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Aaron Ram 28Enjoy the showIt great to learn from a perspective of a active politician. I think all politician should be transparent and talk in debt about the issues ( not sloganeering like some notable ones )
eknirkI would not trust you to have my back on a SEAL teamDeleting your podcast 👎🏼
D_LimeSelloutDan used to be for the people but he is truly for BIG government. He doesn’t vote conservative. He has now threatened to kill Tucker Carlson if he sees him in person. Where is the free speech? Why the hate? RINO
Trips H TexasBudget ProcessLong time listener, first time reviewer. I really appreciate the prospective you bring to this podcast and honesty of your dialogue to the listeners. Not sure if this is the proper forum for topic requests but I think it would be beneficial to hear your opinions regarding the pro/con of the federal budget cycle mirroring that of Texas (biennial budgeting). Thank you for your dedication and service to Texas and the US.
__JTG__Solid information downloadI very much appreciate both the interviews and the SITREPs to hear your opinions and explanations for why you take the actions you have in your position in the house. I’m not in your district but so few do this well it is great to hear.
kayleeeeebDan Crenshaw is a rational and powerful voiceRun for president. We need a real republican in the whitehouse. You speak my mind we need you running things thank you Dan for all that you do.
Tracy at TOMAEnd of the World. June 23, 2022Your interviewees are noteworthy but i like the SitRep better. not inflamed, just the facts & historical context, brief, but with an occasional personal experience-based commentary. i agree on the new Riviera - let it play out.
KRC NYLook forward to every episodeI have so much respect and appreciate all the work you do for our country and the Republican Party. You are principled, measured and steadfast in your commitment to the true republican platform and cause. I have been following you since you first took office and have been enamored with your approach to politics which is reassuring in seeing the young and future leadership for the party. I have read your book, listen to your podcast and have made the lessons learned part of my everyday life. I respect how well you handle being on CNN panels and Bill Maher handling hostile environments with facts, confidence, and tact. I know the trolls online and the actual RINOs love to attack you endlessly and I’m sure that’s what you see most so I wanted to try and remind you of the real people out here that recognize you and are rooting for you.
Bataan MarcherDan CrenshawI just listened to your interview of Prof Burns. You seemed to think that early American Army did not have their share of guerrilla fighters. Let me remind you of Robert Rodgers, Francis Marion and others. Also the European armies marched in lines so that the they had “massed firepower” we still use the the same theory
Nana_FitnessReviewI like the SITREP episodes but also these kinds of interviews. The only thing I don’t like is when you speak derisively about ppl with whom you disagree. Just like when Tucker throws out words like “evil” or “objectively true” it’s not helpful when you throw out words like “stupid” and “idiots” b/c they see things differently. We have to set the standard for civil discourse and bringing evidence for our views—especially in debate with ppl who have more common views than not. And we have to do so over and over with patience.
TighearnaighNo longer a fan or subscriberDan sold his soul to Donald Trump. Sick of the chaos. Sick of the waste of time. Sick of Dan.
The RoccoHolding the TruthsThis review is not relative to any one podcast from rep Crenshaw. It is however a review of the decisions he has made since securing a seat in the house. Mr Crenshaw has become a disappointment for the many who believed he would comport himself as a conservative and not the neo-con Bush apostle that he has clearly become. In spite of his military record and being able to speak well he has not distinguished himself as a leader. He’s a windsock at best.
Rubinon2Constitutional knowledgeThank you for the format of your podcast to include experts on so many important subjects, I have heard many opinions on the 14 th amendment. On the surface its seems unconstitutional to declare immigrants born in USA no to be US citizens. However, there is some opinions that the 14 th amendment makes no such claim. Perhaps a discussion to give an accurate interpretation of the 14 th amendment in light of the current situation in our country.
LoydC91362Very InformativeThis show is always interesting. The Sit-rep episodes especially are a great public service, with enlightening details about current events in the House of Representatives and legislation they’re working on. It will make listeners more informed voters.
Long live Chief WahooSITREPI agree! Love these SITREP episodes. Very informative on things that matter.
Podcaster53!SITREPLove the new SITREP episodes, I prefer those over the interviews actually
Grin DribblyConsistently great podcastThe best political podcast. SITREP episodes (sitrepisodes?) are excellent and a great public service. Very thankful for all that you do, Dan.
COH143SitrepLove the sitrep format. Start with the date. While daily might be too much to ask it would be very nice. Keep it up please. Your staff could do a few of you are too busy.
Equalizer524SITTEPsLive the SITREPs for ground-floor information on practical and political considerations affecting the sausage-making.
astroknitThank you!I learn so much from your podcasts. And the sitreps are a bonus. Thank you!
oilfield expressVery InformativeI appreciate Dan’s realistic and objective analysis. It’s missing the hyperbole that is so prevalent these days. Don’t give up on long form conversation Dan, but the SITREP is great too!
McglockzSitrepGood stuff.
Brycenwalker12Love the SITREPs!We need more SITREPs!!
JMcGaLawSo thankful.So appreciative of the SITREP
Ryan BaddThanks Dan!!!Thank you for your service! Thank you for defending the constitution! Thank you for unpacking difficult topics for us. Thank you for the news updates - keep it going! Thank you for being real. May God bless and keep you serving Congressman.
SCOTUS1234SITREPGood addition, keep it coming.
Hilary one LAlways A Great ListenJust the facts. Thank you for continuing to serve your country and we the people.
Pete2599Keep it up!Thanks for all you do! Love the SITREP! Competes with the Morning Wire, but with a first-hand insight and no nonsense of someone who has been to the fight
gsdddrSitRepLove the SitRep. Would like just a little more info/opinion on the topic.
fueledbymetalSITREP is a game changer!There should be more podcasts like this that give insight into what our elected officials are thinking and doing.
ronin0179Extremely informativeGoes into detail on a wide range of subjects, extremely informative and timely.
raycv12SITREPLove the weekly update addition!
Y2856YGreat New ApproachI’ve been waiting and wondering for decades why a President or some other of our politicians in Washington are not passing on the inside scoop in DC on a weekly basis. I think the last politician to do anything like that was FDR. THANK YOU FOR THE NEW APPROACH TO YOUR PODCAST!!!
Wordman777Mr. CrenshawLOVE the Sitrep!!!!
MalcompliantEnjoying the SITREP formatI like the interviews, but I like these short SITREP updates even more. It's great to hear from you directly vs filtered through some journalist.
literally learning everydaySitrep #1Low on bias, high on information. Concise and interesting.
1 4 da rodeoNew “News” formatAppreciate the news format and getting a brief overview on what’s going on
A trailheadGood PodcastOn the August 30th podcast, the guy that Dan talked too is a total idiot. Kamala is a good choice and will win? Hmmm… the position of a real anti-American. Why talk to this idiot.
Escaped from DCHistory mattersGreat job Dan. What a concise review of why American leadership matters. Why we live at a standard of living designed by American involvement in the world that makes us at home safer and prosperous. Bring the guest back and let’s discuss why removing Saddam after the lessons of 9-11 was required. WMDs were only part of it. Excellent guest and podcast.
BigChumpWe need more politicians like Dan!I may not agree w all the congressmen’s politics but I respect his intellect and insistence on rationally addressing issues facing our country. Additionally, he speaks his mind and appears to be a man of integrity and one to put country ahead of himself - something rare in today’s political milieu. Please keep up the good work and keep these fascinating PCs coming!
Kurt in DetroitUndocumented peopleWould like you do a show on the benefits received by undocumented people real or perceived
A sluggo 56All of themShow is always interesting and educates listener to topics that effect us as citizens of the United States and Texas Always a great listen interesting subjects and realavent. Love the show !!
SajdgeQuit Interrupting Your Guests DanCrenshaw (& team) does a great job at getting actual experts and finding fascinating topics of discussion, easily making WHTT the most insightful podcast to come from the halls of Congress. BUT Dan keeps interrupting and opining right as his guests are getting into the substantive part of their conversation, effectively turning the guest into the moderator. It’s as if he’s trying to show that he knows his stuff (which believe me, we all know you do sir). This podcast stands out as one that really does get into great detail without going into the toxic partisanship of basically every other political podcast these days. But again, it could be that much better if Dan could cool the jets, stop the steamrolling, and actually let his guests finish their thoughts.
CaaaardOne of the bestWho say all of them are great but find one on a topic you were interested in and guarantee you’ll be educated
Elle052216I learn so muchDan has a wealth of knowledge to share and great guests.
Devo is RealBalanced and InformativeDan will bring on interesting people, chat over the topics, and always treat the guest with respect. An hour of intelligent conversation to brighten your week.
listener cesIllegalsHow is the Biden administration able be pay for flying all these illegals in from other countries? Doesn’t congress control the money and pass the bills? What are you doing to stop our tax payer dollars from being wasted on this destructive act?
Southwest1000ProfanityHi Dan - hadn’t listened to your show in awhile because - well, life. Had always enjoyed it, so started this episode as I am really interested in the topic. However, after 3-4 profanities in the first 10 minutes or so, I turned it off. I’m really sorry to miss it. I wouldn’t think anyone you are trying to reach would be offended if you kept your language clean, but some would be if you didn’t. I know it has to be frustrating in Washington, but this is the classic “message lost because of the delivery.” I hope you clean it up.
Bev from TexasRINO podcastDon’t let the eyepatch fool you.
toughmindedMark Cuban episodeSo enlightening! Looking forward to changes coming in the medical and pharmaceutical industries that are fair to the consumers.
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