Huberman Lab


Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

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Recent Reviews
  • aawmn
    Heartfelt Thank you
    Thank you so much for educating us with likes of Dr.Stacy Sims! So many pearls of wisdom, history lessons and science based explanations. Really appreciate all the info gleaned on your podcasts.
  • Lil Ms Becky
    My favorite show
    By far and hands down this is my favorite podcast! The level of free information from such a wide variety of topics is by far unparalleled. This podcast is such a wonderful resource that gives us a wealth of knowledge and recommendations from real experts in the medical and health fields, all for free! Please keep doing what your doing and I wish you continued profound success!
  • RLeMert
    Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
    Great episode, thank you! Any chance you would do a show interviewing a “women’s health” endocrinologist on hypothalamic amenorrhea? This is a very common issue, but very under-educated and under-treated. We are struggling to find a provider to do a full lab/genetics/symptoms diagnostics work up and treatment protocol. It seems that a dietician, behavioral cognitive psychologist AND endocrinologist are all needed on the team for differential diagnosis and full recovery as well as prevention of long-term bone, cardiac, and psychological harm. Thank you!!
  • Boom2424
    Huberman Labs
    Dr. Huberman has phenomenal knowledge and describes his content in clear, understandable, and realistic ways for his audience. I can truly say his protocols have changed my life and perspectives in a positive way for an overall wholistic lifestyle. Every episode is a must watch/listen! Thank-You, Dr. Huberman for sharing your knowledge in Science!
  • JKBlush
    Like the show and topics but…
    I really enjoy listening to this podcast. It provides a lot of useful information. I do have a few critiques. For those of us who aren’t doctors or in medicine, it would be nice to dumb-down some of the med speak to terms we can understand. Also, try to stay on topic. A lot of good questions are asked then not answered because the host goes off topic. The result is that we miss out on that good information. Just a few suggestions:) Thanks!
  • zhaoweigg
    Too Many Ads
    5 mins into an episode, I am still listening to ads
  • Interested bystander
    Excellent content, but
    Let your guests talk. Don't talk over and digress from the subject.
  • motivated human 2.5
    Improve your listening skills
    I don’t trust anyone who can’t listen. He interrupts constantly and brings the subject back to himself. Your guests try hard to be polite and bring the subject back, back you interrupt them again. It’s as if your questions are more about your desire to share, rather than gain knowledge and it’s too frustrating to listen to.
  • 0unhappy7654
    Awesome podcast
    The one about menopause with the dr from Stanford might save many women and help their marriage Thank you
  • Older&WiserMimi
    Huberman Lab Podcast is so informative!
    Andrew Huberman's podcast is my favorite. I am a 60 yr old female who actually practiced medicine for a short time. (My husband practiced medicine too; I raised our kids!) i learn so much from this podcast!
  • ludfisk
    Good in depth podcast
    I like how in depth this show goes on its topics. However, sometimes the host cuts off their guest and talks over them which is difficult to listen to. The host also likes to regularly throw in tangents which also lessens the experience as a listener.
  • Jba314
    Well done! Excellent topics, well-nformed, interesting guests to whom Dr. Huberman poses rich scenarios and questions. Thank you so much for the transcript at the end of your podcast. Regards, Maryland Registered Nurse
  • gonna change it antway
    Monjaro yaaayyy!
    I was taking notes on how to optimize my diet on the Gabrielle Lyons episode, and when they got to the ozempic and monjaro discussion I threw all that away. Why put in the work if these guys say it’s ok to shoot up pharmaceuticals to get the results I want?
  • lushdeez
    Killer episode
    Loved the loooooong episode on skin health! So much good information there. I need written notes or to listen another 3 times to retain all those gems. Thanks!!
  • PodJunky11
    The last 21 minutes of the Gabrielle Lyon podcast is absolute gold. Overall, the Huberman Lab podcast provides a wealth of knowledge on how to live your healthiest life, and Dr. Lyon’s truth bombs are some of the most impactful content when it comes to actually implementing such knowledge.
  • Tahoe Danny
    Kudos to you, you made me want to learn more! Each episodes leads to another name, another topic another idea, and off I go!
  • ElanaIAState
    Great podcast. My biggest concern is the push for whey protein, coffee. I cannot consume whey or caffeine whatsoever. Is there another source of powdered protein that works as well? I enjoyed the push for resistance exercise.
  • JPinTX75
    Phenomenal podcast that has already impacted me in such positive ways. I love the depth of the content and how Dr. Huberman and his guests empower listeners to take control of their health and wellbeing. Not only the tools and steps to take, but such incredible encouragement and positivity. As a health professional, I am working to incorporate a lot of these concepts into my sessions with patients. Thank you for this amazing gift.
  • Prindy2
    Life Changing
    Life changing! Great unbiased science based information, and free of cost! Thank you, what a gift 🥰
  • Ecwee8
    While some of this content I can relate to, his acceptance of the treatment and discussion on eating animals isn’t the ethics and morals I view as a positive podcast.
  • Ivan the Grateful
    Amazing podcast
    This is an amazing podcast. I didn’t know how interested I was in science. I feel like I’m getting a biology degree and will have a much healthier life as a result. Thank you Andrew Huberman!
  • felizrus
    I have learned so much, since I started listening to this podcast! I have also put much of that knowledge into practice. It’s life transforming. Thank you so much. ❤️
  • justsomeone02384
    Please stop interrupting the guests
    I love this podcast and have learned so much from it. But sometimes the guests are interrupted way too often, resulting in a fragmented narrative that is difficult to understand. I believe that giving the guest the opportunity to bring out their own version of the narrative is extremely valuable, and this value is diminished when the podcast turns into an extended pop quiz about each and every technical detail that arises from the discussion because of the interruptions. I also find that often times the questions asked are overly directed or are simply yes-or-no questions. It would be nice if Andrew could ask more open questions, one at a time, and give the guests enough time and room to communicate their thinking. This would allow them to really bring their own perspective to the audience.
  • Billygoat 1776
    I’m an anesthesiologist and love this podcast
    I just feel the need to give this podcast a review and say that I think it is fantastic. Being in the medical field since the late 1990’s, I’ve read my share of scientific articles. I’m still practicing so I read a lot of current medical literature. I am constantly trying to improve my own health as well as the health of the ones I love. That being said, Dr. Huberman is putting out fantastic content for the average person that is easy to understand and apply. There is something here for everyone who wants to achieve better health and live a longer life with quality. Getting this information for free is really a gift in my opinion. Check out his content on other podcasts as well. You won’t regret it.
  • Kwame Yebo
    I like the depth of his analysis
  • LavenderLola
    Thanks for Andy Galpin
    Andrew, thanks for introducing me to Andy Galpin. As I am a person who tries to get everyone she knows to workout, with weight resistance and cardio at the forefront, my goal is to do just that and with the help of this new podcast, my quest will prevail. Cheers!
  • hbvunrfvirjfvmriv
    There are a plethora of very important and interesting topics covered on the show for men and women. I always appreciate how well researched, honest and candid Dr. Huberman approaches and presents a topic, as well as how insightful and bright are his guests. I have shared countless episodes and I know his work has touched many people! Thank you! 🙏🏼
  • Ram Bo 83
    Science for day to day people
    Got introduced by my therapist to the episode about dopamin and how to use it for more focus. Since I start my work day with an ice cold shower to increase baseline dopamin levels (and it really helps me staying focused for hours). Since then I listen to almost all episodes and learned so much about our body and mind which I try to implement into my day to day life for better health. Thank you Dr. Huberman for your work and bringing your colleagues to us for free!
  • ekevers
    Dr Huberman, please talk LESS
    While I learn much during the show, I find myself skipping through the incredibly long winded monologuing that Dr. Huberman engages in. Huberman interrupts his guests, talks over them, takes over the conversation, and it degrades the quality of the information his guests (which are amazing) can convey to the audience. I appeal to Dr. Huberman to please curtail his monologues. Your guests are more important than you and have more information to share. I would love to listen more, but it is hard to bear your continued interruptions of your guests.
  • vigils7
    The Huberman lab
    Learn a lot!
  • Rosie a Resister
    Dr Zachary Knight episode
    I caught a Tonight Show clip on Facebook today when you and Jimmy Fallon were discussing the value of your informative podcast. The tip on daytime mediation, morning tips etc were interesting so I starting following you right away. The first episode I listened to was about the the chemistry of the body regarding weight and nutrition, new medicines for weight loss and future predictions. This was totally informative and I will listen to again to further digest and reinforce all the things you two talked about. I’m looking forward to learning more 👍🏽🌹
  • bluespirits
    Long time listener but I wish you address the allegations
    I have been long time listener, and I learned a lot from this podcast. But I saw this article about the host’s manipulative behavior towards his girlfriends, it made me hard to listen this podcast again. I wish you would address the claims. We place a lot trust in you about our health, therefore, I feel it’s relevant to the podcast.
  • SmeddyMutt
    Rich kid charlatan peddles supplements and myths under the banner of “science”
    Andrew is a fraud. A rather obvious one. He’s good at marketing. Real scientists are busy doing real science. Not playing one on tv 24-7. This show is full of myth and nonsense all peddled under the banner of “science.” You’d have to be scientifically illiterate to fall for it. But please buy my overpriced supplements.
  • TreesThomp
    Also wack
  • 2GirlsRock
    Nix the Supplement Promotions
    I have always been interested in health, science, and psychology. I have only listened to Huberman’s podcasts. He has had great guests like Dr. Lemke on dopamine, Dr. Epel on stress, Dr. Conti on mental health and informative episodes on nicotine and alcohol, those of which I have listened to more than once. From the beginning I have been conflicted by his promotion of unregulated supplements and sometimes stating things as facts when it can’t be verified. It seems to be counterintuitive to what he says about “science based evidence”. Supplements are not science based evidence. It’s the age old adage of everything comes down to money. The supplement ties and promotions could be nixed from the podcast. Dr. Huberman, you have a choice to promote best science practices. So listen with a critical ear. The Guardian has a good article about questioning his promotions and his cherry picking information.‘Wellness bro’ Andrew Huberman is accused of lying to women he dates. Does it matter to his millions of listeners? | US news | The Guardian
  • onebody23
    Modus Interruptus
    This host is one of the least artful in terms of his interviewing skills. He interrupts incessantly, particularly with dynamic guests who have a lot to say, recently Mary Claire Haver and Jonathan Haidt. Once he interrupts, he continues with pressured speech and stays relentlessly on his tangent until he finishes every last word, even if the guest gracefully tries to steer the conversation back to what they were saying. It’s such a bummer, especially with guests who have a lot to convey, and who are capable of doing so without direction. Less narcissistic self-flagellation, more guest brilliance, please.
  • Zack Daniels
    Pseudoscience Nonsense
    As a surgeon I can tell quickly when someone is a real doctor/scientist vs a hack/quack like Gary Brecka. This garbage is some of the worst in the wellness bro cesspool of Podcastistan. As a general rule for people without a science degree/background, if anyone advertises AG1 (looking at you Lex Friedman and Joe Rogan) expect to listen to some nonsense.
  • kmehawkeye
    Smartphone episode
    Wow. This is your most relatable episode. You are 100% right that the socials for teens is NOT a happy dopamine hit! My son agrees, it is all to “keep up”. Such a great discussion!
  • Audio Books the Big Winner
    Worth a Million
    How privileged we are to have easy access to the information we need to make smart choices and thereby live healthier lives. What a blessing that Professor Huberman can attract the most learned and credible scientists of our time and they are generously willing to share their research and offer their insights to the masses. Free Education! Worth a Million!
    Keep up the great work!
    Thanks for the great content.
  • naturalabstractjewelry
    I listened regularly for a couple years and I have to say I learned a lot. There are valuable nuggets among the long winded expositions. Revelations of Hubermans personal life, which would normally be irrelevant, but expose him as a serial liar and abusive partner, make me unable to listen to another word.
  • Chill Baby
    Great information!
    This is my go to podcast for health information. I have learned so much and it has done wonders for my personal health. Thank you Dr. Huberman!
  • Rockorshak
    The absolute best podcast there is
    I've been an avid listener of this podcast for over a year but haven't managed to leave a review until now. The latest episode with Dr. Means inspired me to finally take the time. If you're considering trying out this podcast, start with that episode—It’s truly transformative. Huberman is an excellent interviewer & Dr. Means is exceptionally articulate, eloquent, & knowledgeable. Real rating: 500/5
  • Gray lady fan
    Please respect your guests
    Such great guests. But Huberman’s way of asking questions often is a type of lecturing. Long discursive framings, weirdly personal anecdotes, defensive conjecturing . . . literally it takes almost 2 minutes sometimes to ask one question. The episode with Rick Rubin was painful. Here you have a thoughtful guru as a guest, and Huberman talked LONGER than Rubin. Seriously. I love Huberman’s boyish enthusiasm, but too often it comes across as insecure posturing to seem as relevant as the guest. Andrew, your passion for science and big curiosity are amazing. If you learn to listen, to ask short, open ended questions, and just let your brilliant guests speak, you will grow immensely as an interviewer.
  • needlesmtb
    What a show and the crazy amount of work and effort that goes into each show in amazing. Thank you !
  • blueberrytunes
    This was one of the BEST podcast series I have heard. I have Dr. Walker’s book, “Why We Sleep” and his guidance has helped educate me on the fascinating benefits of the stages of sleep and the staggering detriments of insufficient sleep. QQRT has now become a daily checklist and I am so grateful to both you, Dr. Huberman, and Dr. Walker for making this sleep series. I look forward for more! :-) Carol Ann K
  • podcastsinthekitchen
    Love the content but…
    It’s hard to listen to now given the allegations about him. I wish he would address them.
  • alexrwheeler
    James Hollis
    Is an absolute treasure. His books and talks are life changing. Thank you for this.
  • PaulaHens
    Ep 175 with Casey Means
    Such a great listen. Full of helpful info and steps one can take to improve gen health, with specific attn to metabolic health. I’ve listened twice. Shared to dozens who are also interested in taking agency of one’s own health. Excellent!!
  • pjmass23
    I can always find something that will blow my mind.
    This is a great place to learn quickly and in depth about many human science topics. Keep up the great work!
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