Baby Weight Nutritionist | Anti-Diet, Lose Weight FAST, Weight Loss Foods


LOSE WEIGHT & REGAIN ENERGY EVEN WITH ALL YOUR LITTLES AROUND!You want your energy back, but overwhelm creeps in, turns you into an anxious wreck, causes you to skip meals and rebound with stress eating; wreaks havoc on your health and ultimately dilutes your confidence. It’s pretty obvious that you want to and should lose weight but you’re embarrassed of the fact that you can juggle all the things, raise healthy kids, maybe homeschool or kill it at work, but you can’t get your health in check. And let’s call it what it is: a weight loss journey that is more than “just baby weight”.I know how much this is weighing on you and how hard it is to make your health a priority! Let me introduce myself…I’m Kristen Noriega, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Catholic mom of 4, and host of a top 3% globally ranked podcast. I’ve helped hundreds of moms just like you.The plan for season 4 of this podcast is to imagine that you are a beautiful houseplant. You ’re gonna be walked through the steps:1. Root your health deeper in Christ2. Care and tend for yourself in completely new ways3. Create habits to thrive and flourishSkip the steps in this plan and you’ll spend the most precious years of motherhood like a very neglected house plant struggling, and unable to blossom. You’ll continue endlessly searching for weight loss foods, how to exercise to lose belly fat, and the best diet to lose weight.Follow the steps laid out here, and you’re looking at renewed energy, greater confidence, weight loss, and a thriving life that glorifies God. Here’s some examples of things you’ll find on this podcast: my sustainable habit method to lose weight FAST, meal prepping for weight loss, weight loss foods, family friendly dinners, postpartum weight loss, losing weight while breastfeeding.Did I mention that this is all in a NON-DIET way?!? Yeah diet culture has no space over here, friend!Alright, mama with all the littles comin’ out of your ears, reheat your coffee, it’s time to thrive!

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