A zippy meta comedy filled with pop culture references and titillating innuendo, the series revolves around a dysfunctional family of super villains headed by Dr. Ezekiel Epicopolis, an eccentric, mad-scientist plotting to take over the world alongside his minion 1102, a six-foot-five inhuman slog whose naiveté usually thwarts the doctor’s grand plans. They are joined by EB3, a cynical, diabolical robot with a secret desire to destroy mankind; 1102’s fiancé Milliana, an outspoken Eastern European farm girl worth billions; and Svettlanna, the head of a Kardashian-style cosmetics company who is also a super-villainess longing to marry Epicopolis.Created by Stewart St John, the series is produced by Wonkybot Studios, the podcast production division of Wonkybot Entertainment, known for creating the best in cinematic, immersive audio fiction series for different age groups.Bonus content available only with a Wonkybot+ subscription on Apple Podcasts.Series CreditsCreated, Written & Directed by Stewart St John (Power Rangers, Sabrina: The Animated Series)Original Score and Songs by Stewart St John & Michael PlahutaSound Design by Michael PlahutaProduced by Todd Fisher, Stewart St John and Michael Plahuta