Old Fashioned On Purpose

Education #58How To #2

Have you felt it? Something is rippling through humanity at this moment. It's a stirring... a longing... a remembering. A sense that we are more capable than we’ve been led to believe. We want to feel alive, not sedated.. but we've lost our way. We've traded a life intertwined with nature for asphalt and artificial lights. We've swapped natural movement for a sedentary existence. We've given up food from the earth in favor of food from the factory. We've sacrificed our traditional skillsets for apps and gadgets. But while our overdose on modernity may have made us sick, there is an antidote. Join best-selling author and mentor, Jill Winger, each week as she digs into a different facet of the old-fashioned on purpose lifestyle.

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  • BlessedBunch
    Old fashioned & fantastic!
    Such a pleasure listening to this podcast. Jill keeps homemaking simple and confirms the joy and rewards that come from hardwork on the homestead.
  • Heytherejackie
    A favorite podcast!
    So much good information. Thought provoking, and wholesome. I appreciate that I can have my kids in the car while listening. I know I always need a notebook nearby for some great facts or adding to my reading list.
  • Heid&seek
    Love this podcast
    The Johnna Sutton episode was incredible :) best advice on nutrition ever. over the years of figuring things out listening to it was like “yes yes yes, oh that’s why“ thank you ladies.
  • MamaJ8418
    I just love this podcast
    I’ve been listening to Jill for years. Not only does she provide quality information and a diverse set of guests but she also continues to provide the spark of inspiration that I need sometimes. Somehow, whatever topic she comes out with is exactly what I need to hear in that moment. This lifestyle is hard and it’s nice to have a friendly voice saying “you’re right, this is HARD. But hard is good and you can do it! Oh and by the way… you’re going to fail sometimes and that’s okay.” Thank you Jill for all that you do. It’s clear how much time you dedicate to your projects and personally, I appreciate it so much.
  • Homesteadminded123
    Thought provoking
    I love to read her blog as well as through the transcripts of the podcast. Jill does a great job describing HOW to opt out of systems, question systems and being able articulate her why. I would love to see a season that covers various systems, and how we got to where we are today. Education, health, food industry, and other areas where government and other higher powers/money have influenced our systems.
  • RMILL166
    Motivating, positive and exactly what I need to hear!
    Thank you Jill for your beautiful podcast. I enjoy these topics and they help me hang onto the homestead lifestyle while I cannot afford land. One day!
  • ivyandnell
    Helping me begin my homestead journey!
    As a former city kid, now mom raising kids in the suburbs - this podcast is helping me inch my way to the homestead of my dreams! Thanks for your clear & concise advice!
  • Helmet720
    Love it
    Thank you for making such a great podcast
  • TracyV07
    Fellow fun hater…
    I love this episode! I felt like I was listening to myself talk but with some differences in the activities since I don’t actually have a homestead. Glad to see there are more of me out there, thanks so much for your podcast!
  • akdandelionmom
    Thank you for “The Inconvenient Truth”!
    Thank you for being willing to push back on the group think and echo chambers that so many find themselves drawn into! So refreshing. I found myself nodding and agreeing out loud as I drove and listened. I’m a freedom loving Christian conservative who is so over all the hatred, labeling, and unwillingness to engage with others who might look or think differently, across the political spectrum. Our culture and heritage is rooted in the ability to disagree in a civil and thoughtful way, and I fear for our future if more people aren’t willing to break away from hero worship and media personalities and appreciate the nuance and perspectives of others, on both left and right! While I may disagree profoundly with a person’s politics or lifestyle, I can engage with them first of all as a fellow human being, find areas of common ground to connect with, and if the situation calls for it, debate based on facts and reason, rather than descending into emotional and tone-deaf attacks. It’s a hard thing, but we can do it! Our culture and future depend on it.
  • Rachel_C45!
    Season 13 Episode 21
    The seed starting info you covered with Shawn was one of the best gardening podcasts I’ve ever listened to. I loved every minute and learned a ton. WOW!
  • Mlwjam
    Love the practical homesteading info
    Generally love the content - especially the practical homesteading content - but very turned off by the “spiritual” “energy” talk regarding plants. I love gardening & absolutely feel peace when I am in nature; however, I am interested in actual how-to information regarding how to improve my gardening skills, not spiritualizing plants & nature. Had to stop listening halfway through the interview. Hope you stay focused on the nuts & bolts of things - you’re great at that & that is the content I highly value. Just wanted to offer some honest, constructive feedback.
  • ashmtz2015
    Stop interrupting the guests
    I sooo want to love this podcast. Such a wealth of information and great guests. But talking over the guests and interrupting just is so disrespectful and I can’t focus on any of the content. The worst was the seed starting episode. I desperately wanted to hear the content but had to stop listening because of all the interrupting.
  • mysterymach
    Extreme Privilege
    Most of us couldn't afford a 100 year old house in the country and all the accoutrements that go with it. Reminds me of a self help book I recently read, whose title was something like "How To Overcome When Things go Wrong", and it was all stories by women who were CEO's, were schooled in Paris, but that one time when the producer wouldn't let her do what she wanted and gosh darn it she persevered and now the show is successful and she won the Nobel! This is like that. This is so out of reach for most of us but yeah please DO tell me how DIVORCED FROM NATURE WE ARE. She is divorced from reality.
  • gemsbysky
    I adore Jill and all she does
    I love Jill! And love hearing your story. So enjoy every episode and I've learned so much from her and her guests. I also have her cookbook. I started listening to her and found her years ago on YouTube while just looking for canning recipes and homesteading info. So glad I found her. Tune in...you will highly enjoy!
  • Shanchap
    I wish I’d had this podcast back when I had little kids and was starting out married life. I just love Jill’s measured approach and there is SO MUCH GOOD INFORMATION.
  • Suz I TUNES
    So informative. Simple instruction. Encouraging
  • jxberny
    Feed kids real foods!
    Hi Jill I love your podcast. As a European in the US, I guess I am naturally old fashioned but I became it on purpose with having kids and choosing to homeschool. A big reason we do this is to have bilingual kids , but also because I find it so much easier to raise my kids healthy . I do feeds my 5 kids Whole real Foods from the start , raw onions like you too! And as a health coach I am devoted to help families change their kids diet toward healthy foods! One way I do that is I’m adapting a French nutrition and cooking song along book to the American public , and advocating for an easy and fast way to cook that is nutritious and more adapted to fast-paced lives than slow cooking. It’s steam cooking! It detoxes foods and preserves its nutritional qualities . I am a beginner at food blogging but if that interests you you can follow me at steamedcuisinelifestyle.com and on Facebook + Instagram . My contact is below Keep doing what you do you are truly inspiring and o love listening to you . Thanks for inspiring other moms to helps others in their health and motherhood journey! Bernadette Steamedcookinglifestyle.com Facebook page : steamed cuisine lifestyle Also on YouTube @steamedcuisine3957
  • Philip & Jamie Williams
    Like it but…
    I really like the topics and guests but only a few episodes in and I just can’t stand that she’s speeding up her voice, you can tell and it makes me not want to listen!! Will find another podcast about similar interests that’s more pleasant on my ears.
  • Kristy Rodriguez
    Love this new bolder version of the podcast. Yes! Keep sharing more.
  • Jewlzjo
    Girl same!
    I just listened to the episode where you spoke about always wanting to live a country life you weren’t raised in one but this was your hearts desire. That is literally me. Lol My husband and I just bought a new house last year in the country and are surrounded by beautiful horse farms. We are not in a place financially for a bourse but are starting our homestead. Got the garden and the goal is chickens and goats. Maybe mini cows if finances allow. Excited to see what gems of knowledge you provide.
  • angelica926
    Informative, insightful, and encouraging
    Jill’s podcast is a great resource for all different kinds of homesteaders, wherever they may be on their journey. I currently live in the suburbs, but what I’ve learned from this podcast is that you don’t have to live on a ranch or farm to start living a homestead type of lifestyle. I don’t have any friends or family that share my homestead dreams, but listening to Jill and her guests reminds me that I’m not the only one that wants to live this kind of life, and that it is possible to achieve it
  • Melbelle37
    Wonderful and Real
    Jill is amazing. I am so thankful to have come across her podcast. She takes the homestead life and makes the content relatable for all people - wherever you live and at whatever stage of living “old fashioned” you’re at. Thank you so very much for challenging me to grow in understanding a wide variety of topics too.
  • BrittanyG812
    Inspiring, Educational, and Motivational
    I have been listening to this podcast for the last two months from the very first episode. I have finally caught up. Jill does a wonderful job with making homesteading inspiring, educational, and motivational. She also does a great job in asking the hard questions and making the listener feel a little uncomfortable. I know that sounds bad but it’s actually good. It’s only in these uncomfortable topics are we allowed to grow and know ourselves better. She has inspired me to dig deeper not only in my knowledge of gardening but also in homeschooling, where our food comes from, and the different systems that are completely broken in our society. Jill has motivated me to grow. I am currently learning how to make sourdough. I have a plan and budget/saving plan in place to double my garden next year. I am also planning on taking a Master Gardener course next year so hopefully I can teach others how to garden and grow. One of the quotes that was mentioned in one of the episodes is “I don’t think people are searching for the meaning of life as much as they are searching for the feeling of being alive.” Jill does a great job at being alive; chasing after knowledge, truth, connections, creativity, and helping other grow as well. She inspires people to truly live and not just merely exist.
  • Ashley from Maine
    Love the topics
    I love the range of topics covered on this show. She does a great job being thorough and is a good interviewer meaning she asks good questions. The sound quality is pretty good too. On some of the other homesteading podcasts I like to listen to, sound quality can be a short coming. One thing I would like to say is one of the guests on a December 2022 episode, the guy from Homestead rescue, didn’t have a clue what a hardiness zone was. I was floored by this. How can he help people with their homestead if he doesn’t know what they should and shouldn’t be cultivating, which is based on their zones? Once I heard that, I dismissed his ability to give advice and my phony radar went off. Has he never looked at a seed or plant magazine in his life? Odd. But that aside her guests are generally well vetted and they usually offer a helpful perspective. Thank you for making your podcast.
  • Patient Nindja
    Real Title: I got rich from doterra multi-level marketing
    I enjoyed the first few episodes of season 2, then it gets into 2 straight episodes of when things really started to turn around for them. Multi-level marketing. Of course she likes to call it “network marketing”. Please, be honest about how you got where you are, what it’s really called, and all the people that get hurt lower down in MLM ponzi schemes. Yes, “it worked for me”, but look at what these schemes really do to people and society. I lost all respect and can’t listen anymore.
  • mcjane5
    I love her balance of real research and facts with real life experience and stories from her own life. We all know that textbook cases are not the norm.
  • jlynnhooley
    Homesteading as real life
    I have so enjoyed the many podcasts from Jill. I feel inspired at the end of each episode because Jill uses the episode to educate me about how to live, what I would call, a more real life. I use the word real rather than simple because it is anything but. I feel like she has built for her family a foundation from which they can jump from but always remain weathered. She doesn’t say I have to have the same foundation, but she shows me how to create my own. In someways I think that is the definition of homesteading. Thank you for your time and I look forward listening for a long time to come.
  • Somnar
    Host is frequently distracted
    There could be some great information, but it’s hard to listen to when the host is so distracted and missing opportunities to connect with a guest.
  • Mrs_Hanna
    So much good info!
    I love Jill’s podcast! She is such an inspiration and she has helped me understand, prepare, and grow as a homesteader, mom, and wife!
  • FD8717
    Great content, but please GOD, stop sucking your tongue when you take a pause . It’s highly annoying.
  • Lamken Family Farm
    Thank you, Jill
    I love and appreciate Jill’s honesty, candor, and genuine presentation style. Jill shares her world and the reality of journeying through life on the farm as well as just growing as a person. I tell my daughter all the time that I feel so certain that if our lives intersected in real life we’d be good friends. ❤️. Thanks, Jill, for being a resource and advocate for REAL living.
  • PaigeA12345
    Poor audio
    Audio quality was surprisingly poor. Wasn’t a fan of the free range kids episodes… seemed ver far off from the truth and what is actually happening
  • Marie8619
    Loved free range kids
    There is so much to be afraid of as a mom. I appreciate this episode
  • cindymae80
    Loved “free range kids”
    Loved this episode! We ran totally wild - there was a creek & a river & our parents made sure we could swim & turned us loose to explore - we got into a few hairy situations but we handled it together & all grew up to be responsible, successful adults…and most importantly our sibling relationships are awesome despite us all growing up to do really different things (nurse, master teacher, cattle hauler & accountant). I see siblings that don’t get along & I can’t even wrap my mind around it & I think part of our tight relationship is from the bond we had being on our own a lot as kids! Thank you for this podcast!
  • Julianne Sz
    Love this!
    This podcast inspires me, motivates me, and warms my soul! Love it and just started listening last month!
  • flashlight not working
    Thank You!
    This podcast is very enjoyable and insightful. Jill, you are really appreciated!
  • slga1990
    Love Old Fashioned on Purpose
    Jill does an amazing job at demystifying living simply and intentionally. I love listening this!
  • cariboujaguar
    Falseness and greed make for a sickening display
    At first it was good, she had some tips for bread making and gardening that helped me tweak things, but eventually turns out the whole podcast is basically a doterra ad, all she cares about is starting business’ and selling stuff. I like to follow podcasts that follow the value for value system so I don’t have to listen to the constant selling- like Canary Cry Newstalk, now that’s a stellar podcast that isn’t pretending to be something they’re not. Some of the people she interviews are interesting, but you barely hear about her family, farm or homesteading it’s all about the normal citified version of business success. I was raised by a covert narcissistic mother with delusions of grandeur and a penchant to neglect her children for the sake of her own success and glory. Certainly not something I’d like to relive through a podcast that’s supposed to be about homesteading but is really not in the end… In my opinion homesteading is about family, provision, self sufficiency and sustainability. Not ice cream shops and MLM scum bag companies and “modern women” chasing their false gods. This woman has lost her way and the podcast is just pathetic once you get past the first season or two her personality and priorities change, or maybe she just shows her true colors. Don’t waste your time. PS the reviewer that said 😷 and 💉 work has got to be the stupidest person on earth, actual unbiased science has very much proven otherwise and if you comply you’re literally beyond brain dead. It’s time to wake up people. This is not the legitimate homesteader you were looking for, she’s just another false MLM-slinging city slicker personality who’s only focus is the almighty dollar. She should have aspired to be a lawyer or something by the way she acts, her true goals seem to be strictly monetary, she shows no true passion for farming and is on less acreage than most hobby farmers. What a huge disappointment and failure this podcast turned out to be.
  • fhhuyvd
    Good info but..
    I really like her information but why does it sound like she’s doing the podcast from her bathroom?? I just can’t listen long. She had better equipment years ago. I hope she continues to be brave and get better equipment!!
  • @nicolewithtodds
    New Listener and I’m hooked!
    “Don’t farm out your kids.” That’s the quote that told me I would enjoy this podcast. Thanks, Jill!
  • kmsilvers
    Best Out There
    Love this podcast and love the variety of topics covered on different kinds of homesteads!
  • New rules
    Jill is so inspiring. I absolutely love this podcast!!
  • A Southern Farmer
    Educational and fun
    Jill’s podcast is one of my favorites to listen to. She is so knowledgeable and the episodes contain wonderful, useful information. At the same time, Jill is entertaining, hilarious, and someone you really want to be friends with. I’m often laughing out loud - and learning such great info! Jill, thank you for all the work you put into making this a great podcast.
  • Foff Nick Names
    Easy to listen to
    I stumbled upon this podcast from a suggestion in a small farm and sustainability social media group. I am a HUGE fan! Though I live in the middle of farm culture I don’t have many friends that grow and create. This podcast has given me an outlet to “nerd out” on, start my wheels spinning faster, and given me courage to do more hard but good things. Thank you Jill for letting us be a part of your life, and hearing about your experiences of growing your homestead and community!
  • AliciaKnecht
    A True Inspiration
    Jill brings so much to the table, both literally and figuratively! She really has done it all, and I’m so thankful to learn from her experience and wisdom as our family begins our homestead journey. She gives practical insight and advice on so many different valuable topics for beginner and experienced homesteaders alike, as well as those of us that are done confirming to systems that don’t work for us. It’s so encouraging that she has trail blazed this path and can now walk alongside us as we move towards self-sufficiency, resiliency, and investing in the work that’s worth doing on a homestead and more. Thank you Jill for all you do, God bless you and this community you’ve built.
  • Zenobiasurfaces
    Straw man arguments and talking about books she hasn’t read
    I think it can be useful to hear perspectives from people with different beliefs, especially on topics they may have deeper knowledge of than you. But this podcaster admitted she had never read Betty Friedan’s book, but proceeded to talk about it anyway as if she had. She then set up her argument against a false idea of what Friedan was actually saying, a total straw man fallacy. I really hated that. It’s totally fine if you disagree with a book or an author, but you should not talk about something you know nothing about and have not read. I’m not here to listen to someone who does not know what they are talking about.
  • 9362649
    Too much erroneous talking!
    I’ve tried to listen a few times to this podcast, but the erroneous tangents are just too much. Also the poor sound quality is off-putting. I love homesteading, real food and most of the topics on this show, but I’m going to search for a more concise, better sound quality podcast with a podcaster that stays on topic.
  • Allie Vice
    Audio issues
    Absolutely love the content, however the audio is very different in each episode. The latest episode I can’t even make out, my headphones are maxed out. Jill please make the audio louder. Looking forward to the rest of the season!
  • Lovemesomejesusyall
    Homesteading Inspo
    Such a dream having someone that fuels and inspires your homesteading dreams to make them feel attainable.
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