Kulturing Kuriosity Podcast


Hey there, Kirsty Wirth here and I am so glad you have dropped by to listen to the Kulturing Kuriosity Podcast. The inspiration behind this podcast comes from my passion to inspire people to be curious in every avenue of their lives and especially when it comes to health and wellness. Being curious is our greatest asset and is like a muscle, it needs to be flexed and once trained it’s amazing what you can achieve. You will absolutely love the variety of topics that are covered in this podcast. From exploring that food can be medicine, to the complex world of your microbiome and gut health, lifestyle hacks, sleep, nutrition, hormones, parenting, kids health the list goes on!! But I didn’t want this podcast to just provide you with more information to be confused about, I feel we are already at info overload. Rather I wanted to share stories of hope and inspiration of those who have been curious and then followed through on that curiosity and gone on to achieve wonderful things. So grab a cuppa, or strap on your walking shoes or fasten your seatbelt, however you are going to listen to this and get ready to be inspired, to learn how to think outside the box, how to question norms and your current state and then most importantly be encouraged to apply this to your own life so you can fulfill your own amazing dreams. Enjoy!Kirsty

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