Let's Gut Real - Easy to Digest Nutrition Science


Making nutrition science accessible and easy-to-digest. Andrea Hardy, Canada’s Gut Health Dietitian, is on a mission to connect people to credible, up-to-date nutrition information about gut health and digestive disorders. Nutrition misinformation is rampant. If nutrition advice online scares you, it’s probably not true. Let’s Gut Real is all taking the fear out of nutrition messaging, cultivating critical thinking, and helping you understand nutrition science. Andrea talks with guests about digestive health, the gut microbiome, hot nutrition topics, and nutrition misinformation, sharing messages that are easy to consume and that inspire sustainable action. Andrea likes to say her goal is to get people to take nutrition a little less seriously – which may come as a surprise coming from a dietitian. Through humour, she injects fun into her science-based media messages. After all, poop jokes aren’t her favourite kinda jokes, but they are a solid #2. Connect with Andrea to learn and laugh on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @andreahardyrd or at www.andreahardyrd.com, or at her private practice www.ignitenutrition.ca

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Recent Reviews
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Andrea, host of the podcast, highlights all aspects of nutrition and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Andrea, host of the Let's Gut Real podcast, highlights all aspects of nutrition, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • suzie finkel
    Facts and fun
    I absolutely love this podcast ! Factual information shared in an easy to understand and engaging way. I love the wide range of guests. I’m a dietitian myself and I find this a great learning tool to stay on top of the science but love it for my personal Health knowledge too ! Highly recommend for anyone
  • lindseyRD
    I have been geeking out on the podcast haha. As a clinical RD who does outpatient nutrition counseling, I have found this podcast to be extremely informative! GI diagnosis can be challenging to work with for the patient and RD. Each episode has an immense amount of valuable info that I can use to help my patients better understand their diagnosis and how to better manage it.
  • HealthyYogini
    Informative and stress reducing
    I love this podcast! So happy to hear the objective facts and easy lifestyle mods Andrea shares in her podcast and on Instagram. It’s nice to have an expert to declutter all the misinformation out there! Thanks Andrea!
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