advice! 💪🏼He is my number one fitness advisor and trainer! He is truly amazing and caring for all his clients!!
  • mcbreenr
    Eric’s podcast is my where I go for inspiration and motivation. His insight and willingness to help others makes him my favorite fitness account. Thank you for all that you do!
  • C. Stephanie
    Great start to my day!
    I always listen to Eric’s podcast as I’m getting ready for work each morning. It’s been such a great way to start my day and has taught me so much when it comes to being disciplined in my weight loss journey!
  • Elvia_v
    Love it
    Eric, thanks for always providing us some time out of your busy day to educate us more. I love the fact that you’re very honest and straight forward. I enjoy your podcast!
  • Ej19902014
    The only fitness podcast i listen to
    Eric is the best. ALWAYS keeping it real and provides such useful information. I truly look forward to new episodes.
  • Mel19393
    Excellent podcast!
    I’ve used Eric’s workouts for a couple years and am part of the clubhouse. This podcast is a perfect companion to a great strength training program. Motivating, inspiring and great tips.
  • Sheree D Taylor
    Best podcast
    My absolute favorite podcast to listen too!
  • Dev*247
    Eric truly cares about your fitness success!!
    Eric gets straight to the point and provides you with tangible steps to hit your goals!
    Great information
    Eric does a great job of making nutrition and fitness fun and inspirational. Give it a listen you won’t regret it.
  • Angiemalaor
    So glad I found this podcast
    5 episodes in and I can’t stop listening. Great information!
  • Tp101986
    Amazing podcast!
    I’ve been listening everyday on my walks and you are changing my life! Thank you!
  • Tinaj425
    Keeping it Real
    Love the podcast. Thanks for talking about all aspects of helath and fitness!
  • DiabetesRD
    Solid info!
    As a dietitian it is so refreshing to hear someone in the fitness industry provide scientifically accurate info - making it simple and easy to understand 💯
  • Pookie735
    Extremely Knowledgeable and Realistic
    I love listening to Eric! He gives solid advice, he is extremely knowledgeable, and he’s made the mistakes to speak on them! I thoroughly look forward to him answering questions or just talking about fitness, nutrition, and the balance of it all. He has really helped shape the way I generate my workout routines! Highly recommend!
  • AW2245
    Excellent Podcast
    Common sense, sustainable, science based information to help you hit your weight loss and strength training goals. Focuses on creating the best version of you, not just a smaller version of you!
  • jeni bravo
    Love Eric podcast
    Eric speak the truth helps me get back in the gym and he very inspiring love this podcast
  • Jennifer326!!!
    Favorite Podcast!
    my son is a huge fan of eric roberts and his content and i recently started listening and it’s really helped me with my journey. definitely recommend everyone listen!
  • J’Avant
    The best fitness podcast ever
    Eric fitness podcast is one of my favorite podcast. He keeps it real he doesn’t sugarcoat it he hits you where it hurts at and it helps you stay motivated and I love listening to him while I’m cleaning up my house. It keeps me motivated and grounded.
  • reetz3453
    Highly recommended
    For someone who wants humble real advice and not trendy gimmick advice. He is very responsive and cares so much to help and reach as many people as possible without trying to sell you something. Sometimes much needed brutal honesty. Love love!
  • Clarissa Batista
    Words of wisdom!!
    I started my journey about 3/4 years ago. I was in a slump, felt horrible, unattractive… and unmotivated. I was fed up with feeling sorry for myself and started going to the gym, not really having a weight loss program or lifting program. I was watching TikTok and saw one of Eric’s posts and from there on was hooked. He has help me learn so much at FREE ADVICE! Yes you have read that Correctly all FREE Advice! I rolled into this podcast show and listen all the time, the advice he has shared helps me with my journey as well as sharing with my Friends and Family members. I love how real Eric is! And straight up! He helps me realize that I don’t have to struggle with eating these fad diets! Or restricting on certain foods, as long as I can incorporate into my calorie count I can eat it! I’m not gonna lie is this lift style journey a challenge? Absolutely! Can it be expensive! Absolutely! Having these tools Eric provides to people like me who might not be able to afford a personal training, helps me not feel like I’m Doing this alone, and helps me try to stay on track! Eric! Thank you so much for your inspiration! Hard work! And dedication! I’m learning everyday and trying to keep consistent
  • Glitterpantiez
    Best fitness podcast ever!
    I’ve been listening to his podcast for a year now and it’s great for no b.s. information, tips, and advice. He’s also just hilarious and a good time to listen to while meal prepping/walking.
  • Number Two.
    Good but with a caveat
    Listened to several of your podcasts and really enjoy your passion and overall take on fitness but your perpetual use of profanity is off putting. I was once told that using the F bomb is nothing more than laziness meaning instead of looking/learning for a descriptive word you just insert the F bomb. Maybe consider not being so semantically lazy. But again thanks for the helpful content
  • Pleasentness
    REAL TALK right here!!
    Eric speaks the truth everybody needs to hear! Informative REAL TALK right here. He answers everybody’s questions, maybe not what you want to hear but he speaks the TRUTH! Check out his Instagram too, short bursts of real life on his stories and more detail in his posts. Thanks Eric, love listening to you!
  • jmart983
    Solid Advice
    This guy gives solid advice! I alway watch his reels and just recently tuned into to his podcast. He keeps it real and easy for you to comprehend.
  • Erika Q1993
    The honest truth about fitness and lifestyle. Reality
    The main reason why I love listening to Eric Robert’s is because the message is so straight forward. And although it ruffles feathers and may hurts other feelings. It’s the truth. The sensitive people in the world couldn’t handle a person like Eric and I was one of them. Until I realized my health was at risk and I need some hard core accountability. The message he brings to the podcast is real truth. Not just about fitness but fitness in your crazy busy life. 9 months of listening to his podcast and I’ve lost 43lbs and the healthiest I’ve been in over 12 years. Listening to him has changed my life. Thank you Eric.
  • Sophievgg
    Best podcast for fitness !
    Eric gives sooo much valuable info in his podcast. I’ve learned so much from listening to this show. Super grateful I found it :)
  • hbish18
    Eric truly has a passion for helping. He shares so much knowledge for free! And what he offers is no bologna, it’s straight forward and sustainable. He’s created a community that will continue to inspire you to stick with the plan and accomplish your goals. If you can handle a little cursing you won’t regret listening.
  • Geekythings114
    Eric Robert’s Speaks the average Joes language
    I find Eric Roberts's podcast to be both informative and entertaining. He speaks not as someone above you but as someone with you, understanding the mentality of both newcomers clueless about fitness and fitness enthusiasts. His realistic advice goes beyond generic suggestions like "push harder" or "take this supplement."
  • ecljmilpn
    Love this pod cast!
    Great podcast. Eric is real and relatable! He offers sound realistic advice! Love the easy flowing nature of it. Funny educational and an easy enjoyable listen!
  • Jennzzzz019364739367772
    Intelligent and Reliable
    I follow Eric Robert’s on here and Instagram. His content is real and reliable. He’s incredibly knowledgeable with health, fitness, and nutrition. He practices what he preaches and the proof is in the results. Love hearing all of his material!
  • new holland gaming and modding
    So much free useful content
    The content in Eric’s podcasts are so enlightening. If you haven’t already, check out the rest of his content on Instagram and his emails.
  • cecy_R
    No excuses
    I felt overwhelmed with the amount of information there is on weight loss. I’ve done every fad diet there is from Keto to intermittent fasting, weight watchers, beach body shakes, Herbalife. I’ve done hiit cardio, beach body and bootcamp classes. I’ve never been able to see the progress I desperately wanted until I found Eric Roberts. Not only does he give you all the information for free, but he also teaches you everything you need to know it make it sustainable. I recommend joining the clubhouse if you really want to transform you life and stop with the excuses. You won’t regret it!
  • Hollgbee
    Heart and Enthusiasm!!
    Eric has the hugest heart for helping people! His delivery is down to earth and authentic. He has tons of experience (and tons of success!) working with people from all walks of life. His enthusiasm is contagious! This is one of my favorite fitness podcasts!
  • LisaDDavis67
    Love it!
    I’m not a part of the fitness training but I listen to the podcasts and follow him on social media and love the content! He’s always spot on with his advice and knowledge!
  • Shay_Musmar
    Great podcast!
    Been listening to Eric podcast for a long time! I absolutely love love his content! He is the real deal! I share his podcast, his tips and advice with everyone in my life! Keep going eric! Just a side note, please give us a warning before shouting because some of us have headphones on 😅😂
  • KarissaSan
    Honest & motivational
    Eric has an uncanny ability to give you the information you need, the encouragement you need and does it in a honest way. I love listening to this podcast because I feel like there is someone on the other side of the mic just being themselves & straight up. Not some gimmicky guru. This content is some of the best fitness & weight-loss information around. Love listening while getting my steps in to keep me focused!
  • RMCarmona
    Eric knows what we need to hear!
    This is a no-nonsense podcast without any gimmicks that gives you the simple tools to succeed.
  • Apex0fWar
    One of the best for realistic fitness advice!
    Been following Eric for a year and a half or so now. His advice is extremely realistic and achievable for the regular every day person with a normal life to achieve their fitness goals. I have lost 55lbs in about 7-8 months doing the things he talks about on instagram and here on the podcast. I’ve also learned a LOT more about proper form and lifting programs for my strength and weight training journey. If you have a home, kids, job, only a few minutes a day to get your exercise in and want to lose weight/get stronger, Eric is your guy for realistic advice for every day people.
  • Arabian97_
    Relaistic/ simplified/ informative/ relieving
    I sincerely appreciate Eric, he's the only fitness podcast that sounds realistic and honest to me, nothing amde up to make it seem like he cracked a secret code no, just straight facts and a simplified, realistic everyday approach to a better life
  • xavierrrr94
    Best “No nonsense” fitness community ever!
    Eric is one of the guys that genuinely cares. He’s drops a TON of info that most fitness influencers make you pay for. He and his coaching staff is the best team hands down. If you’re looking for someone to hold your hand and to tell you it’s okay with a pat on the back, it’s not him 😂 But, tough love, accountability, and taking responsibility for your actions (and accomplishments) is what Eric and the CH is all about!
  • Conniem94
    Love it
    Eric really tells it to you how it is. I have learned so much and look forward to transforming myself this year.
  • SD Jenny
    The most honest, knowledgeable guy!
    Eric is the real deal. I have been following him on Instagram for a very long time and just recently joined his podcasts. He is honest, knows what he’s talking about, and won’t bullsh*t you like other people just to gain more followers! He truly wants to help individuals and gets joy out of seeing us succeed. Highly recommend following him on all platforms!
    One of my faves!
    I love listening to Eric! He is relatable, honest, and has good, practical info.
  • ArosimB
    I just started following Eric on IG and his podcast was the first I’ve ever listened to the FULL show. I started his very first one in 2020. I love that he is real and raw and nothing is sugar coated!
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