"See, The Thing Is..."

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  • Jaiajones1233455
    Ugh sad
    Normally don’t write reviews but sad to see yall go. 🥲
  • It’s just one thing ✨
    so sad to hear the end of this. It just doesn’t sit right with me 😞 especially with them not following each other anymore. And the final episode not with them being together really hurt me but all in all see the thing is got me through a lot of hard times. Sad to seey’all go 💔. Thank yall for the lessons, the new music to add to the my playlist, the interviews and a safe space to be an auntie 💜. wish nothing but the best for y’all !!!
  • Mz ThinMints
    Great Editing
    Episode 283. Shout out to the YouTube editor! The filming apart but sliced together very smoothly… a lot of work, done nice 👍
  • xtina.lopez
    I will miss STTI
    Thank you Mandi and Bridgette for this podcast! I loved tuning in EVERY WEEK for the past 3 years. Your growth as creators was incredible to witness and I will definitely continue to support your next venture. You created a beautiful space for women to speak all things music and culture. I discovered so many new artists and new music through this podcast. It was inspiring to witness you both on red carpets, going viral, and touring as the years gone by. This was by far my favorite podcast and although I am sad to watch y’all leave, I am thankful to be a faithful listener. Just, shedding a thug tear as I wrap up your last episode and leaving this comment.
  • Raebaebae88
    So sad to see this pod go. It’s been a great run and I hope the hosts move on to greater and better things. Seeing y'all transform has been amazing to see. Antoinette brought me here and I’m glad I stayed.
  • T. Lew
    Love this pod
    Sad that this pod has ended but loved listening in twice a week. My favorite podcast!
  • NessaOnugha
    I wish they ended together
    I always enjoyed this show but I wish we got a true farewell with the hosts together. Love their friends too but didn’t want to hear them on the last 2 episodes to ever exist. Sigh
  • Redbuglane88
    Love the show
    I am sad to see you guys go, but I wish you guys nothing but the best and I am so proud. This podcast really helped me get through some really rough times these last three years.
  • ReignaxD
    Too sad to let go
    Although it hasn’t been as long as others. I have been listening to the pod religiously for shortly over a year now. I love both of these women! They are hilarious; their commentary and advice has helped guide me in life though my early 20’s. Helping me live my life to the fullest without wilding too much and so many laughs along the way. They have an edge that I haven’t seen/heard from other pods. I also don’t think they have been given enough flowers, I have recommended the pod to women I surround my self with and think everyone should give their channel a listen.
  • chicksb4dicks108
    I’m going to miss this pod so much!
    This podcast has meant so much to me and I was absolutely shocked to hear it’s ending. Bridget please consider starting a new pod. I love your takes! ❤️
  • haitian91
    V-Day episode
    This week’s episode was relationship related but there was a portion from the episode where I felt like crying because it was hitting. I wanted to skip this week’s episode because I didn’t feel like I needed to hear about V-Day or relationships but it definitely was an episode I needed to hear. God will never leave me and he’s standing beside me 🫶🏾 had a moment where I felt like I was alone and this episode just slapped me into reality
  • Maryland Listener
    Vocal issue
    Mandii we love you sis but the voice in episode 278 is not sounding good. We should’ve let Bridget carry the episode this time.
  • Mida A.
    Day one listener here. Mandi….PLEASE STOP talking over people or interrupting people, ESPECIALLY guests. You WONT STOP TALKING even after you literally just asked someone a question. Let the person answer the question without interruption!!! I stopped listening because of this. In 2024 please TALK LESS and listen more.
  • Ms Neshia
    Couples Songs
    Y’all forgot Mary J and KiCi
  • Ms.Ariona.
    Segment music
    I love this show so much first off!. 🫶🏽🫶🏽 I’m listening to the newer episodes and I’m sitting here vibing to this groovy music but then it hit me yall changed from dadadadada oh Amari but I love it. 😅😂😂
  • Santi.Lee
    The pod I never knew I needed!
    Some how I stumbled across this podcast recently and been a fan ever since! Love the vibes and guests and the topics that are touched on.
  • mobamba37
    Please read reviews and try to improve
    I really want to like this podcast and have been listening for a while but at times it’s just so overbearing the way Mandii talks over everyone, especially guests. It’s like she only truly thinks her opinion matters. She’ll demand people allow her to finish her thoughts but doesn’t do the same for them. It’s getting frustrating because it’s so distracting from the show and so many people say the same in the reviews but I guess these go unread or the hosts simply don’t care. Also she says “let me be clear” “I wanna be very clear” etc like every 5 secs 😭 we just want better for y’all
  • Shernell0
    Please Stop taking over each other
    Please try to stop talking over each other especially when y’all have guests…. I literally find my self saying shut up so I can hear the guest say a story. All 3 of y’all get hyped off a comment then all talk at once…and the actual person I wanna hear opinion I don’t because someone interrupted and the thought is lost……love the pod…but please stop talking over each other
  • King700
    Be Defiant episode w/ Antoinette
    Long time listener 1st time commenter When Bridgette said “the thing I loved the most payed the least” and relationship with money, punched me in the stomach Love y’all and also “Around the way Curls” ✌🏾
  • Mele001
    Love me some PARDI and his POV. I stand with you !
  • Godschildmarissa
    Love listening
    You guys make me laugh I also really enjoy that you talk about current events and what’s happening around us. Your comments on tipping your delivery driver had me cracking up! Thank you for tipping a little goes along way :)
  • A.Rhian
    I’m between a 3.5-4.
    I love the guests y’all have and the layout of the show, but it gets sooo frustrating when the guests get talked over, often. They want to answer the questions, but they’re getting interrupted or redirected every rip. Trying to listen to Jesse Boykins III and he can’t get more than a sentence in before being interrupted 😭.
  • Plusizeprincess
    So fun and informative!
    Great interviews and i learn so much about the industry that i wouldn’t have otherwise known. Especially with music!
  • L1291
    My Favorite Pod Cast
    Literally one of my favorite pods Top 2 & y’all not 2! Although sometimes I don’t agree with Bridget or Mandii’s take, I appreciate the opportunity to take my emotions out and hear a perspective I hadn’t thought through. I think it’s weird when ppl come for Mandii and Bridget because if y’all don’t like their takes that much then just go! They give a lot and it has helped me grow as well! Oh and the live show was amazing!!!
  • Kylo Zylo
    Love this pod
    Please stop inviting Antoinette. She whines too much and is too preachy.
  • not UIUX fridndly
    Came across this podcast on IG
    Saw a reel on IG of this podcast I'm really happy I found it, and I look forward to listening to it regularly. I love this podcast because it makes me laugh, along with a twist of gossip, news, and social media Keep up the great work ladies 💅🏽
  • CBWH
    Please Antoinette Permanently
    I enjoy the show; couple of recommendations add Antoinette on to the show permanently. Please have Mandy stop using the B word it is annoying at this point. I also find it weird she calls people that are her friends or coworkers that word none STOP.
  • iculol
    I would love less usage of the B word from Mandi.
    I enjoy the show and all episodes with Antoinette. I would love less usage of the B word from Mandi.
  • MsDeidra
    Favorite podcast
    This is literally the only podcast that I listen to that seems authentic and flows well. I will say recently I’ve been skipping to episodes with Antionnette she truly is the best and I love the balance she brings to the pod. She’s so real and authentically her. Wish she could be the third host
  • SDoTDoubleU
    I absolutely love Antoinette’s presence on the pod. I’ve found myself skipping episodes when she’s not the guest or it’s not just Mandi and BK. Just make her the 3rd host already!
  • Bking1992
    Keep Antoinette on this pod please. Y’all need a balance and she is the balance!!! We love you Antoinette!!!!
  • Rudeone83
    One of the best podcasts
    I love listening to this podcast every Tuesday and Friday. These ladies keep me on my toes with their thoughts on current trends and topics on pop culture and politics. I enjoy the unique perspectives of both Mandii and Bridget along with the friends with benefits. I love it so much I even signed up for Patreon. Keep up the great work ladies. 🫶🏾🫶🏾
  • white girl tatted
    Haven’t listened to one bad episode.
    I listen to Whoreible Decisions with Mandy & Weezy, so when I heard about See The Thing Is I had to give it a shot. Seriously my favorite podcast!! It never disappoints. There are so many great segments and the energy between these two ladies is so amazing. Guests are just a bonus!
  • MaganCarter
    One of the best podcasts
    I love the podcast. I’ve been binging episodes
  • stoniieraye
    All that we didn’t know what they was talking about
    Love love this podcast. One of my favs. That Neyo episode was hilarious. Had me at work laughing at myself.
  • HeyKerbyHey
    New favorite podcast
    I just found this podcast, alone on a hike with earbuds speaking out loud back to this pod! Anyone walking past me must have thought I was on the phone. SO engaging!!! I’m a 51 year old white woman living in Los Angeles but these women are speaking my language! My new favorite pod. Now I have to go back to their archives and find out what I’ve been missing!
  • GoalznLipstick
    Recently I’ve given this show a break because it doesn’t feel as authentic to everyday conversations with a friend. Wishing mandii healing, growth, and reflection in all aspects. Some times it seems if past insecurities spill over in the conversations and skew the conversation in other ways. It’s also giving look at me now energy… which isn’t always bad but also coming from a place of lack of past things. Bridget is very mature and I love the levelheaded responses even when the opinion differs. Bridget gives the grown and honest
  • Paris williams, florida
    Good Show, But-
    I love the show… but, I’m about tired of hearing about Mandii’s breakup every episode for about 3 months now. And, she keeps over talking and cutting people off, so that makes it hard to hear. Also, I’m not too fond of the album breakdown episodes of brand new artists as guests. Other than that- it’s a good podcast.
  • Ooo.amanda
    Constant Conversation Interruption
    I think this podcast covers interesting topics that I want to listen to, but the constant talking over each other is too much. The first few minutes of the most recent episode, 230 - In Delu-Lu Land was difficult to keep up with, Mandii isn’t letting the guest finish a thought just 3 mins in, I had to shut it off. I can sense the excitement but I want to be able to listen to all parties.
  • Patrice Austin
    Apart of my weekly routine
    I live listing to this podcast every week and I appreciate you ladies putting me onto new music though the freshly squeezed segments! Antoinette is one of my fav guests!
  • aliyacheyanne
    I really like the show, BUT
    The communication style here is sometimes a struggle to listen to. Mandii and Bridget will literally be on the same page about a topic, but because Mandii won’t let Bridget finish her thoughts, or practice active listening, there’s often unnecessary tension just trying to move through certain topics. As a listener, it’s hard to absorb what’s being said when that happens. Both hosts deserve to be heard, and to have the space to express their thoughts without being spoken over, or any combativeness. Listening to each other is key, and it makes a HUGE difference for the audience that is listening to the pod.
  • rjal07
    Southwest Airline
    One I love this show it’s amazing. Love you ladies enjoy listening to y’all every week makes my Tuesdays and Fridays even better. So about Southwest they don’t assign you seats they assign a section and you pick your seat. So I’m guessing the seats were probably getting full in there section and she was seeing if someone would be nice enough to move so she and her daughter could sit by each other.
  • freshntooty
    Bananas and Aliens
    I don’t like the guests.
  • pinkprincessnation
    I lovee the show
    I love this show J started listening to Mandi on whoreibile and followed you here. Also fell in love with Bridget. The one thing is Mandi stays yelling over Bridget and guests like girl let them talk but other than that she’s hilarious
  • LDW401
    See the thing is…I didn’t know I needed these ladies in my life
    As an over 40 year old professional working in a space that lacks diversity, I appreciate being able to listen to sisters speak. I discovered this podcast a few month ago and have gone back to listen to all of the episodes. Mandii and Bridget, keep going. I’m not on social media to leave comments there so I hope this note of appreciation is shared with them.
  • adrianacamposx
    One of my fave podcasts!
    I loooove seeing the growth in these lovely ladies! I don’t have social media so I’m hoping Mandii reads this; I recommend “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss and “You Are Here” by Thich Naht Hanh I’m proud of you for your healing journey!!
  • @jesshandlethis
    I hope Mandii can be reflective on her communication skills and style. It’s frustrating to hear her talk all over people and the minute someone responds to her she hushes them and wants to finish her point. She should consider taking a debate course. She’s combative when she has a different of opinion and is unwilling to actually listen to people. The person she is arguing with may even agree with her. It’s like she’s arguing for the sake to argue and not listening. It’s so frustrating. IE… the kidnapping argument with the young lady and toddler. Bridget is in agreement and she still is arguing rather than listening. She doesn’t seem to carry this severity of a combative defense style on Whoreible…. She seems more relaxed there. Not sure what it is… hope she find ways to better communicate and not always feel the need to be on attack mode. The world isn’t against you. Alsooooo can we work on a little humility?? Feels like 90% of the time it’s Mandii trying to describe her lifestyle as this prestigious thing and she’s better/richer than other ppl. Humility works wonders. We don’t need to be so braggadocios about everything. It feels like it may be an insecurity that is being reflected as “look at me… I’m successful now… I have money…I don’t need men to buy me things… see I’m not poor”. We know Mandii is successful and she is so much more than just the lavish things she attempt to upstage on others. Also… I miss the less structured style SOOO much. This outline is killing the natural conversation flow that can occur. Throw the outline out the window pleaseeeee. Relax and just enjoy each others company and talk. It’s bound to be magic.
  • Astarr13
    Good girlfriend gab
    Let me start by saying I’m an a long time listener. I’ve been listening since it was a 3 piece. Now to my 2 cents . I’ve love listening to you ladies drop your slightly toxic but honest takes of the world as you experience it. It is refreshing to get consistent opinions whether it’s mainstream or differing views. The mix of growth that both Mandi and Bridget bring is new and definitely worth listening. I love the insight that Mandi brings from a professional and personal perspective while Bridget offers a more refined explanation. I like to say Mandi is my first take and BK is after you put in more work. Both are needed and enjoyed throughout the sessions. I enjoy the flow and friendly banter between the ladies and guests. You are always a must listen throughout the week.
  • Dwilliams2
    Podcast review
    Great podcast ladies! I love that I get a little politics, music, pop culture and sex! A little feedback: please stop talking over one another..it’s hard to follow.
  • bellas9816
    6 STARS
    These ladies make waking up on Tuesdays and Fridays a little easier
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