The Rest Is History

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The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.Join The Rest Is History Club ( for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:WATERGATE/NIXON THE GREAT HISTORY'S DAN CARLIN & RUSSIA

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Recent Reviews
  • ALbradp
    Excellent history podcast
    American here, and I just listened to your first episode on the American Revolution and I must say what a splendid job you did explaining the events in a way I have not been often exposed to, honestly knowing very little of it from the British point of view. Of course I most loved the “tax-free” aspect of the show lol. Good work gentlemen! I’m about to partake in episode 2 of the series and will be checking out the rest of your catalog as well. Thanks so much for doing this, and with much humor!
  • MikeOfTheTerribleOpinion
    How does a podcast convey so compellingly the innate ability of two individuals to select the correct shoes for any situation? Oozes the essence of apropos footwear.
  • George Dunnick
    Incredible show
    Best history podcast around, one problem with the Kennedy episode. Many details weren’t looked into, and Oswald physically could not have make it back down stairs and clean/hide the gun within the time he was spotted by the Dallas police officer (it was most definitely the cia) Otherwise great show, UTFT
  • HistoryNick
    Très intéressant
    The introductory impressions are getting even better. Carry on
  • cageface
    Some good content but some tiresome things
    I enjoyed this show at first but over time hearing everything reduced to a consequence of Christianity became predictable and tedious.
  • WndyG
    Funny and educational
    I loved the JFK episodes - I thought I knew everything there was to know about LH Oswald and the shooting in Dallas but I learned something new and enjoyed the British pov. I also liked the American revolution series -nothing tops Dominic’s imitation of John Adams Boston accent. So funny I laughed till I cried!
  • MTenon
    Humorous fables…
    From a couple of thin blooded British bootlickers.
  • Blue Jay 44
    Profoundly edifying and amusing!
    Like I said, profoundly edifying and amusing!
  • hearfeltbeth
    Love this show
    Learn so much from these wonderful men
  • A UK fan
    “Dana thought” comment
    My dear, has it just occurred to you that Americans may be disliked and not just by the British? How naïve you are.
  • Neal Dewing
    It’s good
    That is all
  • sclb71
    Lee Oswald
    Lee Oswald joined the Marines, not the Army
  • Pudelmom
    Franz Ferdinand & Sophie
    Thank you for providing such a rich background of this couple and the times in which they live.
  • Furd turgason
    Dan Carlin is the man but these two have filled his shoes very well. Love this show!
  • Dana thought
    Generally great
    I absolutely love listening to this podcast. Their 2023, 4-part series on the American Revolution was complete garbage, however. It was, as Tom mentioned, “patriotic tosh” and not real history. It was embarrassing to listen to. Their comments were complete conjecture and could easily be refuted if anyone on the show would make an effort to be fair. A few times Tom did make a few logical comments in order to be fair, but generally, if you have such extreme opinions not based in fact, why bother calling it history? Just say you hate America and move on. But, that aside, I genuinely like/enjoy the hosts as well as the show and am grateful for their efforts.
  • hollihobbi
    Great podcast
    I love the multi-episode stories. I actually seek them out because it’s like listening to a really good book. I always recommend to all my friends.
  • venkatrao
    Great podcast
    But not a fan of the multipart series. Please limit series to 4 parts or less.
  • NJFW
    Can’t wait to each new episode.
  • Chip Wahlenmeier
    My absolute favorite podcast!
    As an appreciator of history, I am truly inspired by the way Tom and Dom bring the past to life. I enthusiastically recommend this podcast to anyone seeking an immersive and enjoyable way to explore history. Wonderful work!
  • rustedhammerhead
    History excellence
    The hosts give us access to a broad range of history topics. The presentation is straight forward and executed with a dash of lighthearted humor sprinkled in. I appreciate the craftsmanship. Thank you both.
  • M%
    Reminded of a World of Hope
    Okay, so listen, Tom and Dominik talking about about the Disco scene at The Loft is the most precious conversation post-Trump. When Tom says ‘..I don’t know what a quaalude is ?’ Amazing. I love both of these guy’s point of view. They are open-minded, curious and challenge each others outlook. The comments about “don’t have personalities , just talk the history “ that bothers me. Like Tom’s history writing, the subject is conveyed in scenes and emotions and movements, that needs some expositon to time travel the thought placement. If you want just the history, Adrian Goldsworthy has a pod cast channel that, like his books, handles history with plastic gloves objectivity (which we need and he does it best). But I want the essence of the times with my history not just the facts.
  • Anita - R
    Super good but
    --- please for your American (mainly) and other non-Brit listeners please try to speak a tad more slowly. Thanks! Also especially many many thank yous for not adding a stupid music bed behind the convo.
  • Dr Leland
    Best history pod ever
    Prescript: Only downside is the zeal Tom Holland shows trying to shoehorn Christianity into every moral or ethical analysis — he’s the most evangelical catholic historian I’ve ever heard of. I was lucky enough to study history in Ireland, and I took a course on the second world war from two British historians. This podcast makes me feel like I can sit with these 2 profs over pints, listening to two charming and erudite chaps chat about their favorite stories from history — Except that Tom and Dominic are by far the funniest history “professors” I’ve ever heard. It really helps to be up on British culture to get their dry humor, but I promise you’ll be delighted by their stories even if you don’t know Doctor Who from Doc Martin. I recommend this podcast to everyone who would like to hear intelligent and hilarious men tell the best stories of history. Thanks to you both for this gem of a show!
  • Jody Barcelona
    Boring & Bigoted Transphobes
    Listened to a recent episode and thought I heard these idiots be transphobic. Thought to myself, “it’s 2024, I must have misheard.” So I randomly pick one of their first episodes and they spend 5 minutes opining that asking JK Rowling to be slightly less transphobic with her platform is actually a “witch hunt” and she’s a victim. Truly bizarre. The bar is SO LOW and somehow guys like this still knock it out of the park on casual bigotry. Hope someone lets them know they don’t have to deep throat the boot, they can just lick it.
  • SoDak Nick
    Love these guys!
    I absolutely love this show, especially when it comes to US history. It’s great to hear an outside honest perspective and these two are soooo British, it constantly makes me laugh.
  • Stevie.Nix
    Love these adorable Brits
    Epic history and cheeky humor. What more could you ask for?
  • TheCarolinaK1ng
    History Fan
    As a fan of the subject, I absolutely love these. A mix of info and comedy is the way to go.
  • DinoNerd127
    Talk about history not house of the dragons
    Bro it’s a history podcast not a fanatic podcast
  • Philip Heard
    History & Humor
    I love history and I love to laugh, this show does the trick on both.
  • Nomad Abroad
    Diverse and epic topics
    Great podcast. I enjoyed the earlier episodes that were more overviews but I really appreciate how the later episodes have gone into more detail on the topics. After having listened to certain episodes, I will say that I have then gone out and bought the book(s)!
  • Lobomama
    The best
    “ I don’t massively like Catherine of sienna either” I’m still cracking up. Oh my gosh these guys so brilliant and so dang funny.
  • Dee df
    I thought I knew a little history and it turns out I was right… I know very little. Being 73 years old I grew up when Americans made few mistakes ( at least historically). I wish our schools could listen to your podcasts but we seem to be heading in the opposite direction. Our history is either whitewashed or ignored. Better to know the truth but that’s not happening these days. Tom and Dominic have a way of explaining history clearly and oftentimes humorously and I’ve enjoyed every episode I’ve listened to. I may even subscribe some day. Who knows?
  • 💕brener
    I listen every day
    Honestly. Thanks.
  • George of the Port
    Great history but….
    I truly appreciate the witty but well researched episodes on Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Custer and their dramatic contemporaries, their world. A panoramic but detailed vision. My complaint-the squeamish sense they shrug off true virtue and godliness. Tom and Dominic come close but can’t quite liberate themselves from that stifling British superiority. Regardless, “well done all the same, lads!”
  • HammerDick138
    Best history podcast out there and will not be unseated!
    These guys are the best. They’re witty and very funny. Their real friendship comes through in the podcast. They give us access to the greatest historians and experts of our time. Listen to these cats and you will belly laugh and learn. Thanks guys for this podcast.
  • impish1
    Simply the Best
    I am addicted to history podcasts. I like this one best. They have a different take on history that is witty, informative and fun. No interviewing of authors hawking a new book. Their chemistry moves the cast speedily. It’s enough to make one like the British.
  • KtheWarden
    Titanic, Luther, plus the 87-part Custer Series
    I tell everyone who stands still about this podcast. This has resulted many new fans. It was great to meet Theo and Tabitha on one of your bonuses. Such a talented group. And Tom is great for my faith!!!
  • Sbd 123
    The best
    I think these two are the best doing history right now. Their British dry humor is matched only by their insight and erudition. I like some other history podcasts out there, but love this one. Give these guys a listen.
  • Danny Boy100
    I did’t get the joke
    While I loved the Custer epic, there was so much laughter between the hots, sometimes obscuring the narrative, that I thought I was missing the point. Quite annoying.
  • Nobrainer774
    Great show!
    I have always been a big fan of history. Your take on these historical events keeps me coming back to listen to more. Thanks!!
  • Hawgfanmc
    Great Podcast
    I loved the series on Custer/Crazy Horse/Sitting Bull. It was very educational and entertaining. I learned a great deal. I also enjoyed the British perspective on the American Civil War. This is a very interesting podcast.
  • Martyh85
  • Napabear88
    The Best! Unending stream of information, takes on meaning and context, and most importantly: HUMOR.
  • S8185
    One of my favorites!
    Loved the Aztec series and currently enjoying the JFK one. Great history podcasts with a bit of humor- highly recommend.
  • CoMac33
    So interesting for American listeners
    I really love this podcast! They give such a wide variety of historical topics the in-depth treatment. As an American, I have especially enjoyed hearing their British perspective on our history, especially the American Civil War. The current series in Custer, Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull was outstanding. Other recent series that I really liked were the Titanic series and the one on Martin Luther. Please keep up the good work!
  • dissatisfied+
    These guys are great
    Super insightful plus charming and entertaining.
  • RominIqbal
    A must listen
    Excellent podcast. The best in the business.
  • Everyone’s a Mensch!
    True to form
    I grew up in an academic home and listening to this podcast reminds me of the conversations that were often going on around me as a child. Occasionally one or both of the podcasters will say something that irks me, (like the idea that American biscuits might be scones when -for heavens sake-they contain no eggs! ) but I don’t mind as that is a natural consequence of people being themselves. Tom and Domenic are having their conversation; we are listening; it is a free pleasure and a tie to my personal and our general past.
  • robinantiga
    Great show, thank you for passing on your knowledge
  • Seeya Slate
    Didn’t know I’d enjoy hearing American history explained by a Brit. Five stars.
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