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MSmith 1974Cam is a fount of misinformationCame for hockey talk. Got fake Fox News Trumpistan misinformation. 100mph force winds spreading a wildfires are a natural disaster you F’ing moron no different than a Hurricane. Unsubscribed.
SeaGal Hockey FanProgressives for Cam and StrickI’m not exactly the target audience for this podcast. I’m a woke liberal from Seattle who guffawed at Cam’s asinine description of my city. I should probably be offended by a few of his takes, but I just can’t help loving this podcast. Sometimes I roll my eyes, fast forward, and wish for universal healthcare, but I always come back to the show. Cam and Andy have great chemistry. They have dumb takes; they have fun takes. They are each other’s perfect foil and the podcast wouldn’t work without either of them.
Howard Can Do BetterTransphobia aboundsNever listened to an episode before, wanted to hear a talk with Jimmy Howard, instead got a conversation so steeped in transphobia and hate speech I stopped 16 long minutes in. If you’re looking for hockey talk, get ready for at least more than 15 minutes of misinformed white men blabbering about “women with wieners”. Maybe more, I stopped listening. Maybe talk to transgender people prior to widely sharing “hot takes”. That was hate speech, not humble opinion. Do better.
PucksnChicksBeyond Brutal!Listening to this podcast will rot your brain of any semblance of intelligence. Cam waxes poetic about subjects that he clearly has little to zero knowledge about and then tries to gaslight the far more intelligent Andy Strickland when he actually adds value to the podcast. Strick deserves better.
brijon24Best hockey podYou guys keep me going through the long, boring summer, and all season long. Love everything you do! P.s. As a Rangers fan, get Trocheck on the show!
Colin MuldoonCam and StrickI have been listening to Cam and Strick since their first episode. Both of them play off of each other so well. Nothing helps me enjoy doing tedious work more than having them on in the background.
EdccolbMy favoriteBest podcast for hockey fan in my opinion! Love your Seth references lol Interview Brock Faber please
Store.stinkydragonpod.comAhAh yes sushi water
RottttenbananaI’m 50/50I love the interviews and some of the banter but don’t love the random political talk.
Leo199011LeoDon’t be a Leo.
ConfusedBreakfastPodcastThese dudes are amazingNon-stop laughs and incredible interviews! Feels like you are talking hockey with your buddies and the access to the guest is so great! My only complaint is that they don’t put out a new episode every day!
the blues podcast listenerInterviews are great!Love the player/alumni interviews.
24natalie42hire new hostsfirst episode i watch this dude cam is talking about how hes "not really a real hockey fan" ok why are you running this podcast😭😭hes like "you really have to be in love with hockey to cover it and im just not in love with it" YOU RUN A HOCKEY PODCAST??? i guess he's too cool for his own podcast. also the dynamic between the two of them is so uncomfortable. obviously you can chirp your buddy but cam is just straight up bullying the other dude 24/7 and its just like jesus christ bro lets get on with it. also a very right wing undertone to the whole show and i get it ok some people are conservative but jesus christ it's a hockey podcast. stick to hockey. would be a significant improvement if cam got fired. just listen to 32 thoughts like a normal person
MNhockey111Great PodcastIt’s a great podcast if you can stomach Andy being the dumbest human alive. It’s mind boggling how he literally knows nothing outside of hockey. I often wonder how he makes it through a day. He seems to be getting more pompous, so it’d be nice to see Cam knock him down a few pegs. But they do get some of the best guests and have some funny banter.
DotemFree12345Andy StricklandAndy Strickland couldn’t act more like a pompous tool if he tried to. Everything he does is just the best, and everything he doesn’t do is the worst.
SweatyYeti9LamePoor takes and trying way to hard to be “cool” or “relevant”. If it wasn’t for the guest appearances this show would flop
CT9200Strick-Gore 2024Never would have thought that a guy who made his fortune beating other guys faces in on ice would have the more correct take on climate change and everything else were getting fooled by.
Funky_freshOutstanding hockey podcast.Love the chemistry between these 2 hosts and they do a phenomenal job with their interviews. Cam is hilarious, the only people who don’t like him are brain washed libs.
NOOSEMANLike the hockey stuff, not much elseThis podcast is like a less funny Spittin’ Chiclets with serious boomer, NIMBY vibes
HankloveshockeyPut a muzzle on the dogThis podcast is top notch as far as guests. Despite really liking Andy, I almost always skip right to the interview though because I can’t stand listening to the misogynistic garbage that comes out of Cam’s mouth. He’s the poster child for toxic masculinity.
EFreein503Great Hockey Pod. Awesome InterviewsLove the pod and the interviews across the hockey world are top shelf! A place where Cam could never place the biscuit in his playing days! Cam’s an absolute beauty and I can see why he is so respected and loved by his peers in the hockey world. Keep up the great work!
wildpinebuilderGod I love Cam!!!!Cam Is awesome!
BrooksTXBest of the bestThis is by far my favorite podcast. The dynamic between Cam and Strick is hilarious. They have great info and conversations while also delivering very professional interviews with stars. Watch out Chiclets y’all are about to be number 2.
CJooceFantasticThis podcast is so entertaining to me!
DFW TigerBright spot of my days, love this podcastThis podcast gives you something different, relieving to listen to. Not your average sports podcast. Episodes are all good regardless of date released.
Stlouy DaveYeah boyGlad I found your podcast, super entertaining and informative. You guys have a great sunny chemistry that just works. Tell the folks in your building complaining about the noise to take a chill pill. Lol let’s Go Blues….314 till I die.
Cal9088The good ole boysOut here in Wisconsin, love what you boys are doing. Keep the good work up! Very interesting podcast and makes me laugh. Keep grinding boys. Maybe an idea, video record the podcast. People like to see the facial reactions. I listen on YouTube and on my iPhone. Maybe an idea but, no you boys are gems.
Noble Man Hockey FanSimply the Best Hockey Podcast!!Wow, I’m a proud native of St. Louis and always have been a big fan of local hero Cam Jansen. I also love watching Andy on Bally’s Sports. The guests on this show are always big names and hockey personalities. The interviews are well done and help listeners get to know the guests well. Cam is simply hilarious and genuine. He and Andy have excellent chemistry. L love the talk about the “richest part of Franklin County.” Though I reside in Florida, my Mom lives in the same area as Cam. Cool stuff. This is not just a hockey podcast. It’s pure entertainment. I don’t miss an episode and neither should ANY real hockey fan!! Cam, keep representing our home town with style!! Listen to this podcast today if you are a fan of the greatest sport around!! You will get addicted to it!!
Tjwilliams99Always a great listenDay 1 listener here. Best parts are when Cam is going off on a tangent that is making less sense by the word and Andy cuts in to pivot 😂. But the show is great, Cam is raw and authentic while Andy drives the bus and always asks tough questions in an eloquent, non-bully type of way. Highly recommended
Sereeb1Great Guests, And The Intro’s Are 🔥🔥🔥These guys work together so well; it’s similar to two brothers bringing out the best in each other as well as their show content. Just when you start thinking “How can they top the last guest?”… well, they do it. Cam and Andy have a way of getting their guests to open up on both personal and professional topics (i.e., Robin Lehner, Mike Babcock, etc) in a disarming, comfortable fashion that works well. The listener gets access to never-before heard subjects, even from guys like Brett Hull - who’s an open book in the first place. For this listener, however, Cam and Andy’s intro’s are just as enjoyable as the actual interviews. They take friendly jabs at each other (yes, like a couple of brothers sparring at the dinner table), and mix giving background on that show’s guest with other hockey and personal topics - or whatever pops into their heads. Good stuff. Highly recommended. Give ‘em a listen!
RedPhilipsOne stop shopCam and Strick are the one stop shop for hockey podcasts. Top notch guests, great updates and takes on the latest NHL news, and hilarious banter to kick off the shows. Doesn’t matter if you’re a fancy lad from the rich part of town or a cool cat out there doing you’re thing and drinking mango seltzers, this podcast is the best hockey show out there.
MateoFaucet1996UnderratedI am a die hard hockey fan living in NY/NJ, and I listen to both Spittin Chiclets and Cam and Strick, and I can honestly say that this is the better overall podcast. The banter between Cam and Andy has me in hysterics every single episode, and the guests are FAR better. They had the Great One on for crying out loud. Who else could pull that off? Love these guys so much, and they have been a huge source of my happiness throughout the Covid fiasco.
Oakville BluesGreat podcast!You guys are very entertaining and I love the positivity from you guys. You have even inspired me to start a podcast with a few of my buddies, keep up the great work!
JoeSorrentino13BETTER THAN CHICLETSone of the best if not THE best podcast out, Cam and Strick is the best on your morning ride to work and even better to finish it on the way home… we’ll done gentleman let’s keep it going !
ZPUNXIt’s a beaut!Great podcast , the guys are great and easy to listen to. Cam and Andy mesh great with opposite personalities and energies . Great content, hockey, their own lives and random info.
wes middI can’t get enoughI listen to this podcast every morning it comes out. I am a 28 year old, who has a miserable job and this gets me through my 9 to 5. If you need something to keep you happy for 2 hours, listen to these two dudes. Even the ad reads are hilarious. Cam gets himself so worked up for no reason it’s laugh out loud funny. They need a tv show or YouTube series. It’s a hockey podcast that doesn’t really talk about hockey, is how I describe it.
thatguy004Love the show!I love what you guys do. I listen to every show when it comes out. Being a St. Louis native, this one definitely hits close to home for me being stationed in Japan. I love both of your perspectives on the game, and your unique ideas and beliefs on other topics as well. You guys have some awesome guests on, and I love how unfiltered and real you guys are. Keep it real, keep it going, keep it STL!
RJ GatsHistoric Tree in the Poor Part of LadueLove the grass burger recipes!!
Cerg66Awesome podcast!Thank you Cam and Andy! You guys are very entertaining, Tuesday’s are so much better now!
Raggio9124Engaging and Interesting, Every EpisodeThe show combines that locker room conversation with newsroom analysis. It gives me the type of conversation I’d have with my friends, as well as the debate I’d have with colleagues. What I love most about this podcast is how candid Cam and Andy are. Whether it’s just in regards to their daily personal lives, or some of the stuff they’ve been through. They establish that human connection. Cam and Andy don’t shy away from asking the necessary questions, which really speaks to their journalistic integrity, while still coming off with a more relaxed vibe. The conversational flow of their interviews makes it an easy, yet engaging listen. The show is great to listen to, or re-listen to (*cough* Hully *cough*) whether at work, or on long drives. My father isn’t the biggest hockey guy, but he was even engaged with the Hully interview on a long drive. The show offers a great variety of guests; from front office members, to retired and active players, to officials and media members. It’s high on my shortlist of podcasts I recommend when people ask.
blake_ragzCan’t get enoughCam and Andy are absolutely hilarious together and keep me entertained from start to finish. They not only cover all of the big things happening in the hockey world, but also touch on major topics outside of hockey. If you aren’t listening already, then you need to start. New episodes every week help scratch my hockey itch.
tapetalk.hockeyGoatedWho else gets Brett Hull, Wayne Gretzky, and Mike Babcock? Guys don’t miss
jonesy_buddayMore than just hockeyWant to hear an in depth podcast about hockey and much much more? Cam and Strick has ya covered. This pod has everything from explicit chirps to insider information to incredible guests and their stories. The Lehner episode 🤯!!! These guys know their stuff and never disappoint.
CammohBest in the bizBest hockey podcast in the game. Been rollin with these cats for a year now and look forward to it every Tuesday. Tons of laughs and some great behind the scene stories every week, these guys always bring it. Hit the subscribe button
Todd M ChicagoOne of the Best Hockey Podcasts You’ll FindCam and Andy bring a hilarious Midwest US POV perspective on the world of hockey from minor to pro. They have great chemistry and excellent guests who really open up and let the stories rip.
jarrjasonGreat showEvery week I look forward to the latest episode. Between Cam and Andy chirping each other nonstop and all the great interviews from big dogs, the show is awesome. I’ve yet to listen to an episode that I had to turn off because I wasn’t into it. If you haven’t listen to the shows yet, do yourself a favor and listen, especially the episode that Andy cries when Cam hit’s him. Listening to Andy cry, I was almost ready to drink some warm milk. Also, listening to a vegan talk about smoking meats is golden. If you enjoy dropping F bombs, than Cam is your man. If you don’t enjoy F bombs, then re-evaluate your life because you’re too serious. Speaking of F bombs, listening to Cam go nuts in front a youth girls team was a classic. These two world class reporters ask the hard hitting questions with Andy’s world class research. You can listen to the episode with Babcock and make your own decision about him. Listen to Carcillo cry how he made millions playing and fighting in the NHL. This show has it all. Give it a shot, you won’t be disappointed.
Kblasingame88Cam and Strick!!One of the best hockey podcast out there getting “all the big boys”! If you’re a fan of more than just the STL Blues and enjoy the game of hockey check it out. They also have amazing sponsors. KB
flippy1994Must listenThey have great guests and it’s always fun hearing the guys chirp back and forth. They do unbelievable work with people around the St. Louis area and are both homegrown talent.
Beastieguy97Great Podcast!I love this podcast. It never fails to make my day a little better. I grew up in the same town as Cam, so it’s neat to see my town represented, and Cam does a great job. Andy is also very knowledgeable and always seems to know what questions to ask. The guests never disappoint, and usually you learn something about them or someone else that you otherwise would never hear. It feels like an exclusive look into the NHL, behind the scenes.
chuckmaplecrestGreat ShowBased out of St. Louis, MO but covers the entire NHL pretty fairly. They get elite level guests other shows only wish they could get (Brett Hull). My only problem is that Andy is a true athlete, but Cam won’t recognize it.
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